My super family

By starks_wifey

347K 9K 8.6K

Superfamily au!!! • y/n was adopted by Tony as a child •steeb and Tony got married •Peter becomes part of... More

Pt. One
Pt 2
Pt. 3
Pt 4
Pt. 5
Pt 6
Pt. 7
Pt 8
Pt. 9
Pt 10
Pt. 11
Pt. 12
Pt 13
Pt. 14
Pt 15
Pt. 16
Pt 17
Pt 18
Pt. 19
Pt. 20
Pt 21
Pt. 22
Pt 23
Pt. 24
Pt 25
Pt. 26
Pt 27
Pt. 28
Pt 29
Pt. 30
Pt 31
Pt. 32
Pt 33
Pt. 34
Pt 35
Pt. 36
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Pt 39
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Pt. 42
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Pt. 122

491 24 10
By starks_wifey

-the next episode started with a very 90-2000s vibe and it had pietro and I seem like the very quirky aunt and uncle which was fun to play. Then we were set. It started with us at Wanda's house.

The whole place is decorated for Halloween and Billy already has his costume on
Pietro and I are on the couch resting while the boys hang out. Pietro is lightly napping on one side of the couch since I made him get up early today.

"Halloween is so cool, you get to be someone else for a whole day!" Billy smiles going to grab some cereal
He is the only one of the kids already dressed up he has on a red cape and a blue head band

"Who cares! I can't wait to get all the candy" Tommy smirks making his own cereal first

"Maybe we can smash some pumpkins!" Faith says a bit quietly

"Where's your costume Tommy?" Billy asks his brother

"I'm wearing it. I'm the cool sibling" Tommy smiles proudly at his joke

"Well what about Billy and I?" Faith asks

"Billy- a dorkasaurus Rex" Tommy laughs

"Not a real dinosaur" Billy makes an unamused face

"And Faith? He's probably a smidge bit cooler than me" Tommy pats his cousins shoulder as Billy rolls his eyes

"Kids come quick! I think Pietro is a vampire!" I run into the kitchen frantically

"What!?" Billy asks
"No way" Faith and Tommy say at the same time

I run with them to the couch where I put fake fangs in Pietro's mouth with fake blood dripping out of his mouth as well.
Of course we planned it but it was my idea!

"I knew it" Tommy nods getting closer to get a good look

"I don't know about this..." Billy says grabbing his brothers arm

"Yeah... me either" Faith gets closer to his dad

"You guys are just scaredy-cats-

"BOO!" Pietro jumps up and scares the three boys

"RUN!!" I yell and laugh as the boys and I run around, pietro runs around us really fast

Suddenly pietro catches me and pretends to bite me which makes the boys yell more
I try not to laugh as fake blood gets on me

"Oh someone better be bleeding, broken, or on fire!" Wanda rushes down the stairs
She's wearing a cute red leotard with pink tights, a red cape, and a red head piece.

"Woah mom! Are you old red riding Hood?" Billy asks which makes pietro laugh

"I'm a sokovian fortune teller" she smiles putting her hands up as if she's holding a crystal ball

"Wow that is so...

"Rad!" Tommy finishes his uncles sentence

"Lame!" Pietro jokes correcting his nephew

"Lame" tommy corrects himself to be more like his uncle

"Well I love it" I smile and swat pietro in the ribs

"Me too, just joking with ya sis. Come on it's my favorite holiday!" pietro smiles

"I like it too aunt Wanda" Faith smiles

The boys go to play video games as Wanda talks to pietro and I about what we should wear

Then Vision comes downstairs sporting some red converse green tights, yellow gym shorts, a green long sleeve, yellow gloves and a yellow cape. And his face is painted

"Woah! Sick costume" pietro smiles seeing Vision
Now it's my turn for a little sibling bullying

"Hmm let me guess. A traffic light!?" I smile
"Half shucked corn?" I try again
I look at pietro
"No babe, all good answers... but he's obviously a booger!" Pietro points

"Yes" Vision rolls his eyes

"Yes!" Pietro exclaims laughing with me

"Come on let's see what the kids are playing" I smile as we go sit by them

We play final fantasy till we hear Wanda and Vision arguing a bit.
Pietro and I share a look

"Mom and dad have been, not fighting.. just like different" Billy looks a little somber

"Let's see if we can fix that" pietro smiles to Billy before grabbing my hand

We get up to talk to them

"Hey what's going on?" Pietro asks

"I'm on neighborhood watch tonight" vision tells us

"But it's the kids first Halloween" Wanda crosses her arms

"Then you better protect us well Vis, come on Wanda Y/n and I are here, the kids will still have fun" pietro helps Vision out

"Well... alright" Wanda sighs

"You three have a spooky time tonight" vision smiles using a scary voice as he talks to the kids

"Bye dad!"
"Goodbye dad!"
"Thanks uncle Vision!"

