The Return Of A Champion

By UltimateWarrior71

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Following the drama of An African Adventure Of A Warrior, this story follows Lincoln's life after he defeated... More

Chapter 1 A New Year's Resolution
Chapter 2 Tough Times lie ahead
Chapter 3 One More Match Against The Truth
Chapter 4 Rest Period from the drama
Chapter 5 A Break Away From The Ring
Chapter 6 The Final Hurdle before The Long awaited Rematch
Chapter 7 A Long Awaited Dream Becomes A Nightmare
Chapter 8 Trouble In Paradise
Chapter 9 The Big Meeting and The Return Of a Beaten Champion
Chapter 10 A Surprise Invitation
Chapter 11 Meeting The President
Chapter 12 Extended Family Meeting and A Preparation for a journey
Chapter 13 Unexpected Close Encounters
Chapter 15 Sparring Practice for Martin
Chapter 16 Preparation For A Long Journey
Chapter 17 Long Way Down
Chapter 18 The Family Is Complete...With One Exception
Chapter 19 No Easy Way Out
Chapter 20 The Return Of A Loud
Chapter 21 The First Day Back
Chapter 22 An Uneasy Alliance
Chapter 23 The World's Most Awkward Dinner Date
Chapter 24 Hardcore Training-Lynn Jr Style
Chapter 25 Caught In The Act
Chapter 26 A Chance meeting with another warrior
Chapter 27 Disaster Strikes
Chapter 28 Where To From Here?
Chapter 29 Jamming Day
Chapter 30 Getting Down To Business
Chapter 31 A Painful Confession
Chapter 32 Creating Monsters
Chapter 33 A Dangerous Encounter With The World Heavyweight Champion
Chapter 34 A Brother's Promise
Chapter 35 Let's Rock and Roll
Chapter 36 The Dark Side
Chapter 37 Funny Business
Chapter 38 Whose The Best Ever
Chapter 39 A Night To Remember
Chapter 40 Twin Magic
Chapter 41 Burying The Hatchet
Chapter 42 The Sweet Science
Chapter 43 Here We Go
Chapter 44 Emotional Roller Coaster
Chapter 45 Days Of Our Lives
Chapter 46 Children Meet Parents (Revisited)
Chapter 47 A Passionate Performance
Chapter 48 Weighing In: The Overconfident Champion and The focused challenger
Chapter 49 The Ultimate Final Showdown
Chapter 50 Together As One

Chapter 14 The Deal With The Devil

464 7 8
By UltimateWarrior71

Meanwhile back with Lori, Bobby, Christina and her kids who were with her they went to the nearby Lakewood Center shopping mall and after spending some time looking for a good restaurant, they settled on the famous Applebees Grill and Bar and since this adult conversation wasn't for nosy children, she quickly found a KFC outlet and an arcade right next door so she bought their lunches and got them to sit there rather than be with the adults and listen to this conversation, the kids, Liberty in particular were not happy with the arrangement but they obeyed, knowing better than to argue with their mother and decided to just accept the situation. once they surrendered Christina heads back to Applebees Grill and Bar and to Lori and Bobby

She then looked at us

Christina: They'll understand one day when they are older

She then sits down in front of Bobby and Lori as the food they ordered just arrived with some wine. for a while it was silent between the 3 but eventually Christina was the first to speak, which got the couple's attention

Christina: So tell me what the hell are you two doing here and what do you want from my husband!?
Bobby: Well I was called in by the Los Angeles Police Department to come help investigate a high profile murder case but I'm not allowed to speak much about it and then Lori asked if I can bring her with me as she wanted to talk to Lincoln one on one and I reluctantly agreed, keep that in mind reluctantly
Christina: Ok so what do you have to say for yourself?
Lori: Look Christina, I come in peace I'm not looking for a fight what I want is my brother back please let us talk to him?
Christina: No!!!
Lori: It's easy for you to refuse as you had siblings all your life and I'm sure they made mistakes with you and you forgave them but...
Christina: You fucked up big time!!!, and can you please leave my family out of this or else I'll leave and file a restraining order against you and your family!
Lori: Yes, we fucked up big time I'm not denying it but come on Christina, we were punished for what we did severely and we have changed and all we want is a chance to prove we have, Everyone else in this world deserves a second chance why not us?
Christina: I don't blame Lincoln for hating all of you, you all are cold and hateful bullies masquerading as his family and you made his life miserable on a regular basis and you all thought it was funny!!, like you for example you only cared about your phone and your boyfriend not him you only saw him as a nuisance I'm pretty sure if his life was in danger  you would've let him die just to keep texting Bobby
Lori: That's real low, Christina, real low, I know what I did as a kid was bad but I'm pretty sure you would've done the same thing in the 70s that I did in the fucking 60s!!! 
Bobby: Calm down babe we are not here to fight
Christina: Ok there I was wrong and I apologize but my point still stands
Lori: What point exactly, tell me as we got what was coming to us over those 10 years behind bars as we took him for granted and thought he wasn't gonna do shit in life but he proved us wrong very wrong hell he became champion of the world but now all we want is a chance at forgiveness, please give us that chance and see us one more time

