Boy From The Woods

By IgnatiousTheWarlock

17.7K 663 63

Arthur Pendragon has always trusted his father's opinion of sorcery. He has witnessed, first hand, the atroci... More

Everything Takes Time
A Diverging Border
The Well Worn Way
I Don't Hurt You
A Familiar Face
The Letter
Merlin Remembering
What Was Stolen
I Do Hurt You
Victim Of A Victim
The Poison
The Demonstration
Back To The Woods
Merlin And The Witch
The Most Deadly Dagger
I'll See You Again


1K 39 1
By IgnatiousTheWarlock

Arthur pressed his ear up against the heavy wooden door of his chambers, listening intently. Satisfied there was no one on the other side, he pushed it open and slipped into the dimly lit corridor. He took care to step lightly, not wanting his heavy footsteps to alert anyone of his presence. The new patrol had left earlier that night and whether his father liked it or not, Arthur was going to be a part of it. He couldn't stand by and wait while his men were in danger, especially when it was all his fault. Maybe if he hadn't run after Merlin in the woods, maybe if he hadn't abandoned his men, they would be safe within the walls of Camelot. He shuddered, imagining the lifeless body of Sir Ronald left behind in the woods to rot. Had Toby given him a proper burial?

His blue cloak rustled in the breeze as he approached the entrance to the courtyard. The wind whistled as it drifted through the empty citadel halls. There was a time Arthur had been afraid of the castle at night. He would get lost wandering the halls looking for his father. Eventually a maid or a guard would find him and bring him back to his chambers.

Arthur took the courtyard stairs two at a time, wanting to make a quick get away. The moon was full and basked the courtyard in a cool glow. Although beautiful, the light was not ideal for someone trying to slip away. Few areas of darkness provided true cover. Arthur froze when he saw the figure standing in the center of the cobble stones. Was it a guard? No, they weren't wearing any armor. He approached with caution, not wanting to alert the person of his presence. The prince squinted. It was Merlin.

It was Merlin, staring up, transfixed by the full moon. At his feet lounged the transparent form of a cat, his orange eyes staring directly through Arthur's soul.

"Merlin!" The prince hissed.

The boy turned. "Oh, hello."

"What are you doing out here?"

"Well, I saw that through the window." He pointed to the moon. "And I had to see."

"You saw... the moon?"

"I guess. What are you doing here? Have you come to watch as well?"

"Merlin, you can't be out here at night. There's a curfew."


Arthur glanced down at the cat. "And you especially can't be out here using magic! What are you thinking?!"

"Don't worry. I'm sly."

"Well obviously not as you're using magic in a wide open space where anyone could see you!"

Merlin frowned. "Is magic bad or something?"

"My father banned such practices twenty years ago."

"Oh... why?"

Arthur shrugged. "My father always says that sorcery is an evil that should be punishable by death. However Gaius always says, and I'm starting to believe him, that people just used magic for the wrong reasons."

"Wrong reasons... like what?"

"Oh... you know... murder... curses... plagues... things to that effect."


Arthur looked around the courtyard. "You should go back."

"I'm not really tired and I don't want to be alone."

"Isn't Gaius there?"

Merlin shook his head. "When I woke up he was gone." He pulled something from underneath his shirt. "He left a note but... but... I can't read."

Arthur took the piece of parchment and looked it over. "He had an emergency patient. He says he'll be back by morning."

"Oh... okay."

Arthur sighed. "How about you come with me. You can wait in my chambers."

Merlin's face lit up. "Really?!"

Arthur nodded. The patrol would have to wait.


Arthur pushed open the door to his chambers and lit the few torches needed to illuminate the room. Merlin grinned at the large space.

"You have so many windows!" He said with excitement.

"I mean... I suppose."

The boy ran up and pressed his face against the glass. "You can see everything!"

Arthur couldn't help but smile at his enthusiasm. "That's nothing compared to the citadel's north tower. I can take you up there another time if you'd like. It's a great deal higher."

Merlin nodded. "I'd like that very much."

"You know," Arthur began as he walked over to his wardrobe. "You're very strange, Merlin."

"Am I?"

"Yes. You seem to be excited by the little things."

"Little things like what?"

"Like the windows for instance."

"Well, I only ever had one window and it was too high for me to see out of."

"And the moon?"

"I'd never seen such a thing before."

"You've never seen the moon before?"

Merlin shook his head. "Never."

"How could that possibly be?"

Merlin looked away. "I don't know..."

"I think you do."

"You never told me what you were doing down there in the first place."

"Oh... I was..." Arthur paused as he considered lying. However, he decided there was no point in not being truthful. "I was trying to follow the patrol that left earlier in the night. I wanted to go with them, to help save those knights Cenred has prisoner."

"Oh... I'm sorry..."

"Why are you sorry?"

"I feel it's my fault. I led them to you."

"It's useless to think like that. You couldn't have known. Besides... It's not your fault Sir Leon's group got captured."

"Uhhh... right."

As they spoke, Arthur noticed the dusty cat slinking around Merlin's ankles.

"So... what's with that cat?"

Merlin looked at his feet. "Oh that's just Cat."

"You call it Cat?"

"Well... yeah," he said confused. "She's a cat."

"Obviously it's a cat. Usually cats have names."

"Oh okay. I'll call her Arthur."

"You can't."

"Why not?"

"Because that's my name."

