Power Rangers imagines and on...

By carnationcreation

42.7K 427 90

Imagines and One shots for any and all season of Power Rangers and the movies. I noticed there was a lack of... More

Front Row Seat (Tommy Oliver x Sister!reader)
Bad Timing (Adam Park x reader)
The Real Winner (Rocky DeSantos x reader)
Hello, Cello (Adam Park x Cello player! reader)
We Are VR (Rocky DeSantos x VR Trooper!Reader)
True Blue Ranger (Justin Stewart x sister!reader)
Locked In (Adam Park x reader)
New cover + authors note
His Type (Brody Romero x reader)
Halloween party (Tommy Oliver x sister!reader)
Rally Ranger (Justin Stewart x sister!reader)
Notebooks and Banners (Adam Park x reader)
Back For You (Ethan James x reader)
Starting Over (Ollie Akana x reader)
Dream Buddy (Adam Park x reader)
New imagines book!
Memories (Zayto x reader)
Moonlight (Tommy Oliver x reader)
Ranks (Dustin Brooks x reader)
Make up (Hunter Bradley x reader)

Dear Diary (Jason Lee Scott x reader)

1.9K 28 1
By carnationcreation

Please check bio to see if requests are open before sending any in!

Request: Hi! I have a request for a Jason x reader. Jason and the reader are best friends and/or dating. One day, the reader needs to be rescued by the Power Rangers. The reader recognizes Jason's voice and confronts him about it. Thanks so much! 💞

Prompt/summary: Jason keeps running off from his best friend, until a chance encounter reveals a secret he wanted to keep hidden.

Word Count: 1,705

Authors note: Italics are written in a diary. Tbh I'm really feeling this format and might do more like this in the future!


Dear Diary,

The past few days have been... strange. I'm not even sure how to properly explain it, but I think Jason's hiding something from me.

He was supposed to meet me at the youth center yesterday to help me with some of my self defense moves I learned in class that day. He never showed up though.

"I'm so sorry," Jason said over the phone. It was almost midnight when he called my house, luckily my parents were out of town so it wasn't a problem.

I sighed, "It's fine Jace. We can just go over them some next week."

"I promise I won't miss it," he said, "Besides I like seeing you kick ass."

"Oh shut up," I said, he could probably hear my smile through the phone.

And over the weekend he said we could go out to lunch to celebrate being nominated for senior homecoming candidates. He was almost an hour late.

"I'm sorry I'm late!" Jason said. He sat down at the table and dug into some chips and salsa.

"You're lucky I didn't get up and leave earlier Mr. Jason Lee," I said, closing the book I had open on the table.

"I know, I know, I'm the worst best friend ever."

I don't know what's going on with him. In school I'll try to stop him in the hallway but he's always in a rush to get somewhere. It's really making me worry.

I just really want my best friend back.

I closed the diary and wrapped the elastic cord around it to keep it closed before it went into my bag. The warm sun felt amazing on my face. The park was bustling today as people of Angel Grove enjoyed the clear sunny day.

I hadn't heard from Jason in a few days. His absence was really starting to make me worried. Yeah, I had other friends, but Jason and I had been best friends for years ever since we met in primary school.

The sound of laughter made me look up. I watched as Jason passed by with no more than a glance in my direction.

I grabbed my bag before trying to catch up to them, "Jason!"

He turned around with a slightly surprised expression on his face.

"Hey," I tried to smile and not make things awkward, "Are we gonna meet up at the Youth Center this Friday?"

"Oh... I'm sorry (Y/n) but the gang and I already had plans."

My heart sunk as I looked at his new group of friends with a solemn expression, "Oh, alright then. Guess I'll catch you later..."

I tried so hard to not let the pain come out in my words, but I never was a good actor. I left the park holding back tears and walked all the way home with them staining my cheeks.


Three weeks flew by in a hurry and I was sucked into the frenzy of the prom committee. To my surprise (and some dismay) Jason's new friends had volunteered to help decorate the gymnasium. The exact area I was in charge of. Luckily I was too busy to even dwell on the fact that my ex-bestfriend came to talk to them more than he did me.

"Hey (Y/n)," Kimberly said, "Which spot do you think would be best for the drink table?"

"Over by the photo booth," I said, writing down every task we had gotten done that day on a clipboard. I must've gotten so caught up in my work I didn't realize that Jason's whole friend group had entered the gym.

"Wow! This place looks amazing!" Trini said.

Kimberly smiled, "Yeah all thanks to (Y/n)."

"It was no big deal. Mrs. Saslow bought all the decorations we just had to set them up."

"Well," Billy adjusted his glasses, "You did a phenomenal job coordinating everything."

"Thanks guys."

My eyes caught Jason and I looked away quickly. Maybe it was the awkward silence, or maybe they were in a rush, but Trini quickly led the boys back to the hallway to help her bring in more folding chairs.

