Second Chances || Saiouma

By Lethargic_Lilac

48.7K 1.3K 7.7K

Shuichi woke up in a hospital room confused and dazed, only to find out that all his friends had survived the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 16

2.1K 49 580
By Lethargic_Lilac

"Ahhh~! Are you Serious!" Shuichi held the phone away from him, ear still ringing.

"Jeez Kaede, you're going to take my ear off," he chuckled.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm just so happy for you!"

Shuichi looked up staring at the pretty clouds, taking in the morning air. "I know, I think this is the happiest I've been in a while."

"Aw, Shuichi-" Kaede gasped, stopping in the middle of her sentence.

"What, what's wrong?"

"Oh nothing, I just got the best idea!"

"Kaede..." he spoke cautiously.

"Don't worry about it, I'll text you it later after I ask Rantaro."

"Ask him what?"

"Bye! I'll talk to you later!" Shuichi looked at his phone, the 'call end' blinking at him. Shuichi had woken up early this morning to texts from Kaede about finally getting together with Rantaro. It was funny that they both had the same news, so Shuichi gave her a call to tell her.

Shuichi climbed back inside the window from the fire escape, stepping over the desk, and walking to the bathroom. Everything felt so bright this morning, he felt so relaxed it almost stressed him out.

He could have sworn that Kokichi was still asleep, but when he opened the door, Kokichi was standing there, shirtless and applying his medicine. Kokichi glanced up at him, but otherwise had no complaints about him walking in.

"Good morning," Kokichi hummed.

"'Morning," he smiled. "I didn't mean to walk in on you, I thought you were still sleeping. I'll leave if you want me to."

"It's okay, you can stay." Kokichi rubbed the lotion into his waist.

Shuichi eyed the medicine on the counter, eyes drifting back over to Kokichi's lean frame.

He picked up the bottle squeezing a little into his hand. Kokichi watched him move curiously, his breath catching in his chest as Shuichi slid his hand down the side of him. Taking his time to rub the medicine in thoroughly.

Shuichi couldn't help be reminded of the other time he had done this for Kokichi. His heart rate picking up when Kokichi let out a soft sigh.

"You don't have to do that."

"I want to though," Shuichi smirked, watching Kokichi's eyes in the mirror. His fingers stalled on, Kokichi's hips, dipping into his waist and back up again.

Shuichi rubbed over Kokichi's shoulder and felt the need to lean down and kiss it. He usually would have ignored those thoughts, but he was allowed to act on them now, right?

Kokichi's eyes fluttered open when he felt the soft kiss on his shoulders, shivers running down his spine. "I don't think I'll ever get used to this."

"To what? Affection?" Shuichi closed the cap on the medicine, moving Kokichi's shirt off the sink, and putting toothpaste on his brush, like he originally came in here for.


"Should I not have done that," Shuichi frowned.

"No, I liked it. I'm just not used to it. Just promise me one thing." Kokichi held out his pinky finger. "Promise me that we won't turn into a Tenko and Himiko."

"If that ever happens, I give you permission to sell my kidneys." Shuichi took ahold of Kokichi's pinky with his own and shook it. "So, are we-"

"Dating?" Kokichi supplied. "Do you want to be?"

"I mean, yeah. I have no idea what that even means, but I know I want to be with you."

"Me too," Kokichi grinned. Shuichi released a breath he didn't know he was holding. What would he have done if he had jumped the gun and assumed Kokichi wanted a relationship and he really didn't.

"So, that makes us boyfriends?" Shuichi blushed.

Kokichi's nose scrunched up as he threw his shirt back over his head. "Yeah, but don't say it like that. It makes me feel like I'm in middle school."

Shuichi laughed softly before a realization hit him. "Wait, we haven't even gone on a date yet."

"Do we really need to?"

"I might not know much about dating, but I'm pretty sure that's the first step."

"Yeah, well we skipped like 4 steps. We literally live together."

Shuichi bit his lip, grabbing Kokichi's hand from where it was currently ripping through his hair as a detangling method. "Then let's start at the beginning. How about tonight we go do something." Shuichi waited for a response, but Kokichi kept staring at him with a disbelieving smile. "Will you go on a date with me Kokichi?"

Kokichi huffed out a laugh. "Ask me that again in the living room. I'm not having someone ask me to go on my first date in a fucking bathroom." Kokichi walked out of the bathroom, but not before sending a wink Shuichi's way.

Kokichi Ouma would be the death of him.


Since he doesn't know a whole bunch about dates, so he kept theirs rather simple. They went to dinner at a nice restaurant he had spent a good amount of time looking for this afternoon and was lucky enough to get reservations for.

After that, they walked around. It sounded boring but anytime Kokichi was around, nothing could be boring. The restaurant was located in a cute little square, with many boutiques and street vendors. They popped in and out of different stores and bought things they didn't really need. One of the street vendors was selling bouquets, and even though it was stereotypical, Shuichi couldn't resist buying a bouquet for Kokichi.

They slowly worked their way out of the square, picking up some ice cream along the way, and found themselves in a park. The trees were in full bloom, and bushes lined wavy paths. Little lanterns hung above the park, lighting up the night sky, and the sound of kids playing as they rolled down a grass hill filled the air.

They walked through the paths of bushes, hands intertwined, finding a pretty white gazebo with a swing inside. It was the perfect place for them to set their stuff down, and finish their melting ice cream.

"Did you have fun?"

