The Freedom I Wanted {Dream S...

By The_Smiling_Paradox

91.9K 3.1K 1.8K

Tommyinnit, a boy who lived in Dream Smp. He had been exiled by his best friend Tubbo. He lived in exile with... More

I. Phoenix Drop
II. A New Family
III. A House
IV. The Party
V. Guard Training
VI. The Shadows
VII. Twilight Forest
IX. At Our Gates
X. An Accident With Malachi
XI. Phoenix Alliance
XII. The War
XIII. Dream Smp
XIV. The Afterlife And A Visitor From Home
XV. Brother
XVI. Back Home
XVII. The World Outside Phoenix Drop
XVIII. Family
XIX. A Night Talk
XX. Cats? In Scaleswind
XXI. The Wind at Sea
XXII. The Other Side Of The Story
XXIII. Ranboo's Worry
XXIV. New Enemies And Friends
XXV. Clementine And Missing Brothers
XXVI. The Lost Family And A Request
XXVII. Ranboo's Research Begins
XXVIII. A Wedding
{Act 2}
I. Meeting The Family
II. Looking For An Old Friend
III. The Travel Begins
IV. The Darkness Will Make Us Run Out Of Time
V. The Unspoken Truth
VI. The Female Astronaut
VII. Building Begins
VIII. The Choice
IX. The Pain Hits Like A Train
X. His Sacrifice
XI. He Has Done WHAT?!
XII. One Is Never Enough
XIII. Clementine & Shroud
XIV. Tubbo's Discovery
XV. Oh Fuck-
XVI. The Watchers Ruin Lives
XVII. Nighttime Visitors
XVIII. Promises
XIX. The Odison Family & Henry
XX. Mysteries
XXI. Stories
XXII. The Dreams Will Turn To Nightmares
XXIII. One More Night
XXIV. To Hermitcraft
XXV. Worry
XXVI. The Ghost Stroking His Hair
XXVII. November 16th
XXVIII. In O'Khasis
XXIX. End Of The Travel In O'Khasis
XXX. Looking For A Wolf
XXXI. The Wolf
XXXII. More Tragedy
XXXIII. The Nether
XXXIV. Plans And Past
Author's Note
Rewrite Out Now

VIII. Strangers

2.3K 81 20
By The_Smiling_Paradox

Tommy listened to his new mother tell him about the mysterious dimension called Twilight Forest. He hadn't ever thought that a dimension like that would exist.

"How do you know so much about it?" He asked carefully tilting his head. He wasn't sure if he should have asked that.

"O-oh! I-I once visited that place a lot with some old friends of mine..." She answered distantly smiling sadly.

"Alright.." Tommy nodded. "I'm not going to ask more then."

"No, it's alright... I guess I haven't really talked about my past with anyone," She answered quickly. "Maybe you should know," She continued thoughtfully.

"D-do you want to tell?" Tommy was a bit surprised.

"I've been keeping these feelings inside me hidden.. Locked away... These memories... I once wanted to forget them so badly, but I realized I can't run away from the past.." Aphmau spoke sadly.

"You can tell me mum," Tommy wrapped his arms around his mother. He wanted to make her feel better.

"I am the daughter of Thor... I lived with the Few when I was younger... We went to the Twilight a lot.. We had so much fun together.. I even fell in love and adopted kids... But soon it all was gone... Destroyed by my uncle..." She spoke quietly, voice full of sadness and regret.

"That sounds horrible..." Tommy whispered. He felt warm tears in his eyes.

His mother's story had made him feel bad for her. He knew how it felt to lose someone, but she had lost everything.

"I haven't told my past to anyone else in this whole universe... Expect Castor knows, but he was there too... Maybe Hyria knows, I don't know," She spoke quietly.

"I can't really know how to make you feel better... I'm just a naive child... But I'm trying my best.." Tommy spoke hugging her tighter. This woman had saved his life and given him love he needed and deserved. He wanted to show her that he cared and really appreciated everything she had done.

"I know Tommy..! I know you try your best! And it's really helping," Aphmau smiled slightly.

"You know... I never had a mum before," Tommy confessed sadly.

"Did something happen..?" Aphmau asked with worry on her sad voice.

"She died giving birth to me... I never even got a chance to see her.. Nor did she ever get a chance to even hold me..." Tommy spoke quietly.

