WANT (Complete ✔️)

By lovelike_evajacks

1.2M 26K 13.8K

Lia I'm a sucker for romance, especially romance in novels because let's be honest, love like that doesn't e... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty One
Chapter Sixty Two
Chapter Sixty Three
Chapter Sixty Four
Chapter Sixty Five
Chapter Sixty Six
Chapter Sixty Seven
Chapter Sixty Eight
Chapter Sixty Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy One
Chapter Seventy Two
Chapter Seventy Three
Chapter Seventy Four
Chapter Seventy Five
Chapter Seventy Six
Chapter Seventy Seven
Chapter Seventy Eight
Chapter Seventy Nine
Chapter Eighty
Chapter Eighty One
Chapter Eighty Two
Chapter Eighty Three
Chapter Eighty Four
Chapter Eighty Five
Chapter Eighty Six
Chapter Eighty Seven
Chapter Eighty Eight
Chapter Eighty Nine
Chapter Ninety
Chapter Ninety One
Chapter Ninety Two
Chapter Ninety Three
Chapter Ninety Four
Epilogue Part One
Epilogue Part Two

Chapter Twenty Nine

13.9K 321 232
By lovelike_evajacks


Mis-Teeq's Scandalous is the soundtrack for tonight.

Xavier and Hyde are racing and it's intense.

Viini dumbed it down for me how the track worked. The Creek's track has four rights, and the turns are sharp. Hence whenever Xavier slows down, my breathing stops because if he were to accelerate at each of those turns, his car would spin out and he would crash. But Xavier is so freaking good at racing that every turn for him is like skating on ice.

Xavier gentlemanly lets Hyde go ahead of him by slowing down nearing the first turn. Hyde haphazardly zooms forward, his arrogant attitude showing with his racing style. Both cars skid around the first right turn, creating a cloud of dust. The crowd is going crazy. It's easy to see that Xavier and Hyde are popular and two of the best racers at The Creek. Catching up to Hyde, Xavier and Hyde are side by side but with each turn, I watch as Xavier lets Hyde go first.

My heart is thundering with anxiousness. Viini is standing next to me with his normal bouquet of girls around him. The crowd cannot look away from the race.

Appearing on the last curve, Xavier sneaks up behind Hyde but doesn't slow down. Hyde races around the last twist but spins out, causing his Mustang to slide further to the edge of the track letting Xavier smoothly take the inside. Both cars pull through and are back side by side for the straight race towards the finish line. As the two menacing cars thunder past the finishing line, the crowd goes nuts. The race was entertaining.

But who won?

Xavier and Hyde raced so closely that no one saw who'd won. Confused, I look at Viini, and the guy smirks. Xavier climbs out of his car when I get to him and I take a moment to see if he's okay, to make sure he's not hurt. Xavier catches my worrisome eyes and smiles, shaking his head.

"What the fuck was that?" Hyde growls, slamming his car door.

I'm standing in front of Xavier so when Hyde steps closer, Xavier gently pushes me behind him. From behind Xavier, I peek at Hyde and his eyes are red with anger and hatred.

Is Hyde blaming Xavier for that little accident of his? If so then that's pathetic and sad. Hyde can't blame Xavier for that mistake, Hyde clearly can't handle his car.

Xavier is so unbothered, it's actually hilarious.

"Xavier..." I mutter softly as I curl my fingers around his black t-shirt. Xavier looks back and smiles, his dimples washing away my every little fear.

"Alright," Viini escapes from his plethora of girls and looks at the two racers, "I got some good news and bad news. Bad news is you two fuckers tied but the good news is, I've got an idea to make it fair."

Xavier and Hyde both look confused.

"A rematch?" My quiet voice breaks through the tension.

Viini stares at me with a smirk.

"Kind of."

I don't like the look in his eyes. The green swirling with a darkness that makes me shiver. Viini looks mischievously devious.

"If you two boys want to settle this, then your cars will race again but...," Viini looks at his girls then at the two guys with a smile that is too sinful, "You won't be the racers."

