MCR Mpreg Oneshots

By gwayisgayy

17.3K 249 1K

yes More

I Love You (Rikey)
Baby Fever (Rikey)
Mothers Day (Frerard)
You Too (Rikey/Frerard)
Anytime You Want (Rikey)
Yeah Its Cool, I'll Be Okay (Rikey)
Sick Day (Rikey)
Mama (Rikey)
Daddy's Arachnophobia (Frerard)
Sleep (Frerard)
Stage Hog (Frerard)
Double Way (Rikey/Frerard)
Baby Killjoy (Frerard)
Daddy's Voice (Rikey)
Dhampir (Frerard)
Family Mornings (Rikey)
Part Of Her Life (Frerard)
Yeah Its Cool, We'll Be Okay (Frerard)
Baby Iero (Frerard)
I'll keep you safe (Frerard/Rikey)
Happy Together (Rikey)
Frank, Worlds Best Husband (Frerard)
Immature (Rikey)
Rainbow (Rikey)
Hazy Shade of Winter (Rikey)
Unique (Rikey)
First Period (Rikey)
"The" Conversation (Rikey)
The Bus (Rikey)
To the movies (Rikey)
The Interview (Rikey)
Perfect Little Family (Rikey)
Sixteen (Rikey)
Baby Kicks (Rikey)
I'm So Sorry.. (Rikey)
Baby Blues and Beaches (Frerard/Rikey)
Arguments (Rikey)
I'll Never Let Them Hurt You (Jetkobra)
The Worlds Best Uncle (Frerard/Rikey)
The Nursery (Rikey)
Route Guano (Jetkobra)
Negative (Frikey)
Jealousy (Rikey)
Moving On (Frikey)
The Collapser (FunKobra)
Crush (Frikey)
Mom, Dad.. (Frikey)

We're Expecting (Rikey)

198 3 29
By gwayisgayy

When he walked into the coffeeshop, Helena, he was greeted by two men sucking their faces off hungrily. Ray feared that they were close enough to start stripping and have sex right there in front of him. He would hope not - he was begging to God that he didn't dare to curse him. He had his morning cup of coffee in his right hand that he would rather enjoy without thinking about what Frank and Gerard would do if they were all alone. Heck, they might be tempted to do it in public if they so damn pleased.

Damn horny bastards, Ray thought with disgust. He could hear Frank's comeback in his head - "it's cause you're not getting any, Toro."

"Please, I don't want to throw up my coffee." Ray begged before sauntering to the other side of the room to remove his thick layers. Winter was here and that meant chilly weather in Belleville, New Jersey.

Ray nearly felt like an idiot for allowing Gerard and Frank to open up the shop first. He knew they would rather spend the extra five minutes in bed to snooze the clock and have a round of "mind-blowing sex" as Frank loved to put it. Ray tried to tune those details out since the two men were like brothers to him and hearing that about them was just wrong in so many ways.

Mikey felt the exact same about their PDA. Ray was proud that his husband had a temper nearly as shirt as Frank's. Mikey always threatened to throw a brick at Frank and Gerard's heads if they didn't stop their inappropriate make out sessions. Ray thought it was adorable whenever Mikey got pissed. As their beloved friend Jamia liked to say, "he looks like an angry cupcake." Luckily, if Ray ever used that pet name Mikey had something similar to say back.

It was right after Mikey and he married when Elena was on her deathbed. Her being family wasn't the only hard thing about losing her. She was so supportive of Frank, Gerard, Mikey and he. Ray remembered his own parents being onboard with his sexuality as long as he was happy. Donald and Donna Way, Ray's in-laws, took their time, but with Elena she gave them a little nudge in the right direction. Elena was their biggest fan who had all of their backs. Ray and Frank loved the little old woman and adopted her as their grandmother.

When she passed they all mourned, of course, but she surprisingly left something behind for them. Helena was a building at the end of Monroeville Ave of Belleville where there were neighboring buildings of average sized companies. Elena left four keys for each of them and a simple note saying how they could do whatever they wanted with the building since it belonged to the four of them. It was an average sized building and they didn't want to jump boundaries, but think rationally.

