Why Me || T. Oikawa

By RinkRat0

178K 6.4K 7.2K

Tooru Oikawa appeared perfect on the surface. A pretty face, who was a volleyball star, got along perfectly w... More

Chapter 1: Whats So Special About Him?
Chapter 2: Oikawa Plays Volleyball!?
Chapter 3: Late Night Snack
Chapter 4: This is Who You Really Are F/n L/n
Chapter 5: So That's How it's Gonna Be
Chapter 6: Family
Chapter 7: Unexpected Meetings
Chapter 8: Feelings
Chapter 9: Manager!?
Chapter 10: First Day
Chapter 11: Hang Out
Chapter 12: Interhigh-Preliminaries (Part 1)
Chapter 13: Interhigh-Preliminaries (Part 2)
Chapter 14: Interhigh-Preliminaries (Part 3)
Chapter 15: Interhigh-Preliminaries (Finals)
Chapter 16: Aftermath
Chapter 17: Careers
Chapter 18: First-Year Manager
Chapter 19: Fukurōdani Academy!?
Chapter 20: Mad Dog
Chapter 21: Beach Vacation (Part 1)
Chapter 22: Beach Vacation (Part 2)
Chapter 23: Sleepovers
Chapter 24: Spring Interhigh-Qualifiers (Part 1)
Chapter 25: Spring Interhigh-Qualifiers (Part 2)
Chapter 26: Shiritorzawa vs. Karasuno
Chapter 27: Mia Fujisaki
Chapter 28: Divisions
Chapter 29: I'm Sorry...
Chapter 30: Sick Day
Chapter 32: A Dysfunctional Christmas
Chapter 33: New Years'!
Chapter 34: A Failed Confession
Chapter 35: Finding Y/n
Chapter 36: Shiritorizawa
Chapter 37: Home
Chapter 38: First Date
Chapter 39: Chaos
Chapter 40: The End Is Nearing
Chapter 41: Graduation And Goodbyes

Chapter 31: The Truth Comes Out

3.2K 120 84
By RinkRat0


   "Haha, looks like you lose again, F/n-chan," Ami comments, sticking her tongue out at you. 

   You and the other third-years are at Oikawa house, playing Uno around the kotatsu. You've played five rounds and lost to Ami in every single one.   

   Throwing your cards at her face, you yell, "Shut up, Ami!" 

   Ami yelps when the cards hit her face, falling back on the wooden floor. The blonde acts like she's been injured, sprawling out. "How could you do this to your best friend? I thought we had something special," Ami says, placing an arm over her forehead, fake tears in her eyes. 

   Oikawa breaks out in a cold sweat, slowly scooting away from the blonde. 

   "So dramatic," Iwaizumi grumbles. This had been the third time you threw your cards at her when you lost, and Iwaizumi is exhausted from your and Ami's actions. 

   Ami shoots up, looking at her boyfriend with hurt eyes. "So you don't care that your own girlfriend has been brutally assaulted? A stack of cards can be a dangerous thing!" Ami pouts, crossing her arms. 

   Iwaizumi looks at her with a mix of confusion, disappointment, and a little bit of fear.

   Matsukawa watches them, doing his best to hold back his laughter. 

   Oikawa slowly scoots away from her even more, afraid of getting caught in the crossfire. Though, he doesn't take his eyes off the scene, not wanting to miss anything. 

   "H-How can a stack of cards be dangerous?" Iwaizumi asks, concerned for his girlfriend's mental well-being.     

   Ami smiles, holding up her index finger. "I'm glad you asked! Two of those cards could have poked my eyes out, and another could have gotten stuck in my esophagus because I had my mouth slightly open. Finally, if thrown with enough force and at just the right angle, one could have cut my neck, causing me to bleed out. So, therefore-" Ami explains, but you interrupt her. 

   "Would you shut the hell up! That wouldn't happen, and you know it," You snap, grabbing Makki's cards out of his hands and chucking them at the girl. 

   They hit her square in the face once more. 

   Makki looks at you in astonishment.  


   At this point, Oikawa's in the corner of the room, fearing for his life, Iwaizumi is banging his head against the table, and Matsukawa is laughing his ass off. 

   "Why am I even here?" Iwaizumi asks out loud. 

   Ami jumps to her right, wrapping her arm around Iwaizumi and pulling him close to her. "Because you love us, of course!" Ami cheers. 

