The Day I Called You Mine{Spi...

By i-have-one-braincell

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A love story between Danny Rand and Peter Parker. They figure out their powers and responsibilities as teen h... More

Chapter 1 "The Beginning"
Chapter 2 "Journey of the Iron Fist"
Chapter 3 "Jennifer"
Chapter 4 "Knightress and Purple Man"
Chapter 5 "Jessica Jones"
Chapter 6 "Visitor"
Chapter 7 "On the run"
Chapter 8 "Its Over"
Chapter 9 "It's not your fault"
Chapter 10 "Forgive yourself"
Chapter 11 "I can never renounce my Spiderman identity"
Chapter 12 "Reminder from the past"
Chapter 13"A Bad Morning"
Chapter 14 "Should we help him?"
Chapter 15 "Shopping + New Character"
Chapter 16 "Hothead"
Chapter 17 "Thursday"
Chapter 18 "Don't you trust us?
Chapter 19 "Harry's Back"
Chapter 20 "Double Date"
Chapter 21 "Getting Party ready"
Chapter 22 "The Party Part 1"
Chapter 23 "The Party Part 2"
Chapter 24 "The date"
Chapter 25 "The New Goblin"
Chapter 26 "Let Me Help You"
Chapter 27 "I Don't Deserve Them"
Chapter 28 "He's So Stubborn"
Chapter 29 "You're Cleary Not Good For Him"
Chapter 30 "What a Great Boyfriend..."
Chapter 31 "Promise Me We Won't Keep Secrets From Each Other"
Chapter 32 "Breathe. Grow. Live Again"
Chapter 33 "I'll Always Be Here To Support You"
Chapter 34 "I'm So Scared..."
Chapter 35 "At least I'm trying..."
Chapter 36 "I'll Deal With It"
Chapter 37 "Confessions"
Chapter 38 "Back Home"
Chapter 39 "Just Kill Me Already"
Chapter 40 "No One Can Tell You What's Right or Wrong"
Chapter 41 "Don't Be Attached"
Chapter 42 "You Can Trust Me"
Chapter 43 "You Didn't Tell Him?"
Chapter 44 "I Can Handle Myself"
Chapter 45 "I'll Protect You"
Chapter 46 "Peaceful Morning"
Chapter 47 "Compassion"
Chapter 48 "Damn you..."
Chapter 49 "Hatred"
Chapter 50 "Babysitter"
Chapter 51 "12 Years Old"
Chapter 52 "Am I Selfish?"
Chapter 53 "Questions"
Chapter 54 "Like A Child"
Chapter 55 "Worrisome"
Chapter 56 "Prom Ready"
Chapter 57 "Are You Okay With This?"
Chapter 58 "Cold"
Chapter 59 "Equinox"
Chapter 60 "Why?"
Chapter 61 "I Envy You"
Chapter 62 "It's His Fault, Isn't It?"
Chapter 63 "Blush"
Chapter 64 "Candle"
Chapter 65 "Sleepover"
Chapter 66 "Does He Scare You?"
Chapter 67 "Move On"
Chapter 68 "Closer"
Chapter 69 "Withdrawal"
Chapter 70 "We Know"
Chapter 71 "Want To Help"
Chapter 72 "Protection"
Chapter 73 "I'm Sorry"
Chapter 74 "What Are You Planning?"
Chapter 75 "Winter"
Chapter 76 "It's Your Fault"
Chapter 77 "A Tiger's Death"
Chapter 78 "Warehouse"
Chapter 79 "Bruises"
Chapter 80 "Choice"
Chapter 81 "Left Alone"
Chapter 82 "Reflection"
Chapter 83 "Seperation"
Chapter 84 "Reaction"
Chapter 85 "Imposter"
Chapter 86 "Life"
Part 87 "Loss"
Chapter 89 "Welcome Home Danny"
Chapter 90 "Involve"
Chapter 91 "Camera Footage"
Chapter 92 "Restruant"
Chapter 93 "For Him"
Chapter 94 "Idiot"
Chapter 95 "Consequence"
Chapter 96 "I love ya, you destructive dummy"
Chapter 97 "Scared?"
Chapter 98 "I'm Sorry For Not Giving Up"
Chapter 99 "Old Man"
Chapter 100 "Nothing's New"
Author's Note + What's To Come
Chapter 1 "It's What Friends Do" (EDITED VERS.)

Chapter 88 "Stay"

244 7 1
By i-have-one-braincell


"Are you sure this will be a good choice for Ava?"

Aunt May asked with a cold tone as she sat straight on the chair beside Awilda's bed. Awilda remained unmoved with Aunt May's stoic tone as she had her brows low and slightly furrowed.

Awilda: It's the only healthy choice that we have agreed on. Starting today, you are her guardian now

Aunt May: Ava needs her sister. You two managed to survive through a brutal break-in and should support each other

Awilda: She doesn't need me. I have to do my job by watching over my children first so they won't get hurt

Aunt May: Shouldn't you worry about your only sister first? Ava is hurt and still mourning and she needs her sister to know that she is cared for

Awilda remained unfazed and calmly spoke.

Awilda: It is not my problem anymore. I'm leaving her in your care...I can't handle her anymore

A vein had popped out from Aunt May's calm demeanor and had furrowed her brows tightly. She was about to argue back for how irresponsible Awilda was behaving like an adult and sister but the door opened. They both looked towards the direction of the door and Aunt May cooled down when Angela was in the door frame, still holding the doorknob with her small hand as she wore a coat. Rey and Marisol were peeking out from behind their sister as they wore matching black gloves.

*Angela asked softly, feeling nervous from the tension between her mom and Aunt May. Awilda formed a smile when she first saw the three lost kids staring at her with their watery eyes*

Awilda:Niñ managed to visit me

Her tone was warm that caused the kids to instantly smile and run into the room with their arms out. Aunt May was standing up from the chair and placing her bag over her shoulder and watches the kids rush past her to the bed. Aunt May sadly watches the kids talk to Awilda about why she took so long to wake up and of how scared they were, Awilda just seemed to warmly smile at them as she pats their heads as she reassured them. Aunt May lowers her eyes and walks to the opened door but stops when Awilda's husband rushes in as he called for the kids, he looked extremely stressed with a large bag of clothes and food for Awilda after receiving the call.

"Awilda! ¿Estas bien?"

He asked in full panic as he rushes past Aunt May. Awilda assured him that she was fine and should be able to leave in a day or two with her smile widening. Aunt May sadly watches and felt her hands beginning to shake before she clutches her fists. She was finally about to leave but was stopped again by Awilda's husband talking towards her"

"Gracias por visitar Ava, Espero que la cuides bien"
(Thank you for visiting Ava, I hope you'll take care of her well)

Aunt May was silent and a bit shocked. Awilda's husband had a small smile with the face of gratitude, unlike Awilda whose smile had faded away when she saw her. Aunt May just ignored Awilda and forced a small smile on Awilda's kind husband.

Aunt May:I'll take care of my daughter

Awilda seemed to have an odd expression on her face with her eyebrows slightly raised to her words. She nearly felt like Aunt May was taunting her, which wasn't on purpose on Aunt May's part. Aunt May had left the room and closed the door until her smile disappears, she frees a small sigh from her mouth and enters Ava's room next door. Ava was asleep from the exhaustion of crying for hours. Sam and Luke were in the waiting room repeatedly calling the phone from home to wake Peter up, even calling Peter through their communicators. Aunt May sat on the chair near Ava's bed and silently watches over the heart machine. Aunt May grabs Ava's cold hand to warm it up, she felt a clog in her throat that sounded cracked and shaky when she spoke.

Aunt May:Ava...I'll take care of you from now on...
*she tightens her hand around Ava's as she forms a small smile*

Sam and Luke were still trying to touch in with Peter but failed after 20 calls on each from Luke's phone and Sam's communicator. Luke was sitting on the chairs while Sam was impatiently walking back and forth in front of Luke that began to make him a bit anxious as well.

Sam:Why the hell isn't he picking up?! Shouldn't he be awake by now?

Luke:Maybe he's out

Sam:If he is then why is he ignoring my calls on our watches? He should at least answer it after the second call!

Luke:Maybe he's ignoring you on purpose to avoid awkwardness

Sam:...a...about what?

Luke:You slapped Danny didn't you? There must be weird tension between you two...What did you think I meant?

Sam nearly felt his heart skip a beat if Luke somehow found out his "date" with Peter while Danny was away. He nervously taps his foot against the floor and just quickly agrees with him, Luke just shook his head thinking nothing of it. Sam silently prayed to himself for Luke not to hear his raging heartbeat but Luke didn't notice a beat.

Luke:What time do Peter get up?

Sam:I don't know...he wakes up before Danny when it's already 11

Luke:They sure like sleeping a lot now that we're in winter break aren't they?

Sam:Sure they sleep a lot, I don't even want to know why they sleep so late anyway...So! Shouldn't Parker be awake then? It's already past noon!

Luke:We should call MJ to check on him. We can't leave now and worry Mrs.Parker in case he's missing her and see what's up

Sam sat back down on a chair near Luke as he dialed MJ and places his phone against his ear. The phone was ringing for a minute until he reached voicemail, then he ends the call.

Luke:She isn't responding either...did something happen?

Sam:MJ does have a job so she could be Jessica

Luke nods and dialed Jessica's contact. After a few seconds of the phone ringing, the call was finally picked up and Luke's face seemed to brighten when he heard Jessica's husked voice as if she woke up.

Meanwhile, Peter was asleep on his bed and unmoving as if he was dead. His alarm clock was destroyed and his watch was destroyed in the trash can from its constant ringing. He woke up 30 minutes later when he felt his eyes force themselves open and be met with the lit blurry room. Peter blinked a few times to get focused but still felt exhausted. He notices his pillow was somewhat a bit wet and his eyes painfully puffy. He groans as he covers himself with his blanket unwilling to get up but the door suddenly opened. Jessica freely walked in with her bag and black jacket and grey scarf as she stares at Peter, a bit of judgemental on her face.

Jessica walks towards Peter and removes the blanket from Peter's body and was greeted with a puffed eyed monster in the shape of a brunette teenager. Jessica stepped back to give Peter the room to get his focus in, she turns to his bedside and notices the glasses. Then she turns back to Peter.

Jessica:Wake up. I got up too from a while ago to wake you up. Hurry up and get dressed, we have to talk

Jessica gave a small kick to Peter's bed from Peter's blank expression that was facing the wall with the window nearby. Jessica walks towards the doorframe and walks downstairs to the living room. Peter stared at the wall without a thought in mind until he finally forced his body to move and sit upon his bed. His hair was messy and a bit greasy from sweating during the amount of heat in the room while he slept. Peter remained blank in the face when he reaches for his glasses and puts them on for the room to be clear. He remained still for a minute of just sitting on the bed and looking down at the floor where his slippers were, debating whether to get off the bed or not.

Jessica waiting downstairs for Peter and was nearly feeling irritated from the amount of time Peter was taking. A plate with a sandwich was on the dining table that Jessica made in the kitchen along with a cup of orange juice, she thought of making it on herself but felt that it was a bit rude. After what felt like hours, Peter finally came down the stairs and somehow, looked worse than he did before when Jessica woke him up. Peter slid his hand through his hair before he sat down on the dining table and pressed his cheek against his hand. Jessica just stared and shook her head in annoyance before she spoke.

Jessica:What took you so long? I was waiting for you for over 20 minutes
*she asks a bit demanding as she crossed her arms while leaning her back against the counter of the kitchen*

Peter:Sorry...I've been so tired lately...did...something happen?

Peter asks with a tone that seemed dull with his eyes looking down at the dining table. Jessica took a deep breath in before sitting on a chair. Peter was quiet and unaffected by Jessica's movement beside him, he didn't even lift his head. Jessica spoke casually.

Jessica:Luke and Sam were calling you in the past hour, were you asleep the entire time?

Peter:...did something happen or not?

Jessica frowns at Peter's sudden rise of voice as if he was annoyed by her question about himself.

Jessica:They're wondering if you could visit the hospital. They told me that Ava might need support from her friends

Peter looked unaffected and unmoved as if he wasn't listening. Peter was just staring down at the sandwich in front of him. Jessica waited for Peter for a response but instead was asked an unrelated question.

Peter:Did you make the sandwich...?

Jessica:I did...I don't know how to cook so I just made a sandwich. I thought you might be hungry...

Jessica could already feel her face go red at this point when she answered a bit shyly. Peter just hums and spoke again in a dull voice.

Peter:You didn't make one yourself?

Jessica:I didn't...I didn't want to be rude so I only made one for you

Jessica turns away at this point so Peter wouldn't look at her and laugh at her embarrassment. Peter only slid the plate of sandwich across the table and places it in front of Jessica. Jessica turns back forward and looks dumbfounded from the sandwich suddenly in front of her. She didn't suspect this.

Peter:Eat it...I'm not hungry right now

Jessica:Are you sure? I can make one for you...

Peter:It's fine...I'll eat later

Peter wasn't lying. He wasn't hungry. It was difficult to tell whether he just didn't have any urge to eat or just lacks the energy to do so. Jessica looked a bit hesitant to ask after she bit into the sandwich when she looks at Peter's stoic expression.

Jessica:What's wrong? Do you miss money bags?

Peter:...well maybe...I don't know. I felt like I've been missing him lately but I don't know if I do or not

Jessica slightly raises her brow in confusion from his answer and just shrugs it off and continued eating. Peter bit his lips and he gave a glance at Jessica as if wanting to ask her a question but was hesitant to do so. Jessica caught the hint and began to speak again.

Jessica:Do you have something to ask me webs?

