My super family

By starks_wifey

347K 9K 8.6K

Superfamily au!!! • y/n was adopted by Tony as a child •steeb and Tony got married •Peter becomes part of... More

Pt. One
Pt 2
Pt. 3
Pt 4
Pt. 5
Pt 6
Pt. 7
Pt 8
Pt. 9
Pt 10
Pt. 11
Pt. 12
Pt 13
Pt. 14
Pt 15
Pt. 16
Pt 17
Pt 18
Pt. 19
Pt. 20
Pt 21
Pt. 22
Pt 23
Pt. 24
Pt 25
Pt. 26
Pt 27
Pt. 28
Pt 29
Pt. 30
Pt 31
Pt. 32
Pt 33
Pt. 34
Pt 35
Pt. 36
Pt 37
Pt. 38
Pt 39
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Pt. 42
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Pt 51
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Pt. 134
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Pt. 136
Pt 137
Pt. 138
Pt 139
Pt. 140
Pt 141
Pt. 142
Pt 143

Pt 121

503 24 11
By starks_wifey

Enjoy :)

Suddenly the boys all age from 5 to ten!!

"Let's just hope this dog stays the same size! Woof woof!" Agnes laughs with us

After that Agnes leaves and it's just the family again.
The boys haven't stopped playing with the dog out in the back yard

"Can you believe this! A dog now, I swear our family keeps growing" Wanda hugs her husband

"The boys just love sparky" I smile looking out the window

"Good going with the dog situation, but now I'm sure Faith will be asking non stop!" Pietro chuckles

"A dog wouldn't be so bad" I nudge him

"Maybe a fish would be better" he rolls his eyes and puts an arm around me

"Did you guys have a pet growing up?" I ask Wanda

"Pietro and I? Oh no, we didn't" she shakes her head

"There was that one dog at the foster home" pietro chimes in

"Well he wasn't ours" she counters him

"He kind of was" pietro bickers a bit with Wanda

"He bit me more than once!" She rolls her eyes and the audience laughs

"Maybe I told him to" pietro snickers


"Let's figure out what we should have for dinner shall we?" Vision asks breaking up the little sibling banter

"Vis you don't eat" Wanda laughs

"Yes, but the boys do and any minute the 3 of them will be asking for food" vision nods with a smile

"He's right, here Wanda I'll help you" I get up

As we make dinner Wanda and I chat while the dads go out and play football with the boys

"Everything at home good y/n?" Wanda asks

"Of course, it's actually been amazing. You know I didn't think having a child so soon would be a good idea... but seeing him, and all the joy he's brought to Pietro and I... And oh my god I feel like Pietro and I are just so on par with each other. It's great" I sigh rambling a bit

"I am so happy for you guys!" She smiles excitedly

"And you and vision?" I ask her

"Like you said, it's amazing. It's what I always dreamed of before..." she trails off suddenly looking sad

"Before what?" I ask innocently

"Oh nothing! I just meant this is all I've ever wanted. I couldn't be happier" she lightly smiles

"Well then, call us barbies because we're living in our dream world!" I joke and the audience laughs

"Looks like everything is ready, thank you for the help" Wanda nods proud of our cooking

I go to the door and open it

"Boys time to eat!"

We all sit at the big table together to eat and it's like one of those 80s shows outros where the family all sits together and has a nice meal. Very sitcom like.

Then it's time for Pietro and I to take Faith home

"Have fun trying to get those 3 apart" vision stands with his hands on his hips

"I almost feel bad telling him we have to go" I laugh a little watching the boys run around with the dog

"I'll tell him, it's almost bedtime" pietro nods before using his power to run, pick up all the boys and the dog and bring them in

"Woah!" Billy clutches his head

"That was crazy" Tommy stumbles feeling the effects

"You're good, it'll pass. Dad says it happens to everyone" Faith tells his cousins

"Right-o Faith, now get ready to go bud" pietro ruffles his hair

"Aw man, mom does Faith have to go?" Tommy frowns at his mom

"Yeah, we were just having fun" Billy protests

"Now boys I'm sure you'll see him very soon" Wanda says to her kids

"But mom!"

