Boy From The Woods

By IgnatiousTheWarlock

17.7K 663 63

Arthur Pendragon has always trusted his father's opinion of sorcery. He has witnessed, first hand, the atroci... More

Everything Takes Time
A Diverging Border
The Well Worn Way
A Familiar Face
The Letter
Merlin Remembering
What Was Stolen
I Do Hurt You
Victim Of A Victim
The Poison
The Demonstration
Back To The Woods
Merlin And The Witch
The Most Deadly Dagger
I'll See You Again

I Don't Hurt You

1K 37 1
By IgnatiousTheWarlock

Arthur wasn't expecting to wake up. So when he did, he couldn't stop himself from wondering if everything he thought transpired had just been a terrible dream. Not only did he seem to be alive, but as he began to move his body nothing felt broken or bruised. Had he survived that fall with not even a scratch? He heard Morgana's voice.

"He's awake!" Her worried face appeared above him followed by Gwen's. He sat up using his elbows, squinting his eyes against the beating sun. 

"Wha- what happened?"

"You passed out, Sire," Gwen answered, sending a sly look in Morgana's direction. 

Arthur looked around. He was on ground bedded in fallen pine needles. To his left was a steep cliff face whose base was decorated in sharp rocks. He gestured towards the large land mark, a confused expression on his face. 

"We fell? I remember falling."

"Ummm..." Morgana fidgeted nervously. "We... we did-"

"It wasn't fatal," Gwen added with a false chipper tone.

Arthur looked back to the drop. "You can't be serious." His eyes scanned the rest of their surroundings, searching for some sort of explanation that made sense. His gaze landed on the boy, Merlin, who sat a little ways away against a tall pine, his arms wrapped protectively around his legs. He stared back at the prince with an unwavering concentration. Arthur wracked his brain, trying to recall the events of the previous night in detail. He remembered their mad dash, how time seemed to slow around them. Rain drops had hovered in the air as they ran through the still wind. Again he stared at the boy. He stood suddenly, moving protectively in front of Morgana and Gwen. 

"Arthur!" Morgana protested. "What are you doing?"

"He used Magic! Didn't he? He slowed the rain and stopped our fall!"

Morgana wiggled free from Arthur's grasp and stood between Arthur and the boy. "Arthur, please," she gave him an imploring look. "I was apprehensive at first too, but only at first. He saved our lives."

"He's also the one who put our lives in danger!" He shot back. 

"Not on purpose!"

"Morgana, all sorcerers are dangerous! Magic corrupts!"

"Do you honestly believe that? Look at him," she said as she gestured to Merlin who still sat beneath the tree. "He doesn't mean any harm."

"How can you possible be sure?"

"Arthur, you just have to trust me because... because I know. I have a feeling!"

"When it comes to magic, we can't simply rely on your fleeting feelings." 

Their debate was interrupted by the sound of soft footsteps behind them. Merlin approached cautiously. 

"Morgana?" he asked. 


He held out his hand. Inside was a tiny lump of delicate brown. "What is this?"

She pursed her lips and looked at him sadly. "Why, Merlin, that's a flower. It's a little brown though. It's past its prime. Have you really never seen a flower before?"

Merlin shook his head. He gave the withered flower a strange look. Colour began to return to the plant. First, green seeped into the small stem as the brown dusty petals returned to a vibrant shade of pink. Small tufts of yellow bloomed from the center. He let out a silent sigh. Merlin's expression was quite hard to describe, somewhere between sadness and wonder. He held out the flower in Arthur's direction. 

"I don't hurt you," he said softly. 

Arthur took the plant in his hand and met the boy's eyes. He said nothing at first, lost for words. "Ummm... right..." He spoke to Morgana. "He can stay for now. Only for now. Just until we can figure out where he came from and get him back there. But, I swear, the first sign of trouble and... I will do what I have to." Arthur and Morgana silently agreed. 

"Have you checked his arm? He could be a Druid," Gwen suggested. 

"Merlin? Can I see your arm?" The boy held out both his arms. Morgana pushed up his sleeves but found no mark. "Not a druid," she said.

Arthur looked around, suddenly aware of their unfamiliar location. "Where are we?"

Morgana shrugged. "We ran for quite a while in the dark."

"We should try and make our way back to our camp."

"Is that such a good idea?" Gwen asked tentatively. "That man did order his men to raid it. There's a chance they could still be hanging around there."

Arthur rubbed his temple. "You're right, Guinevere. Perhaps the best move is to try and find the spot where we're supposed to meet up with Sir Leon. If anyone escaped, I'm sure that's where they'll go."

"Do you think... do you think anyone from Leon's group is alright?" Morgana asked.

Arthur looked at her, confused. "Why shouldn't they be?"  

"Well, that man... he said something about capturing more of Camelot's knights, as if he already had some. I can't think of any other knights who've gone missing. He could've only meant them."

Arthur felt a chill go up his spine. He knew Morgana was right, but he couldn't believe her. Not until he was certain. "We can't be sure of anything. He could've meant anything."

