Black Light (Naruto)

By Beginning_Asuka

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BETA!! This has been somewhat edited, but it will be edited when all of it is finished!! β™‘ There was nothing... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Act 1
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Act ll
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69

Chapter 66

794 37 10
By Beginning_Asuka

Terms: Haha-ue (mother; formal) and chichi-ue (father; formal). 


TW: Kidnapping, torture, insanity, Hamasaki as a whole.


Mist swelled so thickly around him, breathing it in so thickly that it felt like he was choking on it. He breathed out flashbacks of cold air, but mostly, he was glad that he had Kakashi by his side to stabalize him. 

At least, that's what he called it. Kakashi's hand occasionally brushing against his-- purposefully-- was reminding him that he was here. In the present. Not locked up in a tiny underground cell. 

So he walked as quietly as possible, seals activated. There were birds chirping so quietly, and he swore that at this moment, he would remember this for the rest of whatever life he would live. 

It was almost... peaceful, had it not been traumatic for him to be here. 

The mist hung thickly around them, dewdrops on the grass they stepped silently onto, muscles tensed. The only thing that shone at the moment was the sun-- clouded over and weak. But, otherwise, it all rang out so clearly. 

The dull green of the ferns, the dark chocolate brown of the trees that reminded him of something he couldn't quite put his name on. The way Kakashi's eye was dark, knowing they were deep in enemy territory and could no longer turn back. 

And Hikaru...

He was scared. He didn't want to face Hamasaki or Daichi or Yuu. He didn't want to look at his nightmares in their faces and scream at them. 

The last name Uzumaki rang in his mind, and he recalled how he hadn't looked anything like an Uzumaki. How he hadn't even seemed remotely close to hyperactive or even a seal master.

But it was obvious the other knew how to hide extremely well. 

A small, silent breath that brought mist further into his lungs. 

He was here, Kirigakure. Uzumaki Hikaru was here, and he would not let Hamasaki get in the way anymore. 


Night time. It was gorgeous-- the mist had finally cleared, showing the constellations above. They shone clearly, sparking along his entire body, something that he hadn't seen since... forever

In Konoha, the night was always accompanied with the yellow glow of streetlights, or with the noise of the Red Light District. The only way to get stars this clear was to head way, way out. And, even then, they were usually blocked by leaves. 

Here... they were so clear. Unblocked. 

He looked down upon Kakashi's sleeping body-- the nin was flat on his back, hands curled by his weapons. His eye was peacefully closed, body highlighted by the perfect moonlight. 

This moment, lying awake and taking watch, was everything to him. He wouldn't give it for the world-- although he was utterly terrified and scared, and kami, he was such a coward. 

But being here made him hopeful. For what, he didn't know. 

All he knew was that, after this, there wouldn't really be anything but the Akatsuki to take down. And he could find peace in that statement-- he was getting old, and his bones and joints were already weary. 

He was around... 28 or 29 now, was he not? It had already been a whopping two or three years, something that surprised him still. And he'd already accomplished so much yet so little.

It wouldn't be that hard to finish it out. His original mission, of course-- slaughter the Akatsuki. It would be easy, after all. Almost too easy, as he was starting to get his original strength back up. 

He glanced around the clearing, before casting a look back at Kakashi.

Hikaru managed to not smile, and he adverted his gaze. The moon was gorgeous tonight-- almost full. If he had believed in a kami, he might've prayed to the moon to let his mission turn out successful. 

But it was okay. He'd survive. 


They casually walked around Kiri as Hikaru hunted for their chakra signatures, which he remembered like the back of his hand. There wasn't anything in the world that could block him from remembering it, after all. 

He blinked, adjusting the lock of falsely-brown hair behind his ear. Kakashi had gone to scout in the other direction, although it wasn't a good idea to be split up at the moment. But, still. 

He wandered about aimlessly, taking in the disgusting sight of Kiri. He'd almost forgotten how hostile and run-down the place was-- there were civilians snarling crossly at each other on almost every street corner, and he was pretty certain there was a fight in the alleyway next to him. 

