Second Chances || Saiouma

By Lethargic_Lilac

48.7K 1.3K 7.7K

Shuichi woke up in a hospital room confused and dazed, only to find out that all his friends had survived the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 2

2.8K 87 737
By Lethargic_Lilac

"Kokichi? What are you doing at my house?"

"I could ask you the same thing." Kokichi shifted his weight to the other foot, a flash of gold flickered from his hand and Shuichi noted the key clutched in his fist.

Shuichi stayed silent eyes roving over Kokichi's form, a part of him couldn't believe Kokichi was actually alive, but here he stood in all his glory. Yet, he looked different from the killing game, less menacing, and more tired.

Kokichi's nose crinkled and a small smirk played at his lips. "Why did you throw a loaf of bread at me, what's that going to do for self-defense?"

"Well I-" Shuichi's face paled. To be honest he wasn't sure why himself, it had just been the first thing he grabbed in the heat of the moment. "That's beside the point. Kokichi, what are you doing here?" Shuichi asked, hesitantly, though he feared he already knew the answer, seeing as the key in Kokichi's hand had opened his door.

Kokichi stretched his hand out, gold key pinched between his fingers, wiggling it back and forth. "This was the address written down on my file, and this little key opened the door, did it not?" he exhaled and looked up at Shuichi, gaze light and questioning like he was waiting for Shuichi to realize something.

"So, before we lost our memories we used to-"

"Live together? It would appear so." Kokichi cut in.

Silence fell over them, the only thing filling the air was the sound of cars outside and Shuichi's shoe cuffing the ground as he fidgeted nervously, looking for something to say. His brain felt fried, could he really have lived with someone like Kokichi? Could he really live with him again? Then again, could he really live alone? The thought terrified Shuichi to the bone, he wasn't sure why but, he definitely didn't want to be alone.

"I can find another place to stay if you don't want me here, but can I at least stay here until I find another place?" His eyebrows furrowed, hurt written on his face.

"No- I mean yes- I mean-" Shuichi broke off heart beating hard in his chest. Kokichi watched him amused as Shuichi took a deep breath to try and regain his words. "This is your house as much as mine, I guess. It would be unfair to make you leave. Besides, it might not be too bad to have someone here with me." Shuichi played with his hands anxiously and looked up. Kokichi's stare was hard and Shuichi felt like he was being looked through. "I mean unless you don't want to stay here."

Kokichi's eyes glinted over in playfulness, smile widening. "I'll stay here since you asked so kindly, but we'll have to work on your self-defense, the bread attack failed." He lifted up onto his tiptoes then bounced back down, striding into the apartment and locking the door behind him.

Shuichi rolled his eyes, but heat filled his cheeks in embarrassment, grabbing the bread off the floor, and following Kokichi into the kitchen. Kokichi set down his stuff next to his, plugging his phone into the second cord. That was probably the reason there was a second one in the first place.

"I guess now the cookbook makes sense," Shuichi says under his breath.

Kokichi looks back over his shoulder at Shuichi, not quite catching his mumbled words. "What?"

"Oh nothing it's just-" Shuichi walks forward, reaching over Kokichi's head, into the cabinet, and grabbing the small purple book. "I found this cookbook and the handwriting didn't look like mine." He handed the book to Kokichi and he skimmed through the pages thoughtfully.

"Yeah, this looks like my handwriting, who would have known I was a secret chef." He giggled, looking up at Shuichi briefly before turning back to the book. "Good, maybe that means I can cook something, cause I'm starving."

Shuichi let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding, his stomach grumbling at the mention of food. "Me too."

"Look's like I'm making breakfast for dinner then because this says it takes five minutes and looks fairly simple." He tapped his finger against the page and set the book down. Reaching up into the cabinet to try and grab a pan, unfortunately, he just wasn't tall enough.

