SasuNaru One shots || n4rvtos...

By n4rvtosn

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Oneshots from Naruto, specifically the ship Sasunaru Includes Fluff, Angst, Different AU's #1 in Sasunarusasu... More

Authors Note
One | Simple Kisses
Two | Cold | Short
Three | New Neighbors | Two-Shot | Pt.1
Four | Just the Two of Us
Five | Falling in Love
Six | Together | Three-Shot | Pt.1
Seven | I Missed You
Eight | Karin's Cat
Nine | Ah...Young Love
Ten | Together | Three-Shot | Pt.2
Eleven | Not that Bad
Twelve | In the Stables
Thirteen | New Neighbors | Two-Shot | Pt.2
Fourteen | Together | Three Shot | Pt.3
Fifteen | You skipped a few steps...
Sixteen | Him
Seventeen | Tsunami
Eighteen | Blond and Blonde | Two-shot | Pt.1
Nineteen | Blond and Blonde | Two-Shot | Pt.2
Twenty | Proposal
Twenty One | Pride
Twenty Three | Step One: Denial
Not an Update | Step One: Denial
Twenty Four | Sasuke's Birthday | Short

Twenty Two | Safety of our Home

787 37 41
By n4rvtosn

Normal Au??| Angst(with a happy ending)

Summary- To prove himself, Sasuke leaves the village for a second time, doing good deeds all around the 5 Great Nations. At home he left his lover and their children.


Sasuke left 10 years ago. He left Naruto with their three children, Menma, Boruto, and Sarada. The only reason they were able to have children was Orochimaru, who helped them using jutsu. At the time Menma was 3, he barley remembered his father. Boruto and Sarada were only a few months old. Naruto continued his Jonin duties while raising the children with the help of Sakura and Kakashi. He was destined to become Hokage sometime soon, which would end up having him leave the children with Sakura during the day.

He missed Sasuke, a lot. They had exchanged letters every month, Sasuke telling stories on his journey while Naruto would tell him all about the kids. It wasn't enough for either of them. Sasuke hated that he wasn't there for his children's childhood, but he needed to prove that he was there to help the nations, not hurt them like he had done before. Over the years, he became very homesick. He missed his lover, his children, and maybe even his team.(Not including Sai)

It was at the point he couldn't hold back anymore. Sasuke was ready to finally head home.


Naruto was trying to sleep and it for sure wasn't working. Key word, trying. He had been kept up all last night when Boruto wouldn't go to sleep. Sarada was calm, quiet, and a lot like Sasuke. On the other hand Menma was loud and wild. Boruto had gotten Naruto's stubbornness and wouldn't do anything unless he was bribed. 

It was now 4 in the morning. 4 in the fucking morning.

Boruto had fallen asleep around an hour ago. It was all going well, The blond Jonin was slowly falling into a rest-

"PAPA!" A loud shriek circulated through the air of their home. Naruto's eye twitched. He sat up from his bed, catching the full view of his thirteen year old in the doorway.

"Yes, what is it Menma?" Naruto asked in a stern tone. Suddenly, Menma bit his quivering lip, his eyes filling up with tears. He lunged at his father, wrapping his arms around his neck and crying on his shoulder. Naruto ran circles on his back, his eyebrows scrunched up in confusion.

"..when is dad coming home?"

Naruto's heart stopped. His confused expression turned soft, a sad smile placed on his lips.

"Uhm...why?" Naruto asked. He honestly had no actual answer to that question.

"Well...I had a dream, Daddy finally came home and we were all a family again..." Menma said with a sad look. The raven pulled away, sitting on his father's lap and rubbing his eyes. Naruto sighed, running a hand through his blond locks.

"Daddy is doing nice things for other people...once he Is done he will come home" Naruto replied with a sad smile. Menma looked at him, a frown on his lips.

"He has been 'doing nice things' for years! At this point I'm starting to think he died, or just left us" The boy admitted, crossing his arms and adverting his eyes. 

Naruto stayed silent. He had no idea how to respond to that either.

"So is that it? Your silent" Menma asked. 

"Daddy loves us very much, but he is making up for his mistakes, okay?" Naruto ran a hand through the spiked raven hair. Menma's eyebrows furrowed, his frown becoming lager.

"He's making a mistake by not being here. Boruto and Sarada dont even know who he is!" Menma shouted. He got up from the bed, running out of the room and into his bedroom.

Naruto sighed, rubbing his temple in frustration. 'Sasuke does love us...Yes he's just helping out those In need...right?'


Hundreds of miles away, Sasuke was sitting in a small coffee shop. The last week he had been helping around a small village. They were rebuilding after the Village was destroyed by bandits that Sasuke later took out. He sat drinking his tea, a scroll in his hand. Outside the sun had started to rise, but the shop was barley filled. Only two others, not including the workers, were in there. The scroll was the latest one that Naruto had sent. It had a small photograph of him and the kids.

