Loki And The Thief

By Sigynista

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[EXPLICIT] You never expected to be thrown from your home earth, to Asgard. Not only do you fight for surviva... More

Be careful what you wish for...
Stolen Comforts
Walking On Broken Glass
An Apple A Day...
If The Ring Fits...
Next to Godliness.
A Room With A View
Eager to Please...
A Little Night Music
A Mortals Place
Lethe's Bramble Pt 1
Lethe's Bramble Pt2
God Stock
The Deal
Bad Girl
The Chase
Fever Struck
The Unwelcome Guest
Matters Of The Heart...
Gods and Monsters
The Freeze
Morning Delights
Deals Made
What is lost
The Ebony Blade
Split Apart
Shrouded in Darkness
Break Out pt 1
Break Out Pt 2
True Self
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The Wager
Springs and Waterfalls
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The Next Part Is Out!!

Journey Pains

1.1K 50 4
By Sigynista

For two days Y/N sat on the ship floor staring at the cold metallic innards of the vessel. I could have just been a receptionist. Seriously. She thought with a smirk.

She had been chained to the wall both arms and legs although she could move and change position, it still made sleep impossible on the good grate of the floor where she could see and hear the electrics all hours whirring and blipping away, the odd smells of burning metals and engine fluids that made her eyes water and her head hurt.

Her captors said nothing, only feeding her with a few grunts or expelling air as if to even be near her was an unbearable chore. She looked down to her wrists and saw how red they were becoming with the constant rubbing on her skin, and it was beginning to break. Her chest was still in pain and the herbs had not done much but the infection was at bay.

As she pondered the redness of her wrists, Gamora crouched in front of her. 'Eat this.' She pushed a bundle of herbs into her hands, and Y/N did as she was told. She took in a sharp breath at the harsh metal scraped across her wrist drawing blood from them. Gamora got up and took her bag from the cockpit, taking out a pot of ointment. She walked back over and began unscrewing the lid. 'What- what is that?' Y/N asked a little unsure of the medicinal help she was getting. 
Gamora did not answer, instead  she began dabbing Y/N's wrists with the salve. It was clear and smelled like mint and thyme, soothing the skin and the air around Y/N.

'Why are you doing this?' Y/N looked at Gamora confused. Her comfort should be low on her list of duties.

'I want you healthy and well presented for Thanos. He will want to see you perfect before he breaks you.'

Y/N took a deep breath in, fear suddenly striking her heart for the first time. If he didn't want her dead, maybe it would be torture to hold over Loki.

'I don't quite know his plans for you are. All I know he wants to destroy some prophecy.'

'What prophecy?'

'It an old maids tale. About a being of stregth, being infused with the power of the stones. 'The mortal with a heart of iron will defeat the Titanian Eternal with a mere snap of their fingers.' The trouble is, he doesn't know if it is you. You're the strongest he has seen in a long time. He is hedging his bets.'

Y/N frowned 'So he doesn't even know if its me he is just guessing? You do realise Loki will find me. And when he does he will destroy you all.'

'You really love that Asgardian don't you?' Smiled Gamora.

'When you find true love, you know nothing will ever keep you apart. You will always find each other.'

She looked down at her wrists that tingled as they began to heel.

'One day, you will find that with someone. You won't even know it, it will just hit you.' Y/N smiled at Gamora 'I know Loki will find me. Its just a matter of when.'

Gamora rolled her eyes and stood looking down on Y/N ' I wouldn't worry, Thanos may kill you. If you're lucky.' She said with dead eyes that
Y/N had never seen before on anyone.

As Gamora walked away, Y/N rested her head on the cold wall behind her. She had not been able to get warm since living on the floor, her has shivered so much her whole body ached as every muscle had contracted and flexed with each shudder and she felt she had done a full work out.

She wished she could be back on the warm bed, or in that gorgeous hot spring back on Asgard. She turned her face away, closed here eyes and switched off her mind as she drifted into an uncomfortable sleep.

Loki had reservations about having Nitid assist he and Thor in the rescue of Y/N but he knew leaving her in Asgard was not an option.

They filled the Asgardian vessel with weapons to fight whomever they faced. Brokkr explained that Y/N was taken by Thanos, by way of his most trusted asassins. What they wanted with Y/N was unsure, but Brokkr had a good idea.