Shuichi chuckled quietly watching him jump up to try and grabbed the pan, fingertips just missing it. Shuichi would never consider himself tall, he'd always been the shortest around most people, but he had a good few inches on Kokichi. Deciding it was best if he helped out, he reached forward and grabbed the pan for Kokichi.

Kokichi huffed and took the pan. "Thanks." Shuichi grinned a warm feeling filling his stomach and a strange sense of Deja vu overcoming him. It all felt so familiar. "Just a fair warning, old me might have been able to cook, but with the memories I have now, I've never cooked once."

"That's alright." Kokichi moved to the stove and turned it on, setting the pan and the book down. He should probably finish putting away the groceries before they spoil. He stood next to Kokichi, a small piece of counter separating the fridge and the stove. He opened the fridge and began setting things inside neatly.

"Shuichi can you hand me butter, eggs, and the weapon?"

Shuichi nodded, not fully hearing what Kokichi said, and grabbed the butter, setting it on the counter. "Butter-" he stood up straight not finding the eggs in the fridge and turned around to grab them off the island, setting them next to the butter. "Eggs-" Shuichi cocked his head. "And, the weapon?" Kokichi clamped his hand over his mouth as muffled laughter seeped through. Then it hit him, he meant the bread. Shuichi's face fell and he shook his head. "You're not going to give that one up are you?"

"Nope," Kokichi said still laughing. Shuichi handed him the bread and he got to work with whatever it was he was making.

He finished putting the groceries away and went to watch Kokichi cook. He leaned his back into the island, watching as he cracked two eggs, into the center of a cutout piece of buttered bread. It was weird watching Kokichi like this, he just seemed so not him, but at the same time, he was. Shuichi was so used to seeing Kokichi how he was in the killing game that this just felt strange to see him like this. He was wearing black overall shorts, with a white shirt under them. Paired with brown boots and stupid purple ruffled socks peeking out over the top of the boots, it almost made Shuichi want to laugh.

Without the baggy, white, straight jacket esque outfit, Shuichi distantly thought that he was built quite nicely. His legs were toned and his shoulders were curved down. Every time Kokichi moved his arm on the stove, his shoulder blade would shift under his shirt, and Shuichi stared transfixed. Shuichi's gaze travels down to his waist, the overalls accentuating how small his waist is. Shuichi wonders if he could wrap his hands around his waist and have them touch, but he shakes the idea out of his head as quickly as it appeared. He shouldn't be thinking like that.

"You okay?" Kokichi says looking over his shoulder at him, no doubt having felt Shuichi's eyes on him.

Shuichi raised his fist to his mouth and cleared his throat. "Yeah," he answered voice cracking. "I'm just thinking."

Kokichi reached into the cabinet on his tiptoes, he was able to reach two plates and he set them on the counter. "About?"

"You're just so different."

Kokichi uses a spatula to pick up the bread from the pan and sets it on the plates. "Different how?"

Shuichi pushes himself off the island and walks over to the counter to put away the eggs and butter. "I'm not sure really, you're just acting differently."

Kokichi hums pensively, but his tone was playful. "Well, it could be a mixture of things-" He put the pan in the sink and turned on the water, scrubbing off the grease. "It could just be that I'm hungry, or it could be that I just got out of a trillion surgeries, and I'm tired." Shuichi almost forgot about that, it's still a miracle that Kokichi is standing here with him. "But, it's probably because I'm no longer in a life or death situation and I can relax for the first time in months."

"Oh." Kokichi turned to him and handed him a plate smirking, his eyes were gleaming and so mesmerizing to look at. They were light almost like lilac, it was the perfect mixture of blue and grey, to give him the appearance of purple eyes, framed perfectly by a black ring around his iris.

Shuichi takes the plate and smiles back. "Thanks." Kokichi sits down at the island on the kitchen side, so Shuichi walks around to the living room side, taking his seat on the stool facing Kokichi.

"I think I might have cooked it too long," Kokichi frowns down at the egg in the bread. Shuichi looks down at his plate, the bread was a little burnt and the egg wasn't runny like it should be, but it looked edible.