"I'm sorry to hear that..." Aphmau whispered pitifully.

"It's alright.." Tommy hummed. "I have a mum now," He continued smiling through his tears.

"I promise I'll be the best mom ever," Aphmau smirked. "Don't tell my mom I said that," She continued chuckling.

"I don't even know who your mum is," Tommy chuckled.

"One day you'll find out," Aphmau hummed.

"I'm assuming that day isn't today?" Tommy guessed.

"Not yet," Aphmau chuckled. "But maybe one day I take you to your father's grave in the Hall of Justice," She continued.

"What was his name?" Tommy asked curiously even though he already knew it.

"Sly Stark. My name is Jessica Aphmau Odison-Stark," Aphmau hummed. "I think you would be Tommy Stark, but we don't really use last names here," She continued.

"What we're your kids' names?" Tommy asked.

"Leo and Flippy," Aphmau answered smiling sadly. "They were so young when they died," She whispered.

"They didn't deserve to die," Tommy whispered.

"They didn't..." Aphmau hummed sadly.

There was a knock on the door and Aphmau stood up walking to open the door. There was standing a blue haired guard-looking female.

Aphmau seemed shocked and quickly looked behind her at Tommy, who was still in the kitchen.

"I would like to talk with you... It's about Jeffory..." The blue haired female spoke.

"Alright Lady Katelyn, come in," Aphmau nodded biting her lower lip.

The female, Lady Katelyn apparently, walked in and her blue eyes drifted to the blonde boy in the kitchen.

"Who might he be?" She asked from Aphmau.

"Lady Katelyn, this is my oldest son Tommy. Tommy, this is Lady Katelyn The Fire Fist from O'Khasis," Aphmau hesitatedly introduced them to each other.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet one of Lady Aphmau's sons," Katelyn nodded.

"Nice to meet you too," Tommy nodded respectfully. He didn't want to accidentally get on her bad side.

"Tommy, could you go to your room while we talk?" Aphmau asked carefully.

Tommy nodded and stood up walking downstairs to his room. He knew that Aphmau didn't still trust Lady Katelyn that much and didn't want her children close to the Jury of Nine member.

Tommy picked up his book and started writing to Tubbo again about the days events. He left out details of Aphmau's past because he knew someone could find the book.

Dear Tubbox,

Today I woke up in a place called the Twilight Forest. There a woman called Unknown spoke to me and told a lot of things I prefer not to mention now.

Then I was back at home in Phoenix Drop and went to look for more information about the Twilight Forest. Mum found me reading a book about it and told me about her past a bit. I feel bad for her knowing everything she has gone through.

Then Lady Katelyn came. I haven't seen her ever before. She had long blue hair and blue eyes. Her armor was pretty blue too. She looks like someone you wouldn't want to fight ever in your life!

But I think this all for today's letter! I should go see if Levin and Malachi want to do something. Also Garroth has been feeling sick so Laurance and Dante are currently training me. I really hope Garroth gets better soon, by everything I've heard he isn't doing really well.

Also how are you doing Tubbo? And how is everything going there? Does anyone miss me...? Probably not...

Yours, Tommy!

Tommy closed the book and slipped it back to under his pillow. He had to wait for a while because he couldn't go upstairs to bother Aphmau and Lady Katelyn.

He started exploring through his pocket and found one spectacular book he had forgotten. He grinned as he looked at the pages, but he definitely did not regret writing that book.

There was a knock on the door and he quickly put the book away before walking to open the door.

"Lady Katelyn left, you can come now," Aphmau told.

"What was it about?" Tommy inquired.

"Apparently Jeffory The Golden Heart has been killed.." Aphmau answered.

"That's not good, right..?" Tommy grinned. He had heard that name before and kinda knew what he had done.

"Definitely not.. But I have a feeling that Lady Katelyn might now be after Zane like we are. We can maybe get her to join us," Aphmau explained.

"You think that?" Tommy tilted his head.

"I'm not exactly sure if that'll work, but we can at least try," Was Aphmau's answer.

"Alright," Tommy nodded.

"Well, I should go check on Garroth now," Aphmau remembered.

"Yeah, you can go do that," Tommy nodded.