Peter just blinks towards her and looks away. He stares at his reflection against the glass cup of orange juice that showed his troubled expression.'s nothing

Jessica:Your face doesn't look like it's nothing. Does it have to do with Danny or Ava?

Peter:(Danny again? What does he have to do with how I'm acting?)
No...I just felt so bored lately. know what you would do to pass the time? that all? I thought it was serious

Peter just lowered his eyelashes to her comment and felt his chest pound. After a bite, Jessica answered casually.

Jessica:When I want time to pass by I would drink, smoke, watch dramas with Trish, or look through my phone. Why?

Peter:I was just asking...I've just been wanting a distraction lately

Jessica:Maybe visiting Ava. Luke told me that she might be able to leave by tomorrow

Peter just remained quiet while Jessica finished her sandwich. It wasn't the fact that he didn't worry about Ava, he was worried and is happy that she'll be out tomorrow. But...he feels like a heavyweight is dragging him down from leaving the house, he had to take minutes to get off the bed so imagine getting out of the house. Peter just felt a bit lazier than most days for some reason...maybe he was acting like this when Danny isn't around. After yelling at him and bringing down his confidence wasn't a good farewell to Danny, so he was probably just nervous to see him again...right? Maybe he'll get back to normal when he comes back and be annoying to the others like they always did...right?

By just thinking of Danny he was reminded of Johnny and MJ. He didn't treat them too well either. Peter's mind was a bit mushed trying to remember the entire argument with Johnny before he ran away, it was almost as if it was a lost memory buried in his brain. He then suddenly had a change of expression from sudden realization.

Peter:Jessica, did you meet someone about drugs?

Jessica choked from his sudden question and met eyes with Peter's. She just rubs her forehead as she sighed.

Jessica:Why? Are you going to be involved in drugs now? I was just asking since Johnny and I had broken into a drug-making warehouse...the place was destroyed soon after we have gotten into an encounter with its boss, Tombstone...

Jessica:Tombstone? I never heard of that name

Peter:Someone was talking to him while I was investigating the warehouse. They said that Tombstone was looking for a bodyguard and says that he found someone...

Jessica:Who? Did they say who?

Peter:...they said it's a female, a smoker, and strong, she's been wanting a job to get away from her "crazy mom"...he even said that she killed a person before

Jessica just stared at Peter and just stayed silent. Peter grabs his cup of orange juice and drinks out of it till Jessica says a response.

Jessica:...if that person is involved in drugs and knows that about me's Gus


Jessica:He was in a gang with Stirling before he died...I contacted Gus for cigarettes and sometimes alcohol. He would be involved in some shady shit...

Peter:...why didn't you told us about him?

Jessica:Because Gus isn't a friend. Just someone my boyfriend knew...To answer your question though, he hasn't met up or called. Did he say anything else?

Peter:He planned to introduce you to Tombstone by the end of the week

Jessica:It's close...Since he wants me to work as his bodyguard then I'll help you and Johnny take care of Tombstone


Jessica:I said...I'll help you and Johnny to-

Peter:No. I'm not working alongside you two on this issue

Jessica:Why? Did you get in a hissy fight with hothead that now you're ignoring him?

Peter:I'm not involved in this anymore Jessica. I broke it off with him a few days ago about this broke up with him?

Peter:...Listen Jessica...If you want to help and be involved then go to Johnny, I bet he's working his ass off trying to find a lead on should go to him about this instead. You can contact him with your new watch by SHIELD

Jessica:Why did you decide to leave him to do this himself?

Peter:He's not alone, he's doing this with Bobby...he doesn't need me

Jessica:...are you jealous that-

Peter:I'm not! I'm not jealous! I told him to work with someone! I just left after an argument we had that I decided to leave! Don't I have the choice to leave?

Peter was breathing heavily from his outburst. It didn't sound like an outburst to Peter but to Jessica it was different. She could see that Peter was having a bad day of possibly being forced awake by her. Jessica began to have a little guilt from this so she just stayed quiet. Jessica stood up from her chair and picks up the trash from the finished sandwich and throws it away in the kitchen. Peter didn't raise his head when Jessica spoke.

Jessica:I'll be talking to Johnny about this then. Sorry for bothering you...

Jessica walks out of the kitchen and stops before the door to look back at Peter, he still had his head low. Jessica walks through the door and closes the door, until then Peter finally lifts his head to look at the cup of orange juice in front of him. He just taps his finger against the ridges of the cup that caused the juice to vibrate to his touches. Peter had his cheek against his other hand against the table of just thinking. Everything was exhausting his brain that he could only let out a heavy sigh at the thought of Johnny and Jessica again. He rubs his eyes with his fingers under his glasses from the raging headache. Those two will be fine. Jessica can fight Tombstone herself and Johnny and Bobby can handle his henchmen. It'll be fine.


Danny was solely walking down the halls of the gold palace with his hood still over his head. His eyes were red and his white slender hands were front and folded in front of his white cloth garments. The green in his eyes looked dull as he kept his head slightly tilted down, his eyes showed their bright color when he walks past a candle against the wall he was walking past. Danny's body began to tremble and nearly fell to the side against the wall before he placed his injured hand against the wall to balance himself. His other hand was over his stomach to add pressure from its sting from Danny's lack of rest. Danny was heavily breathing but stops when he heard his uncle's demanding tone to his servants in a hall that crossed with the one Danny was in.

Danny felt his heartbeat loudly from hearing his uncle and began to look down at his white mourning outfit. His heart was racing as his mind began to say to quickly leave before his uncle sees him. Danny was rushing to leave as he forced himself to stand straight and run down the hallway where he walked in from. His racing footsteps were loud enough for Yu-Ti to hear before he turned the corner and began to 'tsk' to himself under his green-covered mask. Danny was running down the hall but winced when his stomach began to move and itch, he got goosebumps up his arms and legs from it. Blood began to slowly stain the white bandage under his white clothes.

His white hood was flowing from behind but he began to slow down as he began to struggle to breathe. His chest was going up and down that it began to sore. He stumbled to the side with his shoulder against the wall. Danny was breathing so heavily that he was unknown to the sound of footsteps approaching behind him. His arm was grabbed and was turned around, Danny froze when he was face to face with Yu-Ti's dark green emotionless mask, he could tell his expression under the mask was furious and disgusted with him.

Danny looks away and was now breathing heavily through his nose. He couldn't form any words so Yu-Ti spoke first with a cold tone as he freed Danny's arm.

Yu-Ti:Daniel. How improper! Running away from your uncle without greeting me after defeating the H'ylthri!

Danny:S...sorry Uncle...

Yu-Ti:What are you wearing? It is inappropriate to wear this!

Yu-Ti scolded as he forcefully removes the hood off Danny. Danny just remained still with his head down while the hood was tossed to the servants behind Yu-Ti.

Yu-Ti:Whose death are you mourning for?! Sparrow and Davos didn't die!

Danny was hesitant to speak and answer but was pressured to do so from Yu-Ti's intense stare.

Danny:C...Conal...he was killed by me
*Yu-Ti just kept his dark glare at Danny who was now trembling from mentioning Conal*

Yu-Ti:Unbelievable! Why are you mourning for a dead traitor? Do you have any thoughts of what would have happened if you didn't kill him?! You should be celebrating instead of grieving!

Danny just stayed silent from Yu-Ti's words. Why was he mourning for a traitor? Conal never betrayed him neither did Miranda, he grew up with Conal and was one of the first people to know his sexuality, they would call each other brothers, he ignored his and Miranda's yells for him to do something before getting arrested and taken away, he could've done something for them to not be where they are now and yet he didn't. Conal was dead and killed by his hand...How could he not mourn for him?

Danny couldn't say anything to not make his uncle more agitated than he already is. Yu-Ti managed to calm down and spoke to Danny again in his usual tone. must know that I am your uncle and I care about your well-being. I have to make sure you haven't spent too much time in the outside world being rebellious

Yu-Ti spoke as he walks back where he came with his servants behind him. Danny looks up in front of him, a bit confused about what he said so he softly ran after his side.

Danny:W...what do you mean Uncle?

Yu-Ti:Child, I have noticed your changes whenever you come back home from the outside. You were so humble and have become so outspoken lately from returning

Danny:...I have?

Yu-Ti:Ah, as always you are clueless my nephew! You have been different lately...I can sense it after taking you in since you were 6 years old. You have changed...did something happen in the outside world Daniel?

Danny:...nothing uncle. Nothing interesting had happened in New York other than missions and SHIELD

Yu-Ti looks at Danny in the corner of his eyes in pure disbelief. He could see with a flick of a finger that Danny was lying. Even if Danny could be the calmest and cold person in the world without a change of expression, he can still see through him. Heat in his chest began to burst once he sees Danny lying to him, he wanted to scold him again and punish him but instead, he remained collected and calm. the Iron Fist and a warrior you should know that this sort of event will be common. After with master Khan I suspected you could have learned in this event...I assume I was wrong from your mourn of the person you've sworn to defeat. Conal was nothing but a dead man taking impersonation by a pile of dead branches

Danny:Conal was my broth-

Yu-Ti:You dare interrupt me?! As your duty of the Iron Fist! No family, no lover, and no attachments! Do I make myself clear?

Danny was silent and clenches his uninjured fist tightly while his brow was a bit furrowed. Yu-Ti could see quite obvious how confused Danny looked. He places his hand on Danny's shoulder and spoke in a calming voice than before.

Yu-Ti:Walk with me, Danny...We need to have a conversation

Danny listened with a small nod. Yu-Ti had turned to the servants behind him and raises his finger from Danny's shoulder towards them. They understood and bowed then walks away to leave Yu-Ti and Danny alone. Yu-Ti faces forward and walks alongside Danny with his hand still resting on Danny's shoulder. Danny glances back to see the servants gone so he glances at Yu-Ti and spoke in a concerned voice.

Danny:What did you want to talk to me about uncle?

Yu-Ti:Daniel...we haven't spoken after you came back and treated your wounds. I must have been harsh on you for mourning Conal

Danny felt a guilt feeling in his chest from hearing his uncle's apologetic tone that was unusually still cold but still soothing. Danny quickly spoke and disagreed.

Danny:No no you haven't uncle! I shouldn't...have been dramatic about it
*his tone was a bit gloomy from the last words before lowering his head down and was facing the shiny floor*

Yu-Ti:Daniel. There is nothing wrong with mourning someone you used to care for, but you must know that situations like these, can make them believe that can choose the other side. Conal and Miranda were your friends and left from their selfish thoughts for you to break the law for them. Their hatred for you had led them to their ends now. If only you were able to push those pure thoughts away then those wouldn't have escaped and would still be alive today...

They continued to walk forward as Yu-Ti spoke in his soothing tone. Danny was silent and in deep thought about what his uncle said.  Conal and Miranda hated him for not defending them and helping them and therefore made them be kidnapped and tortured by the H'ylthri. Conal died by Danny and now Miranda hates him even more. Yu-Ti could see from Danny's silence that he was processing so he spoke again and explained.

Yu-Ti:Daniel. You tried your best to help them and what did they do? They planned to kill you as revenge for not helping them from committing a crime. As the Iron Fist, you're outstandingly powerful and will undoubtedly bring selfish people who would want to take advantage of you. They will simply try to befriend you, then betray you by simply helping them. People want power, Daniel. That is how the world works.

Danny:Why? Why would anyone target me whether they know I'm the Iron Fist or not?

Yu-Ti:In the outside world, you have money and power. You're too kind to others which makes it easier for people to take advantage of you. You work in a team of powered outsiders Daniel. Don't you assume that they might be jealous of your success and money?

Danny:No! They aren't jealous...they don't care about my company or money at all

Yu-Ti:I see...But even if they don't care, others will. The outside world is filled with dangers and weapons you can't even imagine. Backstabbers in every corner waiting to have an amount of your money and would try to use you for their uses. The number of evil people in the world can't be simply handled by a single man

Danny:I know but...I still want to stay in New York uncle. If there are evil people as you said then I can at least do something about that issue with my team if I stay with them

Yu-Ti:The outside world is an unhealthy environment for you to grow in. Selfish and evil people are everywhere that can easily harm your mind and views of things Daniel. Someday, someone you know will be your friend who you'll trust, the next, they'll become greedy and expect something from you, then lastly, they'll become your enemy. Everywhere you turn, you will encounter an enemy. Whether it be friend, sibling, or lover

Danny's eyes slightly widened at that thought but he remained quiet. He could tell that his uncle and Sssesthanag have the same views towards the outside world filled with evil people. The only difference was that Sssesthanag wants to destroy the issue and his uncle is trying to keep him isolated and terrified from the outside world. Danny couldn't see that his uncle was trying to convince him to stay and only thought that his uncle was being overprotective of him as a parent. Danny could only let out a sigh and stops his feet, Yu-Ti stops as well when Danny stopped and removed his hand that was wrapped on Danny's shoulder.

Yu-Ti:What is wrong my nephew?

Danny:Uncle...I can understand your worries about me being in New York but I know that the group needs me and I have to take care of the city along with them. I...promised that I would return quickly so I can take care of them. So I...I can't stay. I'm leaving tomorrow morning...

Yu-Ti:You're leaving? Is that a wise choice for you Daniel? We might suffer another casualty without you if you aren't here to protect us

Danny:Well I...uh...

Yu-Ti:Daniel. The city is filled with powered heroes, what damage will happen without you there? You're our only weapon and our protector. We can't simply replace you while Shao-Lou has still not grown for the next Iron Fist. You must stay here to protect us unless you want us to suffer and die like Conal...if you leave, you might receive enemies

Danny began to think to his words. Seeing his silence, Yu-Ti just patted his shoulder and placed his hands inside his wide sleeves as they were folded in front.