Kokichi tilted his head from his shoulder, his feet gently pushing the swing back and forth. "I was with you, so yeah." Shuichi felt his heart swell. "Did you?"

"Yeah, of course. It's like you said, I was with you."

Kokichi smiled, everything in that moment felt perfect. The lighting, the setting, the proximity of their faces. Shuichi bumped his nose into Kokichi's, a sticky hand grabbing the side of his face, pulling him the rest of the way into the kiss. It was sweet, not only because of the emotion but also because of the taste of ice cream still on their tongues. You would think having a sticky hand smooshed into your face would be disgusting, but Shuichi was so taken away by Kokichi's playful nips, he didn't even notice it.

A rapid buzzing in their pockets, had them pulling away. They looked at each other, simultaneously confused, and took their phones out.

"I just got a text from Kaede."

"Me too." Shuichi scrolled up to the top of the text. What are you up to Kaede?

Shuichi began to read. 'Hi Shuichi, just wanted to tell you that my plan I came up with early is a go! So, tomorrow, in an effort to get to know my best friend's boyfriend better, we'll switch places! I'll hang out with Kokichi, and you'll hang out with Rantaro! And you can also tell me what you think about Rantaro. I promise it will be fun, please say yes. Also, this isn't up for argument, It's the will of Atua!'

Shuichi snorted at the last line, wiping his eyes with the back of his hands. Can he really hangout with Rantaro? No, but he didn't think it would bode well if he replied with that.

"Mine says she's hanging out with me tomorrow. What?"

"Here." Shuichi handed his phone over to Kokichi, letting him read Kaede's text.

"Are we doing it?"

"I don't really think Kaede is giving us that choice."

"It could be interesting, I'm down," Kokichi shrugged.

Something in him told him this was not going to go well. As Shuichi texted Kaede back with the only answer he was allowed to give, he couldn't help shake the feeling he was forgetting something.

Tuesday morning he had woke up a mess of worries. His stress-free day, long expired. Nothing was able to calm his nerves. He had paced around from the start of the day, Kokichi eventually waking up and poking fun at his worrying.

Kaede was supposed to text him when she was on her way over to his apartment, and that's when he was supposed to leave for Rantaro's. So when he got a message on his phone at noon, telling him it was time to go, he mustered up all the courage he had and left.

He arrived at Rantaro's apartment complex just a little after he was supposed to get there. Thanking his driver and walking steadily through the glass doors into the complex. Chances are Kaede is already at his apartment, Kokichi and her doing whatever it is she had planned.

Hopefully, whatever it is they're doing they have fun. He's not sure he'll be able to say the same for Rantaro and him.

Spending time alone with Rantaro is one of the last things he thought he would be doing today, but Kaede made it very clear that she wants him to get to know Rantaro and tell her what he thinks.

It's not really his place to tell Kaede who she should or shouldn't be dating, given the track record of his significant other, but he understands that she values his opinion, and wants him to get along with Rantaro. It's the same way he feels about wanting Kokichi to get along with Kaito and Maki. So since it's important to her he'll push through the awkwardness.

He followed the direction on his phone through the dim hallways of the complex, until he found Rantaro's apartment number. His apartment complex was much larger than Shuichi's, so if he got lost a couple of times on the way, only he and the old lady he met in the elevator knew.

Shuichi gave a couple knocks on the peeling wooden door, and waited, and waited, and waited.


Huh, does he have the right place? He glanced down at his phone reaffirming that he was indeed at the right place. Shuichi fidgeted with his hands nervously, rocking on his feet. Maybe he should call? No, he should just try again.

He raised his fist hesitantly, knocking against the wood once, and as his fist hit the wood a second time, the door whipped open. Shuichi gripped onto the doorframe, almost losing his balance, and looked up; his face growing beet red.

"Hey sorry, I was in the shower. You're early aren't you?" Shuichi felt like he had just walked in on something he wasn't supposed to see; even though Rantaro was the one who opened the door. Rantaro stood at the door, dripping with water, hair filled with soap suds, and towel hanging on for dear life around his hips.

Shuichi straightened up, clearing his voice. "Uh, no, I'm actually a couple minutes late." Instead of staring at Rantaro in his practically naked form, he chose to focus on the little puddle forming on the floor.

"Shit, my bad. I thought for sure I'd be able to squeeze in a quick shower." He frowned before it stretched into a smile. "Well, come on in." Rantaro moved out of the way, opening the door wide, gesturing him in. Shuichi smiled tightly, stepping over the little puddle and into the apartment.

"Uh, do you mind if I go finish my shower, it won't take me long," he jabbed his thumb in the direction of a room with a trail of water coming from it.

"Yeah, of course. I don't mind." If he's being honest, he does mind, but it's not like Rantaro can just magically make the soap and water disappear. This was already going to be awkward, and now he has to sit alone in his apartment. He did not sign up for this.

"Great. Don't be afraid to make yourself at home. You can throw your stuff anywhere, watch Tv or read something, I don't care," Rantaro shouted, walking to the bathroom.

"Okay," he called back, scanning the apartment. He's probably just going to stick with sitting down.

"Oh, and I made some brownies feel free to have one. Just be sure you take one from the plate on the right." Rantaro shut the bathroom door, the hiss of the shower squealing out.

There were two plates of brownies resting on a round dining table, in the middle of the room. Shuichi assumes those are the ones Rantaro was talking about. He doesn't even have to guess what's in the left plate of brownies, the whole apartment reeks of it.