Oh well. No time to play the hero. He would blend in and stick to his own business in such a ruthless village as this one was. 

So he let his feet guide him, his sense of dread growing the closer he grew to the Red Light District. it was obvious in the way the houses got shoddier and shoddier, in the way people stayed at least three feet apart at all times, lest they be pick pocketed. 

He paid no attention to children running about with gaunt cheeks. He knew well enough that there was nothing to be done, no matter how hard someone tried. No matter how much they attempted. 

He was in a bad mood that day. 

His breath was shaking, his entire being was shaking, actually. He walked silently, but somewhat proudly, matching the background. 

The closer he got, the more he knew. The more the dark feeling rose inside of him, the more his entire being knew and he couldn't quite breathe. 


Spots in his eyes, but he forced himself to continue walking. It was an innocent-enough looking house, with pots of dead flowers at the front. The door was propped open, though, showing they had nothing worth taking. 

He didn't doubt it. Any house in the area had likely already been looted. 


Hikaru casually walked up the steps, feeling her chakra residing in here, although she was no longer here. There were no seals to speak of, and anxiety riddled inside of him. 

He continued inside-- eyeing the pictures of her and Yuu on the wall, the glass on the frames long gone. The pictures were weathered and nearly broken. 

He blinked at one from where Hamasaki looked actually happy for once-- her face in a non-teasing smile like it usually was. She looked about, what, eight years old? And there were four people besides her, although their faces had long been torn out, to the point where it was just her and Yuu. 

He continued walking through the house, the doors all open. Papers were scattered about, along with clothes and dishes and almost everything. 

A stench from one of the rooms. 

He covered his nose as he passed by, electing to look at it later, although he already knew what the smell was. It sent him into memories of the war, when that stench had been basically everywhere, where he'd gone noseblind to it. 

A soft sigh, and then he opened a door. It creaked open, and he attempted to flick on the light switch. 


The curtains were drawn, the scent of something hanging heavily in the room. Like rotting wood. 

He cast his visible chakra into the room, bathing everything in crimson light. 

Books. Everywhere. Books upon books upon books. Some of the pages were ripped out-- delicate handwriting on some, others were completely indecipherable. There was a broken bed in the corner, the sheets and pillows ripped and torn. 

A chill crawled down his spine, and he had the pressing feeling that he should leave. 

But, like an idiot, he didn't listen to his gut at all. In fact, he did the exact opposite. 

He walked in, bending down, and picking up the nearest book. 

August 1st.

Was... was it a diary..?

Today was okay. I miss Mom a bit, though, but Tou-san said that she'd be gone for awhile. Same with Nee-chan. I wonder if they're okay. 

I got to go to school today. I met someone named Daichi-- he's really nice to me. Same with someone named Akito and Ki. They look like brothers. I miss my siblings. 

Yuki hasn't left yet, though, but Tou-san says she needs too soon.


Hikaru flipped through the entries, noticing the days increase. 

The last page was... almost disturbing with the way it sent chills down his spine. 

September 17th. 

Daichi invited me to his house tomorrow! I'm really, really, really excited to go! Tou-san says that I can, but I gotta be back early! Ah, I cannot wait!! Daichi says I get to meet his haha-ue and his chichi-ue!

Yuki doesn't want me to leave, though. But I always have to drag her around. It's getting boring. I wish she'd stop.

And that was it. 

He picked up the book beneath it, flipping it open. 

September 19th.


I'm tired today. They let me keep this book, though, which is nice. And they feed me. 

I miss Yuki. And Akito and Ki. And Tou-san and Kaa-san and Nee-san. I wonder if Nii-san would come back as well, if he knew what situation I'm in. I'm not allowed to write about it.

Next entry.


What day is it today? I think it's still September. Kami, I wish I'd never agreed to go with Daichi. I wish that I hadn't agreed or been excited at all. 

