Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru...

By ScammerOne

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Inubozaki Shouichi was a boy without any memories of his past. He is now adopted at the inubozaki house and i... More

Noble Storm
Sword Maiden
Sword Maiden II
Shining Hearts
Shining Hearts II
Overcoming Adversity
Anticipation of Tomorrow
Anticipation of Tomorrow II
Anticipation of Tomorrow III
Idyllic Happiness
Idyllic Happiness II
Idyllic Happiness III
Idyllic Happiness IV
Blessing of the Gods
Blessing of the Gods II
Blessing of the Gods III
The Choice For A Change
The Choice For A Change II
The Choice for a change III
Those Who Know Grief
The Bonds of Love
The Darkness Of Despair
The Light Of Hope
Inubozaki Shouichi
A Brewing Storm
The Connected Past I
The Connected Past II
The Entrusted Future
The Entrusted Future II
Records Of the Agito - The Unknown Past
Records Of the Agito - The Lost World
Records Of the Agito - A New Beginning
Records Of the Agito - The Red-Eyed Devil
Records Of the Agito - What It Means To Protect
Records Of the Agito - Determination
Records Of the Agito - Determination II
Records Of the Agito - Transition
Records Of the Agito - The Two Girls
Records Of the Agito - Overconfidence
Records Of the Agito - Recovery
Records Of the Agito - Budding
Records Of the Agito - The Flowers Of War
Records Of the Agito - Exploration
Records Of the Agito - Exploration II
Records Of the Agito - Fleeting Days
Records Of the Agito - Sisters
Records Of the Agito - Loss
Records Of the Agito - Warped Minds
Records Of the Agito - Mad Thoughts
Records Of the Agito - Chikage's Choice
Records Of the Agito - The Future Of Mankind
Records Of the Agito - Warriors Of Shikoku
Records Of the Agito - Warriors of Shikoku II
Records Of the Agito - The Passed On Feelings
Spectacular Days
Joyous Youth
Precious Memories
Precious Memories II
My Heart Aches When I Think of You
Concealed Intentions
Pure Hearts
Final Duty
Shinning Evolution
I'm Happy For You Are With Me

Records Of the Agito - Ashikawa Shouichi

171 13 5
By ScammerOne

Chikage: Sorry Nogi-san....... But..... I think I'm already at my limit.

Wakaba: Don't worry....... I'll take over from here........

Chikage: Yeah....... Thank you...... Nogi-san (Chikage said with a smile before passing out)

Wakaba: Let's finish this!!!!! (Wakaba said before flying towards the Capricorn and Aries Vertex)

Just then, the Aquarius Vertex trapped Wakaba in its ball of water in an attempt to choke her to death. 

Inner Wakaba: Crap!!!!! The current's too strong!!!! I can't move!!!!!

Once Wakaba was trapped by the Aquarius Vertex, another evolved Vertex appeared from behind the wall once again. It was the Sagittarius Vertex.

Inner Wakaba: This is bad!!!! It's the enemy's reinforcements!!!!! and...... I'm running out of breath!!!!!! (Wakaba was about to just give up and gave her life up to the Vertex and let it destroy the Shinju)

Just before Wakaba could give up, Shouichi jumped into the ball of water and canceled his transformation. 

Inner Wakaba: Shouichi?! No...... Don't come in! You'll die too!!!!!! (At this point, Wakaba was on the verge of passing out because of running out of breath)

Shouichi slowly leaned to Wakaba's mouth and kissed her. The kiss that Shouichi perform was an attempt to perform circular breathing. 

Inner Wakaba: Eh?! Shouichi?! 

As Wakaba was being kissed by Shouichi, she could felt oxygen feeling her mouth and into her lungs. The oxygen then slowly gave Wakaba her strength back and Wakaba gained back her consciousness. 

Shouichi then grabbed hold of Wakaba's hand that is wielding the Ikutachi before transforming back into Agito. The Ikutachi began to shine red and blazing up. 

Inner Wakaba: The Ikutachi....... is shining?

Shouichi then signals Wakaba by nodding at her.  The girl responded by nodding back at Shouichi. The Ikutachi then blaze up in crimson red flames as Shouichi and Wakaba tried to broke through the ball of water. The ball of water instantly evaporated by the flames. 


Shouichi and Wakaba pierced through all the remaining Vertex and instantly defeated them all using everything they got. After all that has happened, the only thing that is remaining on the Jukai is nothing but a pile of ashes and two humans who passed out while holding hands.


