Second Chances || Saiouma

By Lethargic_Lilac

48.7K 1.3K 7.7K

Shuichi woke up in a hospital room confused and dazed, only to find out that all his friends had survived the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 12

1.8K 50 294
By Lethargic_Lilac

Shuichi paced around Kaede's room, not sure what else to do while he waited for her to come back. She had excused herself shortly after he confessed, saying she had to go get something. Giving Shuichi the perfect opportunity to pull himself together and stop crying.

He took a couple of deep breaths, feeling the tension leave his shoulders as he calmed himself down. Kaede's room was very cute and personalized, he couldn't help himself from picking up random nick-nacks and studying them.

Just as he was picking up a pretty crystal perfume bottle, Kaede entered back into her room, startling him.

"Sorry if I scared you," Kaede closed the door gently with one hand, her other hand holding a large white plate filled with cookies. "I brought you some cookies! I figured you might want to talk some more and sweets always make me feel better."

"Ah thank you, Kaede."

"Mhm, have some they're warm," Kaede held out the plate of cookies as she sat back down on her bed. If he was being honest he wasn't really in the mood for cookies, but how could he turn her down when she looked so happy.

Shuichi took a cookie off the plate and sat down at Kaede's desk, beginning to fiddle with a pen laying out. He took a bite of his cookie carefully, trying not to have any crumbs fall.

"Is it good?"

"Yeah, they're really good." If he had to eat a cookie at least it was a good one.

"Yay, Rantaro really likes when I make them for him. So I was hoping you would like them too."

Oh, that's right, he'd meaning to ask her about Rantaro. "You don't have to answer this if you don't want to, but are you and Rantaro like a thing?"

Kaede blushed, setting her cookie down on top of the rest. "Well kind of," she held her hand up to her mouth, finishing chewing before continuing. "We've gone on a couple of dates and we hang out a lot, but nothing's official yet."

"Do you want it to be?"

"Yeah! I mean I really like Rantaro. Hopefully, he'll say something about it soon, chances are though I'm going to be the one to bring it up." Shuichi can see that, Kaede is not one to wait around for someone. If she wants something she'll tell you.

"Rantaro is an interesting guy." Shuichi's not sure how to feel about Rantaro, every time he's been around him he's high, which certainly didn't leave the best impression; and in the killing game, he barely talked to him. Rantaro must act differently around Kaede, kind of like how Kokichi acts around him.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Oh nothing bad, just he's very... aloof," he offered up, not sure if he was using the right word. He had said he wasn't in the mood for sweets, but as he finished his cookie he found himself reaching for another one.

"That's rich coming you," Kaede chuckled. "Don't act like your crush is all perfect, we've been watching the show, so now I know what happened when I left," she clicked her tongue, obviously teasing.

Shuichi hummed in the back of his throat. "Don't remind me, next week's episode is going to be really brutal for everyone. It makes me worried for Kokichi. He's changed you know, and he hasn't really shown it at the parties, mainly because he doesn't talk much, but even that says something. Well... he didn't really change, he just stopped acting."

"You don't have to defend him to me Shuichi, I understand. It was a killing game, everyone thought they were going to die, everyone has different ways of dealing with it."

"Exactly. I just hope people give him a chance to explain, or just try to understand. Even I didn't understand Kokichi at first, and I thought I never would, but once you get to know him, there's so much more to him. I can even tell when he's lying now."

Kaede readjusted her position, laying down on her stomach, with her head in her hands. "Wow you're really head over heels aren't you." Shuichi's face reddened, did he really sound like that? "I'm guessing you're mainly worried about Kaito and Maki?"

"Yeah, I want them to like Kokichi, but after everything that happened, which you'll find out about soon I guess, it's a hard thing to ask of them. I actually got them to go to the aquarium with Kokichi and me, and it was really nice. Of course, they barely talked, but they didn't hurl insults at each other or fight so I take that as a win. I'm just worried that their opinion on Kokichi is going to become solidified when we have to watch through what happened again."