They aren't telling me the time or how long it has been. I wonder if my family misses me. I hope they do. I hope Yuki isn't injured or crying or anything. 

I miss school. I miss how nice Akito and Ki were all the time, or how they would never really stop talking about their cousin. I think her name was Ise?

Next entry. 

His hands were shaking.

December 4th.

This is the only date they would give me. 

Akito has joined me down here, in this little room. He hasn't been handed anything to keep him sane yet. He joined me maybe a week ago..?

I can hear his cries. 

Please. I just want it to stop. I want it all to stop. I don't want to continue doing this, and I don't want to even...

Something he couldn't make out. 

Hikaru flipped through the other entries. They got more and more... odd. Insane-sounding. Sometimes there was different handwriting, as if she'd let 'Akito' borrow the book sometimes. 

In the end of it all, Akito had been taken out, and she hadn't. She'd been left behind-- not to mention starting to talk about Hikaru's old timeline. Writing about the battles that she'd 'seen'. 

He picked up another book. 


It's been a long time since I've seen the sun. But that's okay. Daichi sees it for me. He tells me stories about the outside, as long as I am good. 

I like being good. Being good gets me stories. I really like the stories recently-- it distracts me from all of the deaths that I've been dreaming about. It helps a lot. 

I don't like thinking about it much. It only makes the headaches worse. And having headaches makes me irritable, which means I'm not good. And Akari gets super mad when I'm not good. 

Next entry. 


Daichi wants me to be good. So I was good for an entire week, I think. I followed orders the best I could. Even Akari was surprise. I usualy don't follow the rules very well. 

I was good though. So they took me off of the chains. Can you believe that? I can't. It's been forever since I've been able to somewhat freely move. 

I saw myself in a puddle today. It was kinda frozen over, so I hope it's still September. I think so. Months feel like years at this pont, and time doens't seem to pass anymore. 


I wonder if I can remain good.

Hikaru could feel himself blinking, surprised. 


They say it's not September. But I know they're tricking me. 

The walls have started whispering to me. I answer back sometimes, but Daichi has told me to not do that anymore. He says that I'll go insane if I answer back. 

I'll do anything for him. He tels me storeis, and he's really nice. 

This wasn't turning out so well. 

Next entry. 


been awhile. cannot really think. 

i dont... i cant. daichi hasn been down to see me in a long time. i hope he hasnt forgotten. 

i am so hungry. i found a fly the other day. i was so desperate... the only water i am ale to find is from the roof.

i dont... i dont want them to forget about me. 

daichi. come abck. please.


the air is frsoty. i am cold. they gave me a rag to keep warm. i almost cried at their feet, but good girls dont cry. that's what Daichi told me. 

he came back a day ago to tell me how good i am. i like being good. 


hands r shaki. i cant wri... wiret? write. cant write much. cant sea much. 

daichi. he promsaid he'd fix me. he said tat i wasnt beng good. 

i dont want to be bad. beng bad gets Akari down ere. i don wan to be bad. 

i try m best to be good. but ia m so hunry. and the voies in the wals have goten loder. i hae nothin to do, so i repli back. 



Daichi-sama came agan toda. he said i was a good girl again. i cried.




Daichi-sama says I am good. I like being good. It makes him rpouds of me. I lik that a lot. Him being proad means I'm not hurt. No matter how long I stay in here. 


Hikaru flipped through the rest of the entries. They were all a bunch of "Daichi-samas" in increasingly terrible spelling and bad handwriting. Every single one said September at the top-- something that sent chills down his spine. 

He didn't like this. 

He closed the book, taking in a shaking breath, setting everything down. 

He needed to find Kakashi. 

But, first, he needed to see what the hell that rotting scent was. 

Or, rather, who it was.


An insight on Hamasaki's past! Again, haven't updated for awhile... Summer is really odd when I've gotten used to being in school. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

Original: 03/14/2021

Edited: 05/27/2021

This chapter contains 2,479 words. 


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