Feels Like Home


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Working her ass off everyday and no time for anything else, Andy wasn't your average girl living on her own... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66

Chapter 39

16 3 0

Austin was looking at his daughter as she slept after hours of crying. It had broken his heart to see his daughter look for her mother. Eventually Holly had the bright idea of putting on Andy's recording of her lullaby to their daughter. With a warm bath, a bottle and skin to skin time with her, she finally fell asleep against him.

"Austin, come have dinner."

Austin shook his head as he continued to look at his daughter.

"I'm not hungry, thank you."

Shiloh went up to him and knelt down in front of him.

"The FBI and the police is all over it, they'll bring her back, I promise."

"You don't know Carlos. If I know anything about him is that he'll do everything and anything it takes to keep her and if that means killing her then he won't hesitate to do it."

"Did he really beat her that bad?"

Austin looked at her then as he remembered what Andy looked like when he saw her that day.

"He killed their child as he beat her with a baseball bat. He raped her as he choked her until she passed out and when she woke up, he repeated it again. It's was a miracle she was even able to walk straight, but it came with its consequences. They told her she couldn't have kids, but she had one anyway despite what they told her and she did it, even when I told her I didn't want her, she still had her."

Shiloh nodded.

"All she wanted was to be a mother and give all her love she couldn't give to you, to your daughter because at least she had a piece of you."

Austin covered his face then, breaking down and all Shiloh could do was wrap her arms around him and held him.

Andy didn't know when she fell asleep, but she knew she was no longer on the plane, but in bed that was bigger than anything she's ever been in before. Looking around she noticed the large bay windows, dark walls and the furniture to match it. Sitting up, she looked down at herself to see that she had no clothes on at all. She then began to panic and look around trying to remember what happened and how she had gotten there.


She wrapped herself in a sheet and opened all doors, finding a his and hers closet, fully stocked, another door to an en-suite and another to an office which she found Carlos in, talking on the phone.

"I'll call you back my wife just woke up."

For some reason Andy looked down at her left hand to find her wedding set back on.

"Good morning baby."

Carlos went up to her and smiled down at her, taking her hand and giving it a kiss.

"Still fits perfectly."

"How did I get here and where are we?"

Carlos just smiled at her, taking a hold of her sheet and making her let go of it.

"How about a good morning kiss first?"

Andy just looked at him and when she didn't move, he grabbed her neck and yanked her head towards him.

"When I ask for a good morning kiss I expect one, do you understand me?"


"Yes what?!"

"Sir... yes Sir."

She then kissed him, knowing that this was just the beginning.

"Carlos I can't breathe."

He was choking her as he pounded into her, causing more pain than pleasure. Andy could feel herself loosing consciousness, she knew she had to do something or she would pass out. Taking the little strength she had, she flipped him over and rode him as fast as she could until he lost it.

"Oh Fuck."

Andy looked down at him as she caught her breath and thanked god she could breathe again. Carlos looked up at her and laughed, flipping her back around and kissed her.

"That was fucken hot baby."

She swallowed the disgust down and forced a smile on her lips.

"I'm glad you liked it."

"Oh I more than like it, I loved it. You should do that more often and maybe we'll get pregnant faster."

Andy's heart stopped.


"You heard me, we're going to have a baby and when we do I know you'll never leave me because if you do, I'll kill you."

He gave her a kiss then and got off of her, pulling her up.

"Run a bath while I'll have breakfast brought up for you."

He pushed her towards the en-suite and grabbed the phone.

Andy lost track of time as she was locked up in a single room for days at a time. The only time she would see Carlos was when he was coming in to take her temperature, her ovulation and to screw her until he was too tired to keep going.

Carlos was even controlling her diet and exercise routine. He was doing everything he could in his power for them to get pregnant and Andy would pray every night she wouldn't.

Then the day came that Andy couldn't keep anything down and it was her worst nightmare when Carlos gave her that pregnancy test.

"Let's go."

Andy took the box out of his hands and went into the restroom. She stared at the box for what seemed forever before she opened it and came out to Carlos waiting for her.


She handed the test to him.

"I'm pregnant."

