Boy From The Woods

By IgnatiousTheWarlock

19.9K 725 71

Arthur Pendragon has always trusted his father's opinion of sorcery. He has witnessed, first hand, the atroci... More

Everything Takes Time
A Diverging Border
The Well Worn Way
I Don't Hurt You
The Letter
Merlin Remembering
What Was Stolen
I Do Hurt You
Victim Of A Victim
The Poison
The Demonstration
Back To The Woods
Merlin And The Witch
The Most Deadly Dagger
I'll See You Again

A Familiar Face

1.1K 47 1
By IgnatiousTheWarlock

"Prince Arthur and the Lady Morgana have returned!"

The shout came from high up on the citadel wall. The guards by the gate ushered them inside. Arthur made his way quickly through the onslaught of knights and guards. They all barked the same questions and concerns. The prince could see Merlin becoming overwhelmed in all the noise. He wrapped a hand around the boy's arm to ensure he didn't act on any impulse to flee.

"We're going to take you to Gaius. He'll be able to help you. He's the court physician."


"He helps people who are sick or injured. It's a place for you to stay while we figure out what to do with you."

"What to do with me?"

"You still haven't told us where you're from or where your family is," Morgana said.

Merlin said nothing in response which made her frown slightly. Arthur, Merlin, Gwen, and Morgana ducked through the passageway that led to Gaius' chambers.

"My Lord!" Arthur heard Toby's voice from behind him.


"My Lord, your father wants to see you right away."

"Alright, I'll be with him in a minute." He continued to guide Merlin down the passageway. Morgana held open the door for the rest who filed into Gaius' chambers.

"Morgana? Arthur? Gwen? What can I help you with?" He spotted Merlin. "Who's this?"

"This is Merlin," Morgana said, taking the boy from Arthur and leading him to the open cot.


"Yes. We found him alone in the woods near our camp."

"My Lord! Your father is growing impatient!" Toby squeaked from the door.

"Right, sorry Gaius. I'll be back." Arthur followed Toby out the wooden door in the direction of the council chambers. They walked in awkward silence.

The double doors opened and Arthur made his way confidently inside. When his father saw him, he rose from his seat and wrapped him in a tight embrace.

"Arthur, thank goodness!" He pulled away, still keeping his hands firmly on Arthur's shoulders. "What happened? Your servant said you were attacked! Where are the other knights?" Arthur didn't answer right away, a wave of shame coming over him.

He took a deep breath. "I'm afraid the rest of the knights have not returned with me. Cenred is even more eager for war than we feared. We were attacked. Morgana and I were able to escape, the rest were captured." He let this news hit the council members. "Sir Ronald lost his life. I'm not sure about any of the others... I'm sorry, father. I failed you."

Uther shook his head. "No... I should have realized... Cenred is acting more aggressively than I thought. I thought this would have been a mission you could handle."

Arthur hung his head in embarrassment. Even though his father wasn't angry with him, Arthur still felt his disappointment radiating in his direction.

Uther turned to address the rest of his council. "We must be extra vigilant. Cenred is more eager for war than we feared." He paced the length of the table. "And we still don't know anything about this mysterious weapon the Essitir king has been housing," he added.

"My Lord," a council member piped up. "What should we do about the good men Cenred now has prisoner?"

"It's a difficult circumstance," Uther began. "Obviously rescuing these men would be ideal, but we can't lose any more good men. Arthur, do you have any idea where these men are being held?"

Arthur shook his head. "I'm sorry father... I know they were captured along the debated border... but..." Arthur paused for a moment, contemplating if he should tell his father about how desperate the soldiers were to capture a strange boy named Merlin.

"It's alright, Arthur. You did the best you could."

The prince clenched his fists. Was failing miserably and letting his men be captured really the best he could do?

"We'll send out another patrol, a smaller one even more discrete. They won't travel around the border - they'll travel into the heart of Essitir, see what they can discover."

"I'll have it organized right away, Sire."


"Yes, Arthur?"

"Let me go on this patrol."

"No," Uther said simply.


"No, Arthur. This is simply too dangerous and too important. I cannot lose you, you are too important to Camelot."

"But I-"

"This is the end of this discussion, Arthur. You are dismissed from this council meeting."

"Father I-"

"You are dismissed!"


Gaius observed the boy who sat on the physicians cot, his hands tucked under his twitchy legs.

"You found him... in the woods?" He asked curiously, not looking away from the boy.

"Yes," Morgana answered. "Strange... isn't it?"

"Very," Gaius answered. He pulled up a stool next to the cot and began to examine Merlin closely. He frowned. There was something about his face... his eyes... something familiar to the older man. "Merlin, I'm going to need you to change your cloths. I have some clean one's you can have." The boy nodded and began to pull his shirt over his head. The loose fabric slid off easily and brought a cloud of dried mud with it. Gaius squinted and brought his hand over four, large faded cuts that dominated his chest and stomach. "Merlin, what are these?"

The boy looked down at his own chest. "For practice," he said casually.

"Practice? Practice doing what?"


"You made those cuts... so you could practice healing?"

"I didn't make the cuts."