Aphmau quickly hugged him before walking out of the house. Tommy looked after her before walking outside to the playground, where Levin and Malachi were with Zoey.

"Hey Tommy!" Zoey greeted him.

"Hey," Tommy smiled.

"Are you going somewhere?" The elf inquired.

"I was planning on going for a short walk in the forest," Tommy explained.

"That one surrounding the old Lord's house?" Zoey tilted her head.

"Yeah," Tommy nodded.

"Alright, be careful!" Zoey smiled.

"I'll be," Tommy waved and started heading towards the forest.

He walked for a couple of minutes before noticing a boat in the water. It was small and didn't look like a battleship, but it scared him.

"Who are you?" A voice behind him asked.

He turned around holding his breath and saw a male in all black clothes and red bandana covering his eyes.

"Who are you?" The stranger continued. He has his long purple sword pointed at Tommy's throat.

"The name's Tommy..." Tommy answered carefully.

"Why are you here?" The stranger asked.

"I live in Phoenix Drop.. This is part of it..." Tommy answered.

"Don't tell about me to anyone or you'll be in danger," The strange spoke coldly before turning around.

"Wait!" Tommy shouted.

The stranger turned around to look at Tommy, "What?"

"Who are you.?" Tommy asked carefully.

"My name isn't important," Was the answer the stranger gave him.

"Does Aphmau know you're here.?" Tommy inquired. That was a thing that mattered.

"Yes. She knows I'm here," The stranger answered. "Anything else.?"

"Why are you here...?" Tommy continued his questioning.

"A simple answer, to kill Zane," The stranger groaned.

"So you're on our side?" Tommy tilted his head.

"I don't have a side. I'm here just to kill Zane," The stranger answered coldly and turned around walking away from the blonde.

Tommy looked after him before continuing his walk to the other direction. He didn't really know if he should trust the stranger, but if he was only after Zane, he shouldn't be a threat to Phoenix Drop.

He walked to the village, where he saw an unfamiliar female standing in front of the old guard tower.

"Excuse me," Tommy called out making the female turn around. "Who are you?"

"Oh! My name is Lillian! I'm just a fortune teller who's passing by! Lady Aphmau asked me to help out her head guard Garroth," She explained.

"Alright," Tommy nodded. He for some reason didn't have a really good feeling about the female so he decided to leave her alone.

"Hey Tommy!" Dante greeted him.

"Hey Dante!" Tommy smiled to the guard.

"Are you busy or would you like to do some training since I have some free time?" The bluenette asked.

"I'm not busy. If you want to train, I would love to!" Tommy exclaimed.

"Great! Let's go to the tree house," Dante smiled and stared leading the younger to the right direction.

"I might not be as good as Garroth or Laurance, but I definitely know how to fight," He pointed out.

Tommy nodded. He knew the three guards of Phoenix Drop were on the top of the list. He was really lucky to be taught by them. And Phoenix Drop was lucky to be in so good hands.

"Are you ready to start?" Dante asked pulling out his red dual swords.

"Yeah! I was born ready!" Tommy smirked pulling out his diamond sword.

He had gotten used a sword quickly. In Dream Smp he had used an axe like everyone else, but now he preferred sword more than axe. It just felt like a better weapon and he had gotten used to it. It felt so natural for him to use, plus people in this dimension didn't fight with axes.

"Good, let's go!" Dante smirked and took the right position.

Tommy followed him and took the right position. Soon Dante attacked and their fight begin.

Tommy did his best dodging and attacking like he had been taught. He managed to hit Dante a couple of times, but got also multiple hits himself.

Soon Dante managed to kick him on the ground and win the round.

"You did really good!" Dante encouraged him as he helped him up from the ground.

"I guess I'm getting used to it," Tommy nodded.

"You are! I'm pretty sure that you'll become a guard in no time!" Dante smiled.

"Thanks to you and the others!" Tommy smiled back.

He really wanted to become a guard as fast as he could, but he had also learned that everything took time. That had been a problem in Dream Smp, but now he was cool with it. Things were really starting to look brighter!

But what if something was hiding in the shadows?

Words: 1971

(I've spent already around 4 and half hours in 2b2t queue :] and I'll probably have many hours left of waiting :])

(Also I have online school finally again so I can just play minecraft or write stories during lessons :D)

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