MCR Mpreg Oneshots

By gwayisgayy

17.3K 249 1K

yes More

I Love You (Rikey)
Baby Fever (Rikey)
Mothers Day (Frerard)
You Too (Rikey/Frerard)
Anytime You Want (Rikey)
Yeah Its Cool, I'll Be Okay (Rikey)
Sick Day (Rikey)
Mama (Rikey)
Daddy's Arachnophobia (Frerard)
Sleep (Frerard)
Stage Hog (Frerard)
Double Way (Rikey/Frerard)
Baby Killjoy (Frerard)
Daddy's Voice (Rikey)
Dhampir (Frerard)
Family Mornings (Rikey)
Part Of Her Life (Frerard)
Yeah Its Cool, We'll Be Okay (Frerard)
Baby Iero (Frerard)
I'll keep you safe (Frerard/Rikey)
Happy Together (Rikey)
Frank, Worlds Best Husband (Frerard)
Immature (Rikey)
Rainbow (Rikey)
Hazy Shade of Winter (Rikey)
Unique (Rikey)
First Period (Rikey)
"The" Conversation (Rikey)
The Bus (Rikey)
To the movies (Rikey)
The Interview (Rikey)
Perfect Little Family (Rikey)
We're Expecting (Rikey)
Sixteen (Rikey)
I'm So Sorry.. (Rikey)
Baby Blues and Beaches (Frerard/Rikey)
Arguments (Rikey)
I'll Never Let Them Hurt You (Jetkobra)
The Worlds Best Uncle (Frerard/Rikey)
The Nursery (Rikey)
Route Guano (Jetkobra)
Negative (Frikey)
Jealousy (Rikey)
Moving On (Frikey)
The Collapser (FunKobra)
Crush (Frikey)
Mom, Dad.. (Frikey)

Baby Kicks (Rikey)

226 3 15
By gwayisgayy

When it came to having a baby, one of the most exciting things was when the baby kicked. Yes, Ray was ready for the moment when baby Grace was welcomed into the world and there would be thousands of beautiful memories to make. Mikey was definitely waiting for the moment for her to be born since his back had small aches, yet a bothersome nonetheless.

Doctor Nestor told them that since it's Mikey's first pregnancy it might not happen until about 20 weeks. Ray definitely felt a bit deflated by this since he was excited to feel the baby kick. He thought it was fascinating that you could feel the baby even though they weren't born yet. It mesmerized him.

Ever since they found out it might be a little until they felt the baby kick, Ray was always asking his husband if he could feel the baby. Mikey replied "no" all the time. Ray was waiting for the moment Mikey would say that the baby was finally kicking.

"You know, I hope you begin kicking soon. I'm saying this because your daddy wasn't to feel your kicks." Mikey said to the baby bump. As a lover of arts and crafts, he had taken up the idea of starting to make things for the baby. Sure, when it came to the baby shower everyone was going to give them all sorts of gifts, but Mikey wanted to do it. He thought it was adorable when people made their baby's clothes. He wasn't an expert so no shirts or onesies yet, but he had began knitting mittens and planned on knitting beanies for baby Grace too.

Mikey sighed deeply. "I know I probably won't enjoy the kicking as long as you don't do it too much. I would hate it if you became extremely active when I'm trying to sleep." Mikey definitely got in the habit of talking to baby Grace. Frank sometimes joked that he looked crazy and Gerard would smack him for teasing Mikey. "The back pain isn't too much, but it comes from time to time. Your daddy gives the best backrubs and massages, so that's a plus."

He was finished! Mikey examined his work. They were little lilac colored mittens he began knitting three weeks ago. Ray thought they would look adorable on their baby girl. Mikey wanted gender neutral colors so he went with purple.

"You're gonna look precious-" Mikey was cut off when he felt it. He was frozen at the fact that she had finally done it. Grace kicked him! "You kicked mommy," he gushed joyously. He put the mittens down and placed his hands on the baby bump. He looked up to call out to Ray when he realized Ray was at work.

Of course.

The moment Grace kicked, the moment Ray was anticipating, his husband wasn't here!

"Damn it!" Mikey cursed. He looked down at the baby bump and whispered, "That's a bad word, by the way, never repeat it." He grabbed his cell that was next to him. Even if Ray were to come home, Grace could stop kicking.

Ray was going to be devastated if he knew Grace kicked and he wasn't here for it. He had to know though, right? So he would know that she has begun kicking. With a pout, Mikey clicked on Ray's contact and waited for the phone phone pick up.

"Hey baby, what's up?" Ray answered cheerfully. No matter what, he was always answering like a kid finding out that he was being taken to Disneyland.

Mikey gnawed on his bottom lip. "Ray, she did it! She started kicking." The utter silence told him that Ray must have been kicking himself for not being there to experience it. "Oh Ray, I wish you had been here."

"Me too." Ray moaned dejectedly. He had wanted to be there for that moment and he wasn't. "Is she still kicking?" Ray asked hopefully.

Mikey eyed the baby bump. He was a but sad that Grace stopped kicking. "No, she stopped a few seconds ago. I was too distracted to notice."

"I wish I was there." Ray whined. Mikey wished his husband was there too, but Grace had stopped.