Yu-Ti:You should rest Daniel. As you said, you have an early trip tomorrow and should start healing your wounds. Please think about what I've said in the meantime.

Yu-Ti walked ahead as Danny watched. Danny's fingers trembled before he forms a fist. Danny just turns around and walks towards the exit to his room. Yu-Ti turns back just to watch the white headband flow with Danny's blond hair in every quick step he made. A faint scoff escapes through his green mask before he walks forward.

"So immature"


Johnny was sitting on the floor in the training room in SHIELD with his back against the cold wall. The corners of the room were covered in ice as Bobby was standing with his hands on his hips a few feet away from Johnny as he was instructing Janet about her ice blasts. An ice blast was accidentally shot near Johnny against the wall before Janet could warn him. The ice beside Johnny had melted while flames rose from Johnny's shoulders and his hair. Both Bobby and Janet look in Johnny's direction then Bobby lets out a sigh them turns to Janet.

Bobby:Make sure to work on comfortably waving your arms to form an ice blast, try not to be too stressed over it or it'll go the direction you wouldn't want it to go and might hurt someone

Janet:...sorry for being a bother to's a bit embarrassing to be trained by a teenager despite me being a working adult

Janet nervously rubs her arm as Bobby laughed and crosses his arms.

Bobby:It's fine! I'm just glad to be out of school to work with you! Depending on how fast you learn both ice and fire then you'll return to Rand in no time! So I'll talk to your other teacher about when we'll work on your fireside

Janet nods and forms an ice ball in her hands while Bobby walks towards Johnny and stood beside him, he rests his back against the wall with his arms still crossed. Bobby gives a glance at Janet who just threw an ice blast against the wall in front of her then looks down to Johnny below him. He gave him a light kick with the tip of his shoe against Johnny's thigh to catch his attention.

Bobby:Why are you moping? You're going to make our student suspect that you're fed up with her

Johnny:...I'm not thinking of that

Bobby:Probably not but you should. We managed to get Janet to use her power starting with ice after that little news attention. After accidentally hurting Iron Fist and Spidey she feels a bit cautious of her ability and is now being a bit stressed about should try to think about her than Spidey

Johnny:Peter? I'm not thinking about him! At all! I'm just thinking about our drug mission...We haven't gotten a lead and he's the one who has the brains in this

Bobby:Just wait till Spidey has the space he needs. Don't go bothering him again by snitching to his boyfriend

Johnny:I wasn't going to do it! I was just getting him mad to talk to me...and now I'm screwed...Do you think we've broken up?'s not so serious for you two to end things off like that. Just give the bug some time hothead...

Johnny groans as Bobby looks over at Janet again. Bobby turns again back to Johnny when his watch began to ring. Johnny had seen the contact to be Jessica on the screen of his watch and looks up to Bobby with his brows arched.

Johnny:How did she get my number?

Bobby:The watch has the contact of the group to check in on each other about Janet...I thought you knew that

Johnny:Ooohh! I didn't know that...

Johnny answers the call and was met with Jessica's face that her mouth was covered with the grey scarf around her neck. Her mouth was a bit muffled as she stepped out of her car and was walking to her door but the two boys were able to hear her.

Jessica:Hey. I know that you're looking for a drugmaker so I can help

Johnny:Jessica! You can help?!

Jessica:Yep. I suspected you wouldn't have any leads?

Bobby:We don't

Bobby cut in and Johnny quickly loudly spoke.

Johnny:We do! We just weren't sure if it was a good lead or not!

Jessica:...okay, so someone that I know is going to be calling me to take me to a guy called Tombstone to work as his bodyguard. I can agree to meet him while you two are behind me to burst into their hideout
*she closes the door from her house and moves the scarf down her chin and looks at Johnny's baffled expression on the screen of her watch*

Johnny:Yeah...yeah that's good! But how did you know that we would...?

Jessica:Peter told me. He eavesdropped on Tombstone talking to hire me as his bodyguard

Johnny:Peter told you? He never told me! He can't just hide secrets now that he left me to do this alone!

Bobby:At least he cares Johnny...especially after making him mad

Jessica:Mad? Who made Peter mad?
*she removes her scarf as she flops down on the couch*

Johnny:Nothing Jessica...I got in a small fight with Petey and he left...he'll get over it. I'm happy that you decided to help us! At least Petey didn't want me to suffer alone here...

Jessica:I'll text you if I've been contacted and we'll come up with a plan soon after

Johnny:Yep! Bye-bye!
*he ends the call and finally lets out a big breath of relief while throwing his head back against the wall*
Thank god we have a starting point...

Bobby:Spidey didn't tell you about her being asked as a bodyguard?

Johnny:He didn't. He must have known by listening to Tombstone when we broke into his warehouse, he didn't bring up anything that he saw or listened inside after the warehouse was destroyed. The fact that he told someone other than me is...

Bobby:You must be heartbroken then

Johnny:...Nah. I don't care...but it still feels weird that he wouldn't tell me anything

Bobby:It shows that he still cares and knows that you can't handle a mission without him

Johnny:...are you on my side or Peter's?
*he asks grumpily as he looks up to Bobby with a pouty lip. Bobby chuckled and spoke with a smile*

Bobby:I'm on both

Johnny just huffs to Bobby's cheerful tone and looks at Janet. His expression changed along with his tone that was now soft.

Johnny:So about Janet...Will she be able to go back to Rand after she's done with her training?

Bobby:She's your student! Why do you want her to leave so quickly?

Johnny:Ay it's not that! I like her, she's a good person to get along with but...will she be able to go back to work or stay here? Did Fury say anything about that?

Bobby:Don't know. I think that she'll go back to Rand to work as Iron Fist's assistant again, but I don't know what Fury's thinking...Doesn't seem like him to let a mutant go who isn't willing to fight crime like us

Johnny:She is a mutant and an adult...he won't be able to keep her chained in here like the others

Bobby:So the group and Spidey are forced to stay with SHIELD?

Johnny:I think. Unlike the others, Peter and Jessica looked the most unwilling to join. I think he and Fury don't have a good relationship

Bobby:Damn...he must have guts to keep working with him then

Johnny:Peter or Fury?


Johnny:Haha! They'll handle it!


Sam and Luke were still in the waiting room but both stood up when they notice Aunt May approach them with her head low. Sam had his hand behind Aunt May's back in fear that she might collapse from her paleness.

Sam:Aunt Ava okay?

Aunt May wipes formed tears from her eyes and she nodded.

Aunt May:We're taking her home...starting tomorrow morning

Luke:What about her sister?

Aunt May:She...she'll be fine. Her husband is here to take care of her...Let's talk at home with Peter

Sam and Luke look at each other and they nodded towards Aunt May. Sam and Luke both helped Aunt May walk to her car to drive from the hospital and arrive home. Once they arrived, Luke had called Peter downstairs to talk to Aunt May in the living room. Peter just quietly followed despite being disturbed by his computer. Aunt May was sitting on the couch with the three boys sitting beside each other. Aunt May nervously played with her nails as she took a deep breath before she spoke with a shaky tone.

Aunt May:A-Ava is...coming back home tomorrow. The doctor said that she will be able to come home but she would have constant care and attention so he instructed me to take care of her...

Sam:That's great Aunt May...At least Ava is alive and well...

Aunt May:Y-yes but...her sister, had decided to disown her

Sam's and Luke's eyes widened in disbelief from Aunt May, even Peter was a bit stunned to hear that despite staring at the coffee table in front of him and not looking interested in the gathering.


Luke:Why would she do that after they were shot with her mom and family? They're the only two survivors so why would she abandon Ava?

Aunt May:I know how it looks...I asked her sister that as well but she says that she can't support Ava anymore. She has children to care for and didn't want to be involved with Ava so she left her care to me...

Sam:She can't do that! Ava is suffering too and shouldn't be kicked out like that!
*Sam abruptly stood up from the couch with his voice raised*

Peter:Sam, sit down and calm down

Sam:Peter! Ava is disowned! How can I calm down?!

Peter:I'm mad too but you can't just stand up and yell at Aunt May
*he coldly said as he glanced at him before looking back at the coffee table and staring into space*

Sam glared at him and finally sat back down. Luke looks over at Sam and Peter and asked Aunt May.

Luke:Will you be adopting Ava, Mrs.Parker?

Aunt May:...I'm not sure if that's the approach I would take. I took you all in after losing your parents and being away from them...thanks to Peter who spoke to me about it. I saw you all as my own...but I believe that Ava and Peter will be more under my care than the rest of you will be Peter's sister? Or cousin at the moment?

*he quickly asked as he turns his head to Aunt May puzzled*

Aunt May:No Peter...Ava won't be your sister or cousin. She'll be the same as always but I have to give her the same strict parent treatment as Peter a sister? I wouldn't want her to be my sister Aunt May, even if we aren't related and are...friends...sounds a bit weird

Aunt May:Peter...I have been left in Ava's care after her sister abandoned her and I was forced to care for her like you when you were young

Peter:Yeah but...will Ava react any different?

Aunt May:She's been living under our roof for a while now Peter, she won't see the difference...
*Peter nods to this and turns away trying to process this. Luke was silent during this interaction and bit his lips before asking Aunt May again*

Luke:What will we do in the meantime? Since Ava is coming back tomorrow, how should we tell her?

Aunt May:We'll tell her tomorrow...for now we can only pray and hope she'll feel better for us to pick her up

Aunt May forms a faint smile and Sam and Luke nod. Peter just smiles towards them but it quickly fades when he turns away.


A group of female servants were walking down the hall towards Danny's chambers and were talking lively amongst themselves. They were all wearing dark purple robes with wide sleeves with orange-designed ends with an orange and red belt tightly wrapped around their small waists. They all had dark hair with clear skin and small amounts of makeup with their dark hair tied in a small bun and others having their hair down.

"Is it true that the Young Dragon will be staying?"
*a servant asked the one beside her with clear excitement in her dark eyes*

"It's true it's true! I've overheard Yu-Ti and the Young Dragon talking while I was leaving my room. I've stayed quiet until both of them left"

Another servant began to giggle which was a bit muffled from placing her sleeve in front of her mouth with her hand. She glances to the servant in front of them who was the only one holding an object in her hands, then she lightly bumps her shoulder to the one beside her who asked the question.

"Do you believe the Young Dragon has a lover from the outside world?"

"If so, what do you believe she looks like?"

"It must be someone extremely beautiful to have gotten his attention. What do you think Ling'er?"
*her teasing tone and the servants' giggles made the girl in front of them flush red. She stops and turns to them with her cheeks redder than her blush*

"Well...uh...I wouldn't be surprised that he does have a lover..."

"Hm, do you think so? The Young Dragon is handsome and he barely gave us a glance...who could have captured his heart so quickly?!"

"Ling'er~ you're going to treat him aren't you?"

"Uh, y-yes..."

"I nearly forgot that Ling'er has a small thing for the Young Dragon don't you?"
*the girls giggled and Ling'er had huffed and playfully hits the one who spoke*

"D-don't say it!"

"Ah, it's true! How lucky of you to be chosen to treat his wounds!"

"I-I won't be doing anything! He must be in a relationship"
*she started to walk closer to Danny's chambers while the others had followed as they continued speaking*

"Hm doesn't the Young Dragon follow a code? He's supposed to have no lover and family...if he stays then won't he abandon his lover back in the outside world? It's not as if he can bring them here without Yu-Ti doing something about it"

"Is that true? Then that means the Young Dragon is not claimed...Ling'er! You might have a chance!"

"H-he's not supposed to have a lover! He follows through a code..."

"So? Some things are meant to be broken Ling'er. How lonely can a person be to not want to be with a maiden?"

"Ah we're here"
*they all stop in front of the door to Danny's room*

The girls giggled while Ling'er tightened her grip around the bowl of water with towels. Her ears were turning red as her hands shook, unexpectedly, a hand had grabbed the bowl and removed it from her hands. She turns her head and notices Sparrow standing straightly in front of her, she turned pale and stepped back from the door when Sparrow coldly spoke.

Sparrow:Your hands were shaking. Please get yourself checked while I do this for you, I and the Young Dragon have something to privately discuss

Ling'er and the rest of the servants quickly bowed. Ling'er replied "Yes Young Master" before she walked away with the rest of the servants. Sparrow watches them leave and walks into Danny's room, the servants look back to see Ling'er's defeated expression.

"Aiya, don't be down Ling'er. I'm sure you'll still have a chance soon"

One of them reassured Ling'er as the rest silently nodded and agreed. Ling'er's lips were trembling as they walked further away from Danny's room. Once Sparrow closed the door, she could see Danny sitting cross-legged on his bed with his eyes closed, meditating. Sparrow trails her blue-sky eyes to Danny's defined chest and down to his stained bandage around his stomach. She cleared her throat to catch Danny's attention before she approached him. Danny opened his eyes to look up to Sparrow's fixated glare.

Danny:Is something wrong Sparrow?

Sparrow:Your wound. It opened

Danny glances down to his stomach and notices the red stain on the bandage that covered his stab wound. Sparrow walks towards his bed and places the bowl of water with a towel inside on the side table beside Danny. She took out the soaked small towel from the bowl and squeezes and turns it for the water to drip away. Danny looks at the bowl of water, looks up to Sparrow to notice her grave expression. He turns his body around to face Sparrow and his feet landed on the floor.

Danny:Do you have something to tell me?

Sparrow pauses for a second before squeezing the last drop of water out of the towel and facing Danny.