(Unknown Time)

(Real World)


Shouichi: U-ugh....... (Shouichi slowly regained his consciousness thanks to the piercing light from the windows)

Wakaba: Thank goodness!!! You're finally awake!!!! (Wakaba said with a relieved smile 

Shouichi: Wakaba........ Where am I? (Shouichi said as he slowly rises up trying to sit) OW! (Shouichi screamed in pain as he held the wound in his chest)

Wakaba: Don't force yourself!! You're still hurt. (Wakaba said as she helped Shouichi to laid back into his bed)

Shouichi: Yeah...... Thanks...... How long was I out? 

Wakaba: Eh?! What did you say?

Shouichi: How long was I out? Didn't you hear it?

Wakaba: You've been asleep for around a month. S-sorry...... I was not paying attention. (Wakaba said with a red face)

Shouichi: I see. A month, huh..............

Shouichi then noticed how Wakaba was acting strange and began to observe her. Wakaba looked like a prawn that was just being boiled and was twitching her fingers a lot. 

Wakaba: Hey, Shouichi........

Shouichi: W-what's wrong?

Wakaba: About what you did at the Jukai....... (Wakaba said as she began to intensifying twitching her fingers)

Shouichi: What did I do? (Shouichi asked with a question mark written all over his face)

Wakaba: I-it's....... about the ki...

Shouichi: Ki?

Wakaba: kis................

Shouichi: Kis?

Wakaba: IT'S ABOUT THE KISS!!!!!!! WHAT DID THEY MEAN????!!!!!! (Wakaba asked Shouichi with a super embarrassed face)

Shouichi: N-Now that you mention it with that kind of face......... It gets really embarrassing......... (Shouichi said as she blushes a little bit as well)

Wakaba: S-so..... What did it mean for you?

Shouichi: If I had to say that I do it because I had to do it for circular breathing then I have to be lying. That's why....... well....... I guess..... I do it because maybe I want a chance to kiss a girl..... (Shouichi said with a red face as he fidgets with his fingers)


Shouichi: OW! 


Shouichi: Well, what can you do about the libido of a middle school student?


Shouichi: OW!! 

Wakaba: DON'T SAY THINGS LIKE LIBIDO OUT LOUD!!!!!! But.......... It was a........ new experience for me....... (Wakaba said with a beet-red face like a tomato)

Shouichi: Do you...... want to do it again? 

Wakaba: E.......

Shouichi: Eh? What was that?

Wakaba: Yes...........

Shouichi: I see. Eh?! Wait wait wait wait wait!!!! Are serious?! 

Wakaba then seat on top of Shouichi's bed and leaned forwards at him. Her small warm hand then slowly wrapped around Shouichi's cheek as Wakaba looked at Shouichi's eyes directly. 

Wakaba: I-i'm going to do it......

Inner Shouichi: Huh?! Just what's going on?! Is it here?! Is my popularity phase finally here??!!! Then, I'M NOT GOING TO HOLD BACK!!!!!!! Dad, Mom, I'm finally going to become a man today.

Suddenly before they could do what you know, the door to Shouichi's room suddenly opened up. The one who opened the door were two girls with scary aura staring at both of them. 

Chikage: Shouichi, I never thought that you were that kind of person. (Chikage said while glaring at both of them)

Shouichi: C-Chikage?! 

Hinata: Ara ara~~~~~ Wakaba-chan too....... You seem to be enjoying yourself. When did you learn that kind of etiquette?

Wakaba: W-wait Hinata!!! I can explain this!!!! 

Hinata: What's there to explain, Wakaba-chan~~~~~? Doing something so obscene on this bright day. 

Wakaba: G-guh.........

Shouichi & Wakaba: W-we're sorry......... (Both of them said with an apologetic tone)


Hinata and Chikage: So, did the both of you realized what were you at fault at?

Shouichi & Wakaba: We have....... We're sorry........

The matter was quickly resolved after Hinata's lecture and Shouichi return resting back at his bed while the other three sit next to Shouichi's bed. 

Shouichi: Speaking about it, what happened after that battle?

Everyone: ..........

Shouichi: It's bad, isn't it? 

Wakaba: Yeah...... But the strengthening of the barrier has been successful. 

Shouichi: What about Tamako and Anzu? 

Hinata: Tamako-san and Anzu-san are right now still working their best in supporting the Taisha to quell down the citizens. 

Shouichi: And Yuuna?

Everyone: .........

Hinata: Her....... vital signs ceased in the midst of battle. Her body has not been found but it's impossible for her to survive. 

Everyone: ............

Shouichi: I see. Well..... whatever it is I'm going to sleep for now. You guys can disturb me when I recover. 