"Come now boys, listen to your mom. Say your goodbyes" Vision points to us

The boys look pretty disappointed but we know we will most likely see them the next day.

Billy walks up to me with a not too happy expression

"Don't worry Billy, we'll plan a sleepover soon" I say a little quiet as he approaches me

"Really? You're the best aunt ever!" He exclaims pulling me in for a hug

I laugh hugging him back

"See ya soon little dudes." Pietro ruffles both their hair which the boys laugh at

"I'll see you guys tomorrow" Faith smiles

"Bring it in guys" Tommy smiles and the three of them hug

Wanda looks at me with a heartwarming smile

"Bye family, see you tomorrow" I wave

"See you at work Vis!" Pietro points to vision

We walk out the door and this time Faith starts to walk in front of pietro and I

"He's getting too old too fast" I sigh watching him

"I can hear you mom! And if this is about me not holding your hand then you could've just said so" he looks behind at me

He stops and waits for me to join him
Then he grabs both pietro and my hands

"I couldn't ask for a cooler son" pietro smiles nudging Faith who's body then hits mine

We get back home and Faith kicks off his shoes and goes to his room

"Hmm well then, he must be over family time" I laugh a little as pietro helps me take my jacket off

"Can't complain about alone time" he kisses my cheek

We go to sit on the couch. Pietro puts his arm around me

"Ten years old... he looks like you" I smile thinking of my son

"He's got your smile" pietro whispers leaning his head on mine lovingly

"Your eyes" I nod

then faiths door opens, hes in his pjs for bed

"Give me just a second" he runs to the bathroom

Pietro and I share a look and just wait for him to come back

Soon we hear him running back over

"Okay I'm ready!" He smiles

"Ready?" We look back at him

"For bed, you tuck me in" he says

"He's right honey" pietro gets up offering me a hand

"Then let's get you tucked in" I smile following him into his room

He eagerly jumps into bed and puts his blankets over himself

"Wait could I have some water?" He asks

"I'll grab it" pietro pats my back

"Have fun today?" I ask as I fix his blankets

"Yeah! The twins are fun, they said we're like brothers" Faith smiles laying his head back

"That is wonderful Faith" I nod sitting on the side of his bed

"Do you have siblings mom?" He asks

"Well I have your uncle Vision" I nod answering the question

"But he's not human is he?" Faith asks

"Well no-

"What about a twin? Do you have a twin?" Faith asks

I want to answer no but suddenly I'm hit with memories. Harley?

"Here's your water little man" pietro comes back in distracting me from my thoughts

"Thanks dad!" He takes a sip

"You better get lots of sleep, I bet Tommy and Billy will be up early looking for you" I sweep some of his hair out of his face

"Night kiddo" pietro kisses his forehead

"Night Faith" I smile

We walk to the door

"I love you tons" I say

"Haha, love you 3000 mom" he smiles happily realizing it's our thing now

We close the door and make our way to our own room

"Finally some sleep time" pietro sighs tiredly

I don't respond as I look for my own pjs. I can't get that question out of my head

"Everything alright?" Pietro asks me

"Pietro, I can't seem to remember our lives before Westview" I shake my head

He looks at me puzzled

"Well- I uh can't seem to either.." he shakes his head

"I think I had a brother, actually two?" I try to remember running a hand through my hair

"Y/n dear, I don't know of your other brothers, I don't think at least" he grabs my hand as if to ground me

"But you do, they're back home" I say sounding confused again since I can't figure out where these memories keep coming from

"Honey, we are home" pietro cups my face with one hand

"Are we?" I ask him
I think of what vision said to Wanda earlier in her kitchen... seems like he knows something.

Suddenly our tv turns on and it's like we never had the conversation

"Time for bed gorgeous" he gives me a kiss on the head

And we went to sleep. Maybe I'll talk to vision about it tomorrow....