"I think that if you tell them how you feel about Kokichi, and they're really you're friends, they'll give him a chance. I wouldn't worry over it too much," Kaede smiled.

"I wouldn't even know how to start off telling them."

"I would first start off by telling Kokichi about your feelings."

Shuichi's eye widened and Kaede looked at him amused. "Oh god, I can't do that!"

"Oh come on, yes you can! I believe in you. Besides, I think he likes you too."

"What! Really?"

"Settle down, it's just my awesome intuition."

"Why do you think that?"

"Hm, well I personally think he's had a thing for you since the killing game. I don't know it's just the way he acted around you was slightly different than everyone else. You can hardly notice if you aren't paying attention, I can just read people really well. Also, he flirted with you a lot."

"Kokichi flirts with everyone, that's just his personality."

"True, but I think it was different with you. Most of the time he flirted as a way to cover up teasing, but with you, he teased to cover up flirting. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

Shuichi really doesn't understand what Kaede is saying, but he nods along anyway. "Maybe."

"So, tell me more. When did you realize you had feelings for him?"

Shuichi really didn't think it was appropriate for him to mention, the first time he realized he might have a problem was right after he finished pulling it to him. So he went with the second time. "I think I've known for a while that I was developing some kind of feelings for him. At one point I even tried to stop it from happening because I was scared, which was really stupid. But I guess it was probably when I kissed him."

Kaede gasped, clapping her hands together. "Oh right! How was it?"

Shuichi closed his eyes, remembering how soft Kokichi's lips were. "It was really good. I think, I mean I don't have anything else to compare it to, but I'd like to do it again..." It still felt a little weird for him to say this stuff out loud. "That kiss is part of the reason I wanted to talk to you. After I kissed him, Kokichi just pretended like it didn't happen and now he's acting weird with me."

"Weird how?"

"He's not talking to me as much, and he isn't as touchy as he usually is. I haven't even had the chance to be around him that much because he went to go sleep at Miu's after the party. Which I think is because he wanted to get away from me. Also when we went to sleep that night Kokichi completely turned away from me, and didn't lay on me like he had been the past few weeks," he puffed his cheeks out, taking a breath from his rant.

"Wait hold on, you guys cuddle!"

"It's not like that! Kokichi gets really bad dreams and when we sleep like that it helps him."

Kaede raised an eyebrow. "I know you're observant Shuichi, sometimes I really think you just choose to be clueless."

Shuichi chuckled, focusing on the piece of paper he was currently drawing circles on.

"It's kind of romantic you know? How like your past selves were in love and now here you are, different personalities, but still falling in love with each other. It's like you guys are fated lovers, the universe wants you to be together, or something like that."

Falling in love? Is that what's happening?

"Fated lovers, huh..." Shuichi leaned back in the chair, mulling over the thought.

"Anyways I think you should just go for it and tell him how you feel."

"Can I really do that though?"

"Yes, you absolutely can. You've got this!"


He's got this, he's got this, he's got this. He repeated this as a mantra in his head, pumping up his courage as he approached their apartment. He's got this, he's just going to go in there and tell it to Kokichi straight, and he's not going to get emotional or chicken out.

Kokichi should be home now, it's late afternoon. Unless Kokichi plans to avoid him all day like Sunday. A part of Shuichi hoped that when he opened the door Kokichi wasn't going to be there, but alas he was sat on the couch, scrolling through his phone, the tv running in the background.

It's okay, he's got this.

Kokichi turned his head to look behind him briefly, returning to his phone. "Hey."

"Hi, how was Miu's house?" He could start this off with small talk right? Shuichi took a seat next to Kokichi on the couch, turning the tv off, so there was less noise.

"It was fine. She painted my nails." Kokichi held a hand out, each finger painted a bright pink.

"Wow, I um- I like it." Calm down. He's got this, he can do this.

"Yep." Kokichi hadn't lifted his eyes off his phone.

"Kokichi can I talk to you for a second, I have something I need to get off my chest."

Kokichi set his phone down finally looking up. "Hah okay," Kokichi laughed but it came across somewhat nervous.

