Second Chances || Saiouma

By Lethargic_Lilac

48.7K 1.3K 7.7K

Shuichi woke up in a hospital room confused and dazed, only to find out that all his friends had survived the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 13

1.6K 54 138
By Lethargic_Lilac

Shuichi squirmed where he was laying, an elbow stabbing him in the ribs. He was so uncomfortable, there was a dull ache in his back and his pants felt stiff. Grumbling softly, he rolled over expecting the soft expanse of his bed instead, he fell hard onto the floor, letting out a shrill yelp and waking up instantly.

"Ouch," he wheezed, pushing himself into a sitting position. Shuichi's brain felt like a broken record player struggling to start, but soon enough the record started spinning, and the memories of last night flowed into his head like a song.

"Oh god!" Shuichi's eyes bulged, a hand covering his dropped jaw. Did that really happen? Did they really do that? Shuichi spared a glance up at the couch, where a knocked-out Kokichi slept, his hair and clothes disheveled.

He gathered himself off the ground and hurriedly staggered into the bathroom, locking the door behind him. The reflection in the mirror couldn't possibly be him, because if that were the case, he looked just as messy as Kokichi. His hair was frizzy and knotted, and he didn't even want to acknowledge the uncomfortableness in his pants.

There was a faint red mark on his jaw, he touched it lightly and the image of Kokichi biting him flitted into his mind. Shuichi blushed at the memory, everything felt so unreal, like a fantasy. It was hard to believe it even happened. A small smile formed on his lips that he couldn't help. Does this mean Kokichi reciprocates his feelings?

Sure, Shuichi probably would have preferred that happen differently, but he's spent enough time dreading the past. Last night felt like something special, he can only hope it means the same to Kokichi.

He turned on the faucet splashing himself with some water. As the water turned warm he placed a rag under the water and pulled off his shirt. There were little scratch marks on his back, he didn't even notice Kokichi leaving those. Shuichi scrunched up his face with disgust as he reached for his pants. Maybe he should just take a shower that would be easier. He pulled back the shower curtain and twisted the knob, the spray of the water hissing out.

Three knocks sounded at the bathroom door, causing him to jump, heart speeding up from the unexpected noise.

"U-uh who is it?"

"It's just me," Kaede's voice filtered through. He let out a relieved sigh, walking over to the door, unlocking it, and opening it just a crack.

"Is everything okay?" He angled his body strategically, so only his head poked out of the door.

"Yeah, of course. I just wanted to say bye before I left. I have a class at noon and I want to get changed and take a shower at home." Guilt coursed through him, Kaede looked very tired. If he had known she had class he wouldn't have kept her out so late.

"Ah, how's the hangover? I have some pain reliever in the kitchen if you need some."

"I'm okay, I'll just take some at home," she giggled. How she manages to stay so cheery and positive in the morning, Shuichi's not sure. "Are you alright? You look a little pale."

Shuichi squeezed the doorknob a little tighter. "I'm fine, just tired."

"Ugh me too. Miu was kicking me the whole night!"

"Figures, she would be a ruthless sleeper," he snorts.

"I'll let you get back to your shower, I'm going to get going."

"Bye! Text me when you get home, so I know you're safe."

"Got it." Kaede walks off with a thumbs up.

He hears the apartment door open, and then slam shut. He closed the bathroom door, looking himself over again in the mirror, before taking off the rest of his disgusting clothes and hopping into the hot water.


"Fuck." The slam of the front door roused Kokichi from his sleep. He cursed under his breath, sitting up and squinting at the front door. Someone probably left. Kokichi pushed a hand through his hair, wriggling his fingers out after they got stuck.

Kokichi grimaced as he looked down at himself. Yep, definitely not a dream. He cracked his neck as he stood up carefully, trying not to make his state worse.

Kokichi heard the distinct sound of the shower and ran over to the door jiggling the knob. "That bastard!" he whined, leaning against the wall. Shuichi snagged the bathroom before he even had a chance. Now he just has to sit around and wait.

Kokichi stomped over to the bedroom and kicked open the door hard enough to shake the entire apartment. He at least expected Miu to move or something, but she laid completely still, he only succeeded in scaring Mischief.

"Sorry Mischief, but Miu I'm going to need you to wake the fuck up." He walked towards where Miu was spread out across the whole bed and picked up a pillow. "Get. Up. Now. You. Bitch. I. Need. Your. Help." He punctuated each word with a brutal hit to Miu's face with the pillow.

"Hit me one more fucking time and I swear I'll neuter you." Miu blew her messed up hair from the pillow and sat up. "What do you-" her words tapered off and her eyes widened. "Holyshit! Did you and Shuichi get down and dirty last night!" Miu rolled onto her knees, staring closer at Kokichi.


