Power Rangers imagines and on...

Galing kay carnationcreation

42.7K 427 90

Imagines and One shots for any and all season of Power Rangers and the movies. I noticed there was a lack of... Higit pa

Front Row Seat (Tommy Oliver x Sister!reader)
Bad Timing (Adam Park x reader)
The Real Winner (Rocky DeSantos x reader)
Hello, Cello (Adam Park x Cello player! reader)
We Are VR (Rocky DeSantos x VR Trooper!Reader)
True Blue Ranger (Justin Stewart x sister!reader)
Locked In (Adam Park x reader)
New cover + authors note
His Type (Brody Romero x reader)
Halloween party (Tommy Oliver x sister!reader)
Rally Ranger (Justin Stewart x sister!reader)
Notebooks and Banners (Adam Park x reader)
Back For You (Ethan James x reader)
Starting Over (Ollie Akana x reader)
Dear Diary (Jason Lee Scott x reader)
New imagines book!
Memories (Zayto x reader)
Moonlight (Tommy Oliver x reader)
Ranks (Dustin Brooks x reader)
Make up (Hunter Bradley x reader)

Dream Buddy (Adam Park x reader)

1.5K 25 27
Galing kay carnationcreation

Please check bio to see if requests are open before sending any in!

Request: (wattpad pezzbosch ) Can you please write an imagine of Adam being worried about his crush because she's going through something personal that she won't talk about? And the crush is just super scattered all the time and losing focus in almost everything she does until someone finally gets her to talk about what's going on?

Prompt/summary: Adam goes a little overboard worrying about his crush

Word Count: 1,502

Authors note: (Ready Now by dodie is the vibe for this) Thanks so much for your request bb! If y'all haven't read pezzbosch 's fanfic Twenty Four Seven then I totally recommend to go check that out of you're a power rangers fan :)


Adam wished he'd noticed it sooner.

He should've known the first day she turned down going to Earnies. She would never turn down a chance to get her favorite mini tacos on a normal day, especially after a day she had gym class.

He just wished he would've noticed her pushing them away sooner.

The first time he got the hint something was wrong was the Monday morning back from spring break. She showed up to school tired and almost fell asleep during first block pre-calculus. (Y/n) might not enjoy that class that much but she never got caught sleeping in class, ever.

He watched her pull an energy drink out of her bag and drink almost half of it in a few gulps.

"Woah," Adam said, pulling the drink away, "Slow down there. You don't want to drink it all in one go."

"Adam, I am so tired I will fight you for that drink."

He rolled his eyes, "If you're that tired you wouldn't last more than a few seconds. Why are you drinking this? You hate energy drinks."

"I just... didn't get that much sleep last night," (Y/n) sighed.

Adam placed the can back on the desk, "I'm sorry, why couldn't you sleep?"

"Just couldn't," she said, the end of class bell rang and (Y/n) quickly gathered her things, "See ya in gym!"

He really started to worry when she didn't show up for their first class the next day. He was so used to seeing her bright smile when he would sit down next to her that today felt like the world was a little duller. Class seemed to roll by slowly as he stared at the clock and the door waiting for her to come in, but she never did.

Lunch time came and there was still no sign of her. As he sat down next to Rocky and Tommy they noticed his mood had shifted a lot since they saw him yesterday.

"You okay Adam?" Tommy said.

"Have either of you seen (Y/n)?"

"No, we haven't seen your girlfriend," Rocky said, causing Adam's eyes to go wide.

"She- she's not my girlfriend guys," he said shyly.

"You guys sure act like it."

Adam slapped Rocky's fork out of his hand with his own, "We're not dating. I just haven't seen her all morning and I'm starting to worry."

"Yeah cause you have a big fat crush on her," Rocky grinned.

"Stop it Rocky," Tommy sighed.

"Fine," Rocky huffed and picked his fork back up from the tray.

"Anyways, we haven't seen (Y/n) since gym class yesterday," Tommy said.

"I might stop by her house after school to check on her, it's not like her to miss class and not tell me."

"Yeah cause she has a big fat crush on you," Rocky muttered.


"What?! It's true!"

Adam sighed, "She doesn't have a crush on me."

Rocky rolled his eyes, "Well then why is she walking over here first instead of to Kat and Tanya?"

Adam turned around quickly and spotted the girl walking towards the group of boys, he smiled widely as she sat down beside him.

"What's with the energy drink (Y/n)?" Rocky asked.

"What? Oh- I... stayed up late to finish a project."

Adam looked at her confused, "We don't have any projects in our classes, is it for your English class?"