Shuichi picked it up and took a bite, who cares if it was a little overcooked, the flavors were all there and Shuichi's grumbling stomach readily accepted the food. "It's really good Kokichi."

Shuichi brought his gaze back up to Kokichi who had just taken a bite, his cheeks puffing out as he chewed. His eyes traveled down to his neck watching as his adams-apple bobbed when he swallowed, this is the first time he's seen Kokichi's neck without his scarf.

"I miss Kirumi, she was such a good cook."

"Team Danganronpa said that we should have everyone's number on the list they gave us, so once your phone is charged you can message her. Besides we'll probably all get together again, at some time or another."

Kokichi sighed. "Yeah maybe, I'm not sure most people would want to see me."

Well, he wasn't wrong. Kokichi had certainly left an... impression on mostly everyone. But he would like to think that now that everything is over they can all move on. At least that's what he wanted. He was tired of holding grudges. "It was a killing game Kokichi. Life or death or whatever. I'm sure they will understand, you know forgive and forget? We all had to do stuff we aren't proud of."

Kokichi put on a strained smile and nodded, finishing up the last of his food. He grabbed his plate and began to get up, but Shuichi's hand shot forward and grabbed onto his wrist. A thin glossy white line that looked slightly irritated, with little blotches of red outlining it, traveled up the side of Kokichi's arm and up underneath his shirt. He traced the line all the way to the side of his neck, where there was a matching line on the other side.

"Are these the scars from your surgery?"

Kokichi swallowed. "Um, yeah. It goes all the way down to my ankle on both sides. To be honest, I'm not sure how they fixed everything, but apparently, they used the incisions on my sides to reconstruct my bones, with lasers or something."

Shuichi traced the scar over Kokichi's hand, distantly taking note of the softness. Kokichi shivered at the light touch. "Does it hurt?"

"Not really, the first day it did, because it had a bunch of surgical staples in it, but they put this really thick medicine on it and it healed up almost immediately."

He knew he should probably let go of his hand now, but he held it for just a beat longer. "I'm really happy you're okay Kokichi."

Kokichi stared at him, visibly taken back by his words. Shuichi lets go of his hand and stands to bring his plate into the kitchen.

Kokichi recovers rather quickly, his playful grin back on his face, "Aww, Shuichi cares about me." He washes the dishes off, whipping around to face Shuichi, elbows balancing himself against the counter. "So what do you say detective, have you gotten a chance to explore?"

"Not yet actually, you got here right after I did."

"Then what are we waiting for!" He pushed off the counter and bounced forward.

The living room was cozy and small. At the right end of the living room, there was an elaborate computer set up in front of two large windows, covered by grey curtains. The computer had two screens and a tripod set up behind it, something for Shuichi to search through later.

There were two white doors on the right side, he picked the one furthest from the windows and walked in. It was a bathroom, equipped with all the usual things one would find in a bathroom. It was completely white, and as he walked in his shoes squeaked against the tile. He knelt down opening up the cabinets under the sink. Finding bath towels, a blow dryer, a flat iron, a box of blue and purple hair dye, a basket of random makeup products and face washes, and finally a bottle of cleaning disinfectant. It all seemed normal enough.

Shuichi stood and left the bathroom, walking over to Kokichi, who was standing at the left side of the living room in front of a bookshelf. The bookshelf was filled with books, from the looks of it mainly mystery novels. And a smaller shelf to the side was filled with little figurines.

"We sure do have a lot of whoever this character is." Kokichi held up a figurine of a girl with long light purple hair. He was right, there were many little pieces of merchandise with the same character on it.

"It's probably a character from the Danganronpa games. I mean, we were obsessed with it enough to audition to be on the reality show version, so why wouldn't we have a bunch of merch."

"Aw man~ we were totally fanboys weren't we," Kokichi pouted picking up another figurine of a girl with big spirals for hair.

