Bullet in the Heart - Profess...

By moodymoony123

19K 586 116


chocolate makes me unhappy
I'm not a quitter
he's quite the charmer
remember, it's a sin to kill a mockingbird
don't worry smart one
morning all
you love me really
I think you saved my life
zero tolerance policy
I love you but no fucking way
pinky promise
learning experience
I hate you
are you fucking joking?
burnt toast and cold tea
half of the truth is often a lie
no need to beat around the bush
your scars are actually quite sexy

unregulated school uniform

1.2K 38 14
By moodymoony123

The great hall was filled with excitement and cheer after all the first years had been sorted into their houses. The whole room beamed in happiness. I was sitting at the Hufflepuff table with my friends who I had finally found, complaining that their prank had led to a dementor attack that could have ended particularly badly. This time they did take it a bit far, "But the new DADA professor saved my life and he's actually quite a nice chap. Maybe he will the end the curse." I joked hopefully. We continued chatting on about the new first years and all the gossip that had happened over the summer when we were hushed by our headmaster.

"Quieten down now please everyone" Dumbledore's deep voice echoed throughout the great hall with power, "Now, as hopefully most of you are aware of, Sirius Black has escaped Azkaban. There is no reason to hide the fact that he is a threat and may be dangerous. However, we are in very safe hands with our brilliant staff here to protect you and as some of you may have noticed dementors have been sent to guard the school from harm. Now, I must warn you that they may also be very dangerous, so please always travel around outside in two's, especially after sunset. I must assure you once again that we are in safe hands." The crowd was quiet and no one seemed that assured but Dumbledore continued. "On better news, I would like to introduce you all to our new professor Professor Lupin who will be teaching Defence against the Dark Arts" The Professor stood up and smiled, he looked through the houses and his eyes fell upon mine, he looked intently but I wearily shook off his glance with a face of judgement. "And of course our very own Hagrid who will be teaching Care of Magical Creatures" Hagrid struggled to stand but smiled greatly with his mug of butter beer in his hand. The mood had brightened, everyone cheered for Hagrid and the new professor. "Let the feast begin!" Dumbledore shouted with great hope for the new year.

The food appeared in masses in front of me, I stared at it, wondering if I wanted to eat it. "Come on Iris, it's delicious. I haven't had this many drum sticks since last year!" Tom nudged me, encouraging me to eat the 'delicious food'. I felt uncomfortable but I didn't want to let it show.

"I does look breathtakingly glorious" I sarcastically spat at him, "However, your little prank has made me lose my appetite". All three of them looked at each other guiltily, but a moment later we all burst out in laughter and continued to do so throughout the feast. I glanced over to the staff table to see the Professor enjoying a fascinating conversation with Mr Flitwick, he was surely settling in well. After the feast we galloped happily back to the Hufflepuff common room singing our favourite tunes from our favourite band the weird witches. We seemed to be causing quite the racket because even Professor Sprout complained about it as we passed her in the dimly lit corridor. 

That night I laid in bed, feeling quite numb to the feeling that I had been hiding under a mask all day. But I was happy to be away from home, with friends and maybe even have a nice professor this year!


"WAKE UP! IRIS!! WAKE UP!" the light seeped in through my eyelids, May was standing above me shouting. 

"I'm gonna skip breakfast today, I need more sleep. Now kindly fuck off!" I mumbled under my sheets as I tried to turn away from the light penetrating through the dark yellow curtains. 

"Fine" I faintly heard May say as she stumbled out of the dormitory, down the stairs to the great hall. 

I enjoyed my half an hour more of lying in my warm sheets soaking up the last few moments alone. Finally, I sat up thinking I had just enough time to get ready and head off to first period. I lifted my arm-

"SHIT!" first period had started 15 minutes ago and I was still lying in bed. I Jumped to my feet, I grabbed my robes, threw them on. I quickly ran to the mirror, my eye bags were dark due to a mixture of little sleep and smudged mascara. I didn't have time to sort it out so I went back to looking for my school shoes, I must of left them at home. The only other ones I could find were my red converse, I put them on, grabbed my books and hurried off to first period. As I was running through the corridors I checked my timetable, DADA, great this is going to show him what I dreaded. 

I stumbled into the DADA classroom, half doing up my shirt. The whole class burst out laughing, I tripped over my untied shoelace and was now lying on the stone cold floor in front of 20 classmates and my new professor with my shirt open and half my boob showing. I jumped up, I could tell my face had gone red but I didn't let it show. "I am so sorry Professor I-" I tried to explain.

"That's quite alright Miss Bluehorn, just um - find yourself a seat and anything you've missed I'm sure your friends can catch you up on. Now, where was I", he seemed very amused by the situation and didn't let it embarrass me anymore. I found a seat next to May and told her off for not waking me up after breakfast but I was just met with the excuse of "you looked so peaceful". The lesson was quite enjoyable, the new Professor had quite the jokes up his sleeve and was very kind to everyone, I could tell that the majority of the class enjoyed his company and accepted his teaching was to a much better standard that Lockhart's last year. 

"He's quite looker no? I mean for a middle aged man wouldn't you say?" May whispered to me.

"He's alright I guess...for a middle aged man" we both laughed quietly, "I am not sure though to be honest, he has the look, I'm not sure how to describe it, like he has been hurt" I whispered back observing his movement. 

"Oh you mean those sexy scars splitting his face into 3 different parts?" I nodded and returned to listening to him when something hit my head. I looked down a paper plane, I opened it;

Nice tits Bluehorn. You still slagging around then?

Marcus Flint. Classic Slytherin. I frowned, those messages didn't hurt me anymore but they did anger me. I looked over to him and his friends who burst out laughing. "Care to share what's so amusing boys?" The Professor stopped the laughing. Flint turned to me for help but I didn't give it to him. He shook his head but the Professor didn't accept that, he slowly walked over to my desk. "May I?" he asked pointing at the piece of paper. I grinned. He raised an eyebrow as he looked at the fray piece of parchment. "Flint is it?", Marcus steadily nodded, "Well Mr Flint, just because you can't get any young ladies yourself does not mean you have to blame them for your incapability, does it?" he looked over to me and gave a reassuring smile as the rest of the class snickered at Flint. "Right well I believe that is the end of todays lesson, you may go!"

As I packed my things together and headed to the door with May I looked back to the Professor pressing his lips together whilst deep in thought. 

We walked on to Potions, through many dark tunnels, we finally arrived in the dungeons. "Iris, look it's your favourite" Tom joked as we approached our seats. I laughed sarcastically as practically everyone knew the hatred me and Professor Snape had for each other. 

"And here I was thinking you were going to get through a whole day without detention Miss Bluehorn, how extremely disappointing", Snape spat as he walked towards me. 

"I am sorry Professor but-" I tried to argue confused. 

"I don't believe those shoes are regulated school uniform. Or am I mistaken?" Shit I had forgotten about my new foot attire and this time I couldn't argue my way out and risk getting a double detention. 

"I guess I'll be see you tonight then Professor! I can't wait to spend more time with you" I said with a wide smile trying to stop myself from laughing. 


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