"Wanda, be good" vision kisses Wanda's cheeks

I wonder what he means by that...
Wanda closes the door behind vision

"So Wanda I was thinking the kids and I could have some fun by smashing pumpkins-

"Pietro we are not having that conversation" Wanda rolls her eyes at her brother

"Mom! If you and uncle Vision are siblings why aren't you a robot?" Faith and the boys look up at me

"Uhhh- so who wants to smash some pumpkins!?" I smile nervously not knowing what to say

"Yeah!!" Pietro cheers

"Come on, I mean you guys don't even have costumes" Wanda crosses her arms with sas

"She has a point babe" I look up at my husband

"Psh! Hold on" pietro runs out of the house and in a moment comes back
He's wearing blue tights, jean shorts, a white belt, a blue top with a lightening bolt across it and his silver hair is gelled up.

"For my boy Faith, and Tommy of course" he hands them each a bag

"And my lovely wife" he hands me a bag

"Thanks! Go get changed boys!" I smile

I change into some red tights, red shorts with gold on the side, and a red and gold hoodie that has a blue circle on the front

"Pietro what exactly am I?" I ask

"A red trash can" he picks on me teasingly

"Wow we all look like some cool fighters" Faith and Tommy come back

Faith is wearing a navy blue shirt and navy blue tights with some jean shorts, he has a crimson red cape, a green necklace, and some yellow gloves.

"Faith you look awesome!" I smile at my kiddo

Tommy looks exactly like his uncle and he even got silver paint for his hair

"I'm a speedster too!" Tommy smiles confidently

"Finally now we can go trick or treating!" Billy smiles

"Come on its game time!" Tommy nudges Faith and Billy and they run for the door

"We better keep up" I grab Pietro's hand

"You mean Wanda has to keep up" pietro smiles back at his sister

"No funny business pietro" Wanda smiles shaking her head as we walk onto the street seeing all of the other parents out with their kids

We walk up the whole street getting candy. Pietro and I mostly stay with the kids while Wanda talks to one of her neighbors.

"Well we finished this street!" Billy looks in his bag

"Mom can we do another street?" Faith asks

"Well sure we can!" Pietro smiles having just as much fun as the kids are

"Let's ask Wanda and then we can go!" I smile

"Hey! What's the plan?" Wanda smiles walking over to us

"Mom the next block has full size candy bars!" Tommy practically begs to go

"Can we go?" Billy asks politely

"It'll be really quick!" Faith nods

"I don't see why not?" I look at Wanda

"Alright go on" Wanda nods with a smile

Tommy takes a hold of Billy's hand and in less than a second the three of them are gone and have come back holding full size candy bars

"Would you look at that! That kids real speedster!" Pietro gasps seeing our nephew has his power

But I look at Faith a little confused how he was able to go get a candy bar since he wasn't touching Tommy

"Mom look I got a full size crunch bar!!" Faith smiles up at me

"That is great! Just don't forget to brush your teeth tonight" I wink at him as I fix his cape

"Nice job little man, what's the secret?" His dad asks getting down on his level

We watch as Tommy speeds around his mom

"My secret?" Faith looks at pietro and I

"Yeah! How'd you go as fast as Tommy?" Pietro asks our son

"What a speedster too?" I whisper to pietro wondering if that could be the case

"No.. but he is fast." Pietro looks at Faith as he laughs at Tommy

"I'm a teleporter mom come on... well at least I think I am?" he looks at us as if we should've known

"A teleporter?" I look at pietro

"I mean it's almost like he's got our powers combined" pietro smiles proudly

"Okay Tommy if you're gonna break the sound barrier please take Billy with you" Wanda tells her speedy son