Naruto was kneeling, next to him Sarada and Boruto. Menma had climbed onto his back, smiling widely as he was scolded. Kakashi photobombed last second and was in the corner of the picture. 

He smiled softly, his homesick feeling taking back over again.

"So, you got a lover?" Asked the old woman he had walked over to his table. She was the owner of the establishment, and was also housing Sasuke in her rooms above the shop. The Uchiha looked up, placing his tea down.

"Hn. Yeah" he replied, his tone a lot softer than usual. The old woman took a seat, a small smile on her face.

"Where is this lover of yours? If you don't mind me asking" The woman asked. Sasuke locked eyes with her, sighing.

"Back at our home Village...also with our children" He mumbled the last part.

"I'm sure your family is very nice, sir" She smiled. Sasuke simply nodded, a look of guilt coming onto his face.

"You miss them?" The lady practically read his mind. He stared up at her, she knew exactly what that expression said. 

"You should go back to them, you've helped out enough here. Go to your family" She said with a smile then walked away. Sasuke sat quietly, still looking at the picture of his lover and their children.

'I sure do miss you, dobe'


Breakfast was very awkward. Menma and Boruto were usually goofing around, but today it was quiet. The only speaking that went on was when someone asked to be passed the salt. The twins were confused as ever, watching the tension between Naruto and Menma. Suddenly the silence was interrupted.

"Ah, that was nice" Sakura sighed to herself, walking down the hall. She was in grey sweats and a shirt, currently drying her short hair.

"Sakura-Chan?" Naruto turned away from the table, looking at her with confusion.

"Hey Naru, ooh did you make extras?" She walked to the table, taking a seat next to Naruto and picking up a serving fork to server herself to pancakes.

"Uh, yeah...why are you here in the first place" Naruto asked, watching her take a larger portion of the remaining food and placing it on her plate.

"Hm? Oh yeah, your showers are so nice! I came in like three hours ago, you suck at hiding extra keys, you know? So then at fell asleep in the bathtub, how is your water so refreshing? Hokage-in training perks? If I knew marrying Sasuke and becoming Hokage would get you such nice showers, I would have done both!" Sakura ranted off, stuffing her face with the well-made pancakes. 

"O-oh.." Naruto mumbled with a frown. He was hoping the subject of Sasuke would just disappear.

"God! Your great at cooking too!" She praised him. Boruto pouted the moment she stole one of his pancakes right off his place. Sarada started to giggle, the mood seemed to be raising with Sakura here. Menma was in his own world, angrily eating his food.

"Thanks" He replied plainly, taking a small bite of fruit.

"Yep, Sasuke is so lucky to have a great husband like you" Sakura sighed with a huge smile, not paying to attention enough to see the visible flitch Naruto showed.

"I hope one day I find my soulmate, someone like you and him, your prefect for each other. Everyone else has started their families, you know I never thought you and Sasuke would get together. Eh...actually that's false, me and Ino made a bet when we were Genin because Shikamaru kept making jokes about Sasuke having a crush on you" Sakura started to rant.

Boruto and Sarada happily listened to her stories of their Genin times, especially Naruto and Sasuke. Menma, on the other hand, tried his best to block it out by staring out the window. Naruto was being oddly quiet, biting his lip to stop it from quivering.

"I'm pretty sure Naruto had a small obsession for your other Father, like he wouldn't stop talking about beating him...thinking about it now it's really gay" Sakura told the two who were listening.

"Wait..what's gay?" Boruto asked. With that Sarada burst out laughing, holding her stomach as she doubled over.

"Well uh- you see...traditional families are like usually men and women...yeah uh- and gay is when you like the same your parents" Sakura awkwardly explained.

"WHAT? Your telling me, that Sasuke girl, is a GUY?" Boruto shouted, making Sarada laugh even harder.

"Oh my lord...but you've always called him your dad—"

'Just shut up.' Naruto thought to himself. His head was hanging down, his a hands tightly gripping his pant fabric. 

"He is really pretty though" Sarada said while laughing. 

'Please, be quiet.'

"What's he like anyway, I wanna know!" Boruto asked excitedly.

"...shut up" Naruto whispered. 

"Naruto?" Sakura turned to her friend, peering at her worriedly as Boruto and Sarada were excitedly talking about their father together.


"Naruto, what's-" Sakura gasped as she cupped his face, pulling it up into view.

Her words got caught in her throat noting. His eyes were teary, his lip quivering. He looked about  ready to break down. She had never seen Naruto cry, only times like the passing of Jiraiya and at the end of the war when he said goodbye to his Father.

"...Naru?" She whispered, one thumb trying to wipe away the tear that fell down his cheek.

"I-I..." He tried to say, only for more tears to run down his face. At this point both Sarada and Boruto had quieted down, staring in shock at their father. 