Christina sighs

Christina: Fine I'll give you a chance and I'll talk to him and convince him to give you people a chance but remember this it's your second chance and your last chance so I suggest you don't waste it
Lori: Great So when will you guys come to Royal Woods???
Christina: You'll find out soon enough now I must go it was a nice lunch and all but I got errands to run bye
Bobby and Lori: bye Christina

Lori: Job done
Bobby: But you heard her babe it's your one and only chance for reconciliation

Meanwhile with Lincoln and Christina that night

The two were discussing about the encounter Between his wife and Lori and at this point it wasn't shocking

Meanwhile with Brandon and Liberty they were listening to their parent's argument

Brandon: Let's hope this doesn't get too bad
Liberty: Yeah if I ever see the people who made dad's early life a living hell I will give them an ass whopping they'll never forget
Brandon: Me too sis I also want to have a shot at them

6 June 1987

Meanwhile with Lynn Sr and Rita both now have moved back to their house as the new room is done it just needs some furniture and decorations it was a big room with it's own bathroom and wardrobe and a bigger desk for him as well as sound proof thick walls and obviously the door has a lock now and the old door was replaced and so was the bins and the old mattress, Lynn was going to buy a bed for his long lost son once all or at least some of the girls are back to help pick out some furniture as well other things a young boxer like him will need

The old couple were now watching tv on the couch relaxed

Lynn Sr: You know honey, hard work pays off and I can't wait to see the look on Lincoln's face when he sees the new room
Rita: He will be surprised I can feel it but it's not done yet as we still have to get him and his wife some furniture and tidy the room up a bit

Meanwhile with The Heavyweight division here was the unchanged Top 10 heavyweight rankings of the heavyweight division

Bruno Martin ( Champion)

1 Lincoln Loud
2 Mike Tyson
3 Tim Witherspoon
4 Adilson Rodriguez
5 James Bonecrusher Smith
6 Carl Williams
7 James Buster Douglas
8 Michael Dokes
9 Tyrell Biggs
10 Tony Tucker

Meanwhile with Lincoln after his disagreement with Christina he finally gave up as he couldn't run from the Louds any longer and although he didn't want to admit it but everybody's right everyone deserves a second chance so on the 7th of June 1987 he decided to call a press conference and he called Clyde to be with him when he makes the most emotional announcement of his life

6 June 1987

All the Louds found out on the news that Lincoln will be calling a press conference to announce that whether or not he'll take the fight and they now hoped and prayed that he decides to return as this has gone on long enough

7 June 1987

Lincoln was now sitting down in a conference hall in downtown San Diego on live television with several  journalists in front of him, he was wearing dark sunglasses and a white shirt and blue jeans while his long white hair reached the top of his back and blew in the breeze he did have a short white beard and mustache. Christina was back at home watching while Clyde was sitting next to him

Journalist 1: Lincoln so you have called a press conference for an announcement what is it?

Lincoln Clears his throat before he speaks
Lincoln: For months now people have been asking me if I would take the world title fight with Bruno Martin in Pontiac...Here is my answer...
All the Louds were either silently praying or in Lynn Jr's case shouting at him through the tv to decide already

Lincoln: After giving it a lot of thought and hearing everyone's opinions I have decided to take the fight and finally return home

All the Louds rejoiced so did most of Michigan
Bruno Martin smiled devilishly as he watched on tv

Lincoln: There's three reasons why I accepted number one, At my age of near 31 I should be taking every world title match that comes as you don't know when the next shot will come if it ever comes again as I went through hell to get this shot and I will become champion again at the end of 15 rounds or less, Number two, I always preach to everyone who would listen to forgive their enemies and give them another chance and yet I never did a certain group another chance and Number three, I was spiteful and hateful of the Loud Family for 20 long years I think they deserve a chance at redemption but this is they're only chance at redemption and salvation for what they did I'll be departing for Michigan early next month in July for the big fight and I promise I will be once again The New Heavyweight Champion Of The World

The Louds were all celebrating as they will finally get their chance

AN: Done Lori and Bobby have convinced Christina to talk to Lincoln, what do you think of Lincoln's new room? And Lincoln Loud has just announced he will return to the Loud House for the first time in 20 years for the fight and give the Louds one last chance what do you think will happen Anyway please leave your thoughts on the chapter I'll see you later and have a wonderful day or night wherever you are bye and enjoy see you

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