A coffee shop was Gerard's idea, so that settled the decision of what the building would be. It wasn't a horrible choice, probably the best one they could have made. None of them were wallowing in wealth, so it wouldn't be horrible to have more money coming in. Gerard was the successful one doing what he loved most - making comic books. Frank, Mikey and he yearned to make music which hadn't gone far. There were small gigs here and there, but most of the time they had quite an amount of free time making zero money.

Because of this, Mikey and he ended up sharing a place with Frank and Gerard. Ray was the type to love his privacy which is why if Mikey and he were ever being affectionate it was full vanilla. However, as much as Ray loved it just being Mikey and he, they couldn't afford a place on their own since they were both doing the same thing. Ray wondered if they should go back to school and pursue a degree in something to help with the bills. Helena was a lifesaver, but even Ray knew that wouldn't cover everything.

Gerard was the one who was over the moon about them sharing a place together. They decided to save money in order to find something bigger, but for now they were sharing an apartment with three bedrooms. Thank God all four of them were married couples. The third room was used as a studio for Frank, Mikey and he to practice in. Ray made sure to ask Gerard if he wanted to use it when he drew. His brother-in-law informed him that he could draw anywhere so it was fine. Ray loved Gerard. He also wished Frerard's room was soundproof so he didn't have to hear the moans and screams belonging to the redhead.

Gerard finally turned his head to look at Ray. The afro'd man scowled at Frank who was making out with Gerard's neck. Ray sighed. They were going to have to sanitize the counter. "Where's Mikey?"

Ray thought back on his lovely husband who was absent at the moment. His chocolate brown eyes lit up. "He's gone off posting flyers for new hires." It had been Mikey's idea and he was even the one to design the flyers - his husband loved arts and crafts. The flyers contained no glitter or unicorns, but Mikey wanted to design them. Ray would have helped, but he had early shifts at the coffee shop with Frank.

He felt dumb for not insisting more since Mikey has been throwing up a lot. He was worried, but Mikey said it was just a stomach bug. Ray guessed that was it.

"Nice!" Gerard clapped. Frank whined when the redhead jumped off the counter. Ray eyed where Frank was still sitting. Thank God neither of them turned over the "OPEN" sign. Customers would be coming in soon though.

Frank got off the counter and headed right near the coffee machines, tempted to make a cup for himself. "Do you think we'll actually get new employees? I mean, we hooked Pete and Ryan up."

Of course they were able to get Pete a job. There was no way only the four of them could handle the coffeeshop all on their own. Pete was in a similar situation with wanting to write music yet not having enough exposure to pay his bills. Pete and Mikey were best friends (boyfriends too once upon a time), so it was no shocker that Mikey would ask the long haired brunette to join the crew. There was money to earn and he was around friends so yeah Pete was going to take the offer.

Ray was the one who knew Ryan Ross. Ryan's mom hired him to teach Ryan how to play guitar. Ryan was a great student that never stopped practicing. Ray was proud to be his mentor. He never expected the younger to come back into his life, but when Ryan was looking for a job Ray offered a position and Ryan accepted it. Unfortunately, Ryan's parents went through a pretty messy breakup. Mrs. Ross went back home to Nevada and Mr. Ross was getting lost in alcohol to care for his one child.

A week after knowing each other, Pete and Ryan became good friends and agreed to rent an apartment together. Ryan packed his bags when his dad was off getting drunk at some bar - saying goodbye to that part of his life forever. Even though there were some major changes in his life, Ryan was happy. It was nice to know they somehow played a part in making Ryan's life better.

Pete and Ryan were the only two of their employees that could work full-time. One of Pete's friends, Andy Hurley, worked part-time since he was going to school. Hayley Williams dedicated her time to her music so she was another part-time employee. It would be nice to get some new employees, but Ray wasn't worried.

"We might," Ray said hopefully. He was never one to be faithless in anything. There was always a possibility of something good to happen. "There's no harm in being hopeful."

"I hope to God Gee is pregnant." Frank blurted out while he made his own cup of coffee.

Ray spit out his coffee when he heard Frank's words. He was not expecting that to come out of the shorter man's mouth. He cleared his throat and gave himself a mental reminder not to drink anything right now. No doubt, Frank was going to start talking about stuff Ray was sure he didn't want to hear.

