Bullet in the Heart - Profess...

By moodymoony123

19.4K 586 116


chocolate makes me unhappy
unregulated school uniform
I'm not a quitter
he's quite the charmer
remember, it's a sin to kill a mockingbird
don't worry smart one
you love me really
I think you saved my life
zero tolerance policy
I love you but no fucking way
pinky promise
learning experience
I hate you
are you fucking joking?
burnt toast and cold tea
half of the truth is often a lie
no need to beat around the bush
your scars are actually quite sexy

morning all

877 27 7
By moodymoony123

"Morning all", I clenched my eyes shut at a voice that I dreaded. I turned to my side to see a look of horror on May's face and then looked up to see the cause of it. 

"Morning sir!" Jake said whilst jumping up very chippy. Jake strode past the dark haired Professor standing right in front of us giving the look of death. "Ow, I'm not sure you're allowed to do that" he screeched as Snape pulled him back by is hood. 

"I am allowed to do anything that I see fit to discipline you", Snape stated bluntly. "Up", no one moved, "Now!" he shouted. I sprang to my feet and lifted May and Tom. 

"I shall be seeing all four of you in my office this evening for detention" and with that he stormed off with a sly smile. We waited until his footsteps had faded into the distance.

"What an absolute dick" May moaned as she picked up her sleeping bag. Tom and Jake followed suit with their moans and complaints.

Footsteps reproached and so did the greasy black haired professor, "Miss Bluehorn, come with me please", I stared at him in confusion debating whether I should argue. 

"Why is that?" I asked bluntly. He eyed me up and down and then glanced back to the others and smiled. "I don't think this is any of your friends business, now follow before we have to spend even more time together", and with that he was off again. I rolled my eyes at the group and swiftly followed along.

"Where are we going?" I tried to ask but I didn't get an answer so I just remained quiet. 

We arrived in the school kitchens filled with hundreds of chefs floating, running, jumping all about the place. The whole room was vibrant with colours of fruits and cakes and other fabulous flying around the room. Snape started walking towards a small table in the corner, I followed as instructed. He nodded for me to sit down, I once again did as told. He snapped his fingers and with that a breakfast plate appeared in front of me. I looked at him with a side eye and stood up but before I could say 'Godric' I was pulled back down. 

"It's already ridiculous enough that I was put on baby sitter duty so you are going to sit here and eat your bacon and eggs, do you understand", his voice was irritated and I didn't want to anger him but I couldn't. I looked down and instead of seeing two perfectly round fried eggs and three pieces of bacon I saw 300 calories that made me sick. Snape eyed me closely. 

"No", I mumbled anxiously, keeping my head down.

"What" there was a short pause, "did you just say", I stayed silence and picked up my fork. I played with the egg yolks, scared to actually lift any to my mouth. 

"Oh for goodness sake Miss Bluehorn it's not that hard, just eat!" his voice rose a little, it was beginning to frighten me. 

"It's not that simple", I whispered quietly so all the Chefs would stop looking while trying to hold my tears back. 

"Yes it is" he shouted,"now just eat your eggs". 

"Please stop I can't", the tears began to drop, "I don't know what you want me to do about it", I looked at him frightened. 

"If I was sent here to make sure you eat so that is what you are going to do" he shouted at my face, I was in tears by now. "Stop crying, just eat-" 

"Stop Severus! Look at the poor girl!" his shouting was interrupted by the Professor who had seemingly also come to the kitchens for his breakfast. I looked up to reveal a face with mascara tracks leading down my cheeks. Snape stood up, "You deal with it then", and off he was with stare so mean it went straight to my soul. 

"Don't listen to him", the Professor said whilst lowering himself down until he was crouched beside me, he had sympathy in his eyes so I felt bad for what I was about to do but I couldn't stand it anymore.

"Can u please just FUCK OFF!", I shouted to a very surprised face, "Honestly, no one, not a single one of you gives a shit so just stop pretending! I am so fucking sick of it!" I stood up and strode past the Professor's upset face. 

"Miss-" he tried to help but I didn't let him. "No! Just No" I stopped to breathe, my tears were filling my throat and it became harder to breathe, "Just stay away.." I said with my last breath before running down the flooded corridors full of fellow students hurrying off to class, with tears falling of my face like rain. 


"Where were you idiot? We covered for you but I don't think he bought it" Jake asked curiously as all three of them stormed into the common room after our (their) detention. 

"Honestly Iris he wasn't born yesterday and he already hates you", May added.

Tom plopped down next to me on the sofa, putting his arm around me, "C'mon Iris what's going on? Do you think we haven't noticed something's wrong", he pulled me closer to him. I felt so safe yet so scared, I didn't know what to say. 

"Iris", May kneeled before me and looked up into my eyes, her deep blue eyes were glazed with a sad shimmer, "Why were you in the Infirmary for so long?", she asked taking my hand slowly. 

"No. I'm fine", Jake looked sceptically at the other two. "Well what about constantly having teachers grabbing you for a 'quick chat', alway looking over your shoulder?", Jake also moved closer to me, I felt surrounded and uncomfortable.

"Well of course they are going to be keeping an eye out for me! I am failing every subject and I don't know if you remember but I was suspended last year and caused quite a lot of shit that I'm sure they don't want a repeat of..." I laughed and nudged Tom next to me. All three exchanged look once more and then joined in, "Ok if you say so!"

"Now, I say we need to plan our next mischief!" everyone moved closer together and nodded. Each one of us was throwing ideas into the circle but most of them were tossed aside straight away. 

Until, "I have it!"

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