Shuichi stared at the brownies, his stomach growling. He usually would refuse sweets, but his hungry stomach was calling for one, and god forbid he have to sit through this while being hungry.

He grabbed a brownie from the plate, sitting down on the worn-out leather couch. The brownie was mediocre at best, tasting a bit like pine, but it kept his mouth busy and his stomach happy while he waited.

If you could get past the smell, and the random article's of clothing strewn about; his apartment was pretty cool. Different rock band posters were hung on the brick walls. Color changing lights and other strange decorations were strung up around the ceiling. A couple of bean bags, sat in front of the couch, between a coffee table filled with magazines.

He took his time looking around the apartment, eventually settling back on the couch to read on his phone.

Shuichi heard the door to the bathroom open and close, along with a few other bangs, before Rantaro reappeared in front of him, dropping himself into one of the bean bags.

His hair was still damp, but at least now he was fully clothed. Shuichi swallowed thickly, setting down his phone and staring back at Rantaro.

He had this cool, calmness to him that always made Shuichi feel like his mind was being read. Like his laid back stare was piercing right through his soul and knew far too much information about him.

Rantaro kept his eyes on him as he grabbed a can of soda from beside him. "Want one?" he asked, holding out the can to Shuichi, an eyebrow raised.

"Um, no I'm fine."

Rantaro shrugged and cracked open the soda, taking a swig. Shuichi wasn't sure if Rantaro knew how intrusive his stare was, or if he has no clue and genuinely just always has that expression.

It started off much like Shuichi thought it would, awkward and unsure what to say, but as time passed their conversation changed from boring small talk to a pleasant conversation.

"So, you and Kaede..." Shuichi had sunk back in the couch further, gradually becoming more comfortable with his surroundings.

Rantaro chuckled, a small grin forming on his lips as he tightened the strings on his guitar. "Yeah, we've been sort of dating for a bit, but Kaede sealed the deal. She speaks what's on her mind, I like that about her."

His lip quirked up. "Yeah, that sounds like her."

"I'll admit I was a little surprised when I heard you and Kokichi were dating."

"Oh, did Kaede tell you about that," Shuichi scratched the back of his head, looking away.

"Yeah," he shrugged. "Don't worry though, I figured you probably would like to tell everyone else yourself. So my lips are sealed," he ran his fingers across his mouth, metaphorically zipping them.

"Thanks." Shuichi let out a relieved sigh, his heartbeat going back to normal. "Um, so how did you and Kaede start seeing each other. If you don't mind me asking."

Rantaro pushed a hand through his still drying hair, not even needing a moment to think before answering. "Kaede helped me a lot, still does actually. It's been pretty hard to adjust coming back.

"Yeah I think it's been hard on all of us," he agreed.

Rantaro let out an amused huff. "Well, it's a little different for me, you know since I've lost my memories twice."

Shuichi paled, instantly wanting to crawl into a hole. God, what he just said sounds so stupid right now. He can't believe he seriously forgot something like that. "Oh yeah, of course, I know that." What's going on with him, he feels like he's been so forgetful lately.

His minor forgetfulness didn't seem to affect Rantaro and he continued speaking. "Well since we found out we are taking classes on the same campus it was nice to see a familiar face. From there we started seeing each other just about everyday and she's helped me a lot you know.

"After losing your memories twice it gets a little harder to piece together what's real and what isn't. Sometimes I confused stuff from my real memories that I've learned about, with things from the Danganronpa fifty-two memories. Kaede was always around to shine a light on things and help me figure myself out."

Shuichi smiles, he understands exactly what Rantaro is talking about. Anywhere Kaede went she would brighten up the mood and lend a helping hand.

"Speaking of Danganronpa fifty-two, have the people from that group tried to reach out to you at all?"

"Uh, yeah actually. I've met up with a couple of them who said they were my friends, but since I don't have the same memories and personality as I used to, it didn't seem like they were too interested to stick around." Rantaro strummed the guitar, a beautifully pitched vibration flowing off the strings.

Shuichi felt bad, whatever friends Rantaro had met up with couldn't have really cared about him if they just left after finding out he was different. His mom and dad had brought him back into their lives even though he was different, the same goes for Kaede, Gonta, and everyone else. Now that he's thinking about it, Rantaro doesn't even really have a connection to anyone else in their group, because he hadn't been there long. He was friendly to everyone and moved around groups to chat, but at the end of the day, the only person he has a bond with is Kaede.

Maybe that why Kaede wanted him to talk to Rantaro so badly. She wanted Rantaro to have another friend.

Shuichi hadn't even realized he had been quiet for too long until Rantaro filled it. "You know I actually went back and watched Danganronpa fifty-two."

"Oh really? Kokichi and I did something similar, we went back and played the original Danganronpa game that started everything. What was it like?"

"Yeah, it was interesting, at the end of the show we were allowed to go home. I'm guessing after the filming cut I found out most of us survived and went back home. I had been living here for about 6 months before getting called back for another season because my past self had signed a contract for two seasons if I won. Well, that's at least what the people from Danganronpa fifty-two said happened."

Shuichi stared in horror, he couldn't imagine after everything he's been through getting a call in a couple months telling him he's legally obligated to participate in another killing game. "You don't- you don't think one of us signed something like that, right?"

"Well, I'm not going to pretend like I haven't thought about it. Let's just hope that doesn't happen."

"That's reassuring," Shuichi said sarcastically, rubbing his palms on his jeans.