The next day goes as usual pietro gets up for work so I get up to make him breakfast so he can get out the door quicker

"Mm, delicious. Thank you honey" he happily chows down the food

"Slow down, you have time" I laugh a little

I hear Faiths door open

"Morning mom, hey dad" he rubs his eye as he walks in and sits at the table

"Heya sport" pietro smiles at his son as he finishes his food

"You look fancy today dad" Faith comments

"Here's your breakfast" I set a plate in front of Faith and kiss his head

"I have work today, have to go down to the office" pietro says putting on his suit jacket

"Aw man how long will you be gone?" Faith asks

"I'll be back before you know it Faith don't you worry" pietro smiles patting his head once

I set my plate on the table before I fix up his jacket and make him look nice.

"Thank you love" he fixes his tie and pulls me in for a quick kiss

"Faith say bye to your dad!" I smile happily

Faith uses the levitation spell to float himself over to us

"Bye dad" he hugs pietro who is looking at me dumbfounded because once again our son has used magic

"Bye kiddo" pietro waves to us before leaving

I walk back to the table with Faith and we sit to eat
He goes back to eating like nothing happened

"Faith" I look at him

"Yeah mom?" He looks up at me innocently

"You know a magic spell?" I ask

"Well, only from watching you.." he says a little nervous

"Hmm, so you learned it from just observing..." I hum thinking

"Yep" he nods

I smirk and use my hands to summon the syrup bottle into my hand
Faith looks at me for permission then smiles using his hands to make the same spell and take the bottle back from me

"Wow" I gasp a little

"Show me another mom!" He asks excitedly

"Alright but just one more..." I nod

I hold my hands together then slowly bring them apart showing the strings of orange energy between my hands which can be used as a weapon

"Interesting" Faith stares for a moment before using his hands to perfectly copy the spell

I pick up my spoon and throw it at his hands and the energy deflects it

"That is one you could use to protect yourself, like a weapon almost... but only in times of danger" I nod

"So cool" he circles his hands around

Then the phone rings

"I bet that's your aunt" I smile and Faith gets excited


*-Hey! Y/n Billy was just showing us some amazing dog tricks he taught Sparky. You and Faith have to come over and see!-* Wanda laughs

"We would love to Wanda! Be right over" I smile at Faith

"Come on mom hurry up!" I watch Faith quickly levitate himself to the other room

"I should've never taught you magic" I shake my head smiling as I grab my things

We walk to Wanda's and Billy shows us the tricks he taught sparky. Faith just loves the dog and pets him non-stop

"Mom can we show dad the dogs tricks?" Faith looks up at me

"Oh! Faith good idea mom we have to show dad!" Tommy pleads to Wanda

"Of course we can" I nod to Faith but then I look at Wanda a little confused

"Come on Billy" Tommy grabs his brothers arm to look for their father

"Oh no your father is at work!" Wanda says to the boys

"Huh?" Tommy turns back

"Mom it's Saturday" Billy says

"No it's not it's Monday" Wanda laughs a little and I laugh with her

"But this morning it was Saturday" Tommy says confused

"There was an emergency at the office and your father and uncle pietro had to go to work" she nods to me
And even though I am confused I nod back anyways

But Faith and the boys still don't look very convinced

"Look your dad just needed a distraction" Wanda sighs

Faith comes to sit by me since he doesn't understand what's going on

"From what? Us?" Billy asks

"What!? No. No way" Wanda gets up to talk to her boys

"Mom why is dad working today?" Faith asks me quietly

"He must've just got called in honey" I shrug a little because I'm not even sure myself

"Right y/n, this is just temporary" Wanda nods to me for reassurance

"Of course Wanda" I smile to the kids

"Like the two of you might fight over what you want to do when Faith comes over, or which toys you play with. But you will always be brothers, and that goes for Faith as well. Because family is forever." Wanda scruffs up each of the boys hair

"Family is forever... is that why aunt y/n and uncle Pietro are always around?" Tommy smiles

"Of course! Boys I don't know what I'd do without your aunt and uncle" she smiles at me

"You guys are the best family ever" Faith smiles

Suddenly sparky runs to the door barking and growling

"Sparky! What's up boy??" Billy asks

Wanda gets up worriedly

"Wanda, what's wrong?" I follow her

"Boys stay here" Wanda says seriously

She opens the door and sparky gets out

"Wanda sparky!" I gasp

"Sparky!!" Billy cries

But Wanda seems more worried about something else

"Mom what's going on?" Faith runs out and grabs my hand

"I- I don't know" I look at Wanda

Then we see something flying close to us

It looks like an old drone

We all watch as it flies closer to us

"Wanda this is captain Monica Rambeau. I just want to talk, can you hear me?"