   Iwaizumi blushes at his girlfriend's actions, responding with a grunt. 

   Afterward, you and the others conversed about random topics. Though, you felt someone's gaze on you the entire time, making you feel uneasy. 

   You get curious and turn to the boy sitting next to you. 

   "Normally, Oikawa's the only one that stares at me. So this is kinda odd coming from you," You state, looking at Makki. You spoke quietly enough, so the others couldn't hear over their conversation.                  

   Makki smiles. "Guess you caught me. There's something I want to talk with you about in private if that's ok?" Makki offers, leaning back with his arms behind his body to support him.

   "Sure," You nod. 

   Makki smiles, getting up from the floor. You do the same. 

   Everyone immediately quiets down, their eyes falling on the two of you. Oikawa gives Makki a questioning gaze. 

   "Hey, Oikawa, mind if your girlfriend and I go on a quick walk together?" Makki asks with a smirk on his lips. 

   You and Oikawa turn a bright shade of red. You look down at the floor, feeling your heart race.  

   "For the last time, she's not my girlfriend! I don't care about what you do!" Oikawa defends, turning away from the strawberry blonde and crossing his arms, pouting like a child. 

   You feel that longing in your heart return as he says this, making your blush disappear. 

   "Great, we'll see you guys in a little bit," Makki waves, grabbing your arm and pulling you out of the room and out of the front door. 

   Oikawa watches as you leave. Once you're out of his sight, he looks down, a dejected glint in his eyes. 

   Iwaizumi, Ami, and Matsukawa look at Oikawa, sighing. 

   Ami gripped the glass of water in front of her. It took all the strength she had not to tell Oikawa that you like him. She knows it's not her place to say anything. 


   "So what's up?" You inquire, looking up at the boy next to you. 

   You had been walking in silence for about five minutes now. The hoodie your wearing isn't exactly the warmest, and with it snowing, you're a bit on the colder side, to say the least. 

   "I know it's probably not my place to say anything, but don't you think it's about time you come clean?" Makki vaguely asks, shoving his hands in his pockets. 

   You raise an eyebrow at him. "What do you mean?" 

   Makki glances down at you and back to the snowy sidewalk in front of him. "About who you really are. Being the star setter from the Junior World Team is nothing to sneeze at. The underclassmen deserve to know, as well as Coach Irihata and Coach Mizoguchi. You were their manager, you know," Makki elaborates. 

   Your gaze shifts to the street, a neutral expression on your face. "Yeah, you're probably right. It is kinda a big secret to keep from your friends," You answer, agreeing with him. 

   Makki looks down at you with a shocked expression, not expecting you to answer in that way. 

   "But still," You continue. "If I were to tell everyone, then that would mean I had moved on from that chapter of my life. And don't get me wrong, I want to move on, but playing volleyball with that team was the best time of my life. I don't want to forget about it, or my teammates," You explain. A small smile finds its way to your lips as your mind flashes to Mia, thinking about the person she used to be before the 'incident.'

   Makki gives you a warm smile. "Well, if forgetting your old life is what you're scared of, then I don't think you have to worry. I promise you'll walk through life with those memories. But you have to let them become memories if you want to continue walking," Makki finishes. 

   You look up at him with surprise, cold air blowing through your hoodie, causing you to shiver. 

   Smiling, you respond, "Yeah, you're right. The others deserve to know the truth, and if my time as a volleyball player will become a memory no matter what, then I shouldn't be afraid of letting go and continuing forward," You respond, clenching your fists. 

   "That's the spirit. Now let's head back to Oikawa's house. I'm freezing my ass off out here," Makki states turning around and walking in the other direction. 

   You follow the boy with a chuckle. 

   As you walk back to the house, Makki thinks to himself; I can see why you like her so much, Oikawa. Whatever you do...never let go of her.


   You open the door to Oikawa's house, immediately being pulled into a hug. 

   Oikawa holds onto you so tight, that you feel like your entire ribcage is going to break. 

   "You better not have touched her," Oikawa asserts, swinging you from side to side. You try pushing yourself away from him, but his arms are too strong.     

   "Let...go...of...me," You struggle. 

   "Shhh, it's okay now. He can't hurt you anymore," Oikawa says, being overdramatic and pushing your head into his chest, still making eye contact with Makki. 

   Iwaizumi, at this point, is banging his head against the wall. He can't take much more of this stupidity. Ami is attempting to comfort the boy by patting him on the back.   