"You have like three hickeys's on your neck."

Kokichi clamped a hand over his neck, backing up to look in the mirror. Sure enough, there were little marks all over his neck, the most predominant being three nicely sized bruises. "I'm going to kill him."

"Are you going to tell me what happened or did you wake me up for nothing?"

"Ugh. We didn't really do anything, but it got really intense and then we ended up-" Kokichi gyrated his hips forward as a demonstration. "And then fell asleep."

"So you guys humped like dogs," Miu deadpanned.

"Really Miu."

"Your plan of getting Shuichi to meet another guy besides you failed, and then you came home and did that. And now I'm guessing, you think that he realized his feelings for you is just curiosity and not actually real?"

"Pretty much."

"You are so fucking stupid. He likes you Kokichi. Last night and these hickeys should tell you that."

"It didn't mean the same thing to him," Kokichi frowned. "If it was with someone else, at least I wouldn't get hurt and he would still realize he doesn't have feelings for me." He's never going to be able to get it out of his head now. It'll be constantly taunting him with what he wants but can never have.

"Kokichi why won't you just admit he likes you and let yourself be happy with him?"

"Do I even deserve to be?"

Miu sat back and sneered. "A while ago I would have said hell no, but now I'm starting to believe in second chances. Aren't you?" Kokichi stayed quiet, staring up at the ceiling. "Most people have given you a second chance Kokichi, don't you think it's time you give yourself one?" Her expression softened, it was probably the softest he's seen Miu look. He hates it.

"Do you store all that poeticness in your tits, because it's definitely not kept in your pea-sized brain."

"And there he goes, ruining the moment," she threw her arms up.

Kokichi laughed, he may tease Miu, but he took all her words to heart. "Thanks, Miu."

"No need to thank me, I already know I'm amazing."

"If you're so amazing can you use your willpower to get Shuichi to get out of the shower? I'm still a mess from last night."

Miu made a retching noise and bent over. "I think I'm going to throw up. Are you saying you didn't clean up after?"


"Oh my god, you're disgusting get-up! And to think I was going to touch you." Miu kicked Kokichi with her foot until he stood back up. Miu stood up as well, sliding her shoes back on and straightening out her clothes. "Okay, I'm leaving. You have a lot to talk about with Shuichi and I'm not going to be stuck in-between the crossfire."

"Ugh, whatever."

"You will talk to him right?" Miu stood at the doorway of the bedroom giving him her best serious look. Kokichi heard the sound of the shower finally turn off.

"I will when I find the right time." He's not sure when that time will be. He has a hard time being honest with others and with himself, so the prospect of confessing his feelings is terrifying to him. His stupid crush he got during Danganronpa was supposed to go away, not intensify to the point he couldn't picture his life without him. He's not supposed to depend on people. He's only going to end up hurt.

"The sooner the better, okay?" Kokichi nodded. "Bye~ I'll see you Sunday."

Kokichi gulped. "Right, see you Sunday."


When Shuichi stepped out of the steamy bathroom, towel slung low around his waist, he ran into a disgruntled Kokichi. He almost would have called his expression adorable, except his eyes were shooting daggers into him.

"You better not have used up all the hot water," Kokichi hissed, as he pushed past him into the bathroom and shut the door.

"What, no good morning?" he asked jokingly. As his response, he got a series of mocking mumbles. He knew Kokichi would be upset about him using the shower before he got to, for obvious reasons.

Shuichi went about getting ready for the day, changing into some clean clothes, and pouring more food into Mischief's bowl. It was weird, he felt unusually happy. He feels like he should be really stressed and worried about what happened last night, but he just can't seem to stop smiling this morning. It was nice for a change.

He walked to the fridge in a good enough mood to try his hand at making breakfast. Unfortunately, the fridge was completely empty, except for some spoiled milk. Shuichi let out a sigh, they still hadn't gone to the grocery store. He pulled out his phone, beginning to make a list of the necessary things they need to pick up.

"Look what you did to me!" Shuichi lifted his head confused as Kokichi marched up to.


Kokichi was wrapped in the towel hair still dripping wet and holding part of the towel off his neck. Color filled Shuichi's cheeks as he noticed what Kokichi meant. Did he really do that? At least Kokichi is acknowledging that something happened last night, and not ignoring it.

"Oh, uh my bad," he scratched at the back of his head. Shuichi felt almost ashamed to admit it, but he likes that he was able to leave those marks of Kokichi. Shuichi stepped closer to him, watching as his grumpy face fell soft. "Do they hurt?" His fingers gently trace over the marks, indulging in the way Kokichi's breath hitched.