"She might kick again later?" Mikey stated. He hoped their baby girl did. Mikey knew Ray was thrilled for this moment and the first time Grace had kicked he wasn't there to enjoy it too.

Ray sighed. "Yeah, I hope so too. I'll see you both later, okay? I love you both." Mikey could hear how dejected his husband was.

"Okay, we love you too." Mikey responded and ended the call. He frowned at the baby bump. "Sweetheart, next time you want to kick can you please do it when Daddy is here?" He was half expecting to feel a kick, but Grace must have settled down since he didn't feel anything.

The rest of the day, Mikey spent knitting some beanies for Grace. Of course just like with the mittens he was going with gender neutral colors. Since black went with everything, Mikey wanted to knit a black beanie with a little black bow on top. He briefly wondered what his daughter's wardrobe would look like when she got older. She was being raised by two parents who mostly wore black band tees and jeans. Who knew what style she would end up having later?

His parents, Gerard and Frank have purchased some baby clothes for Grace already though. His parents bought Grace a ton of little dresses and matching shoes since this was their first grandchild they wanted to spoil her. Gerard and Frank fought two unicorn onesies that Mikey had gushed over. What could he say? He loved unicorns.

Mikey was waiting for the moment Grace would kick again. He felt a bit disappointed when Ray came home and their baby girl hadn't kicked at all. Not one did she kick again. Mikey thought perhaps she would have when he was eating dinner, but she hadn't. Mikey felt bad that Ray couldn't have been been to experience the moment he had been waiting for.

Once nighttime came around, Grace still hadn't kicked.

While Ray was in the bathroom, Mikey was just lying down trying to fall asleep. He was hoping Grace would have started kicking again when Ray got home. He had been waiting all day for their baby girl to kick again, but she hadn't yet. He knew Ray was deflated about not being able to experience feeling baby Grace.

Doctor Nestor told him that sometimes when it came to the second pregnancy, some people start to feel movements as early as 13 weeks. The nice thing was that Ray and he did plan on having more kids later on, so this was a plus. It was sweet to think that when they have another baby, Grace would be there to feel her sibling kick.

Mikey finally felt like he was falling asleep when he felt it.

A kick.

Instantly, his eyes snapped open and he laid still waiting to feel the movement again. Once he felt a second kick, he gasped and carefully got up. Grace was kicking again!

"Ray!" Mikey shouted. This was perfect! Grace was kicking and Ray was there at home.

Ray opened the door to the bathroom and looked at Mikey worriedly. "What's wrong, babe?"

Mikey rolled his eyes and smiled. Of course Ray would think the worst scenario since he was so caring. "Come quick! The baby is kicking!"

Ray's eyes widened at his husband's words. Without hesitation, Ray dashed from the bathroom and jumped onto the bed.

"Calm down, babe." Mikey joked. He was glad that Grace hadn't stopped kicking. "She's still kicking."

Ray smiled and placed his hand towards the baby bump gently. He gasped when he felt it. "Oh my god..." Mikey giggled at seeing Ray's speechlessness. "Hi Grace, it's me, your daddy," he greeted.

Mikey placed one hand on top of Ray's. "She can hear you, Ray," he marveled. He was so pleased that she hadn't stopped yet. As a matter of fact, she was being super active. "She must be so excited her daddy knows she's here." He hoped to God that she didn't keep him up when he tried to sleep.

Ray stared at the baby bump like it meant the world to him. It was his baby girl in there, so it made sense. Mikey could have sworn he saw tears of joy forming in his husband's eyes.

"This is amazing." Ray whispered lovingly. "We love you, Grace, and we're excited when we get to meet you, our little princess."

Mikey beamed at the nickname. Ever since they found out the gender of their baby, Ray has been referring to Grace as their little princess. It was true since they were going to spoil her so much and she was going to get so much love from everyone.

"Damn, she's really...excited..." Mikey still couldn't believe that Grace was still kicking. "How about you calm down a bit, honey?"

Ray softly stroked the baby bump. "Even though I'm loving this, sweetheart, you should let Mommy rest. He needs all he can get, okay, sweetheart?" Finally, Grace's kicks slowly stopped. "She listened to me," he laughed.

"Yes, thank you, I wanted to try and get some rest. I worry she's gonna start kicking when I'm trying to sleep. That won't be fun." Mikey laid back down while keeping Ray's hand on the baby bump. "Are you happy you got to feel her kick?"

"I am." Ray nodded. He got back up to turn off the lights. "I can't wait for her to arrive so we can meet her."

Mikey giggled. "I'm exited too." Once Ray got under the covers, Mikey tried scooting closer to be nearer towards his husband.

"I love you both so fucking much." Ray whispered, embracing his husband and holding him close.

"We love you both too." Mikey giggled and pecked Ray's lips. "Language! You don't want her to say it later on!"

"I doubt she'll remember, babe." Ray rolled his eyes. He kissed Mikey's forehead and snuggled closer to his husband. "I love you, Mikey."

Mikey giggled and leaned closer. "I love you too, Ray."

"I can't wait until she arrives." It was the same sentence they had been saying ever since they found out Grace existed. They were excited for their future with their baby girl.

"Me too." Mikey whispered before closing his eyes and getting lost in the warmth from his husband and falling asleep.

They were excited for their future with their baby girl.

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