Sparrow:Father came back from investigating the H'ylthris hideout. They burned all their bodies in case anything else would happen

Danny trembled and felt his hair rise from that sentence and thought, Conal deserved to have a proper burial even if it just bones, and so did the people in the pods who passed...Wait, what? He was at a loss for words for a few seconds before he spoke again.

Danny:Uh...and the survivors? Are they okay?

Danny looks up to Sparrow with moist eyes and the corners of his pale lips twitched. Sparrow glances away as her eyebrows barely managed to furrow. Before she came here, she and Davos were talking to Lei-Kung who told them to avoid bringing the topic of the people that Danny had killed to avoid troubles in the future. She and Davos weren't planning on telling Danny everything out of fear of how he would react, they both quickly
agreed. Then Lei-Kung told them to try to convince Danny to stay in the city from an order of Yu-Ti. They were hesitant since they began to remember Danny's relationships and Peter from the outside, the last thing they wanted was to be involved with them. Lei-Kung had noticed their hesitation and demanded them to do as he asks so they had no choice but to follow his orders.

Sparrow closes her eyes and lets out a sigh. She spoke as she faces back to Danny and nods, a held back breath of relief from Danny had left his mouth after seeing her response.

Are you lying?

Sparrow watches Danny fidget with his fingers over his lap as he softly spoke with a small smile.

Danny:That's good...that's...good
*his spoke faintly as his smile faded away when he looks back down to his lap*

Was she lying? She must be, right? I saw people dead in the pods...and I think I was crying...was I? When I was unconscious, only Sparrow and Davos were present...did they do something to me that caused the people to die? If Sparrow isn't bringing it up and is lying to me must be for a reason, right? But from what I saw...I could tell that it something I did, I kept crying...but it can also be Ssesthanag who was pitying them, but he's not the type of person to pity.

Should I bring it up to her?

Sparrow:Daniel. Why don't you stay here?

Danny froze and asked.

Danny:My extra year isn't over yet, why should I come back?

Sparrow:Daniel, the city needs you. You know what happened when you weren't here

If I was here...would anything have changed? Those people wouldn't have died...but...

Danny:Would it have made a difference if I was here from the H'ylthri attacking?

Sparrow:Yes it would. It would have saved the innocents from being captured and used for their life sources

Danny:I have to go back home, Sparrow. My boyfriend's waiting for me
*he looks up to her with a cold glare*

Sparrow:You've fought with him before you came back. Will returning be a good idea?

Danny:Couples fight a lot...we make up soon after an argument

Sparrow:Even if he questioned your abilities? Didn't he say that we shouldn't depend on you to save us? Isn't he insulting your abilities and us?

Danny:He's not that type of person...

He reaches his hand out towards Sparrow for the towel, Sparrow glances at the hand and hands him the wet towel. Danny places the towel on his lap to remove the stained bandage while Sparrow spoke in her usual cold tone.

Sparrow:How do you know? You mustn't have been dating him for like people too quickly and easily

Danny:I don't...I liked him for months since we first met, I just managed to ask him out a few weeks ago

Sparrow closed her eyes in annoyance from Danny's pleased tone with a small smile. She opens her eyes again as her fists clenched tightly and spoke bitterly.

Sparrow:Daniel. We need you here...more than he does. What was the code for being the Iron Fist?

Danny's hand froze as he gripped the wet towel in his hand to wipe the dried blood on his stab wound. The bandages were placed on the bed beside him while she spoke. His vision went hazy as he said in a shaky voice.

Danny:Having no lover and...n-no family

Sparrow:Exactly. That's been shoved down your throat the moment you started training with the Thunderer. You wanted to be the Iron Fist and were chosen and passed, you agreed to bare the responsibility and consequences

Danny:Why? Is it about me liking a guy?

Sparrow:We could care less about sexuality other than ignorants. It's been a code by the elders to the Iron Fists for generations, you're not targeted

Danny:I want to stay in New York. I was given an extra year until I come back. I'll only return in case of emergencies
*he sternly says while wiping the stained blood around the wound while not giving Sparrow's pained face a glance*

Sparrow:New York doesn't need you...we do. Your group will be fine without you being there along with the boyfriend. We need you so we don't fall into ruins...


Sparrow:You can still message your lover if you decided to stay here. At least...think about us. What do you think we want other than you to stay here and properly protect us...Do you think New York will explode if you aren't there? Doesn't that place have enough powered people already? What difference will one person make if they aren't there?

Danny:A difference would be to leave my relationships behind. I started school and am now taking care of my company and mutant coworker. How could I leave them behind so suddenly?

Sparrow:They will understand that we need you here. This is your home and you need to defend it as its protector. What can you accomplish...if you stay out there, that we would have to suffer in here?

There was a silence between them and then Danny places the stained wet towel back into the bucket of water on the table beside him. He moves his head up to give Sparrow an icy glare past his front blonde hair, Sparrow didn't flinch a bit from staring back.

Danny:Is that all?

Anyone would have shivered to hear Danny's clear and dark tone, one would have gotten gooseberry hearing it. Sparrow's fists clenched tighter that they were shaking. She could see the dark threatening aura Danny was sending out, she couldn't manage to think straight before she fell on her knees in front of him and clasped her hands together to bow towards him.

Sparrow:This martial artist is merely asking the Young Dragon to think about the choice to stay here. I apologize for sounding demanding

Danny's gaze softened and his eyes widened when he reaches his hand out to pat Sparrow's head as he quickly dismisses her sudden apologetic behavior.

Danny:N-no! It's not your fault! It's mine...I didn't mean to frighten you! I just...want to go back home to my boyfriend and friends...

Sparrow:Young Dragon, what about your duty?

Danny:I know about that...I want to come back but after staying here for most of my life, I want to stay in New York until my time is up. I want to experience behind in a relationship without having to be secretive about it from my uncle, I want to be a normal teenager at school with friends...

Sparrow:Do...most teenagers own a company?, but you must know what I mean. I want to spend the extra time with them properly...I know I won't last long with Peter but I'll be lucky enough to at least be in a relationship't stay then?

Sparrow was nearly half brain dead from listening to Danny talk and remained quiet. She was trying hard not to say anymore to keep him here since Danny would still stubbornly leave anyway. Danny's lips formed a smile and shook his head that Sparrow saw after she asked the question. She took a big deep breath in through her nose that made her chest slightly rise before she breaths out. Sparrow nods as she spoke.

Sparrow:If that's what you want...then...I can't stop you

Danny:...get up, it feels a bit awkward with you kneeling

Danny nervously chuckled as Sparrow nodded and stood back up. Sparrow's eyes had sparked when Danny forms a radiant smile towards her with his cheeks pinks. She quickly glances away and stammers as she grabs the bowl of water.

Sparrow:I-I'll be leaving then. Treat your wound well

Danny was about to speak but Sparrow had already rushed out of the scorching room. Danny had his mouth open to talk so he closed his lips together once he hasn't heard any noise from behind the door. His hair was slid behind his ear so it wouldn't block his eyesight to grab a fresh bandage in the drawer in front of him to wrap around his stomach. Sparrow was standing in front of the door, her back facing towards it as she gripped tighter on the bowl of water in her hands. She began to feel a little nauseous from the amount of extreme heat on her face that began to suffocate her. Sparrow had no choice but to quickly walk down the hall to walk further away from Danny's room.

She gulped when she accidentally bumps into a servant and quickly apologizes, she couldn't help but make small mistakes while thinking of Danny's smile. Davos was walking in her direction and notices her slaying back and forth so he rushes towards her and grabs the bowl of water to keep from falling. The heat on her face had begun to slowly fade away when she sees Davos.

Sparrow:Ah brother...I didn't see you there

Davos:Are you okay? You looked like you were about to fall with the bowl of water. Should I get the doctor to examine you?

Sparrow:No...I'm fine. I'm just tired from handling the H'ylthri and seeing Daniel

Davos:Did you spoke to him about staying?

Sparrow:He...wasn't willing. He still insists on staying in the outside world

Davos:That brat..! Didn't he see the damage that happened when he wasn't here while fooling around with that boy toy of his? Or is he that ignorant?

Davos spat while the heat had completely gone away from Sparrow's face when he brought up Danny's boyfriend. Her eyebrows knitted together when she spoke after she cleared her throat.

Sparrow:It appears he is stubborn. I couldn't be able to convince him to stay and if you go now then he'll be suspicious...I suggest you talk to him later

Davos:You're right...should we tell father and Yu-Ti about his boy toy?

Sparrow:...not now. Daniel trusts us about his relationship, we shouldn't be rashly about it

Davos:I thought so too...come. I'll take you to your room to rest


Ava sat up on her hospital bed as she blankly stares at the wall in front of her. The corner of her eyes was red along with her nose from sniffing all day. Awilda's words and annoyances from the night before were running constantly in her brain. She would replay those moments in her sleep that it was difficult to wake up from. The room was silent as her hands were clasped together over her lap, both hands were cold with her cheeks now warm again as a tear ran down to her chin. Her throat was sore and burning and her eyes were getting puffier than before, she choked from her tears as she covered her mouth to stop herself from being too loud to not upset Awilda next door. Ava would suffocate her heavy and rapid breathing with her blanket as she forced to swallow her tears. During this, green smoke began to come out of the amulet beside her.

The smoke had circled the room and the smoke formed Tiger God had appeared in front of her. It was laying itself on her bed and watching calmly until Ava took notice of it and would give it a menacing glare past her tear-stained blanket. The Tiger just licked its paw and tail swaying around in the corner of the bed.

"Are you done now Avatar?"

The Tiger God spoke with pure cold and annoyance in its deep voice. Ava was nearly close to ripping the blanket into shreds from hearing it talk.


"How? Even someone like me deserves to get fresh air, I am an animal after all"

Ava:Don't care! Leave!

She had a growl as she throws the amulet to the floor that the tiger simply watched. Ava covered herself in the blanket when the tiger glances back at her again. It could see the blanket trembling with Ava inside, the tiger just brushed their wet paw against its left ear that caused it to twitch. It spoke again while its tail crawled towards the amulet to the ground and wrap itself around it to grab it.

"Child, will you spend the rest of the day crying? I've dealt with your neglect the entire day yesterday and I decided to get fresh air and stretch and you're still ignoring me"

Ava didn't give a response but stopped trembling. The tiger's eyes rolled back and turned its body around so its back was rubbing against the bed for a scratch as it spoke.

"Your entire family had left you and are now disowned by your sister. Will you spend the entire day crying? Wouldn't you want to find the reason for their deaths?"

Ava:...I do...but how can I? I'm not with SHIELD...the others won't do much other than can I get enough help to find out why?

"By joining me of course. Once you allow me to take control of your body then I'll do my hardest to find the killer of your family"

Ava was quietly thinking about it then she shook her head under the covers.

Ava:Why would you care? They weren't your family...I highly doubt you even have one

"Yes, that is true. But as my avatar, your loved ones are mine as well...As far as I'm concerned, I'm the only one you should depend on from now on. "

Ava:You are the reason they are gone! You ruined my dad! Now you ruined my relationship with my family and their lives! You ruined my life! You made me get scared of myself of how I would act towards my team and everyone else! You-!

Ava had shouted angrily towards the calm tiger as she removed the blanket from her face. Her face was red and her expression changed when she suddenly thought of Danny.

"You made me lash out on Danny..."

"I did not. All I simply asked for was chi and you. He did what he was asked. Don't try to point fingers! You were the one who told him that he wasn't good enough and calls him useless for his abilities after wasting half his energy on me! You should blame yourself for this!"

Ava:I've done nothing but be your puppet! Everything that happened to me till now, was your fault!


Ava just covers her face again from screaming as the tiger kept moving around her bed to rub its back.

"It's clear that whoever killed your family, is after you...did we attack anyone?"

Ava:Other than my Not since K'un L'un and the Academy

"It must be someone with a deep hatred towards you that they followed us to your house...they attacked when you left"

Ava:What do you mean 'us'? There is no 'us'! You were the cause of it!

"Do you want to find the person who killed your family?! I can help you with it!"

Ava:You're just trying to control me again! I won't need you anymore...just leave me alone!

Ava was now sobbing loudly as she roared towards the Tiger God. It had placed the amulet in front of Ava on the bed with its tail and stood up properly. The room had surrounded itself with green smoke again as the tiger's eyes were beginning to brightly glow as it stared into Ava's dark brown eyes.

"Your choice..."

Ava glared at the tiger as its entire body turned into green smoke entering the green amulet in front of her. The smoke disappeared and was filled with Ava's heavy gasps as her lips trembled, she laid herself back in bed silently while more tears stained her pillow.


It was the afternoon in the lowest room of the palace where two armored guards were standing on each side of the door frame of a metal door with a small rectangular hole with bars. The two were talking freely with their arms crossed.

"Will Yu-Ti punish us for messing with the prisoner?"

"Why would he? He was planning on executing her, what's wrong with giving a few beatings?"

*the guard looks back to the hole to Miranda's cell*
"She is the Iron Fist's sister...he won't do anything to us, will he?"

The other guard had let out a scoff along with a laugh to his words that had a small quiver to them.

"I doubt he will. She planned to kill him, why would he care about her? Women only seek someone to spread their legs to"


The two guards froze to the stoic chilling voice that belonged to Danny. They stood straight and the one who answered had unwillingly turned his head to face Danny's, while the other had his heart in his throat that wanted to jump out. Danny stared coldly at both of them with a robe and his hair tied back with a white headband.

"Y-young Dragon. Have you come to visit the prisoner?"
*he bowed in front of him and remained still to avoid making eye contact with him. He could feel the hairs on his arms rise by Danny's chilly glare*

Danny:I have. I've walked in on you talking about my sister. Care to repeat what you said?