"It would appear so," he chuckled. Shuichi walked over to the door closest to the window, Kokichi following behind, humming quietly. Most likely behind the door would probably be a hallway leading to their bedrooms, but when he pushed open the door, he wasn't met with a hallway, instead, it was just a bedroom. A bedroom- singular.

Shuichi stopped walking staring at the bedroom confused. "Uh-"

"What?" Kokichi asked from behind him, pushing his way into the room. "Oh."

There was only one bed. Why was there only one bed? Shouldn't there be two since they both lived here?

"Well that certainly is an interesting development," Kokichi said, walking further into the room and tossing himself onto the bed. The sheets were completely black, a grey shag carpet underneath the bed. To the left of the bed was a dresser and a mirror, on the wall in front of the bed was a closest.

Shuichi was thoroughly confused, but he'd rather not dwell on it for the time being. "I wonder if the living room couch is a futon and one of us slept there?"

Kokichi cocked an eyebrow at him and gave him a funny look, before sighing and standing up. "Shall we go check?"

He moved from the doorway and Kokichi marched past him. Shuichi stalled, looking at the room for another beat before leaving. Kokichi's eyes were fixed on something on the mantel above the fireplace, and as he got closer his stomach flipped.

It was a picture of him and Kokichi. It looked like it was taken at some kind of winter ski resort, snow falling down around them, mountains in the back. The position they were in was very- uh... friendly? Kokichi was on his back, arms wrapped around him in a tight hug, his head resting on his, as he held his legs up. They were both bundled up in warm clothing, their face bright and filled with joy.

It was a strange feeling to see a picture of something that happened and not being able to remember it. It almost made him feel jealous of his old self for getting to have those experiences.

Kokichi traced over the silver frame with his finger, humming lowly.

"We, uh, must have been really close friends," Shuichi croaks out, throat feeling dry.

Kokichi looks at him eyebrow raised and eyes scrunched, and suddenly Shuichi feels like he's missing something, that Kokichi knows more than he's letting on.


"Oh, nothing," he shrugs. "I'm sure our phones are charged now, I'll go get them." He sets the picture back onto the mantle sauntering off to the kitchen.

Shuichi turned towards the small purple couch, he looks around for a pull-out, pulling out the cushions and yanking on the bottom of the couch. But it was just a normal couch.

He put the cushions back on the couch and sat down, immediately sinking into it. Why would they not have another bed? He was disrupted from his thoughts as Kokichi jumped into the spot next to him, tossing him his phone.

Kokichi powered his phone on, Shuichi stared at it in his hand apprehensive to turn his on, scared of what he might see. He holds the button down and the screen lights up, loading. His phone popped on and Shuichi's stomach sank, face growing red and hot.

His home screen was another photo of Kokichi and him, this one however was of a... different nature, and there was no more denying of who they used to be to each other anymore. And why there would only be one bed. They were at a park, kissing... passionately, one of Shuichi's hands cupping Kokichi's face, the other on his waist. Kokichi's arms were slung around his neck, blissed-out expressions on both of their faces.

"Kokichi, I don't think we were just roommates..."

Kokichi glanced up from his phone noticing Shuichi's beet-red face and smirking. "I know, we were totally dating," he stated simply.

"I- wait, you know?"

"There's one bed Shuichi. One. And friends-" he pointed at the picture on the mantel. "Don't take pictures like they're in a Hallmark Christmas romance movie. I was just waiting for you to find more conclusive evidence, I'm guessing you found some?"

Shuichi squeezed his eyes shut, stretching his phone out to Kokichi, as he inspected the photo peering back up at him smirking. Shuichi felt stupid, he should have been able to figure it out earlier, but this really surprised him. His old self had been in a relationship with Kokichi, and it must have been serious, considering that they lived together. What a strange turn of events.

"Who knew you were so suave Shuichi," Kokichi joked. sitting back on his knees, looking down at his phone.