Rantaro chuckled, setting aside his guitar and grabbing his laptop. "Actually there's a petition circulating online for Team Danganronpa to quit making the reality TV show."


"Yep." Rantaro typed into his laptop, flipping it around to show Shuichi the website. It was brightly colored and titled 'End Danganronpa for good, save people from life long trauma', he couldn't help but snort. It looked like a couple thousand people had signed, but Shuichi knew that the show had far too many fans and willing participants for it to ever be canceled. Especially since they now had a way to prevent people from actually dying.

When he had left the killing game he was under the impression that they had destroyed it permanently, but after he re-entered the real world he realized how large Danganronpa truly was. That his little speech and Kiibo blasting down the set wasn't going to stop them from continuing and rebuilding. He had tried so hard not to feed into what Danganronpa wanted at the end and choose hope or despair, but at the end of the day, he still gave them one hell of a finale episode, boosting the ratings and the viewers, since something unexpected happened.

Instead of keeping his arm outstretched, Rantaro sat up from the bean bag and next to him on the couch. "Are you active online at all?"

"No, not really." Shuichi watched as Rantaro clicked off the website his fingers moving fast across the keyboard to bring something else up.

"I don't post anything, but I do kinda stalk the internet. We're talked about a lot online."

"Oh, I know. That's part of the reason I stay away from social media. But Kokichi and Miu have unfortunately informed me all about it."

Rantaro laughed at his creeped-out expression. "Yeah I get what you mean, but a lot of the stuff is actually cool. Have you seen our pre-game interviews?"

"Uh~ I think someone mentioned that we had to do PR before we lost our memories and the show started, but I never looked into it."

"Here," Rantaro clicked onto a video, and it loaded up. It was all of them, on some type of stage, dressed in the outfits they had on during the game, and answering questions provided by the host. The only one who wasn't there was Rantaro.

"How come you're not in it?"

"I think it had something to do with them wanting to surprise people with my return. Well, that's my guess anyway."

Shuichi nodded his head too focused on the video to reply. It was so strange. It was nothing like watching those old videos of Kokichi and him, where they had completely different personalities. No, this was strange because he was having to watch himself and everyone else act like their current personality. His past self was painfully tripping over words, it makes him wonder if he really does act like that now or if his past self was just a horrible actor.

The others were struggling too, Miu kept trying to say the most vulgar things, but would then blush after. She would cross her legs before remembering that she needed to keep them open, and she would tug up her skirt and then tug it back down when she realized what she did. Others weren't as obvious, but there were still things that gave them away, all the way down to mannerisms. They really did become whole new people, because the people on this stage were nothing like the people he knew today.

Rantaro continued on showing him different videos, the time was passing by and Shuichi didn't even realize it. He was actually getting along with Rantaro, and he was a lot different than he had originally thought. Maybe, coming here was meant to be after all.

Shuichi was watching something else Rantaro had pulled up, listening to him talk amicably about the subject when a feeling hit him, nothing like anything he had ever felt before. It was a crazy sensation, there was no onset or slow progression, it felt like it had truly come out of nowhere.

Shuichi brought a hand to his head and rubbed it. Rantaro's voice suddenly sounded so loud, and the computer screen was so far away from him. His legs and arms felt so heavy, he's even sure he could lift them if he tried. His head was dizzy, but not nauseous dizzy. Everything sort of felt like it was moving in slow motion. The couch felt so soft under him, and he could probably sleep for a year if he wanted to, but he was too busy staring at the ceiling. It was just a ceiling but it was also so much more than that.

There was a hand being waved in front of his face. Why's there a hand in his face? His name was being called too. The sound crashing upon him as it gradually got louder.

"Shuichi! Hello?"

Shuichi hissed, cupping both of his hands over his ears, slowly turning his head towards Rantaro.


"Are you okay? You kind of zoned out there." Rantaro looked at him suspiciously, the wheels in head-turning.

Shuichi smacked his lips together, he needs water, his whole mouth feels like it's filled with cotton. "Um, I'm actually, uh- I feel kind of weird. 'M probably just tired."

"Shuichi, look at me," Rantaro said, his voice taking a serious tone. He moved his head from where it had fallen back on the couch, his eyes falling on a concerned Rantaro. "Shit," he whispered under his breath. "Shuichi did you eat one of the brownies?"

"Yeah. Wait, was I not supposed to? But I thought you said I could? I'm so sorry." Gone was the relaxation he had felt before, and in came a wave of anxiety so thick he felt like he could puke.

Rantaro patted his shoulder and the feeling traveled through his entire body. "No it's okay, but what plate did you eat from?"

"The- the right one like you said."

"Which right?"

"What do you mean what right?"

"My right or your right?" Shuichi stared up at Rantaro, unsure of what to say. "Never mind, just point to the plate you took the brownie from."

He turned his head toward the table, taken back by how colorful the apartment is. He noticed it before, but now it was just... so much more. Everything was so vibrant and beautiful. "That one," he pointed.

Rantaro cringed, dropping his head down into his hands. "Dammit, Sorry Shuichi, I guess I should have been more clear."

"What? What does that mean."

"Uh, well you might have eaten one of the edibles I made."

Shuichi's eyes widened. "Might have?"

"Er... definitely have."

"Oh my god! Oh my god!"

Rantaro waved his hands in front of him again, trying his best to put on a reassuring smile. "It's okay don't freak out it's not a big deal. Why don't you just try to enjoy it?"