"really?" Tommy complains
"Really!" Billy smiles

"What about you Faith?" Tommy asks

"I can keep up" Faith high-fives his dad and goes to stand with his cousins

"Awesome" Billy smiles at Faith

"Alright go have fun" I cheer for the boys

"And remember!-

"Don't go past Ellis avenue!" The boys finish Wanda's sentence

"Be careful!" Wanda calls after them as they suddenly disappear

"Come on sis don't worry!" Pietro nudges Wanda

"It's our kids first Halloween and they're off on their own" she sighs

"Come on let's get some cotton candy!" I squeeze Pietro's hand seeing the lady giving out cotton candy

"So Faith has powers too?" Wanda asks us as we sit on a bail of hay

"He's incredibly smart, and can do magic.." I nod

"We think he can teleport, mix of y/n and I" pietro says taking a piece of my cotton candy

"Incredible" Wanda smiles

"I couldn't ask for a cooler kid" I giggle

"Or a better family" pietro nudges his sister and we all laugh together

"I hope you guys don't think I've gone full soccer mom" Wanda laughs

"You? Look at me!" I laugh

"I guess kids will do that do you" pietro shakes his head chuckling

"No but it's nice here right?" Wanda asks as we share some popcorn as kids in costumes run around

"Are you kidding? It's beautiful here" I smile

"Mom and dad would've loved it" pietro sighs happily

"Yeah... I think they would have" Wanda looks at her brother

"We missed you Wanda" pietro nods

"We sure did, when we heard you moved here it was a dream come true! Had to come see this place for ourselves" I laugh and pietro looks at me

"Yeah, y/n... how did we get here?" Pietro asks me curiously

I have no answer to that so I get confused myself. Wanda looks at the both of us nervously


"Mom! Mom!" Billy and Tommy come running to us

"Boys!?" Wanda gets up

I look over to notice Faith isnt with them

"Kids!?" I jump up

"I hear dad in my head! He's- he's in trouble" Billy panics looking up at his mom for help

"Tommy where did Faith go?!" I start to panic

"Where is he Billy? Where is your dad?" Wanda asks Billy

"Faith went to find him! He said he could help dad" Tommy looks at me worriedly

"Oh god pietro" I cover my mouth as pietro looks just as worried

"Billy I need you to focus" Wanda says to her son

"I- I see soldiers.. I think he's dying!" Billy closes his eyes

"Where Billy!? Do you see Faith?!" I ask him

"No... I can't see him" Billy shakes his head

Wanda steps back and suddenly uses her magic , everything around us stops.
A red glow starts to surround us

"Pietro come on we need to find our son!" I grab his hand

"Faith! He's by Ellis avenue!" Billy suddenly exclaims

"I want to come!" Tommy says

"You stay kids, thank you" pietro pats their heads

"Stay with your mom" I kiss Billy's head thanking him

I have to find my son. I open a portal in front of pietro and I run through it taking pietro with me

We exit the portal and find ourselves on the edge of town where the giant red wall begins

"Mom!" I see Faith standing by the wall

"Faith!" Pietro and I yell

"Mom it's uncle Vision he's trapped out there!!" Faith cries out

"Faith get away from there!" I yell running to him

Pietro grabs onto me and runs us over to him

"Mom he needs help!!" Faith cries

"Okay... pietro" I look at him because there is something so familiar about the wall

Suddenly the wall starts to move away

"Mom he's still out there!" Faith touches the wall and his arm sticks to it

"Faith no!" I grab Faith and pietro grabs me

For a moment the energy of the wall moves through us.
Its like I split into 2 versions of myself...
Then I get all my memories from outside back... I remember!

I hold onto Faith who is trying to get away from the wall
Pietro grabs onto the both of us and starts running back to town

I feel myself losing consciousness as he runs us back home
Everything goes black.

When I wake up it's in a panic

"Ah!" I jump up only to have pietro grab a hold of me

"Hey, hey it's okay" I hear him talking me down as I grab onto him

"Pietro..." I say and I'm suddenly aware of his accent, and my own mind!

"Y/n it's okay" he calms me speaking like himself again

"Pietro!" I gasp hugging him now excited to be awake

"I'm so happy you're alright" he smiles putting his forehead against mine

"Mom" Faith says standing next to the couch where I was sleeping

"Faith! Oh my god come here" I gasp bringing him in for a hug

He hugs me happily as I look up at pietro realizing this isn't all a dream...