Shuichi looked at his home screen, once again feeling jealous that he doesn't have the memory of being kissed like this. Would it feel as soft as it looks? Not that he would want to kiss Kokich, but it was clear at this time in his life he did. Shuichi hadn't even entertained the thought of being with a guy, he's always been attracted to girls. So that was his past self that liked men, not him now. It doesn't matter right now anyway, now's not the time for a sexuality crisis.

They had been sitting on the couch for at least an hour going through their phones and looking at the thousands of notifications they had. If he was being honest he was getting a bit of a headache. So far they had found that Kokichi was some type of video game streamer and already had a following before getting onto Danganronpa.

Kokichi had squealed in excitement finding his channel and all his videos, some of which Shuichi was in. He didn't watch any of them but made him promise to watch some with him later.

Team Danganronpa wasn't kidding when they said they would have fans. Both of their social media's had thousands of followers, comments, and messages. Kokichi had smiled proudly and leaned over to show Shuichi a very detailed paragraph describing how they were going to kill Kokichi. Shuichi read it horrified, but Kokichi just replied 'mood' and laughed.

Shuichi found articles on his phone that were written by him, and found emails from his work. He was a Journalist for a big company and apparently wrote articles that would be posted to their website. Shuichi felt like that fit him, to an extent, probably more than his fake memories of being a detective.

"Looks like we do have everyone's number," Kokichi stated. "Shuichi, go to your texts, someone started a group chat. Of course, it was Kaede."

Shuichi smiled, swiping out of his current tab, and going to his messages. Kaede would be the one to start a group chat. Something stilled his hand from clicking on the chat that Kaede made, instead, focusing on the group message below it. It was from his parents. His real parents. Not the faceless parents his fake memories gave him.

He clicked on their messages. Little messages of encouragement they had left filled his screen, telling him that they were watching the show and that they loved him and were proud of him. He was filled with the overwhelming urge to meet them.

"Kokichi I found my parents in my messages, can I ask them to come over tomorrow, I have to meet them."

"Yeah, of course, they're your parents." Kokichi smiled, but yet his smile looked sad.

Shuichi texted his parents quickly and they responded saying they'll be over tomorrow afternoon. Shuichi felt nervous butterflies in his stomach, excited and nervous to meet his parents.

Kokichi stared at him watching as he beamed down at his phone. "Did you find your parents Kokichi?" Kokichi shook his head and frowned slightly. "I'm sorry."

"No it's okay, I wasn't excepting anything, shitty parents in my fake memories, evidently the same goes for the real ones," he shrugged.

"What were they like- the fake ones? Sorry if I'm overstepping you don't have to answer that."

"It was only my mom, I don't even have a clear image of what she looked like, just that she used to beat the shit out of me, starve me, stuff like that. I would run off with my friends when it got too bad and together we formed D.I.C.E. We would just pull dumb pranks on people. They were the only people there for me. My memories of them feel so real, but they aren't."

Shuichi got off easy, he didn't really have many memories of friends close to him like Kokichi does. He has never seen Kokichi this vulnerable before. In the Killing game, it almost seemed like he could never feel anything, but he must have just been repressing his emotions.

"I'm sorry Kokichi."

"Like I said it's fine. Look." he pointed at his mouth and squeezed his eyes close smiling hard. Shuichi huffed out a laugh and turned back to his phone. It was getting late, almost eleven o'clock, he just had one more place to look through.

He clicked on his camera trying to prepare himself for more lovey-dovey pictures of himself and Kokichi, as weird as they are to look at. His camera roll was a mixture of screenshots of anime characters and the occasional cat photo. Shuichi was right about seeing more photos of Kokichi and him, there were tons, along with random photos of coffee, parks, and concerts.

Shuichi could tell they had a lot of fun together, most of the photos left his stomach warm and happy, seeing them be goofy together. He swipes his thumb to the next photo and immediately wishes he never would have. If he thought things were embarrassing before, this with the icing on the god damn cake. 