"I'm going to die!" he felt like crying, but his mouth was too dry. His heart was beating so fast in his chest, it felt like it was going to fly out.

"Shh," Rantaro tried to soothe. "You aren't going to die. You're just freaking out, weed can do that sometimes. Just try to relax and let it be a good trip."

"I don't want to go on a trip, take me out!"

"It'll wear off. Please tell me you only ate one right?" Shuichi nodded and Rantaro let out a relieved sigh. "Okay good, then let's just get you home, you'll probably feel more comfortable there, especially when it really hits."

"So this isn't it!"

"Well it could be, you've been at my apartment for about two hours, sometimes it intensifies but everyone's reactions are different."

"Oh my god, I really am going to die," Shuichi looked up at the ceiling again, Rantaro tugging at his dead limbs.

"Here let me help you up, so I can take you home."

"My life is over. I'm a criminal. They're going to take me to jail and I'll never see the light of day again. I won't even be able to wish my kids good luck on their first day of school."

Rantaro tugged him up until he was standing, dragging him along as he picked up his keys. "You don't have kids."

"B-but I could have if it wasn't for you, thanks a lot Rantaro."

He scoffed. "Come on let's get you home."


Kokichi picked leisurely at the hem of his sweater, watching Kaede nervously pace, as she waited for another text on her phone.

Kaede dropped her hand away from her mouth, turning her phone on and off before looking back at him. "You don't think they got into a fight do you?"

"They probably ripped each other apart," he joked, smirking at an unimpressed Kaede.

"Ugh, that's not helping," she groaned, picking her phone back up.

Everything had been fine up until now. Kaede was an easy person to get along with, and it's not like he hadn't hung out with her before. Chances are she was the wary one, scared of hanging out with him alone.

Kaede had brought over a case full of musicals for them to watch, and while Kokichi wasn't one for musical theater he had promised that he would behave. Really they had been having a nice time, watching the musicals and doing some dumb arts a crafts project she also brought. That is until Kaede had received a text from Rantaro telling her that there was a problem and he was on his way over.

From there Kaede had paused the musical, and moved to one of the stools on the living room side of the island, waiting for them to either arrive or text again. He was sure she probably wanted some form of comfort. For him to tell her that everything was going to be okay and that everything is fine, but he's the wrong person for that job. Don't get him wrong, he's definitely a little concerned at the moment, but he would never say that out loud.

Only people like Shuichi, Kaede, and even sometimes Miu were good at assuring and comforting. His brand of comfort is more along the lines of cracking jokes until the person puts their emotions away. He's never been good at handling any kind of strong emotion from someone else, so he uses sarcasm and awfully timed humor to avoid it.

Unfortunately, his plans to avoid emotion had recently been foiled and he had been unable to run away. Leave it to Shuichi to mess up one of his plans again, although this time he couldn't say he was mad at the outcome.

He also couldn't say he was always uncomforting and emotionless, he had his moments. Just right now wasn't one of them.

"Do you thi-" Kaede cut off her own words jumping up from her seat with a gasp, at the small knock on the door. "That's them!"

Kokichi stood up from the couch, stretching, kicking the shitty kindergarten quality necklace he made and faced the door. Could Kaede possibly be right? Maybe they did get into a fight? No Shuichi wasn't like that.

"What happened?" he questioned immediately as she opened the door, ushering in Rantaro and Shuichi. Kokichi frowned, something was off. Shuichi's eyes were half-closed, he had a goofy smile on his face and Rantaro was helping him stay balanced. "Well," Kaede prompted when they didn't explain, shutting the door behind them.

Rantaro's eyes flickered guiltily from Kokichi to Kaede. "Well, you see-"

An excited gasp left Shuichi's mouth, their focus moving from Rantaro to Shuichi. "Kaede! How are you?" Kokichi's eyes widen, at the uncharacteristic outgoingness in his voice.

Kaede frowned scrunching up her nose and turning her head. "I'm okay, but are you?" she said slowly.

"Never better... well I thought I was going to die earlier, but Rantaro said no." Shuichi grinned lifting up a weak thumb.

Kaede's face changed instantly, her mouth forming into a small 'o' and her hand moving to cover it. "Oh no, Rantaro did he..." Kaede finished her sentence with a series of hand and eye movements, that somehow Rantaro understood.

Rantaro cringed, tightening his lips together. "Yeah, he did."

Kaede's mouth fell open again and apparently this time she needed both hands to cover it. "Did he mean..." Kaede spoke with her hands again. Kokichi watched the exchange, increasingly becoming more annoyed at being left out of the loop.

"Nope," Rantaro replied, closing his eyes slowly.

"What, do you guys have your own secret fucking language or something! Spit it out already?" Kokichi blurted out. Both of them looked a little taken back by him, and Shuichi even covered his ears.

"Well you see," Rantaro started but then trailed off. Kokichi tapped his foot against the ground, arms crossed and waiting. "Shuichi accidentally ate an edible. I had two plates of brownies out and I told him to take one from the plate on the right, but I wasn't thinking about if he grabbed it from the other side of the table. It's my fault really."

Kokichi's arms fell to his side. "So, he's high."

"Really high, yes."

Kokichi's face broke from its scowl, twisting up in a mad grin, as he started to laugh. "Ow, my stomach! Uh god, this is great!"

"Here, don't let him fall over, " Rantaro grabbed onto Shuichi's hand and placed it on Kokichi's shoulder. "He can stand, he's just a little off balance." Kokichi's laughter fell to a cease, as Shuichi's arms began to wrap around him instead of holding onto his shoulder.