Shuichi paused trying to find the right words, he can do it, he can say it. It's just a word, and he was able to say to Kaede.

Shuichi must have been silent too long because Kokichi started talking. "Look if this is about the other night and you're going to apologize about the kiss, I really don't want to-"

"I'm not!" Shuichi jumped cutting him off too hastily. "I mean I am talking about the other night, but I'm not going to apologize about the kiss," Shuichi sucked in a deep breath trying to channel his inner Kaede. "Because I'm not sorry."

Kokichi's eyes grew the size of saucers before he controlled himself.

"Look Kokichi, I've been struggling with a lot of things lately and I've taken some of the bad parts out on you and for that I am sorry. It took me a long time to come to terms with things and Kaede actually helped me a bunch this morning." He's got this. "I'm bisexual." An emotion flickered across Kokichi's face too fast for Shuichi to decipher.

"That's great Shuichi."

Just rip it off like a Band-Aid, it'll be easier. "I have feelings for you Kokichi."

Kokichi's face instantly dropped. "W-what?"

"I like you. That's why I kissed you. I'm not saying you have to return my feelings or anything, I just needed to say it. I hope this doesn't change anything, sorry if I made this weird," Shuichi slowed down realizing he had started to ramble.

Kokichi shook his head chuckling. "No, you don't."

"Huh." Shuichi's not sure if he's hearing things correctly.

"You don't actually have feelings for me, you're just confused," Kokichi crossed his legs, his emotions unreadable.

Out of all the possible outcomes and ways he had thought up this could go, having his feelings flat out denied was not one.

"You're finally coming into your sexuality and I'm the only other gay guy you know, so you're just confusing curiosity for feelings."

The more Kokichi talked the more in disbelief he became. Was he actually doing that? No, he knows what he feels.

"Also our whole past selves being in a relationship is probably playing a role in it too. Your inner conscious thinks, 'hey we used to be in a relationship, and since I'm bi and he's gay that means I like him, right?' It's only natural you would get confused."

Shuichi's mouth gaped a little bit, he closed it swallowing dryly. Well, there goes fated lovers. Shuichi was even starting to like the idea. It hurt him knowing Kokichi thought like that. He was at a complete loss for words, Kaede and him hadn't made a plan for this outcome.

"Hey you know what we should go out tonight," Kokichi spoke fast, his words a little over-enthused.


"Yeah that's a good idea, let me look a few things up," Kokichi typed into his phone fast eyes flying over the screen, Shuichi watched in a state of shock.

"What are you talking about?"

"We're going to a gay bar, technically it's a bar and a club, but bar is easier to say."

Shuichi sat up quickly. "Woah, what? A gay bar are you serious? Are you feeling okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine," Kokichi laughed it off but Shuichi was a little worried by Kokichi's current behavior. It was like he was panicking. "It'll be fun."

"Are we even allowed into a bar?"

Kokichi scrunched up his nose. "Duh, we are both over eighteen. The only thing we won't be able to do is buy alcohol, that's why I'm inviting Miu."

"Really?" Shuichi groaned, face unimpressed. "You just saw Miu. Also, it's literally Monday Kokichi, and you want to go to a bar slash club or whatever it's called. Maybe we should just wait till Friday?"

"No~ please it will be fun, and Mondays are way less crowded so it will be less likely that we're recognized."

"I can't believe I'm letting you drag me into this," Shuichi rubbed his forehead, how did they even get to this conversation. "If you're bringing Miu can I invite Kaede?"

"Sure I don't care." Kokichi continued setting things up on his phone.

If he had to go at least bringing Kaede with him would make him less uncomfortable. He dearly needed her moral support right now, and another talk about what the hell just happened, because even he's not sure.

He did feel bad about bothering Kaede again today though, hopefully she wasn't busy. He sent her a quick text explaining the situation and she replied almost instantly saying she's in.

"Kokichi what time are we going? Kaede wants to know."

Kokichi stared up at the ceiling tapping his finger against his chin. "I don't know, like ten? I'll send you the address of the place, so you can send it to her."