"No," his voice remained grumpy. "But I'm taking one of your emo turtle necks."

"Hm, okay," he nodded, returning back to making the list.

"Why are you so happy?" Kokichi asked, sounding almost repulsed.

"Not sure must be something in the air," Shuichi smirked.

"Oh no. Your sanity has finally kicked the bucket hasn't it?"

Shuichi laughed. "Ha ha very funny. Go get dressed and then we'll leave."


"We are completely out of food so we need to go to the store. I can't go alone because I'll need help carrying the groceries in and out of the cab."

"Okay~ Do you want to use the coupon I stole off that guy last night and get some food?"

"I would, but it would be too hard with all the groceries and the cab."

"Ugh, you're right. We need to get a car."

"First we need to get our license." Kokichi sighed, pulling the towel around him tighter. "Oh and Kokichi, please when we go into the store, I'm begging you. Do not steal anything."

"Buzzkill," Kokichi murmured, walking off to get ready.


Shuichi pushed the basket slowly, looking up and down the rows of products to find the items he needs. This wasn't as awkward as he was expecting it to be. There wasn't any weird tension between them, and Kokichi wasn't acting any different. It was unspoken, but both of them knew something had shifted between them last night.

Kokichi was wearing his shirt to hide the marks, but you could still see one peaking out at the top. He has to admit the shirt looks better on Kokichi than it does himself. He looks so comfortable it makes him want to grab him, and hug him, right where they're standing. Jeez, maybe he has lost it.

"Kokichi, do not put that in the basket." He was holding some sort of snack food in a box, that was coated in a million different layers of sugary things.

Kokichi looked hurt at the mere suggestion. "What! why?"

"That has to be so bad for you."

"And... does it look like I care?" he paused for dramatic effect and then dropped the box into the basket. "Nope."

They continued around the store, stuffing their basket with way more than they would actually need. Even something as simple as grocery shopping Kokichi makes an experience. That's something Shuichi admires about him, how he's always able to make things interesting and lively. Even if making things interesting means telling the two fans that approached them, that they ate Tsumugi's corpse. Shuichi thought he might have gone too far, but even he couldn't suppress the laugh at seeing their faces turn into shock and nervously wave goodbye.

When all was said and done, and they lugged their groceries back into the apartment. Shuichi was able to say he had fun at the grocery store, something he never thought he'd be able to say.

"You unbag the groceries, I'll put them in the fridge." Shuichi sets down the bags on the counter, his arms and legs sore from carrying them up the steps. Kokichi hands him the new milk they got and he sets it in the fridge.

They work up a perfect system and by the time they're done, Shuichi's having a hard time fitting everything in there. "All done," he wiped a hand over his forehead even though there was no sweat.

"Why did getting groceries take all day!" Kokichi plopped onto the couch, Mischief leaping up to lay on his chest.

"Well let's see, we had to get in the cab and drive there, then we spent probably a good three hours there messing around, then we had to drive back home with a bunch of traffic and finally unpack everything." Shuichi counted on his fingers as he sat down on the arm of the couch, picking up the novel he'd been wanting to finish.

"What time is it anyway? Here, I'll just look." Kokichi shifted trying not to disturb Mischief as he fished for his phone, successfully grabbing it. Kokichi gasped. "Holy shit!" He sat up abruptly, disturbing Mischief anyway.

"What is it that late? It still looks light-"

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no!" Kokichi stood up, beginning to pace.

Shuichi set his book down. "What is it? What's wrong?"


A pit of worry and dread-filled within him, the first he had felt today. "Did something bad happen?"

"Yes!" Kokichi sat down again, scrunching his fingers in his hair. "He texted me a bit ago and asked if I can babysit his daughter while he goes on a date with his wife."

Shuichi stared blank face for a moment, the words still catching up to him. He let out an unintentional snort, badly playing it off as a cough, that turned into a fit of laughter. That's what was so awful? He almost thought Gonta had been in an accident or something. All he needed was a babysitter.

"It's not funny!"

"It's kind of funny. It's just babysitting, you had me actually thinking something was wrong. If you don't want to do it Gonta will understand."

"No, I have to. He said it was an emergency and that he wouldn't have asked if it wasn't. Besides, I owe him... But i'm terrible with kids."

"It's probably because you are one."

"Oh shut it."

"Gonta's daughter isn't even a kid yet. How old is she?"


"See, she's just a baby. Maybe early toddler if you consider it that."

"That's even worse. I don't know what to say to a baby. What do you do with it?"

"You'll be fine."

"Shuichi please come with me! Don't leave me with a gremlin alone."