"Oh my God!" he shouts, slamming the phone down, his entire face and neck going red, his breathing coming in quick puffs.

Kokichi looked up from his phone. "What?"

Shuichi just shook his head and held the phone tightly against his thigh.

"What did you see?" Kokichi bent forward to try and grab the phone from Shuichi, but he leaned back to keep the phone from his reach and shook his head harder. "I wanna see."

"No, you really don't."

Kokichi sat back down onto his knees, a devilish smile growing. "Yes, I really do if it's what I think it is."

Shuichi closed his eyes shaking his one more time and extended his phone. It was probably one of the most pornographic things Shuichi had ever seen. The picture featured Kokichi lying down on the bed- yes that one bed that was in the room behind him- eyes glazed over in lust, lips shiny and wet. His hands were thrown above his head, and his legs bent back exposing him fully. He was completely naked except for the thigh-high socks he was wearing. A hand pressed against his bare lithe torso. Said hand belonging to Shuichi, as he was the one who took the picture.

Kokichi's gaped at the photo, mouth dropping open. He ripped the phone from Shuichi's hands and pulled it closer to his face. "Holy Shit!" Shuichi slammed his face into his hands not wanting to look up but peeked out anyway. Kokichi had the biggest shit-eating grin on his face as he stared at the photo with clear amusement.

Shuichi sat up, Kokichi glanced over at him and burst out laughing. He tossed him back his phone back but didn't stop laughing. He held his stomach tightly as he rocked himself back and forth in his seat. Shuichi liked the sound of Kokichi laughing, it made him feel slightly giddy, if only not in this certain scenario.

"Why are you laughing?" Shuichi said, impulsively laughing with Kokichi.

"I don't even know, I guess it's kinda funny. We were kinky."

"What! No, I was just-"

"Just taking a picture of me while we were having sex, I'd say that's kinky."

Shuichi put his head back in his hands and groaned. Of course, he knew that he and Kokichi had probably had sex. They were a couple after all, but Shuichi didn't need to be aware of that fact so obviously. Thinking about it made him feel weird.

Kokichi stood up from the couch and stretched. "Oh come on," he pushed Shuichi's head out of his hands, Shuichi looked up at him. "It's not that bad, it's not like you can remember it."

But that's the problem isn't it, deep down he wants to remember it. He feels like he's missed so much and even though he lacks the memories, the Kokichi standing before him was the same one in the photo. They had done things together with these bodies that he'll never remember and never feel again. Not that he would want to, it was just a strange thought to process.

Shuichi stood up as well and yawned. "It's late we should get some sleep." Sleep. Shit, there's only one bed, how are they going to sleep. Shuichi scratched his head and looked down at the couch and back up to Kokichi. "I can sleep on the couch and you can take the bed."

Kokichi gawked at him like he lost his head. "Don't be ridiculous, there's plenty of room in the bed. Besides it's not a big deal." Shuichi thought briefly, he would rather not have to sleep on a cramped couch. So if it was okay with Kokichi it was okay with him.

They took turns using the bathroom and washing up, eventually making their way into the bedroom. Shuichi began looking through the drawers for some pajamas as Kokichi rifled through the closet. He pulled out some pajama pants and a plain white shirt -that was really soft- before Kokichi turned around he hurried out of his clothes and into the sleepwear.

"Ooh look Shuichi boots!" Kokichi pulled a pair of thigh-high white heels out of the closet and began to put them on, zipping up the back of the boot. "Yep, they're mine."

Shuichi watched him amused as he tried to zip the other boot on. "Why would you have a pair of heels?"

"Come on, you saw the socks Shuichi, they are obviously for kinky reasons." Shuichi paled and swallowed harshly, realizing that he was probably right. Kokichi walked forward shakily towards the full body mirror and kicked his foot out in front of him, hand placed on the small of his back. He gave himself a once over and changed positions again. "I kinda like em."