"Okay." Shuichi felt like this was a bad idea, but everyone so far was on board and he didn't want to be the one to ruin it. Again, how did talking about his feelings get him here?


Kokichi and Shuichi stood outside the bar, the loud music, and colorful lights spilling out of the building and onto the street. They had just been dropped off by their cab, Miu and Kaede were supposed to arrive any minute now.

A couple walked out of the bar, their hands intertwined and leaning onto each other lovingly. Shuichi looked away, a bittersweet taste filling his mouth. Kokichi hadn't brought the subject up again and Shuichi was still at a loss for words. For the rest of the day, they had just done what they normally do. He read books and Kokichi played video games. Except this time Kokichi didn't get up like he usually does and hug him when he won, and their conversations were limited. It seemed that Shuichi confessing his feelings did have a negative effect, it was clear Kokichi didn't want him to feel that way.

A cab pulled up in front of the bar, Kaede hopped out excitedly, waving at Shuichi.

"Hi, Shuichi! long time no see," Kaede winked, and turned to greet Kokichi. Shuichi wanted to curse himself for laughing at the corny joke. "How are you Kokichi?"

"Never better," he grinned cheekily.

"Uh, Kaede can I talk to you really quick."

"Yeah of course." Shuichi pulled Kaede aside, far enough away so that Kokichi wouldn't hear them. "So how did it go?"

"Really bad."

Kaede's smile was replaced with concern. "Oh no, did he not feel the same?"

"Uh, well we really didn't talk much because when I told him he just denied me."

"What do you mean?"

"He told me that I didn't like him and that I'm just confused."

"Oh boy," she puffed out her cheeks. "I didn't think that would happen."

"Yeah neither did I and then right after he changed the topic to going to this gay bar. I don't know what to do."

"Well, he never said he didn't have feelings for you so I would just try and talk to him again. It sounds like he's scared."

"Jesus, Do you know how fucking long it took me to find a god damn parking spot!" Shuichi and Kaede were broken out of their conversation by Miu's arrival. Kaede half smiled at him giving him a thumbs up as they walked over towards Miu. "I had to get stuck driving behind fucking Hellen Keller! I hope whoever gave them their license chokes. Ugh, my feet are killing me!" Miu reached down sticking a finger into the back of her high heel.

"Shh, stop complaining, I have an announcement. Well, I bet you are all wondering why I've gathered you here tonight. The answer is quite simple, we are here in celebration of Shuichi's coming out!" Kokichi picked up his theatrical voice, speaking the words like lines in a play. "Would you like to make the announcement Mr. Saihara?" Kokichi held an imaginary microphone in front of him.

Shuichi cleared his throat. "U-uh I'm bisexual," he offered like a question.

"Whoop!" Kaede piped, clapping her hands.

"So I was right when I called you Sherlock homo!" Miu gasped.

"I guess, half right, or- well- no... kind of?" His head felt too fuzzy for him to think about that at the moment.

"And tonight our goal is to find Shuichi a man!" Kokichi continued.

"What!" He doesn't want to 'find a man', he can't even talk to people. He's not sure what he was expecting, obviously Kokichi doesn't have feelings for him, but he wouldn't have thought he'd try and make him like someone else in place of him. Is there any way he can get out of this? "Uh, I like girls too."

"We know what bisexual means dumbass," Miu bit. "I also saw the way you stared at my tits that one time, so believe me I know."

Shuichi's face felt like it was on fire. "I did not-"

"Anyways, the purpose of tonight is to let you meet some guys since you already knew you liked girls."

"Shuichi's getting laid tonight!" Miu pumped her arm into the air, Kaede, and Kokichi cheering with her.

"I'm not getting laid tonight!"

They seemed to ignore his protests to the idea, instead walking into the bar. It was larger inside than what Shuichi was expecting. A huge man stood at the front of the entrance and they handed him their IDs. He then stamped the back of his, Kokichi, and Kaede's hands, marking them so they were unable to get drinks.

