Erens First Love

Από SabrielBlackHeart

143K 5K 4K

⭐️Top Ranking⭐️ #1 in leviXeren (#1 bottomeren)(#1 toplevi)(#16riren) (#1 Ereri) I'm completely blown away t... Περισσότερα

Family Dinner
Comander Dad Complex
Banshees and secret friends
Your Royalty
Please be the Boogiman
Thugs and sleep overs
Crap morning
Agreements lead to all weekend sleep over party
A/N Character info
Where did our little Eren go
Momma Hanjis Princess
Settling In
Erwins Dog Ravioli
Your happy makes me sad
You are always someones world
We're never riding with Levi,Hanji,and Erwin again!
Giving is the greatest gift of all.
Take this necklace back!
Its not what it looks like!
Miss understandings and Disagreements
Q and A Special!
Mommas Boy, and Aunties Boy?!
Lucky? Ducky?
Unplanned meetings
The Hearing
Our Secret World
One shot Special- Mission gone wrong
A promise
The sickening truth
No more crying
A Royal Meeting, and Infidelity
Lets start the meeting over shall we
Pain and Darkness
3 lost weeks

Conference call

4.5K 133 46
Από SabrielBlackHeart


The raven teen groaned and squeezed the bridge of his nose. He was the one to arrange this meeting with his friends but that didn't mean he was ready for Hanjis crazy ass. Said person was now bursting through the door running straight at Levi with their arms wide open and eyes shimmering with tears of happiness. Levi spun his chair quickly and delivered a swift kick to their abdomen.

" Leeviii why! You absue me so much I just want your loooooove!" The burunett wailed rolling on the ground at Levi's feet clutching their stomach. Erwin quietly stepped into the room, shutting and locking the door. He stepped over Hanji and walked up to Levi giving him a quick hug.

" Good evening Levi" the blond said with a smile then looked down at Hanji still rolling around on the ground. He rolled his eyes and kicked them in the ass.

" Get the hell up Hanji we all know you have a bullet proof vest on 98% of the time. Levi didn't hurt you your just wanting to cause a ruckus"

Levi smirked at them on the floor and then sat down waiting for the other two to do the same. He had already poured himself some bourbon on the rocks. He motioned for the other two to help themselves. After they got their drink of choice they sat down facing Levi.

" I asked to speak with you tonight reguarding a certain green eyed brunett teen." there was no doubting that Levi meant business currently. He might not be the head of the family now but he did have his own squad he was over and he ruled with an iron fist. He noticed both of his friends, well not his friends right now, Currently they were his captain and section commander. Stiffen and glance at each other before taking a drink.

" I'm not a patient man" Levi said his words still calm. " We have thirty minutes to discuss this before  we have a conference call." Erwin nodded, sat his glass down pulled out a cigarette and lit it.

" Eren is different, I've never seen someone like him" the blond said taking a drag. Levi nodded indicating for him to continue.

" I mean he's Eren Yeager little brother to Zeke Yeager. You'd think he'd be more..... like us, but he's not. It's almost like he doesn't even know anything just living in his own little bubble." Erwin was cut off by Hanji.

" Well his own little bubble of misery and trama. He tries so hard to go unnoticed but it doesn't happen. He gets beat up, laughed at, and threats daily. I've tried getting proof, getting him to tell me but he just won't. Erwin and I started watching over him more a year or so ago. We've done what we can but we're not always able to catch them" they finished their face had taken on a very dark look.

" And why did you decide yourselves to provide protection without informing someone" Levi asked siping his drink.

" Hanji adopted him as their child" Erwin stated bluntly.

" Damn you Erwin! Look Levi he's no threat and he's a really cute kid. I just want to squeeze him. He won't ask for help from anyone or his brother he needs me! It's not like The scouts are on bad terms with Zeke!" Hanji was close to hysterical. They were pulling on their hair and flailing about.

" Calm yourself after this conference call I'll decide if this will continue or not. I am disappointed I was never informed"

" Oh your just mad we've had more contact with that cutie than you have" Hanji screamed pointing their finger at Levi. Levi glared back at  them and flicked his cigarette butt at them. It got caught in their shirt and they were now running around screaming about being permanently scared. Erwin narrowed his eyes at Levi.

" Was it necessary Lev? Now they aren't gonna shut up for hours"

Levi flipped his friend off then sat back in his chair. The little teen was defiantly different he was innocent, almost too innocent. Levi had definitely taken a liking to the boy. He was like a breath of fresh air, Levi hadn't ever been around someone who just felt so pure. He was brought out of his thoughts by his phone ringing. He looked at Erwin and Hanji and motioned for them to be quiet and sit down. Levi connected his phone to the speaker in the middle of the table and hit the green button.

" Ackerman speaking state your name and business" the raven said coldly. It was quiet for a second before a soft voice answered.

" Armin Alert and you asked for this conference call Mr.Ackerman" the blond man stated.

" Yes Mr. Alert I wanted to speak with you about Eren Yeager. Just to understand the situation a little better. Especially after to........"

" Dont mess with him Mr. Arckerman" the blond said with a hint of sharpness in his voice.

Levi, Erwin, and Hanji all looked at one another in surprise. Armin had never spoke out of turn to one of the families let alone the Ackermans. Levi narrowed his eyes at the phone.

" Is that a threat Alert" the raven growled out.