Shuichi almost agreed but, thought better of it. "Come on Kokichi, stop messing around, let's go to sleep."

"I wonder if there are any other kinky things in our closet."


Kokichi of course didn't listen, instead choosing to wobble back over to the closet and search around in the mess of fallen clothes at the bottom. Shuichi walked over to the closet and watched his search.

"Oh, you're not going to believe it!"


"I'm ninety percent sure I just found a sex swing!" Kokichi pulled his head out from the closet his hair ruffled and filled with static. He dragged out a big black cloth item with hooks and bars. "Hundred percent sure I just found a sex swing."

Had they used- Nope! He is not even going to think about it. "Come on Kokichi just get into bed."

Kokichi started laughing again and pushed the item back into the closet. "I'm not done yet." There were a couple of seconds of silence as Kokichi shuffled through the closet, but then he heard Kokichi let out a brash laugh.

"Oh my god!" Kokichi said, pulling out a plastic container filled with different toys. Shuichi rubbed his forehead with his fingers as he watched Kokichi pick up one of the bright pink offensive items.

"Put it back Kokichi, let just go to bed."

Kokichi stood up balancing in the heeled boots, hand still holding the item. "I don't think I will." He laughed as he jumped forward at Shuichi, the toy held out like a sword. Shuichi's eyes widen and he dodged out of the way, letting out a half shriek.

"H-hey what do you think you're doing!"

Kokichi moved towards him again toy still outstretched and Shuichi ducked again. "Chasing you," he giggled. Then in a quick flash he was running at Shuichi, who took off quickly.

If someone would have told Shuichi when he had first met Kokichi, that one day they would be living together and Kokichi would be chasing him with a bright pink dildo. He would have thought they were insane, yet here he was rushing around his room trying to escape Kokichi and the dildo.

Shuichi wasn't sure how Kokichi was that fast in heels, but he was. He took too shallow of a turn around their bed and collapsed down onto the floor. Kokichi leaped down from off the bed and landed hard on his chest. Shuichi felt the air leave his lungs at the heavy impact and groaned.

"Got you!" Kokichi's eyes sparkled down at him as he snickered. Shuichi looked up at him and felt his stomach flutter. He was sat upon Shuichi's chest like he was kneeling, his legs  kicked out beside him. He's not so sure anymore if he can survive living with Kokichi.

"You're so childish."

"Hmm, maybe." Kokichi shifted on top of him, which brought Shuichi's attention to their current position. It was so similar to that of the insect meet and greet, he was almost expecting Kokichi to lean down and tell him he was in hell. Kokichi still had the object in his hand and looked very proud of himself for catching him.

"Can you get off now?"

"Ask nicely."

Shuichi rolled his eyes. "Get off please."

"Mmm okay." Kokichi chuckled as he slung his leg over Shuichi and moved away from him. Standing to walk over to the closet and put away the toy. Shuichi got up slowly rubbing his back from where he fell and climbed into the bed.

Kokichi started to change his clothes so he closed his eyes and waited.

"You can open your eyes now."

"Kokichi what in the actual hell are you wearing?" It was tiny black shorts and a matching tank top.

"I don't know, it was in the closet." Shuichi wrinkled his nose up. "Hey! No complaining, I usually sleep naked, so unless you want that-"

"Those are fine!" he waved his arms frantically in front of him. "Just turn the lights off and go to sleep, I'm tired." Shuichi rolled over to face the wall and watched as the room went into darkness, the only light coming from a small night light plugged into the wall across the room. Shuichi felt the bed dip and the sheets get pulled back as Kokichi got into bed.

Kokichi flopped onto his stomach and dropped his head onto the pillow. "Goodnight Shuichi~" Kokichi chirped dreamily, sleep already settling in.

"Goodnight Kokichi." Shuichi let out a breath, calmness settling over him,  feeling strangely enough, a little less alone.

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