The music was incredibly loud and there were people scattered all around. There was a dance floor in the middle of the room and surrounding it was booths. The bar was at the front, where a couple of people sat chatting and drinking.

They took a seat at one of the booths, giving them a good view of the people dancing, but enough privacy for the workers to not see them. Hopefully, he can get away with just staying here all night.

"So Sherlock homo what's your type in guys?" Miu asked blatantly.

Shuichi blushed. "Um, I don't know. Haven't really thought about it, I'm not sure I have one."

"What about him," Kokichi pointed to a tall dark-haired guy across the room.

"Uh, they're alright, I guess."

"How about that one," he pointed again to a short blonde guy with glasses.

"Yeah uh, they're attractive, I guess."

"Wow you have such a way with words," Kokichi snorted. Kokichi continued to point out guys and Shuichi continued to give back mediocre comments until Miu had grown tired.

"That's it I'm going to go get us some drinks."

"Are you seriously going to do that Miu? What if we get caught?"

"Don't be such a stick in the mud Shuichi, it'll be fine, besides no really even cares anyway."

Miu left to go get the drinks and in between the time she was gone, Kokichi picked back up their game, pointing at other people. When Miu made her way back, she was carrying a tray full of colorful drinks.

"Did we really need that much?" Shuichi gaped.

"After the shit I went through trying to park, I do."

Kaede picked up a drink off the tray. "You too Kaede?" He at least thought she would be on his side.

"What, it's just a little bit of fun," Kaede took a sip of her drink. "Mm, it's actually really good."

"And what about you Kokichi, are you really going to drink after the hangover you got last time?"

Kokichi shifted his eyes towards Shuichi, a drink already in his hands. "Oh no, no. I'm going to drink, but I'm not going to have enough to get a hangover like last time."

They carried on with their conversation, and Shuichi started to forget their current whereabouts and actually started to have fun. That is, until the tall dark-haired guy Kokichi pointed out earlier stopped at their table.

"Hey I saw you a bit earlier, I was wondering if maybe you wanted to dance?" He was talking to Kokichi. He would say no right?

The table was quiet all sharing glances with each other as they waited for Kokichi to answer.

"Hm, sure!" Kokichi stood up promptly taking the outstretched hand of the guy and they made their way to the dance floor. Shuichi's stomach clenched, hot jealously curling inside him. It almost took Shuichi back, he never considered himself the type to get like that.

"That was kind of rude don't you think?" Shuichi reached out and picked up a drink from the tray, maybe he really did need one. "I mean I could have been his boyfriend or something and he just comes over asking that."

"Aw, Shuichi you're jealous!" Kaede slurred, she was really keeping up with Miu in drinks.

"I am not." Shuichi tossed his head back drinking it in full, feeling some of his worries start to wash away, unsure if that was a good thing or not.

"Don't you want to go out there and find someone to dance with? We did come here to find you someone."

"No thanks," he grumbled, picking up another drink.

"Come on Shuichi you have to at least have a type," Miu groaned. "Just tell us what you find attractive."

Shuichi glanced over at them and then back to Kokichi dancing. "Hm~" He took a long sip. "Someone shorter than me. Maybe someone with darker hair, and- and light big eyes. Maybe purple hair, purples a nice color, don't you think?" Kaede and Miu blinked at him. "What?"

"God they're both so hopeless." Miu's head fell onto the table, the drink in her hand still up.

"Tell me about it," Kaede sighed, clinking her glass against Miu's. HE had no clue what they were talking about.

When Kokichi returned almost a full thirty minutes later, Shuichi had gone through two more drinks and Kaede and Miu were a complete mess.

"What happened to them?" Kokichi asked sitting down. Kaede and Miu were bent over each other laughing manically at some video they were watching.

Shuichi rested his head on his arms, watching as Kokichi took a sip from his drink. "They drank too much, like I warned them."

"And what about you?"

"I had a couple of drinks, I'm okay just tired."

"We'll probably go soon." Kokichi picked up another drink, if he stopped there, that would make them even in drinks.