"We've been trying for a some time. I'd love to have mini Gees running around." Frank said with a satisfied smile. "He or she would look adorable with those tiny teeth I love so much."

Ray chuckled nervously. "That's a sweet image, but now I have to think about Gee and you doing it, you horny bastard."

Frank shrugged nonchalantly. "Wouldn't you be happy to find out that Mikey was preggers?"

Ray thought of it for a moment. Yes, it would be a dream to find out that Mikey and he were going to be parents. They both wanted a family for certain. Did Ray think they were ready for one? They were sharing an apartment with Frank and Gerard for heaven's sake! Where the heck would the baby go? The third room was used as a studio. Not only that, but if they couldn't afford their own place what made them think they could afford a kid?

It was a great idea but one possible for later. "As awesome as it sounds to us both, Frank, we share an apartment. Where would your or my kid go?"

"Our room or your room." Frank answered without a second thought. "We'd totes be understanding if Mikey got knocked up."

What the fuck "if Mikey got knocked up"? Ray thought, knowing his short brother-in-law was insane. "You're crazy, you know that, right?"

"What? We would." Frank raised his hands up in surrender. "We'd offer to babysit too."

Ray shook his head. "Mikey or Gee being pregnant wouldn't work, Frank. You know none of us are financially stable."

"I got money saved up. One of us can always go back to school and use it to get a better career or some shit." Frank said easily. "Helena is keeping us afloat."

"Kids are expensive, Frank." Why did it feel like he was lecturing Frank? And where the freak was Gerard?

"That's why you invite a bunch of people to the baby shower. They buy you diapers, the crib, toys, blankets, clothes!" Frank said while flailing his arms.

Ray arched an eyebrow. "And when the baby grows out of the clothes? Or when it grows up and wants more toys? Or how about when you run out of diapers and need more? You should have kids when you're financially stable."

Frank was quiet for a moment. "What would you do...if Mikey said he was pregnant?" When Ray didn't answer, the shorter man continued. "Would you guys pay for it to be abort-"

"Don't finish that sentence." Ray cut Frank off. "I...I can't imagine doing that no matter what."

Frank crossed his arms. "What if Mikey wanted to get it removed from him?"

"These are depressing questions, Frank. All I said was that kids cost a lot." Ray spotted Gerard heading heading one of the tables to fish something out of his messenger bag. "I'd support Mikey's decision, but I'd also hope it'd never come to that too."

If Frank was going to say something, he didn't get the chance. The door to the coffeeshop opened and in came a blonde young woman with a bright, pretty smile. She walked over to the counter.

"Hi, I heard from a friend that you guys were hiring?" The young woman asked kindly.

Ah nice! Ray thought. Before he got the chance to open his mouth, Frank beat him to it. "Oh cool! What friend?" Ray sent the shorter man a confused look. Was that appropriate to ask?

"Jamia Nestor." The young woman replied. She held her hand out. "I'm Kristin Colby. I'm friends with Jamia and I was asking her if she knew anywhere that was hiring. She said her friends own a coffeeshop and were looking for new employees."

"Jams!" Gerard exclaimed happily while he looked through his sketchpad.

"She's awesome, isn't she?" Frank mumbled. He then focused back on Kristin. "Nice to meet you! The three of us are the co-owners. I'm Frank Iero." Frank held out his tattooed hand for Kristin. "That beautiful redhead over there is my husband, Gerard."

Gerard put his sketchpad down and walked over to meet Kristin. "Hello," he greeted and shook the woman's hand.

"And I'm Ray Toro." Ray introduced himself after extending his hand. "My husband, Mikey, is also a co-owner too, but he's posting flyers right now."

Kristin tilted her head interestedly. "Oh wow, I can't believe I didn't see them out there. Where was he posting them?"

"Somewhere near the Armstrong Records Store, I believe." Ray said. Odd. He would have thought someone would have seen them. Mikey instantly left to go post the flyers.

Kristin chuckled nervously. "I just came from that direction. Um...I didn't see anything. Maybe he hasn't headed over there yet?"

Weird. "Huh, yeah...maybe not." Ray muttered. He turned to Frank, "Do you want to conduct the interview?"

Frank nodded. "Yeah, sure, man." He gestured to a door near the back. "Come on, Kristin!" Kristin followed Frank.