"What happened between you and Jason?" Kimberly asked while putting a light blue tablecloth over the drink table.


"I don't think that's true," she said, "Everytime you're around him anymore you just seem so sad. You two used to be inseparable and everyone knew it."

"I mean it literally, nothing happened. He kept promising to hang out and do all the things we used to do together but then never did. I'm not even sure why."

Kimberly sighed, "I promise, Jason's just going through a lot right now."

She must've noticed the tears forming in my eyes when she placed a gentle hand on my shoulder.

"Are you in love with him?"

"I- I'm not exactly sure," I sighed.

Kimberly chuckled, "For you to be as heartbroken as you are whenever you see him there has to be something a little more than friendship there."

"I don't know. Maybe I'll figure it out one day, right now he doesn't even want to be around me so I should just move on."

"That's not true."

I huffed, "He hasn't called or stopped to talk to me in three weeks Kimberly. He doesn't want me around."

"Kim! A little help here?" Zack yelled from the hallway.

Kimberly grabbed a napkin and the pen from my hand, "Here, call me this weekend and we can hang out instead. No stupid, idiotic boys, just some girl time."

"Thanks Kimberly, I appreciate it."


Dear Diary,

Jason finally got back to me today. He asked for us to meet up at the park. I'm not sure exactly why, but I'll update you on it when I get back.

The swings had always been my favorite part of the park, so as I sat and wrote the latest entry in my diary my legs swung back and forth slightly.


My diary is knocked out of my hands and before I could react my arms were being tugged on by two weird gray looking creatures. One of them has rope in their hand as they lead me to the nearest tree. I swiveled my arm out of one's grip and knocked its legs out from under it. The other tries to do the same to me but I jump and flip it over onto it's back before it even got the chance.

A bright flash goes off to my right knocking me to the ground.

When I finally get my bearings I'm being tied to the tree by those weird creatures.

From the corner of my eye I see people in bright colored suits running towards the gold monster.

Holy shit, it's the power rangers.

"Stop right there Goldar!" the one in red yelled.

My eyes narrow as I try to place where I had heard that voice before. I barely even noticed some of the fighting as I wracked my brain trying to think. He sounded so familiar.

One of the rangers came crashing into me with a hard hit to my stomach.

"Sorry!" the girl in pink yelled.

Wait a second...

Finally the monster teleported away and the rangers rushed over to untie me from the tree.

"You're safe now," the one in the black suit said.

"Here's your stuff," the yellow ranger said.

"Uhh, thanks..."

"Are you alright?" the red ranger said. Hearing his voice for a second time made everything click.


I could visibly see him freeze up causing me to chuckle, "Is it really you?"

With a sigh him and the rest of the rangers demorphed. In front of me stood Kim, Zack, Billy, Trini, and a really embarrassed looking Jason.

"I promise I was on my way to meet you."

"It's alright," I said, picking up my bag and grabbing my diary from Trini, "It looks to me like you had bigger problems to handle at the moment."

"Yeah," he said shyly.

"What did you need to meet me here for?" I asked.

"Oh!" Kimberly yelled, "You guys wait here, Jason I'll let you know when it's ready!"

"When what's ready?"

"Just don't worry about it, see you guys later!" Billy said as he, Zack, and Trini took off after Kimberly.

I looked to Jason only for him to smile shyly and take my hand. My heart was racing as he led me over to the swings. Was his hand always this nice to hold? Why hadn't I noticed this before?

"I'm really sorry for avoiding you. I promise I was trying to keep you safe."

"Safe?" I asked, "Safe from what?"

"Rita. The one who keeps sending all these monsters. I promise I'll make it up to you, whatever way you want me to."

"I understand Jace, but..."

"But what?"

"Hmmm maybe a proper dinner at our favorite restaurant on main street might help me forgive you."

He chuckled, "It's a deal, right after this though."

"After what?"

The bracelet on his wrist went off before he could answer me, "Jason! We're ready!"

He smiled and grabbed my hand again, leading me down the path that leads to the parks gazebo.

"Oh, wait," he said, stopping me before we could round the corner, "You, uh, might wanna cover your eyes for a second."


"You'll see, please?"

"Fine," I huffed.

He placed my hands over my eyes before guiding me by the small of my back. Which made my heart beat even faster.

"Alright, open them."

I pulled my hands away from my face and looked around in awe. Fairy lights had been strung around the banisters and a giant sign was placed in front of where he stood.


A laugh rang out from my chest as I jumped into his arms in a bonecrushing hug.

"Is that a yes?"

"Yes you dummy!"

"She said yes!" he yelled.

"YAY!" the rest of the rangers yelled and clapped from the edge of the clearing where the gazebo stood.

I laughed as he finally set my feet on the ground, blushing madly from his friend's reaction.

He kissed me gently on my forehead making me smile and lean my head on his chest.

Dear Diary,

He made it up to me.

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