"What the fuck are you saying, Viini?" Xavier agitatedly growls.

"Who the fuck are the racers?" Hyde barks.

Viini smiles and when those green eyes lock onto mine and the girl beside Hyde, I think I've just met the Devil.

"Your girls."

I'm dreaming.

I must be dreaming.

This is definitely a dream.

There's no way Viini wants me, a girl who can barely sleep on her bed without falling off, to race on a track that looks like it's one rainfall away from eroding and disappearing from this planet.

I can hear the laughter in my head.

"You're outta your fucking mind, Viini," Xavier is mad, "Lia is not racing."

I nod vigorously.

"You scared she's gonna lose?" Hyde taunts Xavier with a stupid grin.

Xavier scoffs, his jaw clenching and his stormy eyes burning Hyde in the darkest pits of hell.

"I don't care if she loses or wins. I'm not risking her safety for a stupid fucking race."

My heart swells at his attentiveness for my safety.

Xavier is so protective, it's hot. He's not protective or possessive in a psycho way but rather in a manner that is heartwarming and brilliant for my womanly libido. That night when I was with Colton at Nature Berry and I was crying, Xavier took my hand, looked into my eyes as if he was asking permission to murder Colton. Xavier has an angry, masculine, wicked side to him.

"Bets are in, X," Viini holds up a huge bundle of cash, eyeing me with a smirk, "Either your pretty little girl races or you forfeit."

"You want her to race, Viini." The girl beside Hyde maliciously scoffs, as if the mere idea of me racing is bonkers. I don't know who she is but I don't like the way she's looking at me or judging me.

Don't look at me like that, Nympho, or I'll break that pretty little nose of yours and rip that stringy pink hair off to the point you'll look like an ugly bald Barbie.

Nolee and Blair are influencing me. Totally called her a nympho but whatever.

Now I want to race just so I can show miss thang that I'm not a girl you be catty with and get away with it.

"You can ride shotgun," Viini looks at Xavier, "That way you know she's gonna be safe."

Xavier is quiet for a moment, his body tense and agitated. He better say yes or I'll start this race without him. To my satisfaction, Xavier nods and Viini shakes his hand in the way guys do—slappty-slap-let-me-hug-you-in-a-none-gay-way.

Hyde and his pink-haired Barbie walk off but not before I hear Hyde growling you better not fuck this up.

"I'm racing!" I yelp, the realization just dawning on me.

Xavier laughs at my reaction.

"I can't race. What if I crash your car? What if the music is too loud that I'm distracted and I can't brake fast enough? Oh my god, what if it rains and the tracks all muddy and we skid and fall off a cliff and oh my god, lightning—what if lightning strikes the car? What if—"

"Lia." Xavier shuts me off by cradling my face in his large, callous hands. Those gray-green eyes washing away all my crazy, fearful thoughts.

"Nothing's going to happen, Lia," Xavier has a ghost of a smile on his kissable lips, "I'll be right by your side."

I'm hypnotized by his lips and eyes.

He's so peacefully unbothered.

"Oh my gosh," I gasp, my thoughts going haywire, "You're trying to get rid of me."

All the exhilaration I was feeling a few moments ago has all turned to fear.

"What the fuck? Shut up," Xavier laughs, "I'm not trying to get rid of you. It's impossible for me to do that. You're gonna race and you're gonna win this shit, Lia. I'll guide you. I won't let anything happen to you."



As I stare into Xavier's captivating eyes, I feel myself getting roused about the race. I have Xavier by my side. I'm safe. Street racing sounds fun but dangerous and I can't believe I'm about to do it. I'm never adventurous, never daring. Yet one night with Xavier and I'm prying off my angel wings and walking into the Devil's path.

With an excited smile, I hold out my palm and Xavier drops his car keys. Climbing into his car, I silently pray to God we make it out alive from this race.

Xavier's car is intimidating from the outside but from the inside, it's daunting enough to make my thighs sweat and to make my heart thunder. Everything about Xavier's car is so luxurious, sleek, modern, masculine. Everything is black, and it's hot. Can a car be hot? Because Xavier's car is hot.