Ray took out his phone and debated on calling Mikey or not. "What are you thinking, Ray?" It was Gerard. The afro'd man looked at his brother-in-law.

"I just...I think it's odd that Kristin didn't see the flyers he was gonna put up because they weren't there." Ray stared down at his phone in his hand as if it held all the answers.

Gerard put his sketchpad down on the nearest table and crossed his arms. "What are you insinuating about my brother, Ray?" He was sending daggers at Ray.

"I'm not insinuating, Gerard, if anything I'm worried. The last time I heard from him was when he left the apartment saying he was going to go post flyers." Maybe he went to get coffee? Ray thought. He felt dumb thinking that because Helena was a coffeeshop!

Gerard's eyes softened. "Oh, well, I can try to ring him up if you want."

"Why wouldn't he pick up my calls? We're married." Ray dialed Mikey's number and waited for him to pick up. It rang three times before he heard that voice he loved.


Ray sighed in relief. "Oh thank God. Hey babe, are you still out there posting flyers?"

"Uh...y-yeah, what else would I be doing?" Ray wasn't dumb, he noticed the pause and stutter. Something was going on. "Why?"

"Just wondering." Ray shook his head, knowing that was a dumb answer. Why couldn't he have come up with something better to say? "I just wanted to be make sure you were all good. Can you blame me for wanting to make sure my husband is safe?" 

Mikey chuckled. "You're amazing, you know that, right?" Ray opened his mouth to respond back, but was cut off by Mikey. "I love you so much, Ray...I just wanted you to know that." Ray noticed the slight crack in his husband's voice.

Well, that definitely scared the freak out of Ray. Of course it was sweet that Mikey was telling him this - Ray loved Mikey just as much. There just had to be something off about this. It sounded like Mikey had been crying or was crying. All he wanted to do was embrace his unicorn loving husband and comfort him. 

"I love you so much too, babe." Ray replied, looking to see Gerard give a confused look. The afro-haired man cleared his  throat, "Are you okay, Mikey?"

"Huh? Oh y-yeah, I'm all good. I need to run an errand real quick and then I'll head over there." Mikey promised. 

"Okay, I love you, be careful." Ray replied.

Mikey muttered. "Love you."

Ray was the one to end the call. He looked up to see Gerard eyeing him expectantly. "What happened?"

" sounded like he was crying." Ray knew what Mikey crying sounded like. He's lucky he has never been one to make his husband cry (he would never want to). "He said he was still posting flyers and right after he was gonna run an errand."

Gerard arched an eyebrow. "Huh, that's weird. He hasn't mentioned anything to me that I would have found alarming."

"I'm worried, Gee. Why was he crying? The way he said I love you was alarming to me." Ray stared down at the phone as if Mikey was about to call back.

Gerard tilted his head. "Why?"

Ray exhaled. "He said it while crying, so that's already making me on alert. It sounded something was happening and he had to say it."

"Had to say it?"

"Yeah, like as if something was gonna happen and he had to tell me no matter what he loved me..." Ray explained the best to his ability. "Oh God, Gee, what's happening?"

Gerard reassured his brother-in-law. "Don't panic. Maybe he just needed to say it? We'll ask him when he arrives."

"Yeah, you're probably right..." Ray didn't sound convinced.

The back door opened and out came Frank and Kristin who were both smiling. "Kristin is gonna start tomorrow!"

Gerard eyed Ray and knew the afro-haired man was lost in his thoughts. He turned to hisbhusbajd and Kristin. "Awesome! We can't wait to work with you, Kristin."

"Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity! I'm excited to work here." Kristin thanked them. "I'll see you all tomorrow!" She headed towards the door and waved at them.

Frank waved back. "See you tomorrow!"

After Kristin left, Pete and Ryan finally showed up and Helena was open. Ray was waiting for Mikey to arrive and watched for whenever the little bell rang signifying someone qP⁰had entered the coffeeshop.

Gerard has left to since he needed to attend a meeting regarding his comic books. Frank and Ray were there making sure everything ran smoothly and helped out in the front too.

It felt like hours had gone by, but the young bassist had finally shown up. Ray had gone to the back for a moment.