   Matsukawa is laughing his ass off in the background (as always).

   "I-I didn't do anything to her," Makki says, a bead of sweat appearing on his forehead. "We just talked." 

   Oikawa pets your hair as he would to a dog's fur. At this point, you've given up on the idea of freedom. You live in the boy's arms now, and that's that.  

   Oikawa glares at the strawberry blonde. "Oh yeah!? Matsun told me you were going to confess to Shorty-chan!" He accuses. 

   Makki looks at Oikawa with a puzzeld expression. Then he turns to Matsukawa, who was practically in tears, loving every moment of this.

   Makki lets out a tired sigh, gazing back at the brown-haired boy. "I don't have feelings for L/n. I wanted to talk to her about telling the underclassmen on the volleyball team about her past. That's all," Makki explains, rubbing the back of his neck. 

   Oikawa's face goes back to being neutral almost right away, though his grip on you didn't loosen one bit. "Oh, well, why didn't you just say so in the first place?" Oikawa asks, a shit-eating grin on his face.    

   I didn't think I would have to explain myself, Makki thinks, sighing. 

   "So what did she say? Will she tell them?" Oikawa inquires to Makki. 

   You start fighting back again, trying to worm your way out of the boy's grasp. "I'm right here, you basic bitch," You growl. Though, the sound of your voice is muffled by Oikawa's chest. 

   "Now, now, Shorty, no need to be so rough," Oikawa playfully scolds, a grin on his face. He knows exactly what he's doing. 

   You've finally had enough. Bringing your knee up, you jab it into his stomach, causing him to let go of you and hunch over in pain. 

   "OK! I'M SORRY!" He yells in defense, trying to catch his breath. 

   "Better be," You mumble, a light shade of red covering your cheeks. 

   Makki breaks out in a cold sweat while watching the two of you interact. 

   Once that concluded, you and Makki told the other third-years about your decision, and they devised a 'plan' so you could tell the team about who you used to be. 


   It's the next day, and you're sitting at a huge table in your favorite restaurant, surrounded by your underclassmen, friends, and former coaches. Even Ami's there to cheer you on. 

   Oikawa's seated to your left and Ami to your right. Directly in front of you is Kunimi and Kindachi.   

   The entire team stares at you in silence, besides Kimiko. She's too busy stuffing her face with bread at the moment. And Kyotani doesn't really care about what you have to say, so he's staring off into the distance.   

   You avoid eye contact with everyone, staring at the table in front of you and breaking out in a cold sweat. Your heart's beating so fast, you think you might have a heart attack. 

   You close your eyes, placing your hand over your chest, you think to yourself. Damn it...Slow down. I don't have time to get all worked up.

   Oikawa gazes down at your figure, seeing your shaking hands and distressed expression. Without anyone noticing, he slips his hand underneath the table, and with it, he gently caresses your knee. The knee that got injured almost a full year ago.   

   You open your eyes in shock. Removing your hand from your chest, you look up to meet Oikawa's gaze. He shoots you a comforting smile, secretly telling you, You can do this. 

   Smiling back, you give the boy a confident nod. Turning back to the table, you take a deep breath before speaking. 

   With a determined look, you begin to speak. "You're probably all wondering why I asked to meet with everyone today," You pause, giving everyone time to nod. "It's because I felt that I should tell you all about my past. Since I was your manager, I believe you have the right to know," You continue. 

   Coach Mizoguchi and Coach Irihata look at each other with knowing expressions. As for the underclassmen, they give you questioning stares, whispering among one another.

   With all of the courage you have, you go on. "I use to be the official setter for Fukurōdani Academy. I went to Worlds and became one of the best junior setters... but I got injured, and I couldn't play anymore," You blurt, that huge weight you've been carrying around all year, lifting itself from your shoulders.             

   Kimiko pauses for a moment, glancing towards you. But she quickly goes back to stuffing her face with bread. The rest of the underclassmen look at you in awe, jaws practically on the ground. 

   Coach Mizoguchi and Coach Irihata look surprised as well. Though, it's not for the same reason as the others.   

   "Wait, L/n-san, you mean to tell me, they didn't figure that out on their own?" Irihata questions, raising a brow to you. Mizoguchi does the same. 

   You and everyone else (minus Kimiko because she's chomping away) turn to the coaches in utter shock. 

   "HUH!?" You all sound at the same time. 