"Uh, yeah," she said with a fake smile.

"Oh, okay," Adam said. He knew she was lying, but he was hurt that she felt like she had to.

By the weekend (Y/n) seemed to be back to normal. She was on time for classes again and went to hang out at Earnies. Yet there was still something... weird going on.

Even though she was her usual cheery sunshine self, Adam noticed when the others were talking amongst themselves she would look off with an almost blank look on her face. When she would talk her sentences would trail off or not make sense completely. The others pretended they didn't notice but it was starting to become clear that something was wrong with their friend.

Adam decided he needed to know what was going on.

He got to school early enough so that he could catch (Y/n) at her locker. As he walked through the halls he thought of a million different answers he might get from his friend, or crush really. He'd always been infatuated with her since she sat next to him in Chemistry last year, the ball of sunshine in the class.

As he rounded the corner he saw (Y/n) quickly shove a white bottle into her locker before shutting it and shouldering her bag.

"What was that?" he said, she jumped slightly and spun around.

"Adam!" she said, "Geeze you scared me. What's up?"

"What'd you put in your locker?" he said.

"Oh just my binder."

"It looked like a bottle-"

"Adam we really need to get to class," (Y/n) said.

"Why are you lying to me?"

She sighed, "I'm not."

"What was in the bottle?" he said, the firmness in his tone made her look down to the floor.

"I- um," she tried to speak but the tears that formed in her eyes stopped her.

"(Y/n)," Adam said gently, placing his hand on her shoulder, "you can tell me anything."

She turned the lock on her locker and opened it, and sitting on the top shelf was a pristine looking white bottle full of caffeine pills.


Tears were falling down her face and he pulled her into a hug.

"I'm sorry," she sobbed.

"There's nothing for you to be sorry about," he said, rubbing circles into her back.

"I just- there's these dreams, well, nightmares I keep having. I wake up panicking but I'll sit and think and think about it but I just can't remember it. How am I supposed to stop them when I can't remember them?"

"I'm sure all that caffeine isn't helping. Those aren't good for you (Y/n)."

"I know I know, but it's better than falling asleep in class."

"I know, but nothing can replace sleep," Adam said. He pulled away to gently brush some of her hair back, "I think I have an idea."

Adam ended up dragging her out of school and to his car, from there they drove to the mall in town.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see," Adam said.

The mall wasn't that busy considering it was an early morning on a weekday. Adam lead her by the hand through the mall to the back where the toy store stood. (Y/n)'s eyes went wide with excitement before looking at him with a puzzled look.

"We're gonna get you a dream buddy."

"A what?"

"A dream buddy, to bring you some sweet dreams."

(Y/n) giggled and pulled him into the store. Lining the walls were various toys and figures but towards the back were giant bins of different kinds of stuffed animals of different shapes and sizes.

"What about this one?" Adam said, holding up an elephant half as big as him.

"I think that's a little big, don't you think?" she giggled.

"Hmmm.... maybe."

He dug through the bins a little more, "This one?"
It was a frog made out of a shiny fabric material.

"Um... I don't really like the frog."

Adam sighed, "No one ever does."

(Y/n) dug through the other bin for a while, carefully looking over each animal. Finally she reached the bottom and gasped out.

"This one!"

She pulled out the stuffed figure to show it to him. It was a stuffed rabbit with light brown fur and big floppy ears.

"What do you think?" she asked.

Adam smiled, "I think it looks like a great dream buddy."

The next day when Adam walked into class, (Y/n) smiled at him.

It wasn't fake, or tired looking. It was the same smile that made his heart flutter since the first time they met.

Class went by as usual until the bell for lunch finally rang, (Y/n) grabbed Adam's hand and led him in the opposite direction from the cafeteria.

"Where are we going?" he said.

(Y/n) didn't answer until she opened her locker. She pulled out the same rabbit they bought yesterday.

Today it had a red heart with the letter "A" sewn onto the paw.

"I named her Sunny," she smiled.

"I guess it helped last night?" he asked.

"Amazingly. Thank you so much Adam," she said, pulling him into a hug.

He smiled, "I'm just glad I got my sunshine girl back."

She pulled back but kept her arms locked around his neck. Her smile gave him butterflies, but when she leaned in to press a kiss to his cheek his heart almost stopped. She giggled at his wide eyes, "I can't be a sunshine girl without my sky guy."

"Sky guy?"


He chuckled.

"Because there's nowhere else I'd rather be."

It was his chance to lean in, but this time it was a sweet kiss on her lips.

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