"Pietro, we're still here- we have a kid!" I shed a tear holding onto my son

"I know" he gives me a light smile. Obviously while I was out he had time to realize all of this

"Here Faith, you must be hungry?" I wipe the tear and sniffle a little

"I can make myself a sandwich mom" he shrugs with a small smile

"Sure, why don't you do that" I fix his hair and he makes a little face

He walks off to the kitchen

"Pietro, what does all this mean?" I stand up and he looks at me

"Wanda expanded the borders... I ran us back here before anything happened to us. Somehow we got our memories back" he huffs

"So it's all Wanda... she made it all" I nod

"I'm worried about her though... she expanded it to save Vision, but she's only digging herself a deeper hole" he sighs

"All of the people here are under her magic" I look out the window

Suddenly the lights glitch and our flatscreen tv turns into a tv from the 50s

"And that has been happening increasingly... something is wrong with her" pietro looks around cautiously

"Was Faith okay? When we got back?" I ask

"He's alright, a little shook up but I told him Vision would be okay... can you believe it?, our kid" pietro and I look in the kitchen to see him making his own food

"I'm still having a hard time understanding... so he's a teleport?" I look at pietro

"I'm not sure. When we got to the wall it was almost like he could hear vision too" pietro shakes his head

Suddenly with a flash of blue Faith is at our side

"Did you see that mom?" He asks excitedly

"Faith!? How did you-

"I think I'm a speedster too!?" He looks at his own hands and feet

"Do it again" pietro looks at his son

He speeds around when suddenly he stops

"Aw man" he frowns

"What's wrong?" I ask

"I don't know... I can only do it for a short time... like how I could read minds last night" he shrugs

"You... can use other people's powers?" Pietro asks him

"I guess..." Faith shrugs not thinking much of it as he sits to eat

"Okay, Faith honey you sit and watch some tv your dad and I are going to have a talk" I smile politely and grab Pietro's hand

We go up to our room

"I feel like I'm going crazy!" I whisper shout as we close the door

"Here let's try to figure this out.." pietro sits on the bed

"Okay, we left the jet and went through the portal I made to get here." I nod pacing around

"You brought your suit and your earpiece to talk to... Faith!" He points

"Right! Amazing name choice by us" I point back and start looking around

"What are you looking for?" Pietro asks

"My suit... I had my nanotech with me" I respond opening the closet

"Have you checked around your neck?" He asks

"Oh!" I stand and take out my necklaces

"Look at that" he points to the blue arc reactor shaped one

I take it off but it doesn't turn back

"It's not working" I sigh sitting next to my boyfriend

"Good thing you're a supersoldier wizard then" pietro chuckles

"Yeah good thing..." I roll my eyes

"We need a plan" pietro says

"A plan? For what?" I ask

"To talk to my sister, she isn't exactly stable. It won't be easy for her to hear that she needs to let everyone go" pietro shakes his head

"I- I have to call my dad!" I realize that I haven't had any chance to contact the outside till now

"I tried... while you were asleep. There's no calling the outside." Pietro frowns

"Pietro what do you mean?!" I start to freak out


"Does Wanda have us trapped here?" I ask a little louder than I would've liked

"I don't know but we are going to figure that-

"Mom? Dad?" Faith stands at the door confused

"Faith" I turn to him and smile trying to act as if it's all okay

"Are you okay?" He asks nervously

"Oh don't worry about us sport, your mom and I were just talking" pietro comes to my side and puts his arm around me

"Sounded pretty loud..." he looks at the both of us

"Talking loudly! Yeah sorry about that" I laugh it off

"Um, well Tommy and Billy are at the door and they wanted to know if I could hang out with them?" Faith asks

"Oh! Faith of course you can! Go have fun" I walk over and give him a hug

"We'll come getcha soon sport, have fun" pietro ruffles his hair and Faith laughs

"Thanks mom, thanks dad!" He smiles

"Love you!" I say loudly as he runs down the stairs

"Love you 3000!" He yells back

I smile as I hear the door shut

"He's such a good kid" pietro puts his arms around me

"Yeah... pietro?" I ask

"Yes love?" He asks

"What will happen to Faith if Wanda let's us all go?" I ask him nervously

"I- I wish I could have an answer for that... but I don't" he sighs

"Then we better go talk to her" I nod slowly

"Let's get ready to go" he kisses my head


Hey guys thanks for reading this chapter!
I appreciate all the love and support on the book

Have you guys been watching falcon and ws?
I am totally loving it!

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