Would Miranda know the truth of the people that died? She was around Sssesthanag so she must know if he took their life sources...If he wasn't then...

The guard could see a twitch from Danny's fingers and felt his blood turn cold and his eyes widening. He blinked before he continued speaking quickly as if he ran out of breath.

"We said nothing Young Dragon please forgive us!"

He could feel a wet drop of sweat crawl down past the corners of his lips, unable to stand back straight and look at Danny in his old expression. His heart skipped a beat once he saw Danny put his hands behind his back and speak again.

Danny:Please take count that Miranda is my sister. If you have anything to say about her, then you're welcome to talk to me about it you understand?

"Y-yes, sir! I-I mean Young Dragon! Did you...come to visit your sister...?"
*he slowly stood straight with his hands beside his sides as the other guard glanced at them*

Danny:I did. I just need to have a word with her


"A-actually Young Dragon! We were...uh...we were given orders to not allow anyone to enter!"

The other guard responded as giving a glance to the one in front of Danny. His eyes were kept on him as if he was signaling him, the guard widened his eyes in realization and quickly nodded to Danny.

"Yes, Young Dragon. We were instructed by Yu-Ti to not let anyone in..."

Danny:Then he wouldn't mind if I talked to my sister for a few minutes. I have to give her my last words before tomorrow

"S-sorry Young Dragon but...we can't"

Danny:...that's a shame. I'll ask Yu-Ti for permission then...

His tone was bitter as he turned around with his hands still behind his back, it was difficult to tell if they had hallucinated a yellow glow to Danny's fist that made them drown in sweat. The one in the back had quickly reached his hand to his waist to grab the keys and the other had quickly stopped Danny.

"A-actually! You can see her for a few minutes..."

Danny turns back with a small 'oh' and the guard had moved to the side to clear the way for Danny. The guard was holding the key and his hand was trembling from Danny's subtle stare, the door finally opened and he opened the door for him and avoided eye contact. Danny stepped in between the metal door frame and his eyes widened when he sees Miranda's condition. The prisoner room was small and covered with stone walls and dust around the ground, there wasn't a light in sight except for the light peeking through from the opened door. The two guards were stepping back from the sudden cold aura that came out from Danny and running in and knelt in front of Miranda.

Miranda had her head tilted down with a dazed expression on her face with her arms upraised up by metal chains around her wrists. She was half-dressed and covered with cuts and dark purple bruises that few were black, her short blonde hair was covered in dirt and was unbrushed. Her lip and eye were red and swollen as if she had been punched brutally and with a closer look, there were handprints bruised on her thighs and arms. Her vision was hazy and unfocused when she tries to look at a concerned Danny in front of her.

Danny nearly froze from noticing the handprints around her body, he glances back to the guards in the corner of his eye. The guards nearly shitted themselves when they saw red in his eyes but that quickly disappeared when Danny heard Miranda slowly gasp put his name.

*Danny felt his eyes starting to water when she managed to call his name. He reaches his hand out and slowly moved it over Miranda's head to pat her*

Danny:Miranda...I came to see you...What happened to you?

His voice was soft as Miranda continues staring dazedly at him. The more she stared at him, the blurrier her vision gets. Her legs were itching to move while Danny moved the strands of hair from covering her eyesight with his finger.

Danny:Sorry I came late...did...they do anything to you?
*her words began to choke as her lips trembled and fingers began to twitch*

Danny's brows had risen when she brought Conal's name up. He blinked to regain his composure and sat cross-legged in front of her.

Danny:Do you...want to talk about Conal? Will talking about him make you feel comfortable?


Danny's mouth went dry when she asked. He was hesitant to answer to not enrage Miranda but he couldn't bring himself to lie from seeing Miranda's glossed eyes staring at him with her lips trembled and her brows creasing.

Danny:...Conal...had to be burned along with the rest...Sparrow told me that they burned his corpse in the forest...

His words came out raspy and there was a long silence between them. Danny had his head tilted down as short gasps escaped Miranda's lips with her eyes widened into a huge circle, her cheeks had turned warm as tears streamed down to her chin and soaked her thigh. Her eyes turned red as she tightly closes her eyes to stop the tears from flowing but it didn't stop, so she tilts her head down to not be noticed. Her teeth were knitted together to not make a sound that her body began to tremble. Danny took in a cold breath before he looks back at Miranda's grieving state, he places his hand on her shoulder and his voice turned soft but still a bit rough as he whispered to her.

Danny:I'll take care of you Miranda...I'll handle everything before tomorrow. You can live with me so you won't be alone...

Miranda:Y-y-you...lie...How many times...have I heard that in my life...? They all always leave me...

Danny:But I won't...I'm your brother...I can take care of you...

Miranda:I don't...want to be around you...You killed him, you turned your back on us...I don't see you as my brother anymore!

Miranda's voice had suddenly raised in the last sentence that she even force herself forward, causing Danny to quickly remove his hand from her shoulder and get back a bit. Miranda's entire face was covered in tears as she gave Danny's the deadliest and hatred glare that she could form. The chains around her wrists were shaking from her moves.

Miranda:You killed him! He was all I had! Do you have any idea...?! How I felt to watch him get tortured for a year?! They wouldn't do anything to me...Conal pleaded with them not to touch they made me watch...How many more lives...will you take with those hands?

Her words were drowned and muffled with tears. Danny could only listen painfully and watch Miranda's face turn red.

Lives...Why isn't she bringing up about the pods? Does she know or don't?

Miranda:I felt the most useless...person at that moment...I had to see him slowly die into bones after he took his last breath...I felt worthless to not have done anything...


Miranda:SHUT UP! You've...only ruined my life...! You've done nothing but kill Conal...And you didn't even set up his grave, you just...left him to be burned

Done nothing but kill Conal...then I didn't kill anyone? She probably doesn't know about the pod situation if she's only bringing up Conal...

Miranda's words trailed off into a whisper as a tear slid down her chin again. Danny could only feel his heart loudly pounding into his ears from Miranda's now muffled sniffs. Danny looks down again at the bruises and cuts on her thighs and arms, he asked her a bit lazily.

Danny:Your wounds...who did them...?

Miranda was forbidding to speak and when Danny hesitantly looks up to her she looks at the guards behind Danny. Danny turned his head down to the hidden guards and faces back forward.

Danny:Miranda...I' asshole, I get it...You don't n...need me, you never did...I'm always the one clinging to you like a kid aren't I? But I won't let you stay here...I'll figure something out...Just trust me on this...even after everything that I've done to you and Conal

Danny was speaking gently towards Miranda who only gave him a cold glare and the cold shoulder. Her cheeks were dry and red as Danny sucked in a breath and wiped his now wet cheek. He stood back up and walks towards the door, he stopped to look back at Miranda not giving him another glance, and then walked out of the room. The door had loudly locked behind him by the guard and both jumped when Danny suddenly spoke.

Danny:Tell me, who's idea was it to touch her?

He stared at the two guards in the corner of his eye and both nervously avoided his eyes.

Danny:Tell me now. Before I ask Yu-Ti

"Y-young Dragon! Listen we uh...we were instructed to do so by Yu-Ti...he even forbade anyone from entering and since you entered..."

Danny:Are you giving me a threat?

"N-no! No! We were ordered...please don't blame us Young Dragon!"

The two had bowed in front of him before Danny clicked his tongue and stormed away. The guards had let out a sigh of relief once Danny was out of sight.

"Why was he chosen as Iron Fist again? He could only barely manage to control his emotions..."

"Admit you were terrified. He could have punched our limbs out if we made him angry any longer"

The doors to Yu-Ti's chambers were pushed open, interrupting Yu-Ti's meditation. He opened his eyes to see Danny walking rudely. Yu-Ti furrowed his brows tightly when Danny glared at him.

Yu-Ti:What is it now child? I have no business with you!

Danny:Apologies Uncle. I have a question to ask of you about my sister

Yu-Ti asked himself, 'sister? You still dare to call her your sibling?' He softened his brows and places his hands inside the wide sleeves of his green robe while remaining seated.

Yu-Ti:Speak. I don't have all-day

Danny gulped as he began to think of what to say first about Miranda. He felt his words starting to spin in his head and his tongue in the back of his throat. Yu-Ti could see the faint trembling of his fists so he gave a soft scoff and began to speak.

Yu-Ti:If you have nothing to speak about then-

Danny:Why...why did you hurt her?

Yu-Ti:'Why' you ask? She is a traitor and fugitive Daniel

Danny:Even so...d...did you have to beat her before tomorrow?
*his heart and head were loudly pounding as he clenches his fists tightly*

Yu-Ti:Daniel, what made you believe that I've commanded to beat her? She is a woman after dare I raise my hand to touch her!

Danny:B-but the guards said that-

Yu-Ti:Oh? The guards?...what did they say?

Danny:T-that didn't allow anyone in...

Yu-Ti:Correct...yet they've let you in. Why?

Danny held his breath when his uncle's chilly tone had entered his ears.

Danny:I-it was my fault Uncle. I've...scared them into doing so. Please don't blame them
*he bowed without willing to look up. Yu-Ti only sighed to himself and began to talk but another voice had spoken first and interrupted him.*

"A man should withstand any punishment they are given. If that woman can fight as well as a man, shouldn't it be fair to give her the same punishments as men?"

Danny's eyes widened to the voice while Yu-Ti stayed silent with a knitted brow under his mask. The voice belonged to a woman, it was a cold and clear tone with a bit of roughness in her throat. Danny stood straight and turned around to see a woman standing in between the door frame with female servants behind her. She had a stiff expression with an unwelcoming aura around her. The woman was wearing a long golden silk dress with long sleeves that had black outlines at the ends of the sleeves. White lace was over the dress with golden designs of leaves; a black belt was wrapped around her waist with a gold ribbon that was an inch away from covering it with a dragon pendant tight in the side. A white robe was underneath her dress as it was up to her neck with gold leaf designs. Her earrings were gold in the shape of flowers with a red jewel that combined with her gold crown with red jewel around her dark-haired bun.

The woman's makeup was decent with faint gold eyeshadow with black eyeliner and red lipstick. Her shin was fair and smooth along with her curved dark eyes. She walked into the room as she flew open her black fan that had a golden-designed dragon covering both sides of the black fan. She slowly fanned herself as she spoke cooly.

"I've heard rumors that our Immortal Weapon will be staying in our city after the dreadful H'ylthri attack. I've come to have a check on his wounds after hearing he was recuperating. I see that he's freely moving about and even threatening to see a prisoner"

Yu-Ti:My foolish nephew deserves discipline on his manners. Although, I am curious about the rumors. Who said that he'll be staying?

"Isn't he? With him gone, our city is defenseless. This had happened more than once where we were attacked with him gone. My son wouldn't have done the same foolish mistake as he has!"

She gave a cold glare towards Danny who didn't bother to look back at her. She was the Crane Mother and wife to Lei-Kung and Davos's mother. The Crane Mother had always taught them and Scorpion about lessons of the past Iron Fists for a few days a week so it wouldn't suffocate them with their training with Lei-Kung. Her fan was made with the hardest wood that would turn their hands red from her slapping them after a wrong answer or misbehaving. Danny and Davos would have the most hits that it would be difficult to use for training the next day or even holding a pencil.

Danny:I'm going back to New York. I won't come back until my time is up that was given by the elders

"Tsk! You're joking! Why go back?!"

Danny:I can't abandon my studies

"How are studies more important than protecting us?!"

Danny:Crane Mother, wouldn't you worry about Davos's education if he was in my shoes?

"Of course not! He would follow my orders since I am his mother!"

Danny:I am an adult. I'm staying in New York until my given time is up


The Crane Mother choked on her words as her fan was now closed, tightening her grip on it with his fist that a vein popped out. Yu-Ti remained silent the entire time and annoyed by their conversation. The Crane Mother then lets out a small chuckle as she opened her fan again and fans herself.

"Ahh, are you going back for a different reason than education, Daniel? You do know that it is terrible to lie, especially in front of Yu-Ti"

Danny:...what do you mean?

"Oh, is, therefore, a rumor that the maids were babbling about. They believe...that you have a lover in the outside world, which is why you're reluctant to come back"

Danny's entire body stiffened. Yu-Ti had gripped his green robes on his lap and spoke calmly.

Yu-Ti:I'm interested in the rumor. Can my nephew confirm or deny the claims?

Danny:Uncle...why would I get in a relationship if I was coming back in a year?

"Forgive me for being rude Daniel, but, don't boys like you...fool around for your pleasure? We don't know if you've broken our teachings by being reckless in the city. I'm sure whoever gotten your attention is planning on tossing you out soon"

Danny:How would you know? Whether it's true or not, you have no right to invade my personal life

Yu-Ti:Enough! You two will leave and let me be! I shall speak to the Crane Mother later!

"Hmph! How rude..."

The Crane Mother covers her mouth with the fan as she walked out with her servants.

Danny:Uncle I-

Yu-Ti:Leave. I will do something for the guards now that you've brought it to my attention. Leave before I throw you out the door!

Danny just closed his mouth and turned to head towards the door but he stops. He turns his head and spoke again.

Danny:Uncle...about the people in the pods...did they-

Yu-Ti:What? What about them? You saved them, remember?

Danny:I-it's just...I felt like I've...done something to them and they turned into bones...I-I don't know if it was a dream or not-

Yu-Ti:Clearly a foolish dream. They survived so stop moping about it, now leave!

Danny quickly rushed out of the room and closes the door behind him. A breath escaped his mouth as his heart began to slow its pounding. He wipes his sweaty hands against his clothing and slowly walks down the hall from his uncle's room. Each step he took would feel like the room was spinning.