"Then who did?"

Merlin looked away. "I'm no supposed to say."

Gwen stepped forward. "When we found him, Cenred's men were after him. Maybe they're the one's who made them."

"There's also another thing you should know," Morgana said as she glanced at Gwen. "The men that were after him... they had us surrounded. We ran as fast as we could, but there was no way we would be able to escape. I thought we were done for. It was dark and we couldn't see where we were going so we accidentally stumbled off an enormous cliff face. We fell for what felt like an eternity, but when we reached the bottom... we didn't. It's hard to explain."

"It was like we were flying," Gwen tried. "Hovering inches from the ground. And Merlin's eyes... they were glowing. I'm sure he's the one who saved us."

"And he can make old dried up flowers grow in his hand just by looking at them."

Gaius looked back to the boy whose eyes were fixed on the light filtering in through the small window. "Was there ever any incantation... any spell?"

"I don't remember any..." Gwen said.

"Nor I."

"Extraordinary..." Gaius muttered under his breath.

"Gaius, what is it?"

"Non-verbal magic can take an entire lifetime to master."

"But, he's so young!"

"Merlin," Gaius began. "Where did you learn do use magic?"

The boy blinked, confused by the question. "I don't learn... I just ask."

"Ask? Ask what?"

"I asked the flower to grow and the cliff not to kill us."

"How did you ask them?"

Merlin shrugged. "I just do... like this." His eyes glowed gold. Gaius whipped his head around in the direction of the boy's gaze and was marveled to see the dried mud flying off of the dirty shirt. It swirled around in the air and took shape, gliding towards Merlin's outstretched hands. By the time it reached him, the cloud had morphed into a purring cat that hopped playfully into his lap. Although it was completely transparent, it blinked to reveal two glowing golden eyes. He smiled at it. "I make her all the time," his smile faltered. "But only when they're not looking because they don't like her."

"Who doesn't like her?" Gaius asked. Merlin only shook his head.

Gwen approached and stroked the strange cat's head. "Does your cat have a name?" She asked sweetly.

"Just Cat."

"Well Merlin, you look exhausted. You can sleep in my guest chambers. They're just up those stairs. I'll be up in a few minutes with a clean change of cloths for you."

Merlin nodded and rose, his dust creation following leisurely behind. Before he completely disappeared, he looked back.

"Do I have to go alone?"

"Ummm... no, I can wait with you," Gwen offered. The boy smiled at her as she made her way up the stairs and into the spare bedroom.

Once Merlin was out of earshot, Morgana was the first to speak.

"What do you think, Gaius?"

"I think... I'm not sure, my dear. I certainly have never seen anything like it. The ease with which he can use magic. As I said before, complex magic like that, let alone nonverbal magic, can take a lifetime of practice and study. Power like that... it worries me."

"How so Gaius? He means no harm and I'm sure we could keep it from Uther-"

"Uther discovering the boy's magic is the least of our concerns. I'm sure Merlin would have no trouble escaping the flames from what you have told me. No, what concerns me is not where he has run too, but where he has run from."

"What do you mean, Gaius?"

"You said Cenred's men were pretty keen on finding him?"

"That is how it appeared."

"Then-" He was interrupted by the door bursting open and Arthur storming in.

"Arthur?" Morgana said in surprise.

"Guilty," Arthur responded. As he slumped down in an open chair, Toby came scurrying behind him.

She folded her arms. "What's got you in such a fowl mood?"

"My father has forbidden me from going on another mission."

"Good. We barley survived the last one." She turned back to the physician. "Please, finish what you were saying." Gaius glanced nervously at Arthur. "Don't worry," she said, understanding his concern. "Arthur knows. And..." she turned pointedly to the prince. "He's not going to tell his father."

Arthur rolled his eyes. "Don't be too confident. There's still a chance he'll give me a good reason too."

"What about..." Gaius gestured to Toby.

"Toby," Arthur called. "Leave."

"Yes, my Lord."

"Arthur! No, Toby stay!" She turned to Gaius. "I trust Toby." She looked back at the servant. "You mustn't tell anyone about Merlin, alright?"

"Of course, my Lady."

She smiled at him. "Thank you. Now, Gaius, please continue."

"Of course," the old man began. "As I was saying before, this boy is extremely powerful. Using non-verbal magic effortlessly, like he does, can take more than a lifetime of study. If he was running from Cenred then I think we have a great deal to worry about."

"Why's that?"

Gaius took a breath. "It would be a dark day for Camelot if Cenred got a hold of a power like that."

"But Merlin wouldn't help Cenred," Morgana tried.

"Morgana, not only is he a cruel king, Cenred is also a cruel man. I'm not sure Merlin would have much of a choice," Arthur said as he leaned forward in his seat.

"Then we mustn't let them take him. If he stays here, he'll be protected."

Arthur nodded in agreement.

"There's something else," Gaius said.

"What is it?"

"I can't shake the feeling that I recognize the boy."

"From where?" Arthur asked.

"I can't quite place it. My memory isn't what it used to be. I'll do my best to remember."

"Thank you, Gaius. Now, we'd all better get some sleep."

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