Revenge For The Deceased

By PsychedelicTime

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Evelyn was only sixteen when her parents died. She was going to be the new leader of the palace but when she... More

I: Unexpected Surpise
III:Unknown Stranger
IV: Pink Slip
V: I'm Alive
VI: You Better Watch Out
VII: Meeting In The Dark
VIII: Face To Face
IX: Making A Move
X: Wounded Or Healed
XI: Going Crazy
XII: Going For a Run
XIII: Settling Terms
XIV: Painting to New Heights
XV: Nevada or Jayce?
XVI: Broken Medicine Store
XVII: Inviting Guests
XVIII: Discovering Secrets
XlX: Gathering Evidence
XX: Back at Square One
XXI: Big Brother
XXII: That Night
XXIII: Double Date
XIV: Frenemy
XV: Wedding Day

II: The Escape

536 11 5
By PsychedelicTime


          Finally, the time has come! I sighed with relief, not knowing how long I waited. The guard was now taking his shift and a new guard will come out.

            When the guard that left, to take his break, I started counting.....

           One Mississippi 

           Two Mississippi 

           Three Mississippi

           Four Mississippi

           Five Mississippi

           Six Mississippi

           Seven Mississippi

            Eight Mississippi

            Nine Mississippi

           Ten Mississippi..............

           I stopped counting as I witnessed the horrid face of my new guard as he arrived. Hina took no risks, to make sure I don't escape; she placed nothing in the room which I was held captive in. There was only the guard, a table with some food (probably so Hina doesn't have to worry about the guard taking a quick snack upstairs leaving me unattended), a bottle of wine, and a glass with half a cup of wine inside, and of course ME. Also, Hina put me in a small room, probably because she thought it would be easier to watch me, if there was less space in the room I was occupied in. 

             An hour later......

             ''Almost six days held captive here, how does it feel?''  The man on guard asked me. 

             I stared at the man and that's when I realized that the man on guard was drunk. A grin came up on my face as I knew this was the perfect opportunity. There was no need to count how long the next guard takes to come; Hina just messed up her plans by making the guards drink while they watched me. I can't believe I didn't notice this till now. 

             ''Your parents must have been so stupid to trust Hina. Who knew the king and queen can be fooled so easily.''  The man murmured as he kept walking around in a circle, with a huge grin on his face. He was drunk as ever! 

            ''Poor little girl, girls your age have a boyfriend, go to parties and have fun but as the princess you must have more entertainment and enjoyment then the regular teenage girls. Right?'' The man pointed his finger at me when he said right and then started to laugh. The man was laughing so much, he was crying.  

                This made me so frustrated and my hands then turned into a fist. The man was laughing at my pain. He was laughing and mocking at my miserable life and the fact that I am an orphan. But, why should I care? I don't need any ones sympathy or charity.

                  ''Oh look, it seems like my work here is done,'' the guard stared at he looked at his watch in excitement.

              ''Oh, no!'' I whispered. In my anger I totally forgot about the shifts. I lost this perfect opportunity but I still had a chance. The guard was preparing to leave, as I inspected the small room which made me claustrophobic. 

                 ''That's it!'' I said in excitement as a lightbulb in my brain just lighted up! For once in this past week, I let out a short smile.

                 I turned back to where the guard was last and to my surprise he wasn't there. I got scared but then I saw him lying on the ground. I couldn't tell if he was sleeping or just unconscious. I couldn't care less anyway; I need to focus on the plan. 

               With the best of all the strength I had left, I tried to move the chair forward with my body. "Ah" I let out quietly as the pain from my body is tormenting me. I then got to a point where I couldn't move further as all my energy was absorbed.

                "This has to be good enough." I thought, as I reached my hand out to capture what was my target. I was so close when......

                   BEEP BEEP BEEP 

              The watch on the guard's wrist started to beep. That's when I thought that must be the alarm for when the guards shift is over. That means the next guard will be here in less than ten seconds. I looked at the guard on the floor, he must be unconscious I thought, there is no way if you're sleeping you couldn't hear that alarm. But even if the guard is unconscious the next guard will soon arrive.

                    That's when I started to say in mind...............

                    "One Mississippi" As I again tried to capture the target.

                    "Two Mississippi" The target was in my reach.