"Hey Mikeyway." Frank greeted his brother-in-law with a wide grin. He was standing next to Pete as he made someone's coffee.

Mikey looked exhausted. He was dressed in his grey peacoat and his beanie was about to fall off his mousy brown hair. Interestingly enough, clutched in his hands was a white box.

I'm a Toro, was what Mikey wanted to say. "Hey Number Five, where's Gee and Ray?"

Frank smiled sweetly at the mention of his husband. "He should be coming back from his meeting. Ray is in the-"

"Mikey!" It was Ray, who had just exited the back room. The poofy haired guitarist walked towards Mikey. "Hey babe, I'm happy to see you," he said, pressing a kiss to Mikey's forehead.

Mikey sent Ray a small smile. "I'm happy to see you too. I know I've been gone for a while, but I was wondering...if we can talk privately?"

Frank eyed Ray worriedly. Both men had been wondering where Mikey was all day since he had taken so long. Ray couldn't help but stare at the white small box in Mikey's hands.

"What's in the box?" Frank inquired randomly even though there were customers inside of the coffeeshop enjoying their beverages.

"You'll learn soon." Mikey waved his hand dismissively at his brother-in-law. He pleaded, "Please, can we talk about this privately?"

Ray couldn't help but feel his heart shatter how hearing his husband plead. Evidently, there was something Mikey needed to discuss with him. "Yeah, let's go, babe," he replied, leading the way to the back.

The back door led to two doorways one leading to the kitchen and the other to the main office where they conducted business. Ray decided the office would be the best place for them to talk. He closed the door so things could be more private.

"What's up, Mikes?" Ray asked his husband. He could sense the tension radiating off his husband.

Mikey sighed. "I...I didn't post the flyers today. There was something else I was doing..."

Kristin's words earlier proved that, Ray thought. "Oh uhm...what were you doing?"

Mikey looked down at the floor. "I...I had to find something out. Once I got the answer to my question, I couldn't come back here. I was scared..."

Ray was puzzled. What was Mikey talking about? "Babe, I don't understand. Please tell me," he moved closer to his husband, but it was hard to get closer since he was still holding the box.

"Here." Mikey held the box out with both his hands. "This will explain everything."

Hesitantly, Ray took the box and eyed Mikey once more before opening it. Inside the box were white shoes with tiny bows.

The most noticeable thing about the shoes was that they were baby shoes.


"I'm pregnant." Mikey admitted. Ray glanced up and could see tears forming in his husband's eyes. "I...I know we haven't talked about kids and that we're not drowning in cash, but...I know maybe we're not ready for kids but...I don't want to get rid of it...I'm sorry if that's not something-" He was shut up by a pair of lips.

This was excellent news! Ironically, Frank brought this up earlier. Ray didn't think he would be hearing these words today. This was the best thing he has heard all day!

Ray pulled away. "Mikey, I would never ask you to abort it unless you wanted to. But, I love this. I want this too."

"What? Really?" Mikey was stunned.

Ray nodded. "Hell yes! Of course I'd want a baby with you. I know maybe it'll be a struggle, but we can do this. I want to."

Mikey smiled and wrapped his arms around Ray's neck and buried his head in his husband's chest. "I'm so happy! Gee and Frank are gonna be uncles. We're gonna be's amazing."

"So where were you all day?" Ray asked. His eyes fell back down on the cute baby shoes. "Did you spend the whole day figuring it out? How did you find out, by the way?"

Still snuggling close to Ray, Mikey hummed happily. "Remember how I said all that throwing up was a stomach bug? I actually went to an appointment to see what was wrong. The doc told me I was expecting. We're expecting."

Ray recalled the weeks Mikey has been throwing up. His husband told him it was probably nothing and Ray didn't even consider the possibility that it was pregnancy nausea. 

"I'm just so happy. I'm gonna be a dad!" Ray cheered. Mikey giggled at seeing how happy his husband was. "We gotta tell Gee and Frank."

Mikey nodded. "They're gonna be excited I can imagine. Do you think they'll mind living with us and a baby?"

We'd be totes understanding if Mikey got knocked up replayed in Ray's head. "Yeah, they'll be okay," he promised and held the box with one hand and took Mikey's hand in the other.

We're going to be parents, Ray thought excitedly.

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