Menma took one look at him before running up the stairs, slamming the door behind him.


Naruto now layed on his bed on his back. He stared up at the ceiling. For years he had missed some sort of warmth beside him. For a period of time one of the children would sleep in his bed with him, sometimes all of them. But it hadn't happened for years. But one thing stayed in his mind.

He had broken down, right in front of his children. One hand fisted the bedsheets as he bit his lip harshly. Naruto felt like a failure of a father. He failed to provide them with two loving parents, he failed to be with them all the time, and at times he failed to protect them. Sometimes one would come back with cuts or scratches from being outside and he always blamed himself. 

Sakura had taken Boruto and Sarada out of the house for the day, sadly Menma wouldn't leave his room. The boy was going through all types of emotions. He believed his father didn't really love them and left them all to die. He wouldn't believe anything other than that unless he saw proof. 

Naruto knew what was going through his son's head, and it was up to him to prove he was wrong. The blond got up from his bed, walking straight over to the closet and tossing it open. He scrolled through boxes that were placed on a shelf right above all his clothes. 

"Aha!" He exclaimed, pulling out one larger box from the corner. It had no label, but he knew exactly what was inside. The blond shut the closet door with his foot before walking out of his bedroom and down the hall. 

He leaned the weight of the box on his side, one hand coming up to knock on Menma's room. Naruto heard a muffled "Go away" and simply sighed. He opened the door and frowned. Menma was hiding under his navy covers. 

The blond strut to the bed, placing the box down at the end before grasping the blanket and pulling it right off of Menma. The raven shot up, his blue eyes glaring at the similar ones of his father. 

"I have something to show you!" Naruto said happily, sitting down on the bed. Menma grumbled, crossing his arms and throwing his legs over the side so he could sit next to Naruto. The blond grabbed the box, placing it in his lap. He opened the top, one hand shuffled through something. 

The blond pulled out a picture frame, inside there was a photo of Naruto, Sasuke, Kakashi, Sakura, and a baby Menma. Naruto and Sasuke held the child in their arms while Sakura and Kakashi stood by their sides with wide smiled. You would almost see Kakashi tearing up. 

Naruto leaned the picture into Menma's view, allowing the boy to grasp the picture and look at it closely. 

"That's a few weeks after you were born" Naruto informed with a smile. Menma simply stared, he could see Sasuke looking at Naruto out of the corner of his eye, he looked in love. 

The boy was handed another photo. His one was just Naruto and Sasuke, but they both only had one hand. Naruto's free hand was playing with Sasuke's sleeve while the raven seemed to be blushing. 

Then he was handed another, one being of their wedding, where both Naruto and Sasuke had black kimonos and were kissing. Another was the last team photo of team seven, another one of the day Kakashi became Hokage. He had seen many, each time he could see how happy they looked. 

Menma stared at the last photo, this one of just him and Sasuke. He stared as silence took over the room, the only noises were their breathing and the ticking of the clock. 

"...But why did Dad leave?" Menma spoke up, still staring at the picture in his hand. He heard a sigh come from Naruto.

"The Teme did some stupid things, he's making up for them to prove he is reformed" Naruto explained with little detail. Menma simply nodded, handing the picture back while he kept looking down at his knees. 

"I'm sorry dad" He whispered. 

"I'm sorry too" Naruto said with a small smile. Be brought his son into a hug, Menma quickly hugging back. They stayed in this position until the doorbell rang. Naruto pulled away, clearing his throat.

"I'll go get the door, oh and you can have that if you want" Naruto said, pointing to the image of Menma and Sasuke that laid on the bed. He left the room as his footsteps faded. 

Menma looked at the picture, grasping it again in his hand. He slightly smiled, placing the picture up on his nightstand right by a picture of him and his team. 


As Naruto walked down the stairs, he felt an unusual feeling in the pit of his stomach. He couldn't tell if it was good or bad. The blond sighed, quickly unlocking the door and opening it wide.

His heart stopped.



"You bastard!" Naruto yelled, slapping Sasuke across the face. One hand rubbed his cheek, not expecting that next Naruto would literally jump on him. 

The blond wrapped his arms around Sasuke, his eyes filled with tears. The raven let go of his cheek to hug the blond back, a smile coming onto his lips. 

"I missed you so much" Naruto said. He pulled away from the hug, cupping Sasuke's cheeks to get a good look at him. 

"I missed you too dobe" Sasuke replied with a small smile. He leaned down, kissing the blond passionately, his hands rubbing Naruto's back as a tear ran down his cheek. 

"Papa, why were you-" Menma stopped in his tracks, seeing the same man he had seen in the pictures, only a bit older. The couple stopped kissing, turning to their son. 

"Dad...?" Menma mumbled, his eyes wide. He sniffled a bit, running up and engulfing his parents into a large hug. 

"Welcome home, Sasuke" Naruto kissed his cheek.

"I'm home..." 

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