A dream. It must have been a dream right? I'm probably one else brought it up so I was just dreaming, wasn't I? I must have been...


Jessica laid on her couch as she scrolled her finger down her phone. Trish and Dorothy were out shooting and suddenly her phone buzzed, a message had popped up at the top of her screen so she raps on it and reads the message. It was a message from Gus who was now waiting outside and wanted a talk. Her eyebrows knitted as she quickly planned what to say when he brings up the job offer. Jessica puts on her jacket and shoes and steps out to Gus standing against his car with his hands inside his pockets. He waves and greeted cooly as Jessica approaches him, her mouth twitched when she stood in front of him.

Gus:Hey! How's it going?

Jessica:...nothing special. Why are you here? Money?

Gus chuckled and stood straight.

Gus:Not yet. I came with an a good friend, I wanted to help you out with your boredom

Jessica:...which is to waste my time?

Gus:A job. As a bodyguard. You'll be protecting a powerful man so the pay will be higher than most jobs for bodyguards...You'll be loaded by a week if you take it

Jessica had licked her lips before it froze by the cold and taps her foot against the ground. She looked uneasy but she nodded and began to agree to the offer.

Jessica:Okay. When do I start?

Gus:I'll take you to him in two days. I'll text you the date and time to drive you

Jessica nods and avoids turning towards Gus's direction as he steps back inside his car, she sighed to herself from the relief of managing to put her poor acting skills to the test. He puts on his seatbelt and looks back out to the car window and spoke before Jessica could quickly walk back inside.

Gus:Hey! Are you okay?

Jessica:Oh...yeah I'm fine. I'm just thinking of my sister

Gus gave her a creased brow as Jessica's expression was unfazed so he just shrugs and turns on his car.

Gus:Text me the answer soon so we can plan your first meeting with him. Bye-bye!

Gus waves at her while he quickly drove away. Jessica lets out a deep breath and ran back inside her house before her face froze off. She messaged Johnny on her watch after she warmed her cheeks with her hands.


The cold air had filled inside Danny's lungs with burning pain in his chest, he had to hiss in every step he made. His body felt light to him as if he was carried by someone, his vision went dull by staring down at the grass. When he blinked he was sitting against a tree with someone speaking beside him, their words were a blur, and couldn't make up what they were said. His eyes stared at a bush of pink flowers that glowed under the sun; what were they called again?

"Is something wrong Sssesthanag?"

"...I'm...not going to live, aren't I?"

"You will. Don't think negatively at a time like this, we still have to avenge the others remember?"

We'll avenge...who do we have to avenge for? Was it someone I know of?

"...Yes...but, perhaps I deserve this. I deserve worse than death"

"You don't. We'll figure everything out"

Will we? How? I don't...even know who we're supposed to be avenging

"...Sssesthugar...did you know that I experienced this feeling before I fought with the Young Dragon? I saw people inside their pods...they were lifeless like skeletons. Someone took their life sources away in their comas. I assumed it was him...I did it. I kept saying 'sorry' over and over...I never experienced anything like that. It felt weird...I felt a heavyweight in my chest and I couldn't breathe from seeing it...Have you gone through that in Conal's body?"

I was feeling guilt...? For whom? I killed people...? And I was crying..? Did I kill those people?

"The more you take in from that person, whether it be a quarter of their memories, you'll still be that person and their life source just connects with least, that's what I think"

" I'm his twin then...How troublesome. To think that I'm about to be the same person as the Iron's laughable. Hahaha...Now that he's alive I'm sure he's managed to depend on other's life sources and his fist until he receives this one back. Imagine the look on his face once he knows the truth from me..."

Danny had widened his eyes from his sleep. His hands were trembling and holding his pillow tight. The pillow was stained with sweat, he felt like sinking through his bed that he sat up. His bandaged chest was going up and down and slid his messy hair back, he felt a slight warmth on his cheek so he wipes it. Water was wiped on his hand and then a tear had slid down his cheek, when he wiped his eyes he realized that he was crying.

Minutes had passed when he focused on his breathing and began to think of that dream he just had.

What the hell was that? Was I...dreaming about Sssesthanag? Or recounting his last memory before he died? He did have my life source and took part of my memories...and ended up being a twin of me despite not wanting to. So...he believes that I...killed people but why is everyone not telling me about it?

Danny sighed and removed the covers from his legs and moved his body to sit at the side of the bed. He rubs his neck while looking at the window showing the night dark sky behind it. He got up and puts on a white robe that exposed his wrapped chest to stand in front of the window. He leans his shoulder beside the window frame as he stared out at the buildings and empty roads underneath.

Danny's eyes had moved up to the dark sky to see the stars sparkle. He felt like staring at them for hours but he turns his head away and rubs his forehead. A splitting headache was ringing in his head with his eyes getting a bit teary-eyed. The pain began to fade away so he rubs his eyes and walks away from the window.

Should I ask Lei-Kung about it? He won't lie to me, he was in the hideout to investigate so he should know the truth right? Then maybe ask Davos just in case of what happened while I was unconscious...

Danny had walked out of his room and quickly ran down the hallway and stairs to Lei-Kung's room. The servants and maids were in their rooms so it was empty in the hallways Danny had run into. Danny was going close to his room but stopped and hid in the hallway when he heard the Crane Mother's voice and Davos. Danny began to overhear as they were walking past him.

Crane Mother:Did Lei-Kung burn the bodies?

Davos:Yes mother...Sparrow had told Danny that the H'ylthri's vines were burnt as well

He had his hands behind his back while his mother slowly fanned herself.

Crane Mother:Did she tell him anything else? From what Yu-Ti has told me, there were a few casualties

She asked as she stops and turns to Davos with an icy glare. Davos began to jumble his words while he answered.

Davos:N-no mother. We were told not to by father, he believes it would distract Danny too much so...

Crane Mother:I see. But let me confirm something, Sparrow had told me that Daniel was being controlled...and that the gem used for the H'ylthris was made by Master Khan. Is that right? Can you tell me more about it?

Davos:Danny's situation was...a bit confusing. I'm not sure if it happened before but he took life sources...almost like he absorbed it. It doesn't look like he can take much since he looked almost as wanting to explode before and Sparrow had freed him, then he was being controlled by it. He wasn't listening to us until he fought with Sssesthanag and then we met up to go over a plan

Crane Mother:This is new, this never happened before. Was he any danger to you? But I don't think we should think less of him...if he had been able to remove life sources then we don't know if he'll do it again

Crane Mother:You think so highly of him! Do you think he'll be able to kill any of us?

Davos:It's...just a thought mother. I can't promise that he will do that to us

Davos lowered his head as his voice was soft. His mother only continued to fan herself as she walks back forward. Davos followed her and intently listened to her.

Crane Mother:Try to keep him here. He can't leave back to that horrid city...we need to keep an eye on him in the meantime before he starts getting impatient

Davos:Yes mother...

Their footsteps had faded away, leaving behind silence. Danny was covering his mouth with his eyes widening from Davos's and his mother's conversation. His legs began to start getting numb that he slid down the wall while his mouth still being tightly covered from letting a small gasp escape, he nearly couldn't breathe.

What the hell...? Did I...took people's life sources? But how?! I wouldn't-... I would never do that...What did they do to the bodies? Do their families even know?! They should know, shouldn't they? I can't just keep quiet about this and tell someone...Who can I even tell? If they didn't plan to tell me will they act if I bring it up to them? Perhaps they'll force me to stay here...No no I can't have that. I need to go back home...despite them not wanting me to I still...need to go see Peter and Ava. They still need me...What to do what to do?

Should I sneak out to a nearby city and call Ward? He might still be awake from handling my paperwork...Okay, I'll leave and...shit Miranda. I can't have her stay here and be killed tomorrow...With Conal gone I should watch over her properly. I can take her to New York with me, that way I can watch over her. Even if she hates me...and doesn't want me anymore...I won't let her be alone. I don't want to leave her...

He removed his hand and slowly stood back up. Danny took a deep breath and ran back to his room, ignoring his legs turning into jello.


Miranda was breathing heavily in her freezing stone cell, listening to the muffled chatters of the two guards outside. Her eyes were red around the corners as she had her head tilted down to look down at her bruised thigh. Red marks were visible around her wrists by the chains and her shoulders sore and numb.

So tired...What will that brat even do to change Yu-Ti's mind? So young...and yet so stupid...But still...he looks so much like dad. Does he even smile like him? Will he leave me dad did?

She looks back up towards the metal door from hearing the guards' groans and footsteps. It was quiet for a few seconds before she heard a jingle and the metal door quickly opening. Miranda turns away and tightens her eyes from the burn of the bright light from outside, she blinked and saw a blurry figure in black clothing in front of her. Once the figure got clearer she managed to see its clothing and recognize the person.

It was a male wearing a white hooded cloak with black clothing underneath and a black cloth wrapped around his head to cover their hair along with black gloves and cloth wrapped around the wrists. Their waist was wrapped with a black belt with white that was thinner than the black, it was tied at the side and was flowing by the steps he took towards Miranda by his hip. Miranda stared bug-eyed at the red ugly-looking demon mask the figure was wearing and the person reaching their hand to the handle of the sword. The sword was pulled out of its sheath and held tightly as it raised over Miranda's head.

Miranda couldn't be able to react until the sword had swung over her head and feeling her arms drop to the ground. Her hands trembled and tingled as she stares at the metal cuffs still around her wrists, the sword had swung over the cuffs and cuts it in half for her wrists to be free. She stares at the light red marks around her wrists in disbelief and massages them with the opposite hand. The figure had placed their sword back inside the sheath and knelt to her height. They were reaching their hand inside the black belt around their waist and took out two white pouches and opens one of them while Miranda curiosity watched.

The figure opened a pouch with pills of medicine and hands it over Miranda's legs. Then the second pouch was bandages that he took out and unwrapped to wrap around Miranda's wrists and up her thighs. Miranda felt a shiver up her spine from seeing this so she forced herself to ignore it and swallow the pills that she was given. Once her wounds were fully wrapped, her arm was grabbed and the figure pulled her up but she nearly tumbled forward from her aching legs. The figure managed to catch and held her up, she was leaning against his body while he removed the white cloak and places it over Miranda, and tied it. He places the pouches back inside his belt for Miranda and carefully carried her in his arms before running out of the cell.

Miranda was looking up to the person carrying her, completely dumbstruck by the sword at their hip. She doesn't know anyone who would carry a sword. She didn't believe there was anyone still using swords other than her and Conal. The person had treated her wounds and now broke her out, her brows raised as she tried to look past the mask. The person slowed down when he felt Miranda constantly moving and making him lose his hold on her.

"Stop moving. If you keep moving then you'll fall"

The voice was deep and muffled from the mask but still had a bit of arrogance in his voice. Miranda stopped moving and furrowed her brows as the person kept running and turned into an empty hall.'s you, isn't it?!

"It is. What did you think I was?"

Miranda just shut her mouth and turns away from looking at his mask in case Danny was looking down at her from the mask.

Miranda:I thought you were a ninja or something...and what's with the mask?! If I died, your mask would be the last thing I see!

Danny:Sorry for scaring you. I had to cover my face so I won't be discovered by the guards until I get you out of K'un L'un...I hope you understand

Miranda:...You were serious about freeing me?

Danny had slowed his steps and stops at a corner from hearing female voices walking straight past them. He stood his back against the wall beside the corner and in the dark with Miranda close against his chest from being seen. He quickly whispered to Miranda while the maids were still a bit behind.

Danny:I was...did you doubt me?

Miranda only blinked and felt her head spin. She refused to talk and only avoided contact with him while the maids had walked past them and entered another hall. Danny had taken his head out and looked back and forth for any other person around. Once no one was in the hall, he ran out to another hall beside where the maids walked out. He ran through hallways until he got to his room, Miranda just raised her brow and lightly punched his chest.

Miranda:Hey. Hey! What are you doing?!

Danny:Hiding you in my room

He ran down the hall to the door of his room and ran inside, then kicked the door for it to close before placing Miranda on his bed. Miranda places the white hood over her head down and moved her bangs to the side. Miranda notices the red mask thrown on the bed beside her and looks back up to see Danny unmasked, the cloth still wrapped around his head with his bangs exposing themselves. Danny was opening his cabinets and took out a folded pair of clothes and shoes and hands it to Miranda. She glares up to him with her bows still furrowed tightly, Danny's gaze towards her softens, and spoke in a calm tone.

Danny:You can't go out in the cold with your ripped clothing. I don't know what they have done to you but it'll be long as you stay with me then I'll get you out safe and sound

Miranda still stared at him and clicked her tongue. She grabs the pair of clothes from Danny's hands and turns away.

Miranda:Can you look away?

Danny blinked in realization and quickly nodded and turned away.

Danny:You can change in the corner, just tell me when you're done

Miranda just rolled her eyes and stood up from the bed and walked to the corner of the room while Danny had his back faced towards her. He took out a heavy pouch from the drawer and opens it to show a heavyweight of coins and dollars. He places it in the pocket of his belt and took out a pen and paper to begin to quickly write something on the nightstand. After he was done, he places the pen in the drawer and closes it before Miranda spoke that she was done changing. Danny glances at her who was now wearing a casual hanfu outfit with a white long-sleeved top with red flowers printed in the hems, her dark red skirt had leveled with her ankles to show her black flat shoes with white printed flowers around the hem of her skirt. A white belt was wrapped around her waist and was tied a knot at the side of her waist, the flowing white belt moved in every leg movement she made.