   Mizoguchi sighs. "It wasn't that hard to figure out. You came from Fukurōdani Academy, and you know a lot about volleyball. And near the same time that genius setter disappeared, you appeared at our school. Plus, you look just like her," Mizoguchi explains, making the boys feel stupid (not including Iwaizumi). 

   "That's exactly what I was saying," Iwaizumi agrees, crossing his arms over his chest. 

   Yahaba is the first to snap out of his shock. "W-Wait! Oikawa, that gift-," Yahaba begins, but is quickly interrupted by Oikawa. 

   "NO! I AM NOT DOING THIS AGAIN!!!" He yells, jumping out of his seat and pointing an accusing finger at Yahaba.

   The second and third years erupt in laughter (minus Kyotani. He couldn't care less) while the coaches look at everyone in confusion.   

   "You know, that's been brought up before. Can someone tell me what that gift is?" You ask innocently.

   As soon as you finish, Oikawa covers your ears with his hands. 

   "You don't need to know!" Oikawa nervously shouts. 

   The coaches turn to Iwaizumi, asking him about the present. Iwaizumi whispers to them, giving them the answer. 

   You can visibly see the disappointed looks on their faces as they look at Oikawa. 

   "Why?" They both question at the same time.   

   "I-I got it before we met! Now can we please stop talking about this?!" Oikawa defends, feeling personally attacked. 

   Just in time to save Oikawa's ass, the food arrives. Oikawa sits back down to eat, and everyone else settles into normal conversations.    

   You watch this in awe, not touching your food. 

   "Y-Your not angry?" You question, shocked by their ordinary behavior. 

   Everyone pauses to look at you. 

   "Of course not, L/n-senpai," Kimiko speaks up, swallowing her food and giving you a warm smile. 

   You look at her with wide eyes, not knowing what to say. 

   "Yeah, L/n-senpai. That must have been hard for you to talk about! We would never get mad at you for being courageous," Kindaichi exclaims, looking you in the eye. 

   At this point, you're speechless.   

   "Tch, yeah, what he said," Kyotani agrees, much to everyone's surprise.   

   Yahaba slowly scoots away from Kyotani, fear in his eyes. "A-Are you okay?" He asks, causing Mad Dog to growl at him. 

   This results in the team arguing, going back to their normal selves.

   Watching them with wide eyes, Oikawa nudges your leg with his. You look up to see him giving you a grin. 

   "I told you it would be okay," He brags, pleased with his past judgment. 

   You look down at the table with a smile. "Yeah, you did," You agree. 

   Oikawa tilts his head to the side, grin growing bigger. "Aren't you glad I picked you to be our manager?" Oikawa asks in a teasing manner, expecting you to give him a sassy response. But the response you give to him isn't what he's expecting. 

   You pick your head up and gaze into his eyes with a loving expression. "Yeah, I am. I don't know what I would do without you," You state, picking up your chopsticks. 

   Oikawa feels a tingling in his stomach, blush covering his cheeks. His heart races as he looks down at you. 

   Clearing his throat, he mumbles, "I don't know either." 

   You look up at him once more, smiling a sweet smile. Oikawa returns the gesture. And then the two of you dig into your food.

   While Oikawa is eating, he looks down at you. You're so perfect, He thinks to himself.


   When you get home, you close the door behind you, take off your shoes, and make a b-line to your father, who was sitting in the living room, watching TV.

   Once he hears the door open, he calls out to you. "How did it go, F/n?" He asks, looking towards the doorway.   

   You soon come sprinting into the room, leaping onto the couch, sitting next to your dad. 

   "I did it!" You exclaim, a smile full of joy. 

   Your dad smiles as well, patting you on the head. It's not often you're this happy about something. "I'm very proud of you," He states. 

   You giggle, so excited that you finally took that major step forward. The one you were so terrified of taking. 

   Your dad watches your joyful actions. I'm glad you're moving forward. I wonder what comes next, He thinks to himself. 


Hello everyone! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! We just hit 3k reads and I'm so so happy! I never thought people would actually read this, lmao. 

I'm planning on this fanfiction having another 14 chapters or so chapters. I love writing so much, so once this fanfiction is over I plan on writing an Atsumu x Reader. If you have any other requests (doesn't have to be from Haikyuu) let me know so I can start coming up with outlines. (I can't guarantee I'll be able to fulfill them though.)  

I love all of you. Thank you so much for reading, and I'll see you in the next one!             

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