"Right," Morgana said, although she didn't sound convinced. 


The morning ticked by as the group followed the base of the cliff. It wasn't long before they found a place with a smooth enough gradient to climb. However, it was still a tough ascent. Arthur had to position himself behind Merlin as the boy seemed likely to keel over at any moment. Once they reached the top, Arthur was able to find the well worn path his knights had been traveling on. He spared a glance back down the path. Their camp was maybe a ten minute walk. 

Morgana put a hand on his arm. "It's too dangerous. It's better we make it back alive so reinforcements can come and rescue them."

Arthur nodded. "I know you're right. It's just hard, knowing that there are men left behind. I've failed my first mission."

With no horses the group was forced to take more breaks to rest, turning what should have been a half a days journey into a full day. It was nearing evening by the time they reached the rendezvous point. A small clearing, distinctive due to an old well that sat unused in the center. A sound could be heard coming from the far side of the well. Arthur put up a hand, signaling to the others that why should approach with caution. He drew his sword.          

"Is someone there? Declare yourself." 

Toby shot up from behind the well, wiping tears from his eyes. "My Lord? My Lady??! Oh thank goodness you're alright!!" He rushed over. "I thought I was the only one who escaped." He sent a strange look in the direction of Merlin. "May I ask...?"

"His name is Merlin," Morgana said. "He helped us escape."


"Did no one else escape our camp?" Arthur asked, fearing the answer. 

Toby shook his head, solemnly. "I'm afraid not. The knights were rounded up... I was able to stay hidden in your tent." He hung his head in shame. "They tried to fight, but there were too many of them. I'm afraid Sir Ronald took a fatal hit. When I emerged from my hiding spot... he was still there. They didn't bother taking him with." He sniffled. "He wasn't quite gone. I made sure he was comfortable."

Morgana put a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry you had to go through that."

"Thank you, my Lady."

"Is there any word from the others? Sir Leon?"

Toby shook his head. "Not that I know of. From what I heard though... it won't be good news..."

"What do you mean?"

"After the men had wounded Sir Ronald and retrained the rest, they acted garishly boasting of their actions. I believe they ambushed Sir Leon and his knights. Some were killed, the rest captured."

Arthur paced. "This wasn't supposed to be a dangerous mission. Cenred is more eager for war than my father thought."

"Then we must get back to Camelot," Gwen said. "We must warn him." 

Arthur put on a brave face, trying to be the leader his father knew he could be. "Again you're right, Guinevere. We must leave as soon as possible for Camelot." The rest agreed, eager to reach the safe citadel walls. Arthur stole a glance at Merlin, now wrapped tightly in Morgana's cloak. He was unsure of him. Every sense in his body told him not to trust the strange boy. He seemed to be on the run from Cenred, but why? It could have something to do with his magic - another reason to mistrust him. The boy was a sorcerer, someone rooted in evil. However, something had stopped Arthur from passing such harsh judgment. He had told himself it was only to keep Morgana quiet and he would turn him in the moment they reached Camelot, but he knew this to be untrue. Maybe it was the way he had held that flower. Arthur brushed his fingers against the blossom in his pocket. The way he had brought life back into the seemingly insignificant thing. And he hadn't known what it was... why was that? 

Merlin was a mystery, but Arthur intended to find out what he was hiding. 


"I DO NOT WANT TO HEAR YOUR EXCUSES!!!!!!!" Cenred's voice boomed through the chamber, striking terror in the hearts of his council members. He approached the man who had headed the search and was pleased to see his bottom lip trembling. "I  hope you know how royally you have failed. Words cannot express the indignation I feel." He fingered the knife in his belt. "I could kill you right here." 

The pitiful man began shaking all over. "Please, my Lord... I've brought you prisoners. Some of Camelot's finest knights-"

"I DO NOT CARE WHO ELSE YOU HAVE BROUGHT ME!!! You failed to bring me back the boy..." He stalked back to his throne.

"My Lord... we saw him... we did, but he escaped. He used his powers. He escaped with the Pendragon."

"Arthur Pendragon?"

"Yes, Sire."

"Interesting... Guards!" Two men stepped forward from the shadows. Cenred gestured to the man shivering in the center of the room. "He'll be spending the night in the dungeon until I decide how best to kill him."

"No! Sire, please-" He was dragged from the chamber.

Cenred stalked over to a man who stood towards the side of the room. "How did this happen, Gailyn?" His voice dripped with rage. "You said he was ready."

"I do not mean to be rude, my Lord, but I did not say he was ready. I recommended more time. It had only been a month since the last time he-"

"I'm growing agitated and impatient, Gailyn... Every time I ask it's always 'he needs more time'. At a certain point it will be too late."

"I realize that, Sire. This is a very delicate situation." 

Cenred sighed as he leaned against a stone pillar. "I need him back... I need him back... If he's out there too long..."

"I know, my Lord. And you shall have him."

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