Feels Like Home


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Working her ass off everyday and no time for anything else, Andy wasn't your average girl living on her own... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66

Chapter 47

17 3 0

"So has she said anything yet?"

Blaine shakes his head at his best friend Angelo.

"Not a thing. She was surprised at everything your guys got her."

"Wait 'til she sees what we got her tomorrow."

Angelo rubs his hands together just thinking of the things they all had planned.

"Any reason why she hasn't said it was her birthday?"

Blaine shrugs at Miguel.

"I don't know, but either way she loved her gifts."

The guys were all sitting around with Maddy when Andy finally emerged from the room and Blaine was the first to notice her. His heart going straight for his throat. Whistles rang out from the guys making Andy blush.

"Stop, I look way over the top."

Blaine smiles at her and goes up to her.

"You look hot, damn girl."

"Oh god stop."

Vladimir laughs and gets up, going up to her and giving her a hug.

"You wearing it?"




Blaine yanks him away, making everyone laugh, but like always Andy is clueless as to how infatuated Blaine was with her.

Andy just laughs and says hi to everyone then looks down at her daughter who has a new outfit of her own.

"Well look at you!"

Mady laughs as she walks over to her.

"Wait until Daddy sees you!"

"We thought she needed something too."

She smiles up at all of them.

"Thanks guys, you have no idea how much this means to me. No one has ever been this nice, especially to me."

Andy felt the lump in her throat, but pushes it back down.

"Thanks guys."

"We wouldn't do it for anyone else."

Just then the elevator rang with one of Blaine's men coming to announce that the car was ready.

"How about you all go with me?"

"Come on go, you'll be fine I promise."

"But you don't understand its Austin and Victor."

"Again, this is so he takes Mady so come on."

Andy picks up Mady, but Angelo takes her and hands her over to the guard who is happy to take her.

"We'll be waiting."


She picks up her purse and kisses each of them, leaving Blaine for last.

"Wish me luck because I already know where this is headed."

"Don't worry, now go."

With a slap to her ass and a kiss to the cheek Blaine sends her off.

Austin couldn't stop looking at his watch as the minutes got closer and closer to seeing Andy again. Unfortunately for him Shiloh made it to New York with her father and so now they were all going to dinner, something Shiloh insisted she go to as well. There was no way she would allow her husband to see his ex, especially when she's been seeing her all over the media because of her return.

When Shiloh found out about the dinner she and Austin had their first major fight, ending in him putting his foot down and having the dinner with Andy but Shiloh was going and so was her father.

Victor was arriving at the apartment at the same time Andy had pulled up and quickly helped her with Mady.

"Wow, you look amazing."

"Thanks, I'm going out after the dinner."

"Right of course."

"How are you?"

Victor smiles at her.

"Good, you know working and all."

"Any good movies?"



"Well let's go up shall we?"


She looks back at her driver slash guard to let him know she was going up before stepping into the building. Shiloh was still getting ready when Andy and Victor made it to the room where Austin was anxiously waiting. When he opens the door he was taken back by Andy's appearance.


"Hey, look who I found."

Andy points to Victor who says hello. At the same time Shiloh comes out then to see Andy and they look at each other. Andy noticing Shiloh's growing belly and it makes her heart drop to her stomach but she ignored it and turns, grabbing Mady.

"Look Daddy!"

Austin held out his hands to her daughter and like a typical daddy's girl she was excited jumping right into his arms.

"Well you look like a princess."

"The guys bought it for her, I think it's too flashy, but she likes it."

"The guys?"

"Yeah, remember I told you?"

"So they're all staying with you?"

"No I'm staying with them at Blaine's apartment. You won't believe what he did to one of the rooms, he built Mady a princess room with a Cinderella carriage crib and all. It's just amazing."

"A little elaborate don't you think?"

"He likes Mady and I didn't tell him to do it."

"Are you sure you're not dating?"

"No we're not, I told you already."

"What if she was?"

Of course Shiloh couldn't stand there and say nothing, but Andy just rolls her eyes and smirks.

"Where's Holly?"

"Next door, let's go now before we're late."


They drop off Mady with Holly who was very happy to see Andy and emotional.

"We'll talk later alright?"

With that they leave and Victor offers her his arm. Andy not trying to be rude takes it and they head to the restaurant. Once there they're seated in a private area and handed menus. Andy sees the look Shiloh gives Austin about the private of the table and all Andy could do was give Austin a hard time behind the menu which he catches on.

Austin felt like a teenager again the way they were acting. After ordering their drinks and food, Victor starts the conversation.

"So how does it feel to come back, have Mady back?"

"Good, really good actually. I've been working with my dad, everyone is crazy about Mady and for the first time in my life I feel okay."

"That's good. I heard the recording company is still going ahead with the record?"

"Yeah I've spoken to them a couple of times, but nothing's been definite as of now."

"You didn't tell me this."

Andy looks over at Austin from across the table with a smile.

"Well I didn't want to jinx it and I don't know what I'm going to as of yet so when I do I promise to tell you, alright?"


They share a smile as Andy shakes her head. Their food arrives and with that a note. And looks up at the waiter who smiles and points behind her.


With a quick tug down she looks down at the note.

"Can't wait until I get to put my arms around you."

Andy puts the note under her plate pretending to adjust her plate and casually looks around, but doesn't see a lot of people as they're privately secluded.

"Everything alright Andy?"

Andy looks at Shiloh who gives her a smile.

"Just noticing the place, I don't think I've ever been here before."

"Well it's not really a place many people can afford."


"Sorry dad I was just stating the fact."

"Well I can actually afford it, always have, but I'm not those kind of people that like to flaunt money around and use it for pointless things."