Rantaro smirked triumphantly at his red face, Shuichi let out a pleased noise, burying his head into Kokichi's hair. "Mm, I missed you."

"You were gone for like two hours," Kokichi snorted, fighting Shuichi's arms off of him, but eventually giving up, as he found that, Shuichi had a surprisingly strong grip.

"How come he's acting so differently, you don't get like this," Kaede asked. Rantaro took a step closer to study Shuichi.

"You get used to it after a while, the first time is always..." Rantaro hesitated. "-an experience. Plus, those brownies were pretty strong."

"So you're just such a pothead that you've gotten used to it," he summarized.

Rantaro didn't look offended in the slightest, he just shrugged. "Yeah, pretty much. Everyone has a different experience though, he started getting anxious back at my place, so I wanted to get him somewhere he's comfortable."

"How long is it going to last?" Kaede questioned.

"Uh, well it depends. Maybe sometime around eight or nine."

Kokichi was distracted from the current conversation, Shuichi's hands beginning to rove through his hair, breathing in deeply. "Are you Sniffing me?" he whispered under his breath.

"Mhm," Shuichi replied in a tone so unlike him. "You smell really good. You smell like skin."

Kokichi's face contorted. What the hell does that mean? "Skin?"

"Yeah, yeah. I can't describe it, but it's good. Also, your hair is so~ soft. I can't believe I haven't noticed it before. It's the softest things I've ever touched."

"Shuichi, my hair is dead. It has been bleached to hell and back." Shuichi pulled back from his hair, hanging his head right in front of Kokichi's face as he talked. "One word, damaged."

Kokichi glared at the goofy smile on Shuichi's face, cursing the flutter in his chest. "Why are you staring at me like that?" Shuichi shook his head, placing a kiss on Kokichi's forehead.

"Are you okay Shuichi?" Kaede called, their focus returning to back to the conversation.

Shuichi removed himself from Kokichi, stretching out. "You guys don't need to baby me. I'll feel perfectly normal, in fact, I feel better than normal!" Shuichi's voice exuded confidence, it surprised them all for a second.

"Well, since we are already here why don't all of us hang out?" Kaede supplied cheerfully. "Or would you rather us leave?"

Shuichi waved his hand down. "Psh, of course, you can stay." Rantaro nodded his head and stalked off to the kitchen.

"Kokichi?" she asked hopefully.

"Ugh, fine," he rolled his eyes. He's not going to kick blondie and weedy out just yet.

Rantaro came back from the kitchen, hands filled with his stash of junk food and a glass of water. "Here's some water."

Shuichi grabbed for the glass quickly, sitting on the couch and chugging it. "Yes! Thank you I was so thirsty."

Rantaro laughed dropping the junk food on their coffee table. "I hope you don't mind, I raided your pantry as well."

"You know what they say, mi casa es tu... something. I don't know I can't speak Spanish." Kokichi snagged one of the bags of chips, sitting down next to Shuichi, who was on his third glass of water, helpfully supplied by Kaede.

"Were you guys watching something?" Rantaro pointed at the tv, as he sat on the floor with Kaede.

"Yeah, we were in the middle of a musical. Do you want to watch?" she enthused.

"Do you have anything else to watch? I don't really like musicals," Shuichi groaned. At least someone agreed with him.

"Um, I have this one cheesy American vampire movie from a while ago, but I think it's like one of the last movies in the series."

"Eh, why not. Go ahead and put that one in."

"Okay," Kaede scooted forward, digging the movie out of her case and setting everything up.

Shuichi leaned over onto Kokichi grabbing a handful of chips from the bag. He started to laugh lightly, Kokichi thought he sounded a bit like a broken seal. "What are you laughing at?"

He hummed in the back of his throat, shutting his eyes happily. "I don't know."

Kaede was right this movie was cheesy, and god awful to boot. Maybe, it was because they hadn't seen the other films, but he had a feeling they were just as bad if not worse. Regardless, it was better than what Kaede had been making him watch, at least he could laugh at this.

"I don't get it," Shuichi groaned. "How did she get pregnant if he's a vampire!"

"It was the power of their love," Kaede replied dreamily.

"But he shouldn't have been able to have sex in the first place. He has no blood, how is he going to get hard. He's dead."

"Wait, you're right. So isn't that like necrophilia?" Kokichi added.

"No, he drinks animal blood, it probably circulates."

"So, necrophilia and bestiality," he gasped dramatically.

"You two are no fun."

"I'm so hungry~" Shuichi moaned, sliding off the couch. Kokichi's eyes followed the way his shirt rode up, exposing the band of his boxers and a glimpse of his V line. Kokichi gulped turning his attention back to the lady pregnant with a demon baby and yanked Shuichi back up.

"It is dinner time now, do you want to order something?" Rantaro suggested.

"Yes! Anything is fine with me."

"Okay, I'll order takeout." He pulled out his phone, dialing up the number.

"Get a lot." Rantaro nodded his head at Shuichi, acknowledging his request, and then began to place the order.

Shuichi pushed himself against Kokichi, his hands sliding around his waist. Kokichi readied himself to turn and glare at him, but as his face turned he found his neck and cheek being peppered with little kisses. He blushed profusely, Shuichi had become so touchy-feely. He wasn't sure if it was because he normally thought of doing this stuff and now that he's high he isn't worried about it. Or if being high just made him like that. Perhaps it was a bit of both.