"Lia, this track is tight," Xavier takes my white scrunchie from my wrist and gathers my hair to tie it into a ponytail, "The idea is to get to the turns first or fall behind to go after. Don't turn with Hyde's car, got it?"

I nod, biting my lip as my nervousness rises.

"At each right, let off the gas before you turn, and then accelerate after you've straightened out. If you need to use the brake on the turn then do it but not so strong. Don't accelerate until after you've rounded the turn, or you'll spin out. Hit the gas in between turns and on the last track, hit it hard."

"You're so hot." I whisper, completely spellbound with his knowledge of racing.

Xavier smirks as he watches me with his sultry eyes. Amused, fascinated, and lustful. With a shy smile, I strap on my seatbelt.

Safety first.

Out of the blue, Xavier leans over and crashes his lips on mine. Those sinful lips sensually dance along mine, making me forget how to breathe. His palm is cherishing my cheek, his thumb drawing circles on my skin. Xavier grabs my thigh with his other hand, sneaking his fingers under my dress. My breath hitches at his hot touch, Xavier smugly smiles in our kiss when he feels me getting restless with the way his fingers are teasing my skin. I moan into his mouth when he hooks a finger around my panties and flicks it. A red-hot desire pools in my tummy and I'm soaking.

"Fuck her after the race, my man." Viini's amused voice breaks our steamy bubble and my cheeks are on fire when I meet his green eyes.

Viini smirks.

"I'm betting on you, babygirl."

With that he saunters off to the race starter girl, slipping the wad of cash in the waistband of her pink skirt.

My mind is still fuzzy from Xavier's kiss and touch. How am I supposed to concentrate when I'm feeling all kinds of aroused? I'm tempted to throw in the towel for this race just so I can rail Xavier freaking Knight. God, he makes my insides flame. I'm so turned on right now, it's like I'm high on drugs.

Turning the key, the roar of the car vibrates through my thighs, the animalistic power of it makes my precious flower sing hallelujah. As if on instinct, I lock eyes with Xavier who's watching me with lust and carnal want. I wonder what he thinks of me behind his wheel. Is he as turned on as me right now? Does he want to jump me and rip off all my clothes and take me six ways to Sunday?

Damn, Lia.



You can rail him after the race.

An aggressive rev of a car has me glancing to my left. Hyde and pink Barbie are looking at Xavier and me with menacing smiles.

"X, you ready?" Suki 2.0 points towards us with sultry eyes.

Xavier nods.

"Hyde, you ready?"

"Let's play dirty, baby."

Can he get anymore cringe?

2Pac's California Love blasts from the speakers and I get lost in the music. I'm going to win this race. Keeping my eyes on Suki 2.0, I rev the car when her slender arms rise. The adrenaline and excitement kick in, saying goodbye to the fear. Suki 2.0 moves her hips and turns and when she drops her arms, I slam on the gas.

Xavier's Mustang takes off with so much power, I have to catch my breath. The bass from the speakers and the beat of the song slither their way into my blood and it's like I'm experiencing a Freaky Friday metamorphosis.  My fingers curl around the leather wheel, my back digs into the seat, my arms straight and tight.

How the fudge does Xavier drive this car? It has so much power!

"Relax Lia." Xavier's hot, husky, smooth voice seeps into my soul.

I don't know if Hyde's car is next to me, or behind me. All I know and care about is that it's not in front of me. My thighs cold with sweat, slide across the cool leather seat as I lift my leg to push down on the clutch. That movement makes my dress ride higher up my thighs.

The first right turn is coming and I lightly push the brakes in preparation for the round. As I push off the brake and make the turn, the rear of the car starts to slide.

My eyes widen and panic sets in.

"Steer to the right." Xavier orders.

I quickly control the fear of spinning out and steer to the right as the car slides to the left. Cloud of dust paints the track and my heart is pounding.

Oof, that was close.