"So what you're wearing is what?"

"They were gifts, I didn't ask for them."

"Five men giving you gifts you must be..."

"Shiloh that's enough!"

Austin came to her defense, but Andy stops him by taking his hand across the table.

"It's alright I know what it looks like and she's right, but if five men decide to give me nice things because I never wear them nor own anything remotely this nice doesn't mean I'm sleeping with them. You might not know this but all those men are sons of my father's friends and it just turns out that we just happen to really mesh together and we've become really good friends. They genuinely care what happens to me and Mady which I've never had before. Someone caring for you so much that they go out of their way to help is more important to me than what they give me then if I'm sleeping with them, which I'm not. We're a rare group of friends that just so happens I'm the only girl in if you don't count Mady."

"And you trust them with Mady?"

"Of course they've never given me a reason not to, but that doesn't mean I won't hesitate to beat the shit out of someone if I ever see or hear something. I'm known to shoot quite well lately so I know they know that I will never hesitate."

"Happy now?"

Shiloh looks at Austin and Andy smiles taking her fork and digging into her first course.

It turns out she would get a note every time the waiter came by.

"You look so beautiful."

"Itching to run my fingers into your hair."

"I could get lost in your eyes."

"Your laugh is music to my ears."

Making Andy more curious as to who it was. Then at dessert she was brought out her dessert with a candle with the staff singing to her. Austin smiles at her and winks, pulling out a small box out of his pocket, handing it to her.

"Happy birthday."

Andy takes the box and opens it to finds another note and in the same writing.

"To carry with you, remind you of all good times and to never forget that I love you."

Her heart went to her throat and it that box was her engagement and wedding band made into a beautiful necklace.

"It's been two years and I thought that for your twenty fifth birthday you should have something special."

Andy looks at him then back at the necklace. The diamond of her engagement was the center with the remaining diamonds around it. The wedding band she was given was the piece that connected the chain to the pendent.

"Turn it around."

Andy did and the minute she saw it, she looks up at him. In the back of the pendent was their wedding date, the one that would be a reminder to her of the happiest day of her life.

"It's beautiful, thank you."

They share a smile until Victor places his own present on the table. Andy laughs, looking at him.

"You're kidding?!"

Victor shakes his head.

"Of course not and it's the first bottle off the line."

"Can we open it?"

"Of course."

Victor called the waiter and pour everyone some except Shiloh and they cheered for her birthday.

Andy took a sip and loved it.

"It's sweet, tangy and do I taste rose water?"

"Your favorite fruits and a bit of how you smell all rolled into one. I knew you would like it."

"I love it, you have to let me buy some of this."

"Of course not, you can have as much as you want."

"You remembered."

"Of course, how could I ever forget? Round belly, glowing face and those eyes that could bring a man to his knees."

Andy saw it in his eyes, the love he had for her, but she couldn't love him the same way even if she tried.

"Thank you."

"You're very welcomed."

Shiloh never says anything as she looks at both her husband and her father infatuated with the woman in front of them. The only thing that kept her in her seat was the fact that she was pregnant and the ring on her finger. Andy might have their attention now, but she had them permanently.

Austin doesn't like them looking at each other that way so he takes the next present out.

"This is from your brother and says not to open it until midnight of your birthday."

Andy smiles, taking it and remembering he use to wake her up right at midnight to be the first to give her, her first gift.

"Now this is one I've been dreading to give you."

She looks up and sees an envelope.

"From whom?"


Andy sighs and takes it, placing it against her heart. When she heard the news her heart broke for him, for Austin because I know his grandfather was like a father to him.

When Austin saw her tear up he didn't hesitate to get up and kneel before her.


"I just think about everything he did for me and Mady. Even if he was a hard man, he had a heart of gold and I just..."

"Wish you said goodbye?"

Andy nodded, looking at him.

"So many things I wish I could thank him for and I feel like I should have been there."

"We all knew you couldn't and he understood that, it's why he left you this. He wanted you to have it specifically on your birthday."

That made her love him even more.

"He was like a father to me."

"I know and if you're not ready leave it for tomorrow when you're alone. Take a moment and say everything you wish to say to him, but he wanted you to have something."

"Can we open it together?"

Austin smiles at her and wipes her tears.

"Of course, whatever you'd like."

"I do."

"Okay, now come on no more tears."

Andy laughs and wipes her face.

"Okay no more crying."


After the wine is all gone and dessert is over, Austin stands up and kneels before Andy.

"Let's put the necklace on."

Andy agrees and allows him to put it around her neck. This was the first Shiloh sees the necklace and looks at it as Andy looks down at it herself.

"I can't believe it's been two years."

"Time flies doesn't it?"

Andy looks up at him.

"It sure does."

Shiloh had seen enough.

"Okay, I think we should go. I'm sure Andy has somewhere to be."

Andy remembers then, looking away from Austin.

"She's right, I do."

With that she stands up and grabs the empty wine bottle as a reminder and they head out. When they step out the first thing she sees is a white stretch limo with five very well dressed men in dark suits, but the one that stands out the most if the man in the middle with white roses.

"What the..."

Andy laughs and walks up to him.

"What are you doing here?"

"Came to pick you up, the jet's waiting."


"Andy everything alright?"

Andy turns and smiles.

"Yeah, I have to go. Thank you for dinner and everything else, you two are the best."

She runs to Austin and hugs him, giving him a kiss on the cheek then the same to Victor.

"We'll talk."

She ignores Shiloh and runs back to Blaine who is not the only one waiting. He takes her hand and helps her into the limo, then looks back at Austin with a smirk.

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