She didn't know those three words would be the beginning to a very painful time along his side.

"It's time to go."

Austin looked around one more time and picked up his daughter in her car seat.

"I'll meet you in Texas as soon as I can, okay?"

Austin nodded as Shiloh gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Have a good flight."



He grabbed his own things and walked away into the awaiting plane. He was going home after six months of non-stop interviews, investigations and flyers around the city, yet no one knew where she was. There were even theories of her leaving because she couldn't take the pressure of it all or that she found someone richer to take care of her. At one point he even began to think the same, but then he would look at his daughter and he couldn't believe she would ever leave her.

As the time went by though, even Austin was giving up. No clues were ever found, she was nowhere to be found.

What surprised him the most was that Carlos was found in New York and questioned, but denied ever seeing her. He had told investigators that his phone call was just to scare him, but that he never had her. Carlos was let go and he went right back to his life without another thought.

It angered him that no one knew where she was and that even Victor was giving up on her and he said he loved her, would do anything for her.

Coming home was bitter sweet. On one hand he had his daughter, everything was going great with the farm and the company landed another contract, but his mind would always go back to Andy. Their daughter was looking more and more like her every day, surprisingly her first word was mama. Austin cried, knowing that Andy would have been happy to see hear it. It was then that he decided to make videos of everything and post them online so wherever she was, she would see, that is if she was still alive.

"Oh stop messing around and get down stairs. I want my breakfast."

Andy couldn't even talk as she tried to focus on breathing. Her stomach felt like it was on fire and she knew she needed to get to a hospital, but Carlos refused it.

"Andy you're only trying to get out of here and it's not going to work, so stop it."

She shook her head.

"I'm not lying, something is wrong!"

Carlos still refused it and left her in her room to deal with the pain.

Several minutes later, when she hadn't come down, Carlos no longer heard her and went to check on her only to find her in their tub.

"What are you doing?!"

Andy didn't say anything, she had just gone through a miscarriage, a very painful one and she just didn't have words for it.

"Answer me!"

He stepped over to grab her when he stopped dead in his tracks. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. It looked like a scene from a horror movie, there was blood everywhere and Andy was at the end of it.


Andy was too exhausted to answer him and all she really wanted to do was fall asleep.

"Andy no, stay awake baby, stay awake!"

She tried, but the exhaustion took over and when she woke up next she was back in her room. She had hoped for the hospital, but there was no way Carlos would risk anyone finding her.

Carlos had called in a trusted doctor, got her fixed without a word then he cleaned her up himself and gotten rid of any evidence before forgetting what had happened and heading to work.

Andy woke up to a dark room, but couldn't see if Carlos was with her or not. Taking it easy, she got up just as the light went on. Andy covered her eyes, but when they adjusted she looked up to see Cindy at the door.

"How are you feeling?"

Andy shook her head and tried to get up, but she was still in a lot of pain.

"Need help?"


"Carlos won't be back for a while. There was an emergency with his grandfather."

Andy gasped.

"What happened, is he alright?"

"Carlos wouldn't say, he just told me to stay here and watch you."

She managed to get up, but couldn't really stand straight. Taking deep breaths she took a couple of steps before the pain got to be too much.

"Maybe you shouldn't be up."

"And what do you supposed I do, pee myself? Unless you're willing to clean it up or help me, please just leave."

Cindy looked at her for a second before going up to her and helping her to the restroom.

"I'll get you some new clothes."

Leaving her there, Andy cried from the pain. The pain was becoming too much for her and she knew she had to see a doctor or she would just get worse, but Carlos would never allow it.

Cindy went back in to find Andy hunched over the floor, crying.

"I can't call a doctor, he will get mad if I do, but what can I do?"

Andy shook her head.

"Nothing, I'm sure he doesn't keep any medication here."

"He does, I'll be right back."

Cindy ran out and grabbed a box and came back in, sitting it down in front of Andy.

"You know more than I do, take what you need. I'm going to get your dinner, I'll be right back."

Andy opened the box and quickly looked through it until she found the strongest stuff he had and popped two pills into her mouth.