'Thanos wants power. Craves it. And Y/N is incredibly powerful for a mortal.  She is barely mortal at all. That's what he wants. He either wants her on side or dead. I'm assuming the latter. But he will find a way to use her power for his benefit.'

'So we stop him!' Said Thor ever confident in his abilities.

'We will, and when this is over she is coming with me.' Said Nitid, 'It is evident that I am the only one who can protect her. And she should be with her mother.'

Everyone stood quietly.

'That is not your decision to make.' Loki said calmly, or as much as he could muster.

'As her mother it is.'

'You forfeited all rights to call yourself her mother, when you handed her over to me.' Everyone turned to see Brokkr at the back of the room, not really bringing any attention to himself.

'You forget Nitid. You gave her away. You gave her to me, to keep away from all of this. And now you want to take her back?' Brokkr laughed.

Loki was confused, he couldn't decipher why Brokkr would be on his side but he was suspicious.

'You know at the end of the day it is her decision who she leaves with. And I would wager she would leave with Loki.'

He walked forward and placed one finger over the map the ship was following. 'The decipher of Thanos will be difficult to destroy. None more so than thanos himself. If Y/N is still alive, I can only assume his reasons are... darker than we could imagine.'


Y/N woke with as start as she felt the ship jerk up and down. Her chest heaved from the sudden rude awakening and she scrambled into the corner. They were landing.

'Don't get too worried. We are stopping for supplies. Seems we didn't bring enough with us did we Gamora?' Nebula narrowed her eyes.

'I'm a warrior, I don't do inventory.' She retorted.

Y/N watched as Nebula walked away back to the cockpit.

'Please, atleast take away my shackles. Where am I gonna go?' Y/N complained.

'Shut up.' Gamora breathed. 'You need to keep quiet. I can't protect you from the others if you keep giving them excuses. We only have a short while on this planet so we have to make it count.'

Y/N looked confused. 'Just wait until I  am gone, Nebula will want to stay and watch you. Take this.' Gamora handed Y/N a small electrical device, a taser.
'She is practically Android. A shot of this will fry her circuitry enough to give you a ten minutes head start.'

Y/N was shocked. She had been wrong about Gamora. 'I'm sorry. For what I said to you before Gamora.'

Gamora gave a brief smile enough not to be seen by anyone else.
'You're on your own now.'

Gamora turned to Nebula and informed her she would leave for provisions and asked her to come along. Just as Gamora predicted she insisted on staying behind.

Now the games were about to begin.

'So how long is your sister gonna be? Cause this is bloody boring.' Y/N complained to Nebula.

'Shut up to stupid girl. Your really have no idea of the situation you are in.'

'Really? Cause I thought this was a shitty attempt at a kidnapping. And to top it off I'm left with daddy's least favourite daughter.'

Nubula twitched at this. Y/N struck a nerve. 'I mean you can so tell, your father obviously holds Gamora to the highest esteem. While you? You can tell you're just pushed to the side.'

'Shut up! You are talking about something you do not understand!'

Y/N shifted in her chains. 'Oh but I do. You and I are just alike.'

'We are nothing alike.' Insisted Nebula.

'Arent we? I was given away by my own mother. She didn't even know she was pregnant with me, she was too busy with her mission. I was brought up in a world, and life that wasn't my own. All those years without and sense of real family. My earth mother? All those years she brought me up and I didnt even know her. She didn't even try to get to know me. Youre father doesn't want to know you Nebula. You're just a soldier of the army he has made himself.'

'I said SHUT UP!' Nebula ran forward metal bar in hand above her head and Y/N kicked her legs out tripping g Nebula up. She grasped Nebula by the neck and stuck the taser right on her temple, hitting the neural network fast. Nebula was out, and Y/N began rifling through Nebula's pockets for keys. Finally she got the keys to the shackles.

Within seconds she was free. She gave Nebula an extra blast of electricity. 'Thats for the back hand, bitch.'

Y/N took a weapon and a knife. She stopped and saw the ebony blade still shining in its place. Taking it, she placed it jn a sheath of grey leather and wool.

She stepped out of the vessel and as the ship door opened she was greeted with the smell of rainforest and muggy heat.

Welcome to the jungle. Good job you know what you're doing.

She stepped out and made her way out into the wild.

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