                   "Three Mississippi" My arm slowly reached the tip of the target, and then I firmly gripped it with my hand as my chair which I was strapped to fell down. BOOM!

                 "Four Mississippi" I let out in a weak voice as the leg of my chair was broken and my wrist was sobbing with blood. 

             "Five Mississippi" But I had accomplished my next task, which was to break the glass, which used to contain half a cup of wine.  

                 "Six Mississippi" I took the broken glass which was broken from the top part, and started cutting the ropes which held me captive as my heart began to race as I heard footsteps coming this way. "The guard" I let out in fear. 

                  "Seven Mississippi" I cut the rope more fiercely and quickly as my wounded wrist began to sob more, as the footsteps got louder.

                ''Eight Mississippi'' The rope was finally cut, and with my hands now free I untied the ropes which kept my legs captive without any hesitation. I looked up to notice that the shadow was now visible, and my heart began to race faster than ever.

                    ''Nine Mississippi'' My legs were untied and I stood up. I finally took my first step in a week and with the first step I took, I fell down. "AH" I let out again. That's when I forgot to say ten Mississippi and the guard on duty made his way down. 

                     I couldn't stand up or I would be caught. I couldn't even walk if I wanted to anyway. It looks like with the lack of food and all the energy I used to free myself, I don't have enough energy to walk. I then quietly and slowly began to crawl my way to the window which led to freedom. Just to think about freedom I felt crazy, knowing that I could finally breathe the same air as humans. 

                      ''Antonio!" The new man said in anticipation, as he shook the drunken unconscious man.

                  I turned my head as the new guard kept yelling "Antonia, wake up." That's when I realized that the drunken man actually had a name. The only names I know are my parents, and Hina, and soon I will also discover her soon to be husband’s name. 

               "OH NO, WHERE DID THE GIRL GO?" The man said in a panic. That's when I turned around avoiding any eye contact with the guard and continued to crawl my way to the window. I turned around to see if I was caught or not and that's when my heart sank. The guard was GONE! 

              "Where did he go?" I asked myself as I was searching around the very small room. There was no point; there was no one in the room but the unconscious man which meant I had a perfect opportunity to escape that is before I heard the echoing of high heels. The guard must have told Hina about my disappearance.

                I continued to crawl, and look back.....''AH''....... I started to blurt out but covered my mouth before I could make any further noise as Hina was standing at the front of the doorsteps. I looked into what has caused me to almost scream and it was a piece of the broken glass that my hand has placed on. With a wounded wrist and hand, I continued to crawl towards the window as I left a trail of blood behind me.

               "You f***** where did she go? I told you to watch her not to get drunk. It's actually my fault for hiring an a**** like you." Hina picked up the unconscious Antonio and yelled at him even though she clearly knew that he was not going to give a reply back. 

                "It's no use, he's completely drunk and unconscious." The new guard told Hina. Hina threw Antonio to the ground and started knocking down everything she saw. She looked like a devil, with fire in her eyes, and on a massive rampage. 

               "GO FIND HER, AND DON'T COME BACK UNTIL YOU DO!" Hina shouted at the new guard but I bet the other guards heard too as she screamed very loudly. "And as for you Antonio, what shall I do to you" Hina said with a evil smirk as she lifted Antonia's head up by his hair, "Go hang this fool, and you know where," and she smacked Antonio's head back to the ground. Blood now pouring from the back of his head. With a puddle of blood now around him.

             By the time Hina was done with her rampage, I finally made it too the window. To my excitement the window was already opened, so slowly I started to squeeze myself through. I'm going to make it, I'm actually going to..

                "I FOUND HER!" someone yelled behind me! I turned my head around and Hina was staring right at me. Her eyes full of anger. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING, GET HER!" Hina yelled at the guard.

                     I turned back around and squeezed myself through the window, but before I made it all the way through my dress got stuck. To free myself I ripped it and started to run but of course when I took the first step I fell. I got back up and broke into a sprint, holding my hand to my leg, and limping as I ran. I'm going to make it, I'm going to make it is what occupied my mind, as I ran; not looking back as I didn't want to see anyone of those horrid faces ever again. 


I hope you guys are happy now! Sorry, if this chapter is not that good as some people *cough, cough* Bevvies *cough, cough* rushed me to quickly publish the next chapter. 

Please comment if you have any questions and please fan and vote.

Thanks for reading :D


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