"Did you get that guy's number?" Shuichi didn't want to know the answer, so he's not sure why he's asking.

"No, but I did take his wallet."


"I'm kidding, he didn't have any money anyway. So instead I just took this buy one get one free coupon to a fast-food restaurant." Shuichi couldn't stop himself from laughing as Kokichi placed the coupon down onto the table.

As the night wrapped up, He and Kokichi ended up having a few more drinks, and invited Kaede and Miu to spend the night at their place. He doesn't want Miu driving home, and he doesn't want Kaede to get in a cab with a stranger while she's drunk. So it was better if they all just went to his house. Shuichi's not sure how Kokichi keeps managing to make this happen, but anytime he's worried, he still ends up having a fun time.


They stumbled up the steps of the apartment building steadily, all of them feeling quite slap-happy from the drinks. Shuichi shushed them in-between his laughter, trying to keep down their laughing from disturbing other people in the complex.

"Guys we need to keep it down, we're going to wake people up," he huffed laughter still stumbling out no matter how serious he tried to be.

"You heard Mr. Saihara we have to be quiet," Kokichi giggled. Kokichi's arms were wrapped around his shoulders, hanging onto him like a Koala. Shuichi wasn't complaining though. Even though it had only been two days, Shuichi missed the warmth and comfort that came from having Kokichi close.

"Okay Mr. Saihara we'll be quiet," Kaede teased. Kaede was hanging on his opposite arm and Miu was hanging off her. He's not sure why they designated him as their support he was just as dazed as the rest of them. Well maybe not Miu and Kaede, they really went ham on the drinks, he knew they would be feeling it in the morning. That's why Shuichi purposefully didn't drink too much, he was pleasantly buzzed. His head felt light, and everything around him felt a little like he was in a dream. All his worries and inhibitions had dissolved, and his brain was running on autopilot.

"Even you Kaede!" Shuichi groaned, turning the key in the lock and pushing open the apartment door.

"Ugh I am not sleeping on that uncomfortable ass couch again," Miu said setting her purse down.

Shuichi contemplated for a moment, all he wanted to do was run into that bedroom and crash onto his bed. He was so tired of going to sleep late, he just wants to be a grandpa and go to bed at like eight o'clock. But it was already late and he would be a bad friend if he made Miu and Kaede sleep on his couch.

"If you want you can take the bed."

"I'm already on my way," Miu waved behind her walking off to the bedroom. "Night!"

Kaede walked around the apartment, running her hands along every surface. "You should go to Kaede there's no reason three of us should sleep uncomfortably.

Kaede turned around her eyes half-closed. "Aw thanks Shuichi, I guess I'll go to sleep then. Goodnight." As the bedroom door shut, -Mischief sneakily slipping inside after Kaede- he let out an exhausted sigh.

"Can't believe you gave them our bed," Kokichi grumbled.

"Both of them are going to have hangovers tomorrow, and you and I are going to have back pain, it's even."

"Whatever." Shuichi watched with amusement as Kokichi somersaulted over the back of the couch into the seat.

Shuichi joined him on the couch pulling his legs up and laying his head on Kokichi's lap. He felt Kokichi laugh lightly, his hand coming down to thread through his hair.

"I'm not a pillow."

"Yes you are, you're soft," Shuichi nuzzled his head into Kokichi inhaling deeply. He loves this, he wants to be close to Kokichi like this all the time. He wants to be able to do couple things with Kokichi.

A bit of sadness and frustration begins to set in as he remembers their conversation this morning. Shuichi would have understood if Kokichi had told him he didn't feel the same, but all Kokichi did was shut him down and tell him his feelings weren't genuine. He has no experience with romance whatsoever, but he's pretty sure he knows what he's feeling.

Shuichi sat up abruptly and scooted towards Kokichi, so he could look him in the eye. Kokichi's eyes widen at the sudden movement his hand falling to the side. Shuichi rests his hands on Kokichi's shoulders leaning forward when he leans back. Kokichi's hand moves up to his chest, Shuichi thought he was going to be pushed away, but instead the hand just rested there.