Miranda awkwardly walks towards him and sat down on the bed, Danny only grabbed the red mask and stared down at it as he spoke.

Danny:Are your legs okay now?

Miranda wasn't willing to answer but her mouth moved.

Miranda:They are, they just tingled a bit...

Danny faintly sighed in relief and puts on his mask as he continued speaking.

Danny:We're leaving. We'll be able to escape easily if we stay hidden from overnight guards

Miranda:Where are you taking me? Will I go my own way?

Danny didn't answer as now he was opening the window of his room and looking out for any guards. Miranda turns to the nightstand that Danny was standing in front of before to see a written paper. Acting as if he didn't hear her, he turns to her and asked.

Danny:What's taking you so long? Put on the cloak to hide your face

Miranda:...a mask would've been nice too

She grabs the cloak and put it around herself as she ran towards Danny.

Danny:I couldn't risk stealing two masks, sorry...

He jumped out of the window and landed on a stone roof tile and looks back for Miranda to follow him. She held her hood down to cover her face as she jumped down and landed on the roof with Danny, he was holding her wrist as he led the way to the walls. Both slid down the traveled rooftop to the rooftop to get to the door that led to the outside world. Miranda was staring intently towards Danny again.

Why? Why is he saving me after everything that I've done to him? Shouldn't he hate me? And where will he take me to escape from here? Will he...

Both were running in empty alleys with Miranda's wrist still held tightly while Danny continued running forward. Danny had stopped and looked out to see a pair of guards on each side of a gold gate that was the entrance and exit of the city while being surrounded by a stone wall. Danny was quickly looking back and forth for any other person and he steps back. His back was against a stone-cold building and remained silent. Miranda looks down to her wrist and pulls it back from Danny's grip, he didn't pay mind to it and stayed in thought. Miranda then rests her back against the wall and began to whisper.

Miranda:What are you planning now Daniel?

She said with a sarcastic tone while crossing her arms.

Danny: There are only two guards so I can be able to take them down and open the gate for you

His hands had reached down to his hip to grab the handle of the sword. Before he unsheathed his sword, Miranda had spoken and kept her eyes on the sword handle.

Miranda:What's the sword for? Won't you be able to beat them in hand-to-hand combat?

Danny blinked and smiled under his red demon mask and let out a dry chuckle with his hands freeing the sword handle.

Danny:Do you think so highly of me?

Miranda:The hell are you laughing about? I'm only asking because a sword would be useless

Danny:That's true but in my case, the sword would help me in covering my identity...Who would assume that the Iron Fist would use a sword when they've trained more martial arts than others?

Miranda:...What will happen...if you get caught?

Miranda asked in a low tone, not wanting for Danny to hear and sounding hesitant to even ask. After a few seconds, Miranda only sighed and her tone sounded annoyed from his silence.

Miranda:Don't even answer. I'm suspecting you have a plan in mind if you do get caught

Danny:If I get caught then...I'll follow through with the punishment my uncle will set for me will?

Danny:...yeah. But it's fine. I've been through plenty of punishments while growing up so this shouldn't be any different

Miranda:How would it not be? You just...freed a prisoner who's been sentenced to death, your punishment will be worse than what you've experienced before

Danny:Maybe but that doesn't matter

Danny bit his lip after he spoke, the truth is, he was terrified to even get caught. Nonetheless, he stood straight and turns to Miranda.

Danny:After I'm done taking down the guards, I will open the gate before other reinforcements get here, then we can leave...


Danny:Wait for me. I won't take long

Miranda was going to speak again but Danny already ran out from their hiding spot and exposed himself to the two guards. Danny had slipped past their attacks and after a minute of dodging attacks, his sword was unsheathed and taken out. The sword had swung against the back knees and back of the soldiers that made them groan and fall forward. Blood was staining the ground from the cut of their back legs and back as Danny stood behind them, his back against the gate.

The wind howled past him that had slightly moved his cloth around his head, drops of blood from the tips of the sword were dripping down. Miranda looks out to the sound of sudden quietness and the faint gasps of the two soldiers, she saw the two laying on their stomachs with a dark shade of red dripping down their legs to the ground. She ran out and towards Danny, her expression changed slightly with her brows a bit pressed together.

Danny had faced the gate and enters the sword back to its sheath. He grabs the bars of the gate to pull the left door open first. His feet dragged across the snow from quickly pulling the heavy door open for enough space for Miranda to through. After opening the door wide enough he stood beside Miranda while rubbing his hands. The wind had flown through the open gate that had loosened Danny's cloth and the white hood covering Miranda.

A faint rustling was heard from behind them and when Danny quickly turned around, one of the fallen guards had set off a signal flare that had shot up into the sky. The stick used to set off the signal had been cut in half by Danny's sword then cursed under his breath. Danny puts his sword away and grabs Miranda's wrist, he had dragged her out of the gate and ran through the snow. Miranda pulls her arm back from Danny that made him stop.

Danny:Miranda...let's go

He reaches for her hand again but she steps away from him. Danny looks back at the gate and felt his hands beginning to sweat, then tries to grab her hand again.

Danny:Miranda! We have to go before they come!

Miranda:We? Why are you coming with me?!

Danny bit his lip as he began to feel hot under his mask to make him sweat, he clenches his fists while Miranda glances around and turns back to the gate.

Miranda:You...want to leave too, don't you? Back in the room, you left behind a paper...was it an apology letter for you to leave?

Danny didn't say anything. He began to look a bit tense from his stiffened shoulders and a small tilt of his head facing the snow under his feet.

Miranda:How much of a coward are you? You couldn't even bring yourself to tell your uncle that you were going to leave without him had to say it on paper. It's hilarious that a while ago you were talking about taking in any punishment you're thrown into

Danny:I'm...not a coward...I just want to go back home

Miranda:K'un L'un is your home. Why are you running away from it?

Danny:It's also yours. Yet I'm helping you escape...

Miranda:Danny! I'm...honored that you freed me but...I don't want to leave with you. I never will and never planned to. I don't want anything to do with you anymore...We're not siblings anymore so why are you still trying to stick by me?

Danny felt the snow dig inside his feet. His breath began to shake and Miranda began to blur in his vision. Danny felt his legs shake, he wanted to fall over but tightened his fists into a ball.

Danny:I-I just...didn't want be alone. It's just us is gone and so is our moms...we should stay together from now on

Miranda:I don't want to be with you...Father killed my mother to leave the city...but left me behind. Your father had brought you and your mom here...yet you were the only one who survived before she was eaten by wolves. You killed Conal...and I'm alone. If father never decided to come back with you...then Conal would still be with me. I never saw your father as mine anymore after realizing my mother died and he walked away...and I will never see you as my brother who killed my lover and walked away as a hero

Danny:That's not true! I've never planned to think myself worthy as that...I-I don't deserve it. You have the right to hate me...I've done more crimes than killing Conal

Miranda was a bit stunned but she only let out a small groan with annoyance. She turns her head.

Miranda:Are you only trying to force me to feel bad for you? What could have been worse than killing Conal?

Danny's lips had froze a pale white and began to tremble.

Should I tell her? Would she understand or hate me even more? If I don't then she'll leave and never talk to me anymore...But I don't...want to pressure her because of my mistakes

Miranda looks up to him for an answer but was only answered with silence. She turns to walk away but her sleeve was gripped by Danny who was avoiding eye contact with her. Miranda was about to talk but was only interrupted by Danny speaking anxiously.

Danny:I-I killed people...I took their life sources...I only found out a few hours ago about the truth from Sssesthanag. I-I...removed their life how I removed Conal's...

Miranda's eyes dilated in pure shock. She could notice how serious Danny was from his arm trembling as he still held her sleeve. No words can form in her lips for a few seconds but instead, tightened her brows together and pulled her arm back, and steps away from Danny. Danny's face turned pale and his mouth quickly went dry, it was difficult for him to gulp, and lowered his hand after being pulled. When he looks back up at her he felt his chest being pulled from seeing Miranda's look of disgust towards him.


Miranda:STOP! killed people...other than Conal.! You just found out you killed people...and Conal after...why...? I-I didn't...see you like that type of person to kill others...

Danny:I didn't want to! I never knew that I was...I-I don't know how I even do it or why! I-I...really don't know

Danny began to choke in his words as he felt tears circulating in his eyes. Miranda could only keep a distance from him and shake her head from staring at him any longer.

Danny:Miranda...believe me, please. I really...need you right now and I-I...don't know how to tell others and how to handle it

Miranda could hear the extreme trembling in his voice and could see his expression behind the mask. Her mind was completely blank and couldn't move anymore when Danny slowly approached her and reached for her hand for support. Miranda's eyes widened even more and slapped his hand away, she stared down at her hand and back at Danny who was now quiet and letting small gasps escape his mouth.

Miranda:Don't touch me...You killed Conal and others with your hands of the Iron Fist...who knows if you'll end up killing me by merely touching you

Danny didn't give a response, his heart pounding was deafening to his ears from listening to Miranda's other words. He began to wonder...of how many more people will be killed by him by being the Iron Fist. He couldn't think anymore and his mind just went into a daze. Danny blinked back to reality when a sharp air had gone past his head and was shot through Miranda's left shoulder that she had to groan and nearly fall back.

Danny expression changed once he saw an arrow in her shoulder, Miranda's eyes were getting red, and was breathing slowly and heavily as she hissed from the stinging pain. Danny looks back while Miranda quickly took out the arrow, a row of guards with bows and arrows were at the gate with Yu-Ti standing in the middle.

Danny:Miranda...let's go!

Miranda:What-? Hey!

She quickly gotten carried by Danny and ran past the snow as an arrow flew past them. An arrow had cut past Danny's arm that made him bite his lip under his mask. Miranda looks back to see the guards running towards them with horses, she hits Danny's shoulder and he looked back to the guards on horses quickly running towards them with their bows and arrows aiming towards them. Danny looked around for a place to hide Miranda in, so he placed her behind a tree in the forest and took out his sword from his sheath.

Miranda didn't say anything and only faced forward while Danny ran towards the guards on horses. Her fingers twitched from hearing the horses whine and a few gasps from guards who land on the ground. She added pressure to her wound on her shoulder from any blood escaping while drops of blood had fallen from the tip of Danny's sword that dyed the snow red. There were cuts on the guards' back knees and their bodies unconscious, Danny quickly grabbed a rein from a horse and tied the pouches around it. He walks to the back of the tree where Miranda was in and hands her the rein of the horse.

Danny:Take it! You should be able to quickly leave from me while I distract them

Miranda caught her breath and grabs the rein with her free hand.

Miranda:What about you-?

Danny:I'll be fine

Danny quickly answered. It was also as if his personality from before was never there, to begin with.

Danny:I tied some medical products and money for you to use once you're away from here. If they manage to punish me then...I'll have to stay in K'un L'un and figure out what to say to my friends in New York

Miranda wanted to ask more but she swallowed it back down and stood up. Danny helped her get on the horse but an arrow had flown past both of them, causing the horse to cry. Danny held his breath and raises his sword in front of his face, he glances back to notice that Miranda and the horse were already running away. Danny sighed in pure relief and cut an arrow in half when it flew towards him. Arrows were being pointed towards him by over ten guards.

I need to at least stall for Miranda to be far away enough...I might not be able to go back home's...better this way, right? If they know what I did...then...they'll hate me like Miranda

He swung his sword to cut all the arrows heading towards him and swung them past a few guards' chests for them to fall off the horses. Yu-Ti watches from afar and squinted his eyes while the Crane Mother had walked beside him, pure annoyance in her voice.

Crane Mother:Which fool decided to leave the city?! One of my maids had found out two guards from the prisoner's cell was unconscious!

Yu-Ti:It is a break out from the planner in the mask. It's someone foolish we know who had planned to hide his face and fight with the sword...

Crane Mother:Unbelievable...

Two guards had snuck past Danny to head into the forest to chase after Miranda, but both were sliced in the back by Danny. A guard had run towards Danny and grabbed the loose hood and pulls it down, to reveal his blonde-tied hair. Danny felt his hair rise at the sudden breeze and swung with his sword to cut the person at their hip and watches them fall. He points his sword down for the blood to drip and his blonde hair flowed in the wind. Yu-Ti's mouth was wide open and was as red as pepper from seeing Danny.

Yu-Ti:DANIEL RAND! YOU IMBECILE OF A CHILD! You manage to free a criminal and injure our warriors!

The guards around Danny had froze and stepped back with gasps. Danny only sheathed his sword and tilts his head down.

Crane Mother:Remove the idiotic mask. What's the point of it if we already know who you are

Yu-Ti was getting more infuriated by the minute while watching Danny hesitantly remove the red demon mask to show his perplexed and pale face. The guards were getting terrified themselves and kept walking away from him. The Crane Mother only scoffed and waved her hand for the guards beside her to take action and approach Danny.

"Daniel Rand. You are ordered to come with us to carry out your punishment for setting the traitor of K'un L'un and helper of the H'ylthri. You are taken into custody"

The guards had their hands reaching for their weapons around their hip but surprisingly, Danny slightly raised his hands. The guards were dumbfounded and walked with him to Yu-Ti and the Crane Mother. The main guard had bowed to the Crane Mother and spoke, Danny didn't seem fazed with the current situation and didn't even look back to Yu-Ti.

"The prisoner had escaped. Shall we go after them before they escape any farther?"

Crane Mother:Please do. I want you to come back once you've murdered that girl. In the meantime, we will be in the throne room to discuss Daniel's punishment

"Yes madam"

Danny felt his head getting muddled from the order. He was about to speak but was now dragged about by Yu-Ti who was aggressively tightening his hold on him.

Danny:Wait no! I-I can't go back in! I-I have to go back-!