Well, there wasn't anything else better for him to do, the novel will have to wait for tomorrow. "Okay I'll go, but just so you know I'm not any better with kids than you are. Hopefully with both of us, we won't mess something up."


"I left a bunch of instructions on the table right there if you need them and I made some extra food earlier for you boys if you get hungry. Make yourselves at home. Now we should get going before we lose our reservations. Goodbye, sweetie." Mrs. Gokuhara placed a kiss on her daughter's forehead and handed Miki over to Kokichi.

Gonta's wife was stunning, she was dressed to the nines in formal attire, her hair short and curled. Gonta was also dressed nicely, he cleaned up well. As soon as Shuichi had entered the residence he felt a strange homey feeling, it was a medium-sized house, but it was decorated beautifully.

"Again thank you so much Kokichi and you too Shuichi," Gonta said hurrying out the door. His speaking had improved a lot, Shuichi was impressed.

"You're welcome, you know me. I just love kids," Kokichi replied sarcastically, Gonta didn't notice. Shuichi was really amused by the whole scene, mainly because he was holding Miki so wrong. Kokichi's arms were completely stretched out in front of him, with his hands under her arms and her little legs kicking out under her.

As the front door closed and their car drove away, Kokichi turned a face of absolute horror on him. "Shuichi help me." Miki kicked again in his hands, swinging herself, and began to giggle. "Look, she's laughing at me!"

"She's a baby, I think they're supposed to laugh. You're holding her wrong here." Shuichi bent Kokichi's elbows and then push his own arms toward him until Miki met his shoulder. This might be the most terrified he's seen Kokichi. "There, now move your hands so you're supporting her back."

Miki was one adorable baby that's for sure. She had big round eyes and the little hair she had was pulled into two pigtails. Her little face was just as chubby as the rest of her body, with rolls on her arms and legs. Seeing Kokichi try to take care of her, even if he was terrible at it, made him feel warm and mushy.

"See you're doing okay, she's already resting on your shoulder."

"Is she really."

Sure enough, Miki's eyes were shut and her lips puckered out from her cheeks being smushed. Shuichi couldn't help himself from poking her cheek. She was so comfortable with them so quickly, he thought she would have made a fuss after her parents left.

"Yeah. Do you wanna go eat what she made for us?" Kokichi shrugged and followed him to the kitchen, walking with extreme caution.

After they ate, Kokichi started to become more comfortable with Miki, they sat in front of the Tv and played games with her. He knew Kokichi would be good at keeping her entertained, because that's just what he does. They were playing some kind of puzzle block game, and Kokichi was overacting all the blocks hitting him in the face, before falling into place. Miki loved it, she was laughing and clapping along. Now instead of fear, Kokichi was smiling and Shuichi felt that warm feeling expand and wrap around his heart.

It's the wrong place to even think about it, but he can't help thinking about last night. Shuichi wasn't going to explain himself, but if Kokichi still thought his feelings weren't real, he was just going to make him realize.

"Ow fuck!" Kokichi really did hit himself this time.

"Kokichi! You can't say that in front of a baby."

"Oops," he shrugged. "She's one it's not like she can talk."

"Fah!" They looked at each other instantly eyes wide, heads slowly turning to Miki. She clapped her hands together and giggled.

"That was just baby gibberish right?"

"Yeah, let's go with that."

As it got later they turned on a cartoon princess movie for her and got her comfortable on the couch. How they got roped into laying down and watching, they're not sure. Kokichi laid down between his legs, leaning against his chest for support. They laid close like this all the time, yet Kokichi still thinks he doesn't have feelings for him. Shuichi just doesn't understand.

"Are you worried?" Shuichi spoke softly over the movie. Miki had fallen asleep, completely worn out.


"Are you worried about Sunday? Is that why you wanted to do Gonta a favor by watching Miki?"

Kokichi hummed in the back of his throat glancing up at Shuichi, who was already looking down at him. "Yes, and no. I do owe Gonta, and hopefully, this will soften the blow of what he has to see Sunday, but I also just wanted to help him out."

"I'm worried about Sunday too, so you aren't alone. It was a rough trial for everyone."

"I was more worried, but Miu said something early that made me feel better. It's just seeing those trials are a lot. I know what I did and I knew what I was doing when I did it. So explaining that to a group of people who haven't made an effort to understand you is impossible."

"So you're just not going to say anything?"

"Not unless they come to me and actually want to hear what I have to say. I'll probably check in with Gonta after, I still feel really bad for everything I had to say."

"I think he knows Kokichi, he won't be mad."

There was a heavy moment of silence before Shuichi decided he was going to say it again.



"I like you. And no I'm not confused or curious. I have feelings for you Kokichi."

Kokichi frowned, but his expression didn't look upset. "I know."

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