"How come I'm not allowed to have feelings for you?"

Kokichi pulled his lips tight in a somewhat smile and rolled his head. "This again?" Shuichi nodded his head, making sure to keep eye contact with Kokichi. Kokichi hummed lowly matching the intensity of Shuichi's stare. "I already told you."

"Yeah, and I'm saying I don't understand."

"You don't have feelings for me, you're just confused."

"I'm not confused," Shuichi interjected.

"I wanted to take you to the bar tonight so you could maybe meet someone and experiment. Then you would realize you don't have actually have feelings for me and were just curious."

Shuichi's not sure if it was the alcohol, but he was feeling particularly bold. "Why can't I experiment with you." The words came out airier than expected, a noticeable shift in the atmosphere. Kokichi's breath hitched in his chest, Shuichi spotted the way his eyes darted down to his lips and back up.

Kokichi ran his tongue across his bottom lip, Shuichi followed every movement. "Because I'm not a science project Shuichi, and one of us will end up hurt." Shuichi hadn't noticed how close their faces had gotten, he felt the hot puffs of Kokichi's breath and the smell of the alcohol.

Shuichi gulped, he could hear his heartbeat in his ears, his entire body unbearably hot. "I want to kiss you."

"You'll regret it."

"I won't."

Kokichi's hand gripped onto his shirt, yanking him closer, so close, their lips skimmed each other. "Then do it," Kokichi whispered out against his lips.

Regret be damned he wanted this so badly. He used the leverage he had on Kokichi's shoulders to push past the last millimeter of space between them.

This kiss was so different from the last one, this time Kokichi was participating just as much as him. There was no slowness in this kiss, it was heavy and somewhat frantic, pulling at each other for more. Shuichi lifted himself up careful not to break away and placed a knee between Kokichi's legs, so he could hover over him. Shuichi gasped quietly when Kokichi's mouth parted and felt the first hesitant touch of tongue. It was so hot and wet, Shuichi could feel his lips becoming swollen with the way Kokichi nipped at them. The intensity of the kiss was starting to have a real effect on his body.

Kokichi released his grip on his shirt, trailing his hand down Shuichi's chest. Shuichi shivered at the light touch. His hand continued down slowly, stopping when it met the bulge that had formed in his pants. He let out a muffled moan at the touch, accidentally jerking forward.

Shuichi pushed on Kokichi's shoulders, both of them collapsing sideways. The new position found their legs sandwiched between each other. Shuichi moved slowly testing the waters, pivoting his hips forward. Shuichi felt a matching hardness as Kokichi pushed back. It felt like his whole body was on fire, grinding against Kokichi like this.

Kokichi broke away from the kiss with a moan, his head tipping back, lips bright pink and wet. Shuichi latched his lips onto Kokichi's throat grabbing onto the back of his head, kissing down his Adam's apple, moving to suck onto the side of his neck. Kokichi continued to let out little whimpers at his administrations. He found himself getting quite addicted to the sounds, wanting to make more of them come out.

He pulled Kokichi even closer, his arms wrapping around his back. Shuichi could feel the build-up start, his movements stuttering slightly.

"Shuichi please," Kokichi pleaded into his ear. Shuichi let out another groan, trying to stay quiet. Kokichi's lips trailed across his jaw peppering him with kisses. He shook in Shuichi's embrace, finally reaching his limit. He bit down on Shuichi's jaw, letting out a drawn-out moan.

"Ah!" Shuichi hissed at the pain, but somehow it was just enough to tip him over the edge.

He shifted from how they were laying, eyes wide, dragging in large gulps of air. It hadn't ever felt that good when he did stuff alone and they barely did anything. It was a little pathetic really both of them frotting against each other until they finished in their pants, like teenagers. But it had felt so good. Shuichi was sticky, he should get up to clean off, but his sleepiness outweighed his discomfort. It seemed Kokichi was the same way, already fast asleep, his head resting on Shuichi's shoulder.

Shuichi wasn't ready to think about what just happened. So instead he continued his blissed-out state and closed his eyes.

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