"Stop that, you promised me that we wouldn't be a Tenko and Himiko." It wasn't that he didn't like all the attention because he most certainly did. Attention was practically his middle name. But right now, with people over... yeah, not the best time. If they were alone and Shuichi had been giving him this sort of attention, he can one hundred percent guarantee he would have already jumped his bones. All it was doing now was leaving him frustrated and wishing he would have kicked blondie and weedy out.

Shuichi grinned. "Oh, right," he paused for a few seconds. "Can I tell you a secret?"

Kokichi looked around, Rantaro had gotten off the phone, the tv had been paused, and Kaede was in the middle of showing Rantaro how to make a necklace. "Is it something sober you would be okay telling me?"

"Don't know, but it seems like a really good idea right now. It's been weighing on my conscience. Thinking about vampire erections reminded me."

"That's an interesting segue," Kokichi snorted not sure if he should be amused or concerned.

"Okay, so you know how on Monday I helped you put on the medicine for your scars. Well, I've actually done that before. Remember when you got really drunk with Miu awhile back." Kokichi nodded. " That night I helped you get to bed and-"

"And I begged you to take my clothes off and put my medicine on me," Kokichi raised his eyebrow. "Yeah, I remember."

"What, you do?"

"Yep, It was my super-secret trap to seduce you," Kokichi was only half-joking. While he was partially motivated by the idea of Shuichi running his hands all over him, he really just wanted to sleep. But he was not expecting what came out of Shuichi's mouth.

"Wait, so it's not my fault that I got hard and jerked off to you in the bathroom!"

"Huh! You what?"

"God, I felt so guilty about that."

"Hold on, pause, rewind. What's that now?"

"Well, I guess it wasn't 'to you', more the thought of you."

Kokichi dropped his head into his hands, his body shaking with laughter, Shuichi starting to laugh as well. "Oh my god! Fuck," he laughed out too loudly, Kaede and Rantaro looking over at them. Kokichi wasn't sure if it was the sheer bluntness of his statement that was funny or the fact that this conversation was prompted by vampire erections. "Wait, is this what made you start to act weird around me."

"Heheh, Yeah."

"I hate to break it to you, but that was definitely not my intention," Shuichi's happy face dropped. "But it's okay. You shouldn't feel guilty about being attracted to me, many people are. It's only natural that you would be taken with my beauty."

Shuichi's smile came back easily. "Shush," he pushed him with his hand, making him sway.

"It's true! That's how I got my nickname Adonis."

Kokichi's chest warmed as he watched Shuichi laugh, his eyes puffy and half-closed, but his smile so cheerful.

"You know I can tell when you lie now."

"Oh really?"

"Mhm, when you lie, you either get really playful or overly confident and when you're telling the truth, it's hard for you to look someone in the eye and you usually sound sarcastic or serious. Which could make someone think you're lying, but nope! I finally cracked the code," he grinned cheekily.

"Well look at you," Kokichi teased. He's not sure if he should feel worried or impressed someone finally figured him out. Of course, out of all the people, it would be Shuichi.

All four of their heads turned at the same time, as a knock came from the door. Rantaro glanced down at his phone, puzzled. "That's way too fast for it to be the takeout."

"Do you think it's-"

"Oh shit!" Shuichi sat up as quickly as he could, cutting Kaede off.


"Oh no! I knew I forgot something," Shuichi rubbed his hand into his forehead.


"I invited Kaito and Maki over for dinner Sunday night and I completely forgot about it."

"And you didn't tell me!"

"I forgot that too."

"Oh well if it's just Kaito and Maki, we can invite them in, let's all have dinner together," Kaede cheered.

"Babe, he's high," Rantaro gestured towards Shuichi.

"Oh right."

"What do we do, I can't tell them to leave, god, I'm such a horrible friend."

Kokichi grabbed Shuichi's hands and placed them in his lap, sensing Shuichi's oncoming panic. "Here's what we are going to do, we are going to open the door, we are going to have dinner, and we are going to fake it till we make it."

"What does that mean."

"We aren't going to mention anything about you being high or forgetting, and you are going to talk as little as possible, let chatterbox back there handle it," Kokichi pointed at Kaede.


"And most importantly you are going to keep your hands to yourself, you don't need to come out to your friends when you're like this. Okay?"

"Uh." Kokichi pulled Shuichi to his feet, the four of them moving towards the door, Kaede reaching the knob first."

"You got this."

"I don't think I do."

Kaede creaked open the door, peaking out before opening it completely.

"He- Kaede?" Kaito's voice boomed, turning confused when he noticed Kaede at the door.

"I didn't know you would be here," Maki said.

"Oh well, surprise! Rantaro is here too."

"Sup," Rantaro waved. "We ordered dinner a little bit ago, it should be here soon."

Kaito and Maki both looked confused but entered the apartment. Kokichi spared a glance at Shuichi and instantly wished he could slam his head repeatedly into the wall. Apparently, his way of staying quiet was holding his breath, filling his cheeks with so much air he looked like a pufferfish. Unfortunately, Kaito noticed this right away, like any sane person would.

Kaito cocked his head his eyebrows furrowing worriedly, Maki's turning suspicious. "Hi, Shuichi," Kaito spoke slowly.

"Yes," Shuichi replied matter-of-factly.

No, you dumbass! That was not a question! The wall was starting to look like a mighty fine headrest to him right now.