Chikage: Is that so? Then we'll leave you to it..... Let's go, Nogi-san and Uesato-san.

Wakaba: Eh?! But-

Hinata: Oh come on, Wakaba-chan~~~~ Shouichi-san also needs some rest. (Hinata said as she dragged Wakaba out of Shouichi's room)

(Outside of Shouichi's room)

Wakaba: Why did you stop me?! He had the right to know! 

Chikage: Yes he did 

Wakaba: Then why?! 

Chikage: If he's going to die....... I'm going to delay it as long as possible....... At the very least, I'm not going to let him go on the last remaining of his time in pain and sadness. 

Wakaba: Chikage.........


(A few weeks later)

(Marugame Castle)


After quite sometime later, Shouichi was allowed to be discharged from the hospital and after a few days, he finally returned back to Marugame Castle. On the day he returned back to the Marugame castle, the atmosphere between him and the rest of the team was really weird. Most of them avoided eye contact with Shouichi and that included Hojo as well. 

Shouichi: Alright, it's obvious that all of you is hiding something from me. 

Hojo: I see. You haven't told anything to him, right?

Chikage: That's right, Sensei. I have no intention to sacrifice someone to save this world! Not to mention if that person is him! 

Shouichi: Sacrifice? What are you talking about? 

Hojo: The ones that decide to tell him or not are all of you. I'll only follow that decision. But, there's still a time if you want to tell him or not. All of you better consider it. 

Shouichi: Just what is that person talking about? 

Everyone: .......

Shouichi: Say something already!!!!!! Good news or bad news I'm already ready to hear it........

Tamako: I'm going to tell you.

Wakaba: Tamako!!!! We already decided on it together!!!!

Tamako: Sorry, Wakaba. But, I...... I think it's wrong to hide it from him! 

Anzu: Me too. It's just too awful for him to never knew it.

Chikage: Iyojima-san....... Doi-san.......

Wakaba: All of you.......

Hinata: Wakaba-chan........ This world may be cruel...... But it's even crueler for someone to never knew the fate that they are facing! 

Wakaba: Hinata....... I see...... But, at the very least let me tell him....... 

Hinata: Yes..... Do what you must, Wakaba-chan. (Hinata said with a smile on her face)

Wakaba: The first one, the world outside the walls is no longer what you think it is.

Shouichi: What do you mean? 

Wakaba: Not long after our last battle, the Leo Vertex, the Vertex that we failed to defeat outside the wall exploded. Creating a world of flames outside the wall. 

Shouichi: Wait a minute! I'm not following what you're saying! What do you mean by a world of flames? 

Hinata: The very logic of this world has been rewritten. And that means in this world, we are all alone. We no longer have friends outside the wall. 

Shouichi: That's...... That's impossible...... (The very fact hit Shouichi without any pain but it pierced deep into Shouichi's heart) Then that means-

Wakaba: Yeah, we are the only humans left in this world.

Shouichi then took a deep breath to calm himself down. 

Shouichi: Is there anything else that you want to tell me?

Wakaba: The second and the last one is.......... There is no longer use for Agito or even the Yuusha system.

Shouichi: What are you talking about?

Wakaba: In an attempt to prevent further attacks the Taisha performed the festival of fire of offering?

Shouichi: Festival of fire offering?

Wakaba: In the mythical age of gods, the king of the land gods pleaded to the heavenly gods to spare his land and declare it a sanctuary. In exchange, he vowed not to leave his dwelling place. This myth is known as Kuni Yuzuri. The Taisha conducted this festival to emulate this legend and the land dwellers conveyed their plea to the gods. In exchange for this place to be a sanctuary, the heavenly gods only demanded one thing, the death of Agito........ Which means you........

Shouichi: .......

Wakaba: This is the reason why we couldn't tell you about this...... You've gone so far to protect this place and...... and........ Why did we have to kill you? Why are you being ostracized by those people that you've been protecting?! Why are those people demanding you to die?! 

Shouichi: Let me make sure one thing if I die, what will happen to the barrier that has been protecting us? 

Wakaba: For now, the barrier's fortification will manage to keep the Vertexes away from Shikoku. But eventually, when Shinju-sama's power is exhausted, we will be engulfed by the sea of flames and everything will come to an end. Mankind's extinction has been set into stone. There's no way for us but to wait for the future of our extinction. 

Shouichi: That's where you are wrong.

Wakaba: Eh?! 