"Yes. She's remind me of you and you're nice. So that's good."

"You can't call it Arthur."

"Then she's Morgana."









"It can't be a name like that."


"Who's Gailyn?"

"I don't know any other names!"

"You know what? How about you just stick with Cat. It's cute, endearing."

"I've always been good with Cat. You were the one who wanted to change it."

"Good then." There was a long silence between them, only filled by Cat's boisterous purring.

"You're much more talkative than when we first found you."

"I was pretty scared of you. I thought you were going to bring me back."

"Bring you back where?"

"To... to..." Merlin trailed off.

"It's okay. You don't have to tell me now. I would like to know eventually though." Merlin nodded. "Gaius is worried about Cenred coming after you. He thinks that under his influence... he might make you do things." Arthur saw Merlin tense and start to shake. "Don't worry though! I'm not going to let that happen. You can stay in Camelot as long as you want. Cenred's never going to get you."

Merlin looked up at the prince with glassy eyes. "Do you promise?"

"I promise." The boy ran to Arthur and wrapped his arms around him. "Thank you," he whispered into his shirt.

Arthur was taken aback. "Uhh... yeah... no, you're welcome." He cautiously put his arm on Merlin's back, trying to be comforting. "Come on." He guided him over to the window seat. "You can look out the window again."


Arthur followed Merlin's concentrated gaze, out the window and into the starry night. He tried to look at things as if it was the first time, tried to memorize the patterns of the stars and the shades of the moon. However, he found it hard. No matter how hard he stared at the sky he always knew it would be there tomorrow for him to stare at again. This notion made it hard to appreciate such a thing. Instead he found his gaze wandering, first to the grounds below and then inside. He looked at Merlin. 

"Is this really the first time you've seen the moon?" He nodded. "What about the stars?"

"I've seen the stars before. I've seen them out my window, but always the same ones. It was never the right angle to see the moon I suppose."

"Do you think it's really that wonderful?"

"The moon?"

Arthur nodded. 

"Yes. I think so. I think it's prettier than the sun, but maybe because I've seen the sun more times."

"Do you think things get less beautiful the more we look at them?"

Merlin gave Arthur a strange look. "Oh I don't know. Why are you asking me all these questions?"

The prince shrugged. "I don't know. You just seem like you have the answers."

"You think I'm wise?"

"I don't know. To be perfectly honest you seem rather naive."

"Oh, wow. Thanks," Merlin said curtly. 

"Not in a bad way!" Arthur assured him. "Like in a way where you have all the answers, all the solutions, but everyone else is too far gone to understand."

"I'm afraid I don't know what you mean."

"That's alright. I'm not sure what I mean either."

There was a few minutes of silence as the pair continued to gaze out the window. 



"You didn't really seem to like me very much... back in the woods."

"I didn't trust you, but in my defense you didn't trust me either."

Merlin smiled. "No, I didn't."

"I mean I was suspicious you might have been a spy for Cenred, and then you used magic! My father would disown me if he knew about you."

"He hates magic that much?"

"He does. I did too... until..." he reached into his pocket and pulled out the wilting flower. "I don't know... it seems so stupid now... but also not..." 

Merlin took the flower in his hand. Immediately, it sprang to life once more blooming in its vibrant pink. He handed it back to Arthur.

"The way you did it in the woods... and then... what is it you said?"

"I don't hurt you."

"That's right. In that moment I believed you. I still believe you."

"I... I d-don't hurt anything."

"You don't have to convince me," Arthur said, putting a comforting hand on the boy's shoulder. 

Merlin's lip trembled. "I have to convince some people.

"Well, they're thick."

He sniffled and hid his face. "I know you're trying... but I know that's not true."

"Who cares if that's true! When I'm king it's going to be illegal to think like that! Magic will be allowed as long as it's good!"

"Then I'm not the only naive one."

Again silence overtook them as they watched the moon continue its journey through the sky. Arthur couldn't help but spare a few glances at the boys face. He saw the freshly dried tears on his cheeks and felt ashamed, feeling he put them there. It was strange. Even though he had only known Merlin for a few days, he had a strange urge to make him happy, to make him show that smile. Arthur couldn't wait to see his face when they climbed the north tower. Even he still marveled at the vast view.

He reached out and unlatched the window, letting in the night breeze and the sounds of nature. There was a rumble of distant thunder and both noticed the fast approaching storm cloud. 

"I've had enough rain," Arthur complained.

"I haven't."

An image flashed before Arthur's eyes. Not the scene of Merlin drenched in rain water standing in the middle of the camp site, but of his joyful form holding his arms out in anticipation of the incoming rain. When it did come, he would spin and dance. Lighting flashed in the distance over his head. He would turn to look at Arthur and laugh through his rain soaked cloths. 

"I suppose whatever makes you happy."

A drizzle turned into heavier rain. Not as heavy as it had been that night in the woods, but just enough to produce the relaxing hum. Thunder added its beat to the song. Arthur turned to check on Merlin. It seemed the sound of the even rain had lulled him into an easy sleep. Very carefully Arthur slipped his arms around him and carried him over to his bed. He laid him down and covered him with the blanket. He then went to his wardrobe to retrieve an extra pillow and blanket before shutting the window. He dropped the pillow on the floor next to the bed and tried to get as comfortable as possible with only the one blanket. He spared one last look at his new friend before drifting off to sleep.  

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