Shuichi filled his mouth back up with air, but Kokichi could see his shoulders start to shake and the corners of his lips start to turn up. The air from his cheeks slowly starting to spill out, before he completely collapsed in laughter.

"Shuichi are you alright?" Maki asked, coming to his side. But Shuichi, was too busy holding onto his stomach laughing, tears streaking down the sides of his face as he rolled around.

"Can someone tell me what's going on here, something is off?"

Kokichi rolled his eyes. "Ask Mr. Mary-Jane over there, he's responsible."

"Who's Mary-Jane?" Kaito asked. Rantaro scratched the back of his head, his eyes shifting to the side.

"I give, I can't anymore, I'm sorry guy," Shuichi broke off into another fit of laughter.

Maki's eyes grew in understanding and she stood up. "Rantaro start talking."

Rantaro began to explain what happened, Kaito's eyes widening as he told him, Maki looking disinterested as always. He was honestly hoping for more of a shock factor or at least something more, but both Kaito and Maki understood the situation and were sympathetic. How boring.

"I'm sorry, I'm such a bad friend. I shouldn't have forgotten about our plans. I swear I wouldn't have hung out with Rantaro today if I had remembered."

Kaito ruffled Shuichi's hair smiling in his signature cocky way, Maki smirking slightly, as they forgave him and told him he wasn't a bad friend, blah, blah, blah. Kokichi was bored. If they weren't going to fight or even be the slightest bit dramatic, then he was going to go back to watching the necrophilia, bestiality, demon baby movie.

Eventually, their conversation spread out, Shuichi rejoining him on the couch to watch the movie, and Rantaro beginning to fiddle with making a necklace. Kaede and Maki were in the kitchen with Kaito, talking, and getting the plates together before dinner arrived. Usually, it was the host that prepared everything for everyone, but Kokichi hadn't been informed of a dinner party, so he felt he was off the hook, and Shuichi certainly wasn't going to be of any help.

"So what's it like being high, is it like being drunk?" Kokichi asked Shuichi, the girl in the movie currently bleeding to death as they took the demon baby away.

"No. Well... kind of in a way. Like you have the nice dizziness but I can think so much more clearly now. It's like... I am," Shuichi stretched his arms out wide.

"You are what?"

"Exactly!" Shuichi pointed, bringing his hands up to his head and tapping. "Who knows what I am, what we are. Why are we here? What is the universe? Is it all for a bigger purpose?"

"Ugh, I can't do this anymore, he's getting all philosophical, Kaito it's your turn," he called out. Unexpectedly Kaito didn't come from the kitchen, he exited their bedroom.

"How come you guys only have one bedroom. I was looking for the bathroom, but then I noticed that there's not another room."

Fuck. Kokichi was trying to think of a good answer, but Shuichi's mouth was already running.

"It's where we cuddle," he answered.

"It's where you-"

Kokichi cut him off quickly. "Haha, good one Shuichi!" he laughed awkwardly. Kaito looked between them suspiciously, thankfully the delivery man saved the day. "Oop, foods here, I'll go get it," Kokichi got up escaping the conversation as fast as he could.

Thankfully dinner wasn't bad at all, mainly because Shuichi's mouth was jammed shut with as much food as he could fit. He was secretly hoping everyone would just leave after dinner, but of course not. Instead, they pulled up seats in the living room and Kokichi was forced to watch one of Kaede's stupid musicals while making another beaded necklace. But if he has to admit it, then this whole ordeal wasn't too terrible.

When everyone left, his social timer had been completely drained and he was ready to dive straight into bed. But as he shut the door, he took notice of the dishes in the sink and the mass amounts of garbage around the apartment. He wasn't a stranger to letting dirt and appliances pile up, but Shuichi would be upset if he had to wake up this. So, he dragged him along and they got to work.

Kokichi set another clean dish in the drying rack, studying the way Shuichi's jaw jutted out as he scrubbed away at a plate. His high finally waring off, coming back to earth and returning to his usual ways. Though Kokichi doubts he won't truly be down until he sleeps it off.

There was a knock at the door, Shuichi dropped the plate, eyebrow-raising. "What? How come so many people have come by today?"

Kokichi pushed away from the sink, walking towards the door. "Relax, someone probably left something." Kokichi swung the door open ready to tell off whatever idiot left their belongings, but his words died off in his mouth when his eye fell upon a woman.

"Hello 'Kichi," she greeted softly, her eyes wet. The woman was short and almost sickly thin. She couldn't have been older than thirty, yet her face was sunken in, and strands of grey were streaked through her light brown hair. Her cheekbones were high, and her wide eyes lined with dark circles. A sick familiar feeling settled in his stomach, as he noticed an uncanny resemblance between himself and the woman.

"I'm sorry do I know you?" Kokichi heard Shuichi turn the kitchen sink off and approach the door.

"Kokichi, who's there?" Kokichi turned around feeling a bit like a deer caught in headlights. Shuichi stopped in his place, when he saw the woman, his face becoming a mix of confused shock.

"Um, I-"

"I guess you wouldn't remember me, would you?" she chuckled sadly, pushing a loose strand of thin hair behind her ear. "Well, even if you still had your memories, you still probably wouldn't remember. You've changed so much since the last time I saw you." The woman raised her hand up to stroke his hair back, but Kokichi moved his head to the side, his heartbeat in his throat. The woman smiled bitterly but understood and retracted her hand.

"Who are you?"

"I'm your mom."

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