"Mom" Faith tugs my hand worriedly

"Wanda what is that thing?" I ask her

Wanda's eyes glow red and a red magic covers the drone

"I need to take care of something, y/n can you watch the boys for me?" She asks

"Y-yeah, of course. Come on boys" I call them in

I bring the three boys inside

"Aunt y/n what's happening?" Billy asks me

"Nothing boys it's okay, your mom will be back in a minute" I reassure them but I myself don't sound very confident

"What do we do?" Tommy looks at his brother

"Mom I'm worried about sparky" Faith looks sad

"Me too!" Billy nods

"Me three" Tommy frowns

"Well alright then, let's go out and look for him" I smile

"Yeah!" The boys jump up

When we open the door Wanda is outside

"Y/n! Boys! Where are we off to?" She asks looking a little off put

"Looking for Sparky mom!" Tommy grabs his moms hand

"I thought we should go out and bring our furry friend home" I nod

"Oh!" She smiles at her boys as they plan out what streets to look on

"Come with us aunt Wanda" Faith runs to the sidewalk with the boys

"Of course I will!" Wanda smiles linking arms with me

We walk with the boys who are calling out for the dog

"Wait mom the road goes 2 ways, what if sparky went that way!?" Billy point out

"Mom, me and you can check the opposite direction" Faith says confidently

"Alright Wanda, Faith and I are going to look the other way" I nod to her

"Perfect! Thank you" Wanda nods with a smile

Faith and I walk the other side of the street. We get pretty far down still searching

Then we suddenly find pietro and vision walking our way?

"Dad!" Faith lights up and runs to his dad who is equally as happy to see him

"Hey sport!" Pietro hugs his son

"Afternoon y/n, out for a stroll?" Vision asks

"We're actually out looking for sparky, Wanda and the boys are that way" I point to the other side of the street

"Oh well thank you, I'll go help Wanda and the boys" vision nods and walks past us

"You say you were out looking for Sparky honey?" Pietro asks

"Yeah dad, he got out" Faith frowns

"We've been searching all through the neighborhood" I nod

"I'm so sorry little man... let's go home and then we can check in with Wanda and see if they found him" pietro pulls Faith in for a consoling hug

"Yeah let's go have a snack" I tell Faith to help get his mind off things

We get home and I give Faith a pb&j to eat while he watches some tv

I'm in the kitchen with Pietro

"You know... something weird happened at work today..." pietro leans on the counter looking puzzled

"Weird love?" I ask him as I look in the fridge

"My coworker Norm.. he was talking to vision when suddenly something wasn't right." Pietro shakes his head

"What happened?" I ask stopping what I'm doing since my husband sounds so distraught

"See, while they were talking Vision touched Norms head. After he did so Norm started talking about his family he was crying for help." Pietro looks at me worriedly

"Well- what did Vision do?" I ask him

"He touched his head again... and everything went back to normal" pietro looks down thoughtfully

"Vision must know something we don't..." I say

"But what?" He shakes his head

Then the phone rings.

"I'll get it" I walk to the phone

"Hello?" I ask

*-y/n, hi it's Wanda... I wanted to call and let you know we found sparky... he was in Agnes's yard, he sadly ate too many leaves off her bushes and she.... she found him dead" Wanda says sounding very sad

"Oh god... Wanda that is terrible. I'm so sorry" I sigh closing my eyes thinking of how I'm supposed to tell Faith

*-I know... the boys are heartbroken but it'll be okay. Vision just went out to bury Sparky-* she says

"Can I help at all? What if the boys came here for the night? They can have some fun" I ask hopeful

*-That would be amazing! They would love that.-* Wanda says happily

"Perfect send them over whenever I'll leave the door open" I smile

*-they'll be over soon, thanks again y/n-* she says sincerely

"Of course! What else is family for?" I laugh

Once off the phone with Wanda I turn to Pietro.