Stepping on the clutch, I change the gear to third and as my speed picks up, I shift immediately to fourth gear. Biting my lip, I sneak a glance in the rearview mirror and catch Hyde's car a good space behind me.

The windows of the Mustang are open and the cold air feels so good against my hot skin. My breathing is fast, my arms are shaking from holding onto the wheel so hard yet I have a smile on my face.

This is so fun!

"Change to sixth, skip fifth." Xavier instructs with a rasp to his voice.

When I change the gear to sixth, the Mustang gets more powerful.

"Slow down, Lia." Xavier looks back to check on how far Hyde's car is.

But I don't slow down. I'm putting the pedal to the metal.

"Lia, you need to slow down, baby." Xavier's deep, sultry voice echoes somewhere in the back of my dazed mind.

The second turn pops up on me like a sneaky scare jump. Taking my foot off the gas, but not braking, I make a sharp right which causes the car to skid left but then I force the wheel right so I straighten out.

"Oh my gosh!" I gasp as I slam down on the gas to gain speed. Looking behind me, Hyde's car is a million light-years away. Yay!

"Lia," Xavier growls, not happy that I disobeyed, "Don't fucking do that again."

Will he punish me? I hope he cho—I need to stop.

Shaking off my perverted, kinky thoughts, I focus on the next turn and it goes as smoothly as the last—much to Xavier's despair. This is addictive. No wonder Xavier loves it. The adrenaline is like a sweet drug throwing me into a sinful euphoria. I've always been a rule follower, playing it safe, being the good girl but tonight something inside me is making me want to break the rules and be spunky for once.

The last turn comes and I'm ahead with a surprisingly large gap. Wanting to be the petty girl I am, I slow down and shift the gear to third and smoothly curve around the bend.

"You're fucking crazy." Xavier laughs, his dimples blossoming my tummy with butterflies and blessing the place between my thighs. Our eyes meet and I watch as his bounce to my lips, red-hot desire pooling in those stormy eyes.

"Stop playing and win the fucking race, Lia."

I cheekily smile at his playful words.

Going at a petty and hilarious thirty miles per hour, I cruise over the finish line and I laugh when I see Hyde's car struggling to come around that last turn. Putting the car into neutral and lifting the e-brake, I let go of the wheel and rest my head against the seat.

Closing my eyes, I catch my breath and calm my racing heart down. That was the most exhilarating thing I'd ever done. I swear my body felt like it was on a sugar high. Opening the door, I climb out and there's so much cheering. Everyone is looking at me with admiration and awe. A blush taints my cheeks when Viini walks over and winks at me.

Xavier soon after captures my whole attention.

Grabbing my wrist, he pushes me against his car and crashes his lips on my lips. Whimpering into his mouth, I wrap my arms around his neck and close my eyes to lose myself in the scorching hot kiss. Everything about Xavier is so strong and hot and ugh—I want him.

I break the kiss first and Xavier stares at me with a zealous emotion I can't decipher.

"Well, I gotta say," Viini licks his lip, giving me a once-over that has my knees weak, "Your girl is fucking feisty."

Xavier smirks and Viini slaps the wad of cash into his palm. I grin when Xavier looks at me whilst holding the dollar bills and when he slips some into my cleavage, I think I have a mini orgasm.

Hyde's car finally crosses the finish line and when the two climb out looking every bit of furious, I hold back my laughter. Pink Barbie glares at me and I just shrug, mouthing a petty sorry. Hyde sneers at me before walking off like a kid after having a tantrum.

Viini announces that he's throwing a party at his place and everyone goes wild. Viini is respected and admired and I think it's cool what he does. I wonder if he races too?

My thoughts are distracted when Xavier grips onto my hips and presses his body into mine. I bite my lip when I feel his hard-on. His fingers teasingly lower to my ass and to the hem of my dress, bunching the silky material up. Those red, filthy lips of his kiss my neck, sending me into a pool of hot lust. Closing my eyes and lulling my head to the side, I lick my lips when Xavier brushes his fingers under my breasts.

"Let's get out of here." He whispers hotly into my ear.

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