Thankfully the pills didn't take too long before it hit her system and she was happy for that. Taking a quick shower and changing into the new clothes she went back to bed, falling back to sleep with the hidden pill bottle under her pillow.

"I'm sorry Austin."

Austin shook what seemed to be the thousandth hand from everyone his grandfather knew and was exhausted by the end of the funeral.

"Want me to run you a bath?"

Shaking his head, Austin took off his uniform and went to his daughter, sitting on the floor.

"You were right about Carlos."

"Which part?"

"All of it. How can he be so smug about everything? It's his father and all he can think about was what he would get out of it and letting everyone know who he was."

"It doesn't change anything; Carlos will never be able to claim royalty here and he named me sole heir of his fortune. I now control Carlos's earnings."

"He got nothing?"

"Just a house, somewhere in New England in the middle of nowhere."

Shiloh frowned.

"As in here or back in the states?"

"The states. He wanted her as far as possible from anyone finding out, so he shipped Carlos's mother out where he still traveled, yet no one would know."

"How long has he had that house for?"

"He gave it to Carlos's mother when she found out she was pregnant, why?"

"Perfect hiding place."

"Pretty much."

"Does his mother still live there?"

"No, she passed away a couple of years ago when he was locked up."

"He was locked up prior?"

"Yeah, didn't Andy tell you that?"

"She just told me how he would treat her, how possessive he was."

"He killed her parents and another man when she was nineteen. He claims he saved her, but no one knows the truth. He was in for four years before this last time."

"How did he just get four years?"

"Lawyers, they appealed and eventually somehow they ruled it was self-defense."

"Then he found Andy?"

Austin nodded.

"Out of all the woman, we fell in love with the same one."

"But you won her heart each and every time. Andy always said amazing things about you, even when she found out you were already married. I never understood why, but now I do."

Austin's heart sank and he didn't want to think about it anymore, so he got up and used his daughter to make him smile.

"I have to go to the parliament for a couple of hours; I'll see both of you for dinner, alright?"

Shiloh nodded and took Mady into her arms, looking down at her and seeing Andy shinning right through her. She sent god another prayer for them to be able to find her or know what happened to her.

Shiloh knew filling a spot that didn't belong to her was going to be tough, especially when there was a child involved, but she had gotten used to being there and not really thinking about herself.

Her father on the other hand had lost all hope and focused himself more into work than ever. It was sad to see that her own father had given up when he had claimed to love her so much.

Austin didn't want to say anything to anyone until he was sure, so he made the excuse that he was going to the parliament and instead went to call his friend.


"Floyd its Austin."

"Hey man! How are yah?!"

"I need your help, can you meet me somewhere?"

"Yeah, of course."

Austin gave him the address of a small pub he knew and made his way over.

Trying not to look too conspicuous, Austin went dressed as a normal person on the street and waited for his friend.

"Hey man!"

Austin smiled at him and got up, hugging him.

"Hey, come on sit."

"Thanks, so what's up?"

"You still doing detective work?"

"Ah you know I can't..."

"You know what it doesn't matter. What I need is for you to find someone for me."


Austin took out Andy's picture and handed it to him.

"She disappeared about three months ago and we had the local police, detective and even the FBI look for her, but no seems to really care or they've just given up, so I need your help."

"From where?"

"California, we think she was kidnapped by someone because she wouldn't leave us like this, especially her daughter, our daughter."

Floyd looked up at him.

"She's your girlfriend, wife?"

"It's complicated. I did somethings that I'm not proud of, but it doesn't matter, can you do it or not?"

"Of course I can, but I'm going to need more information than that."

So Austin told him everything he needed to know, including who Shiloh and Victor were.

"But you think Carlos has her?"

"Yeah, he's the only one who would do something like this."

"But you say she married him before, what makes you think she's not just run away?"

"Because... Andy wouldn't leave our daughter like this. After what Carlos did to her, we thought that she couldn't have kids, Mady is our miracle and being a mother is all Andy ever wanted to be, it's why she became a neonatal nurse."

"Alright, let me see what I can find. In the meantime, keep your phone close to you and wait for my call."

"Thanks man, I owe you."

"Oh you will."

"Whatever it takes man just as long as she come home."

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