Shouichi: The future is not something that we wait for. As long as your will doesn't give in there's no need to wait for a future where we are extinct. There's no such thing as a future that has been set in stone. The future of mankind is the same as its values. Mankind has to grasp its own future with its own hand. 

Everyone: ........

Shouichi: "Humans are different from animals. We're supposed to respect the lives of others. And yet, we have caused pointless bloodshed. Not only that, but we also devoured this world's resources. Now more than ever, Humanity must control itself and regain its dignity in order to revive the hope that was born three hundred years ago. Through the possibilities that lay within, we will demonstrate the power and compassion of humanity to the world. Humanity alone possesses God. The power to transcend the now. The inner god called 'possibility'". Those were the words the heard that I heard when I received my power. Remember these words for me....... And passed it on towards the next time I would be reborn. (Shouichi said with a smile)

Wakaba: Eh?! What do you mean?! 

Shouichi then slowly lost the strength in his legs and fell down to the ground. 

Wakaba: SHOUICHI!!!!!!! 

The five of them immediately ran towards Shouichi and tried to shake him awake. 

Chikage: Shouichi!!! 

Tamako: Shouichi!!!!! 

Hinata & Anzu: Shouichi-san!!!! 

Shouichi: *cough* *cough* *cough* I knew my body more than anyone else. Even if nobody is going to kill me, I'm going to die already. (Shouichi said as she began to cough up more blood from his mouth)

Wakaba: No....... No...... This can't be happening!!! Why did you have to die????!!!! You've been fighting for us and........ and....... To be betrayed by the things that you have to protect...... That's just...... That's just too cruel!!! 

Shouichi: What is too cruel?....... I am dying to protect the things that I want to protect...... I want nothing more than that...... 

Tamako: Don't die just yet, Shouichi!!!! You still have things that you want to do right? (Tamako said as she began to shed some tears for Shouichi) I'll do it with you so don't die just yet!!!!! 

Shouichi: Then looks like you have to do it without me...... I can barely move my legs right now.....

Chikage: Please don't die!!!!!! You've given me the right reason to fight for...... I..... I..... can't bear it anymore to see somebody close to me die...... (Chikage said as she hugged Shouichi as strong as possible)

Shouichi: Sorry....... Chikage....... You have to bear it...... For everyone....... 

Anzu: Shouichi-san....... No.........

Hinata: ...........

Shouichi: But........ I am thankful for all of you...... Once I've lost everything at Suwa and learned how terrifying it is to lose something, and yet I'm forced to live on an empty life with no meaning or name of any kind. But the ones who gave meaning to the empty me once more were the people who'd become a part of me at some point. The audacious people who just barged into my life gave me a new name. That's when I realized, that I hadn't actually lost anything. I was just cowering and running away from it all. I'll never run away anymore. Not from protecting or losing it. I don't need the title of a hero or even Agito. I am....... just a normal human who wants to protect the ones that he loved. I'm just an Ashikawa Shouichi. That's why....... Please return me to a normal human........ Wakaba....... 

Wakaba: No....... I-I can't do it...... I can't kill you......

Shouichi: Death..... is not the end....... Even if the future of mankind is still wrapped in darkness....... I will not give up........... The fate of mankind is not yet set in stone. Until humans will win this war my soul will reincarnate and fight....... however long it takes. That's why....... Please...... stab the Ikutachi through me......... 

Wakaba: Yeah....... I got it........ (Wakaba said as she drew out the Ikutachi and pointed it at Shouici) 

Just before Wakaba could stab the Ikutachi through him, Wakaba stops before the sword could reach his heart. 

Shouichi: What's wrong? This is not the time to doubt.

Wakaba: I know! I know but!!!!! (Wakaba said as she gritted her teeth and her trembling hands)

Hinata: Wakaba-chan, we're with you. (Hinata said as she held Ikutachi along with Wakaba) 

After Hinata held her hand with Wakaba's, she was also followed by Chikage, Anzu, and Tamako who also wield the Ikutachi along with Wakaba and Hinata. 

Chikage: Yeah......

Anzu: Let's give Shouichi-san what he wants.

Tamako: I....... I don't want to let Wakaba bear this burden by herself. 

Shouichi: Everyone...... Thank you........

The five of them then stabbed through Shouichi's heart which was already a fatal injury. Shouichi could feel his life slowly disappearing in his arms before he passed away with a smile in the arms of the people he had protected. 

To Be Continued

I hope you guys liked the new chapter of my story

Author Notes (A/N)

I do not own Kamen Rider Agito and Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru because they already have their respective owners

All images belong to respective owners.

I only own OCs and synopsis of the story.

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