"What did my sister have to say?" He asks

"They found Sparky dead... The boys are sad so I told her they could come stay here with Faith. I just don't know how to tell Faith.." I sigh

"Oh jeez. That is awful... we can tell him together" pietro takes my hand

We walk out to the living room and sit by Faith

"Hey buddy" pietro turns off the tv

I take his plate and set it aside

"What's up mom and dad?" He asks

"We have some bad news" I sigh sitting by him

"Is it about Sparky?" He asks looking down

"It is" pietro nods

"He's gone isn't he?" Faith sighs

"Yeah, sadly he passed away. But it's um-

"Don't worry mom, I know death is a part of life.." he tears up a little and just lays his head on me

"Then you know that sparky is up in doggy afterlife living it up, playing fetch" pietro pats faiths back with a soft smile

"I bet he is" Faith sniffles nodding his head

"Now Faith, your aunt called and said the boys aren't handling it very well. So I told her they could come have a sleepover" I say softly

"Really? They're coming here?" Faith asks wiping his eyes

"Yep, so we have to be ready for some fun" I kiss his head gently

Then the doorbell rings

"That must be them!" I gasp a little and get up to open the door

I open it to find my two little nephews looking a bit sad

"Hey aunt y/n" Billy says
The sad looks on their faces makes me sad too

"Hey boys come on in" I wave them in

As they walk in I notice the Mail guy driving down our street staring at me... a little odd.
I quickly close the door

"Alright kiddos let me know if you need anything. Have some fun" I smile

"Uncle pietro, can you give us piggy back runs around the house?!" Tommy asks

"I sure can little man" he smiles and crouches down

I smile go to make some dinner for the boys since they probably haven't had any yet. It's a bit late but I could make some fun sleepover snacks.
After making the boys some chocolate covered popcorn and some jello I go out to find them in the living room making a fort out of pillows and blankets

"Fort Maximoff!" Faith exclaims

"Wow boys this is brilliant!" I cheer

"It even has windows" Billy removes a pillow to show himself inside the fort

"And a super cool sun roof" Tommy pops out the top

"I helped too" pietro pops out the other side

"Of course you did" I smile at him

"Isn't it cool mom!?" Faith runs around

"It's very clever boys! Should we watch a movie tonight?" I ask them

"Yeah!" Billy cheers

"A horror movie!" Tommy fake stabs his brother

"No way" Faith shakes his head

"How about the princess bride!" I smile Grabbing the vhs tape

"A princess movie? aunt y/n really?" Tommy looks at me like I'm crazy

"Oh come on it's not a princess movie, there are thieves and fight scenes and scary oversized rats!" I make a scary face

"I like it" Billy nods

"Me too" Faith agrees

"Alright" Tommy shrugs

"I promise it won't disappoint, and I made snacks!" I smile and they all cheer

After the movie pietro and I check on the boys who fell asleep by the end. So we turn out the lights and go up to bed

"Some crazy kids they are" pietro chuckles laying down

"I love them lots" I giggle thinking of them

As I go to shut the blinds I notice the Mail mans truck is parked by Agnes' house

"Pietro... the mail man is still out at this time of night?" I say confused

"I'm not sure dear, are you worried about him?" Pietro asks me

"Just makes me a little uneasy is all" I close the blinds and get in bed with my husband

"Let's not worry too much" he kisses my head

"Thank you... but pietro about norm. Should we ask Vision about that?" I ask him

"Maybe... I haven't decided yet, but I am worried" he sighs

"For now let's get some rest" I snuggle into him and we go to sleep for the night.

"Yes please! Sheesh I'm tired" he yawns


THANK YOU ALL FOR 200k READS. I am so happy 🥺🥺. It really means a lot to me guys 🤍

Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter, if you haven't seen wandavision I'm sorry if this is confusing let me know if you have any questions.
Next chapter is the Halloween episode and I just wanted to clear things up since obviously pietro is alive so things are different. So there is nobody that will show up at Wanda's door. But there will be an extra character added, try to guess who? 

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