My Akatsuki Academia: The Sto...

By BillMclaughlinJr

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In the aftermath of All Might's retirement, Hero Society now more than ever needs it's Heroes. As the threat... More

Chapter One - New Living Arrangements
Chapter Two - The Dorms
Chapter Three - Promising Lead
Chapter Four - New Challenges
Chapter Five - The Artists
Chapter Six - UA's Finest
Chapter Seven - Shisui Uchiha
Chapter Eight - An Odd Display
Chapter Nine - A Possible Lead
Chapter Ten - The Akatsuki VS The Disciples Of Wrath
Chapter Eleven - Interrogation
Chapter Twelve - A New Undertaking
Chapter Thirteen - Rehearsal
Chapter Fourteen - The Cultural Festival
Chapter Fifteen - Reflection
Chapter Sixteen - Dead End
Chapter Seventeen - Zero Hour
Chapter Eighteen - Chaos
Chapter Nineteen - Taking A Stand
Chapter Twenty - True Display Of Art
Chapter Twenty Two - The Face Of Wrath
Chapter Twenty Three - Revelation
Chapter Twenty Four - Timely Arrival
Chapter Twenty Five - True Art
Chapter Twenty Six - The Hero Named Kisame
Chapter Twenty Seven - The Cavalry
Chapter Twenty Eight - Itachi VS Wrath
Chapter Twenty Nine - The Final Battle
Chapter Thirty - Rise Of The Akatsuki

Chapter Twenty One - Enemies On All Sides

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By BillMclaughlinJr

As Deidara and Sasori fought Jirobo and Kidomaru, Itachi and Kisame continued moving through the halls of UA, knowing the Disciples of Wrath were near. As they moved through the halls of UA, Itachi activated his Sharingan. He could see three members of the Disciples of Wrath heading their way. Itachi then prompts Kisame to stop. 

Kisame: What's wrong? 

Itachi: Three of them are heading our way. I suspect they know where we are. 

As Itachi said that, Kimimaro along with Sakon and Tayuya confronted Itachi and Kisame. Kisame placed his hand on the handle of Sharkskin. 

Kisame: Guess they found us, eh Itachi? 

Kimimaro: Itachi Aizawa. We've come here on behalf of Lord Wrath. The Day of the Golden Dawn is here. Society as you know it will crumble and from it's ashes, Lord Wrath will forge a utopia. 

Kisame: A utopia you say? That's quite the joke you're playing. 

Kisame's antagonistic comment angered the Disciples of Wrath. Sakon and Tayuya moved to attack him, but Kimimaro stops them. 

Itachi: Kisame, we have a job to do. Try not to anger them too much. 

Kisame: Sorry. I couldn't resist. 

Sakon: This is getting nowhere. I don't see why Lord Wrath has an interest in this brat. I say we kill him and be done with it. 

Tayuya: I agree. One brat from UA isn't worth the trouble. 

Kimimaro: We have our orders. Lord Wrath has plans for Itachi Aizawa. We will follow his orders to the letter. 

It soon became clear that Kiminaro and the other Disciples of Wrath were under orders from Wrath to bring Itachi to him alive. Kisame smirks despite the gravity of the situation. 

Kisame: Seems like business as usual, Itachi. We're outnumbered, outmatched and out of our minds. And here I thought this was going to be a boring affair. 

Kimimaro: This doesn't involve you, Kisame Hoshigaki. If you wish to live, then you will walk away and hope you can find a place in Lord Wrath's new world.

Kisame: Tempting, but no dice. I'd much prefer this world despite all it's....flaws. Your world would just a big lie and I hate liars more than anything. 

Kisame raised his Sharkskin at the Disciples of Wrath. Itachi cracked a smile towards his best friend.

Itachi: Guess we're in for the fight for our lives. 

Kisame: Speak for yourself, Itachi. You're the one they want alive. I'm just in their way. 

Itachi: It's not too late to back down. I'm sure if you left now, they wouldn't go after you. 

Kisame: And miss out on all the fun? Not a chance! From the looks of things, this is going to be quite the brawl. And besides, Sharkskin is hungry. 

In that moment, Kisame made it clear that he would stand with Itachi in the inevitable fight against the Disciples of Wrath. Kimimaro quickly realized that Kisame would pose a problem to their mission. He then turned to Sakon and Tayuya. 

Kimimaro: Sakon. Tayuya. Deal with Kisame Hoshigaki. 

Tayuya: Of course we get stuck dealing with the Shark freak. 

Sakon: I'm sure we'll have fun dispatching him. 

With that, Sakon and Tayuya attacked Kisame. The attack forced Kisame to retreat, leaving Itachi alone with Kimimaro. Itachi remained calm as Kimimoaro spoke. 

Kimimaro: You will come with me, Itachi Aizawa. 

Itachi: I have no intention of joining Wrath. 

Kimimaro: Lord Wrath seeks to create a better world. I've realized recently...that everyone is given life for a reason. Everyone has something important to accomplish. The quest to discover what that the only freedom us humans have been given. 

Itachi: Then you must know that you're just a pawn to Wrath. He'll cast you aside the moment you outlive your usefulness. 

Kimimaro: I am but a tool to serve Lord Wrath's will. I live to see Lord Wrath's dreams and ambitions realized. To see his dreams realized is my life's purpose. 

In that moment, Kimimaro activated his Dead Bone Pulse Quirk. Itachi immediately prepare himself for a fight. Meanwhile, Kisame was pushed into the cafeteria where he was cornered ay Sakon and Tayuya. 

Tayuya: End of the line, Hoshigaki! There's nowhere for you to run! 

Kisame: Not exactly an ideal spot for a fight, but I'll take it. 

Kisame then takes out his water gourd and begins to drink it. After taking some sips, he puts it away. 

Kisame: If I learned anything, you never go into a fight without having a refreshing drink. 

Sakon: I hope you enjoyed your drink because it will be your last. 

Kisame: Is that right? Well that would be a shame. Good thing I came prepared. 

Tayuya: You don't seriously think you could take us on by yourself? If you really think that, then you're even dumber than you look! 

Kisame simply smirked as he clutched Sharkskin. 

Kisame: Facing you two alone would be a bit of a problem. Even with my strength, I imagine you're both pretty strong. But I'm more than just a brute. So how about I make this interesting and even the odds a bit? 

As Kisame said this, water began leaking out of his body. Once there was enough water, it formed into a water clone of Kisame. 

Kisame: Now let's see what you both can do!

In that moment, Kisame and his Water Clone prepared to battle against Sakon and Tayuya as the Day of the Golden Day continued to rage across the city. 

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