" Never sir, I am neutral I make no threats or take sides. I'm here to ensure there is a safe place for civilians and children. I'm Also to ensure there are no unnecessary conflicts or troubles among the families..... what I'm trying to say is don't mess with Eren Mr.Ackerman. You might not have ill intentions sir but his brother will not see it that way. When it comes to Eren, Zeke goes to the extreme, he's worked very hard to keep his brother happily ignorant to business and the head families. If he feels you are trying to compromise Eren having a happy normal life he will personally handle the situation. Even if he is friends with Kenny. I respect you a lot Mr.Ackerman I just don't want something to happen to you or Eren." Armin said with a hint of sadness in his voice.

Levi was absolutely stunned, Eren really had no clue about anything. He glanced to the two others and they were as stunned as him. Eren being ignorant to the situations around him was dangerous, what if someone took an interest in him. No wonder he had such a problem at school and thought it was normal bullying. He didn't realize a lot of those kids came from other families that didn't like the fact that his brother was associated with the Scouting Legion. Levi took out a cigarette and lit it. Thinking of his next words carefully.

" I understand now Mr.Arlet with this new information you have given me. Though I do have to be honest I'm worried for the boys safety. Are you aware of how he is treated at school by his so called bullies. He's not being protected and I don't believe it would be in my best interest to let him continue to be put in these situations. Ignorance is not bliss in his case it is deadly. He needs to know so he can protect himself." Erwin glared at Levi, Hanji was obviously lost in their own head dealing with this information.

" Mr.Ackerman can we speak off the record please? Just the four of us?" Armin asked no emotion in his voice.

" Yes that's fine" He said taking another drag and reclining back getting comfortable.

" Levi between you, I, Erwin, and Hanji I agree with you. Eren not knowing is dangerous, I've done what I can at school to help, and whatever I see or hear about I report to Zeke to handle. But Erens gotten really good at hiding it and the others there have gotten good at attacking him when Myself or his other protectors aren't  around. Levi, Eren hasn't smiled the way he did today in years. I can't even remember the last time he had that spark in his eyes." Levi could hear him take a drink and swallow before he started talking again.

" I want you to be friends with Eren he needs a friend he really does. He's always alone at his house never goes out unless I or Mikasa make him leave the house. But Zeke is going to be a problem, and probably Mikasa she's just as protective over him."

" Damn cousin of mine she's always been a pain in the ass. I understand Armin as does Hanji and Erwin, but we can't keep letting him be defenseless." The three friends were exchanging calculating looks.

" Armin he needs to know what life he really lives. He's eighteen, and knowing he's always alone at home worries me even more. I'm surprised someone hasn't shown up there to attack him." Erwin ground out through his teeth. He was irritated with his boyfriend, extremely irritated. He had kept this information hidden from him.

" Erwin I know your mad and we can talk about it later, but we can not just walk up to Eren and tell him everything. We need to come up with a process, if we don't we could do some damage and not just to his mental state. When Zeke got word, the streets would be turned into a battle ground." Armin said calmly. The room went quiet for awhile.

" Ok! We won't just throw everything on him. But what if Levi slowly introduces him to everything and tells him?" Hanji said excitedly. They were bouncing in their chair.

" Hold up shitty glasses! Don't be volunteering me for stupid shit" Levi yelled back at them.

" Oh shut up Lev! You couldn't take your eyes off the boy all day. You obviously have a crush. This way he has a friend, someone to protect him, and you get to make your moves. During that time Armin can work on buttering Zeke up to the idea of telling Eren everything he needs to know." Their eyes had that mad look in them, like they were getting ready to experiment on a new test subject.

" Shitty Glass......"

" I think that's a good idea" Erwin said leaning back looking at Levi with a smirk.

" Don't encourage stupidity Shitty brows! Armin control your man!" Only thing Levi got was silence.

" Actually I think that's a good idea Levi. He would be safer and there's enough time for me to work on everything. Zeke is going to be gone for a few weeks if not longer and Erens parents are always gone. But making a move I don't know about. Eren has never been with anyone before. But it would be really good for him to have a friend." Levi could hear the humor in Armins voice. He threw this arms up and flopped back in the chair.

" Fine I planned on sticking close to him anyway. Let's add a little fun to it. But shit goes to hell its on your heads." Levi pouted. Erwin and Hanji were both smirking.

" Well now that that's settled any other business?!" Hanji sung while spinning in her chair.

" No there isn't Thank you Mr. Alert for your time. I'll be in contact." Everything was back to business.

" It was a pleasure Mr.Ackerman goodbye" the line went dead.

" Ok you two I have no other business. We'll follow through with everything starting tomorrow. One thing though, I want to keep this quiet for a little bit from Kenny. I don't need him telling Zeke and making Armins life hard. Understood?" Both individuals nodded.

" Good, you all are dismissed" Levi said as he and the others stood up making their way to the door. Hanji walked out with Erwin behind them, but Levi stoped him. Erwin looked to him questioningly.

" Go easy on him Erwin don't be to hurt or mad. You have to remember he is a neutral. It's his job to keep certain things quiet to keep the peace." Erwin sighed and nodded.

" I know but he still knew Hanji and I were worried about the boy."

" I know but just remember don't go over board" with that Levi left the room and made his way to his living area on the third floor.

So I had to make myself stop writing but there was a lot more I was going to put but I decided I'll go ahead and start the next chapter so I wouldn't over whelm you all. Please enjoy and if you want to show your support and love for the story please comment and vote. I appreciate all of you I really do thank you for your support. Please remember I'm taking commissions for one shot request for AoT. Let me know if your interested.

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