Yu-Ti:Enough! You've been nothing but a bother today! Even a six-year-old is more well-behaved than you!

Danny stopped trying to break free and allowed himself to be dragged inside the palace with the Crane Mother and her maids following behind them. All he can think of was to hope that Miranda can leave safely not contact each other again, by her wishes.

The horse had run past the trees after knowing how they were being chased by two guards with their horse. Arrows were shooting past them that it would land either on the ground or trees. Miranda didn't look back and only hit the horse with the reins again for it to run faster then, an arrow was shot in her leg. A cry had echoed the forest in her area and an arrow was shot at the horse's front legs that made it fall to the side and Miranda had rolled off of it. The guards approached closer to them while Miranda hissed her teeth together to pull the arrow out of her leg. The horse was crying from Miranda removing the arrow in their front legs. Their wound was covered by a ripped piece of fabric Miranda had cut out for the wound to stop bleeding.

Once the guards arrived where she was, they only saw the horse sitting and crying from their wound. One of the guards gotten off the horse and knelt to the injured horse to check its injury. The pouches from the house were missing as the guard turns to the other guard who was looking around with their anxious horse.

"The horse is injured. Let's go back to bring help for the horse"

"What about the traitor?"

"The forest is filled with wolves. She'll get eaten with her blood spilling out, we shouldn't keep troubling ourselves"

Miranda was tumbling over her shoes and small sticks on the ground, leaving a trail of blood from her leg with her white shirt being stained. Her hood was off and breathing heavily with the pouches Danny gave her tied around her belt. Miranda could barely see anything else, everything was a blur to her. She gasped as she stood against a tree to catch her breath; after a few seconds, she kept walking straight. She pushed herself to walk past trees, snow, and nearly trip over rocks that felt like hours while the wind tried to push her back. The cold air was freezing her chest and throat that it felt impossible to breathe anymore.

There was a light and a small cabin in the distance that had attracted her to try to run towards it. The place felt so far when her knees just gave out and her body fell forward into the snow. Without trying to close her eyes she reached her stained bloodied hand out for her fingers to dig deep into the snow. It felt like cutting her fingers off when she tried to crawl forward with her uninjured leg as support to push her forward. She could only crawl for a few minutes that her arm felt too numb to the point that she couldn't raise it anymore. Snow was pilling on her eyelashes and eyebrows and she couldn't keep them open any longer. Her fingers twitched to continue moving forward as if she wanted to grab the light from the distance that seemed like miles away. Miranda closes her eyes and was finally met with darkness.


Danny was in a kneeling position with chains around his wrists that were spread across the room. Yu-Ti sat on his throne with the Crane Mother standing beside him with her fan closed in her hand. Yu-Ti rubbed the crook of his nose over his mask in exhaustion.

Yu-Ti:Daniel you enjoy causing trouble and ruining my patience?

Yu-Ti:Then explain to me your reasoning for freeing a traitor! And of leaving a single paper behind before leaving!

Danny kept his head down facing the floor, refusing to speak. He couldn't have the energy to speak and could only hope that Miranda managed to getaway. Yu-Ti only coldly scoffed to the silence.

Yu-Ti:How despicable...Do you see me as someone who can put up with your games?! Don't give me the silent treatment and answer me! Were you planning on leaving back to the city?!

Crane Mother:If you want results then you'll have to force it out of him. May I explain?

Yu-Ti waved his hand to give her permission to do whatever she meant. She faintly smiled and turned back to Danny with a frown and icy glare. Danny hears the footsteps of her coming down and with a wave of her finger, black smoke had came out from her hands as she reached out to grab his head. She grabs a handful of his hair and pulls his head up to meet his eyes but he still tries to avoid it. Then a harsh sense of shock had run inside his skull, the shock felt as if his brain was shaking and wanting to explode to cause his ears to ring. Yu-Ti could see yellow sparks from Danny's head and his arms shake by trying to break free. The Crane Mother watches darkly to Danny's tightly bitten lip from crying out, his eyes wanted to pop out and his face was becoming blue. Even the guard around them could only feel pity and look away, the Crane Mother had freed his hair and her fingers had sparks with black smoke in her palm. Danny was taking huge swallows of breaths as his lips were a dark shade of red and the blue from his face fading out. His head was dropped back forward, he was bewildered to the point that his entire body could only shake. Then the Crane Mother spoke harshly and cold.

Crane Mother:Explain your actions. Is there something that we don't know?

Danny was trembling as he stared into the floor, his eyes were still wide open and his vision starting to blurry. His lips trembled along with his eyelashes and he shut his eyes tightly as he forcibly spoke in a hushed voice.

Danny:I....won't tell you anything

The Crane Mother only let out an amazed "oh?" With a small grin as more sparks began to fly from her fingers. Danny was trembling from the fizzing sound from her hands, Yu-Ti only calmly watched with his arm resting on the arm of his throne with the other supporting his cheek.

Crane Mother:Don't blame me if you become brain dead right after...

Danny only tilted his head to the side while the Crane Mother raises her hand to grab Danny's head again but her arm froze midway from the doors being pushed open. She looks up in the direction of the door to see Lei-Kung walking in with Sparrow and Davos on each side.

Yu-Ti:Thunderer...I suspected you would come earlier

Lei-Kung didn't say anything other than glare at the Crane Mother, veins popped out from his arms down to his fist.

Lei-Kung:What is the meaning of this?! Is electrocution your only option for a confession?!

Crane Mother:Lei-Kung...hmp! I don't suppose you have a better idea for this, don't you?

Lei-Kung was approaching her and stood beside Danny, only gave him a short glance and looks back at his wife. Davos and Sparrow simply stood in the back that the Crane Mother trails her eyes towards, then she scoffs and clenches her hand that made the black smoke and sparks disappear. She swung her sleeve and opened her fan to cover her mouth as she walks away to the stage with Yu-Ti.

Lei-Kung softens his posture and knelt to Danny to pat his shoulder, this made Danny jump and look at him. Lei-Kung faintly smiled at his lost puppy-eyed expression and turns back forward to Yu-Ti with a serious expression when Yu-Ti spoke.

Yu-Ti:Thunderer, you're his master, you should reteach him the right and wrong of freeing criminals. Even as his uncle, I can barely properly educate him on simple matters that one should know as a toddler

Lei-Kung glances back at Danny and stood up to bow to Yu-Ti.

Lei-Kung:I will do as you please Yu-Ti

He looks up to Yu-Ti with cold narrowed eyes as he stood back straight. Yu-Ti had casually waved his hands to the guards.

Yu-Ti:Free him, Lei-Kung will take care of this matter himself

The guards bowed and freed the chains from Danny's wrists to cause his arms to fall, he couldn't even let out a sigh of relief in case Yu-Ti would change his mind. Lei-Kung caught him from falling forward, Sparrow and Davos ran towards them and helped stand Danny up. Yu-Ti stood up from his throne and walked away alongside the Crane Mother. Davos and Sparrow were helping Danny stand as they followed Lei-Kung walking down the hallway to Danny's room. They stopped once Lei-Kung stopped and turns towards them.

Lei-Kung:How are you currently feeling Daniel?

Danny looked as if he was in a daze but still answered.


Lei-Kung:That's good. Priya had other techniques to use against you yet chooses the most deadly technique. If I haven't come in in time, then...

Lei-Kung couldn't even finish his sentence and only gulped and coughed. Danny only stayed quiet while Davos's brow twitched. Lei-Kung places his hand on Danny's shoulder and then places his hand on his head to pat him.

Lei-Kung:Whatever reason you have for freeing Miranda, I'm sure you've done so for a private and good reason. You two are siblings from the same father, I wouldn't have stopped you free your sister if I've ran into you

Sparrow:Thunderer he-

Lei-Kung:I am aware Sparrow. Yes he had raised a sword against our soldiers, but none of them were severely wounded or disabled
*he retracted his hand from Danny's head and placed both his arms behind his back*

Sparrow:...yes you're right. I apologize for speaking out of turn

Lei-Kung:Don't be my child.'ve done well to protect your sister. Without the support of the fist that is...I'm glad to know your sword technique had improved


Lei-Kung:Let's get going now. Daniel needs his rest from serious brain damage from Priya's spell

Both siblings agreed and continued following Lei-Kung down the hallway. After a few seconds, Danny had softly spoken to cause Lei-Kung to turn and turn his head towards him. think Miranda is safe? I-I did send her off...into the forest without a weapon so...

Lei-Kung forms a smile and reaches his hand out to pat his head again but it made Danny freeze. Lei-Kung noticed it and instead patted his shoulder.

Lei-Kung:That, I can't assume. But, she has been taught martial arts by Lord Conal so I can only hope that she will live. Don't worry Danny...

Danny slowly nodded with his lips nearly not visible from how pale it was compared to his face. Lei-Kung's smile faded away and continued walking with the two siblings. Danny was staring blankly at the floor, then began to rapidly blink his eyes from allowing tears to form from starting to think of Conal. He gulped down the thoughts of removing life sources and killing Conal, the disgust on Miranda's face from opening up to her and only being pushed away.

If anyone knows what I've done...then they'll only push and resent me. I shouldn't much mind to it anymore... as they said, I'll experience these situations more in the future.


A pot was being opened with hot steam coming out from the congee. An elderly woman was holding a small clean bowl in her hands as she poured spoonfuls of congee into the bowl. A finger twitched from Miranda's hand and her eyebrows began to moves and her eyelashes quivered, wanting to wake up. When she awoke, she could only see the blurry sight of the ceiling then her view came to focus. Her neck was beginning to ache when she turns her head to the side only to see a short elder woman sprinkle cilantro over the small bowl.

Miranda hissed when she slowly sat up, she saw that her left sleeve had dried blood so she slid it down to see her shoulder being bandaged. She looks down to her leg to see her leg bandaged as well. The elder woman had walked towards her with a congee bowl with a spoon and a cup in her other hand and places both of them down on a coffee table in front of the couch Miranda was laying on. The elder woman spoke with a gentle and raspy voice.

"I'm glad you managed to wake up dear, I've cooked congee for you to heal quicker"

Miranda was a bit embarrassed and only stammered as she faintly smiled.

Miranda:Thank you...did you bring me in?

"Of course dear. I've noticed you in the snow from my window and I brought you in before you froze! Who has hurt you, dear?"

Miranda:...just some people who were after me

"How dreadful! Who would dare attack a beautiful woman like you? The world is a cruel place for young girls like you, I can only pray that you can be able to protect yourself from any more dangers"

Miranda:Heh...thank you, madam. Do alone out here?

"I've been living here for years after my husband passed. The people in the nearby village are kind and my children and grandchildren visit me frequently, how would I be alone?"

Miranda:That's good madam...sorry to hear that your husband passed away

"It's alright child. He was a fine lovely man. I assume that with a beautiful woman like you, you have a lover in your life"

Miranda smiled at the woman but it soon faded as she looks down to the congee on the coffee table.

Miranda:I used to have a lover...he passed as well

"Oh my! He passed at such a young age! My condolences dear"

Miranda:Thank you madam...he was...a good person as well

"Forgive me for sounding rude you have any other family?"

Miranda:You don't sound rude at all madam. But the truth is...I don't have any family other than my young brother...We both had the same father but we don't see eye to was obvious how much he trusts me and wishes to protect me

"He sounds like a handsome young man! Since it's only you two then you should cling to him since he's your only one wishes to be alone without a sibling or family member beside them. Being alone is the most dreadful feeling in the world dear" is madam. I'm...glad for having him

"Eat now dear, before the food gets cold. After you finish eating you'll take pills to quickly heal your wounds, I found pouches from your waist and luckily found some aid kits"

Miranda:Ah thank you

She grabs the warm bowl of congee and grabs the spoon to eat. Once she finished eating she swallowed a pill with water and looks inside the pouches Danny given her. She could only sigh once seeing them and opened them, the wrapped white bandages in one pouch were almost empty and had 20 pills in the other pouch, she even began to wonder if Danny only poured his entire pill bottle inside from healing from the fight with Sssesthanag. Them lastly she opens the pouch of coins and bills that Danny gave her to support herself.

Miranda saw a pointy end pop out from the coins that were unlike the bills so she grabs it and took it out of the bag. It was a black card with the metallic print of R in the middle, Rand Corp was printed in white with its address and office phone number underneath. A scoff left her mouth and turned the card around to its white side. Behind it was written in black ink, "Just know that you can trust me if you ever need anything". Underneath the writing was a different number written from the black side of the card.

She places the card down on the table and rubs her head. Danny sounded desperate to leave with her and to go back home from finding out he removed people's life sources. Miranda could only stare down at the card and sighed.

This is my payment for breaking me out Danny.

Miranda:Madam, do you have a phone? I have to call my brother to pick me up tomorrow...

"Of course!"

The elderly woman had passed her an expandable phone from the kitchen. Miranda smiled and thanked her as she stared at the buttons of numbers on the phone, debating what to press first. After a minute she had already pressed the numbers from the card and hesitantly presses the green phone button. She places it beside her ear hearing the phone ring, waiting for the call to go through. Her leg was tapping impatiently on the floor and her heart flew when she heard the ringing stop and is met with a low voice of a man as if he just woke up from a nap or was staying up late.

"Hello? Who's this?"

Miranda was a bit hesitant to speak from her mouth getting dry but anxiously answered.

Miranda:I' you know Danny? He gave me a card...and your number was on it...

The other side of the phone was quiet and the man's voice was more clear.

"Who's this? Why did Danny give you my number?"

Miranda:...I'm...his half-sister. Miranda Rand-K'ai...he needs your help at the moment

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