Daughter of Time

By Ding_Dong_Resistance

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One day Celebi returned to the forest she call home, only to find a dead baby at the foot of her shrine. Taki... More

Chapter 1: The Paradox
Chapter 2: Life in the Forest
Chapter 3: The Call of Destiny
Chapter 4: Rescue at Goldenrod City
Chapter 5: Reunited
Chapter 6: Forest 37
Chapter 7: The Sorrowful Life of Maple the Vulpix
Chapter 8: I Kissed a Girl and I Liked It
Chapter 9: Dimensional Scream
Chapter 10: The First Badge
Chapter 11: The Mysterious Ice Princess
Chapter 12: Trouble in Paradise
Chapter 13: Shipwrecked
Chapter 14: Morality of Two Worlds
Chapter 15: The Fire Blast
Chapter 16: Poketopia
Chapter 17: Elliot VS. Luna May the Strongest Win!
Chapter 19: The Lady of Hopes and Dreams
Chapter 20: How to Date Your Pokemon

Chapter 18: Paradox VS. Wigglytuff's Guild

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By Ding_Dong_Resistance

Wigglytuff was the first to choose his Pokemon. ''Bidoof I choose you!'' Paradox questioned why a Bidoof was on what was apparently a legendary team. But maybe she shouldn't judge on appearance... But in the end she decided to use her weakest Pokemon on her team. It was risky at a tournament like this but he was the only one that had a type advantage and beside she would rather keep her strongest for the more threathening looking Pokemon.

''Luke I choose you!'' Paradox yelled, the baby Pokemon seemed surprise at first but then he developed a smile.

''I'll make you proud mommy!'' As soon as he said those words Paradox had to cover her ears as the Sunflora began to squealed loudly.

''Eeeeee! Oh my gosh It's so cute! Try to not hurt it too bad Bidoof!'' The rest of Wigglytuff's team sweatdropped as they stared at the loud flower. That is except Wigglytuff who was still staring ahead with his blank smile. Once again Paradox questioned if Wigglytuff would really be able to command his Pokemon. It was as if he was arleady lost in his own world and the match had just started.

Shaking her head she decided to go to the offensive. If the enemy team wasn't ready well too bad for them she couldn't afford to lose here. ''Luke use Quick Attack!''

''Bidoof you know what to do.'' Wigglytuff said calmly with his usual smile. The Bidoof body was coated in a red light for a few seconds and when the Riolu colided with him he barely flinched.

''Luke try to attack him again!'' Paradox cried but instead of doing another Quick Attack this time Luke's palm began to glow with a strange blue energy and with it he punched the Bidoof with everything he had. The normal type was sent flying and crashed on the ground. But once he regained his footing he still loked more than ready to fight. ''Luke, I don't know what you did but try that again!''

But before the Riolu could reach the Bidoof he was once again engulfed in a red light and this time when he took the hit he barely moved. Paradox eyes widened when she realised what he was doing. Bidoof was trying to boost his defense to the maximum. Even with the type advantage Luke would have a difficulty beating an enemy with so much defense.

''Luke try to finish this as fast as you can before his defense max out!'' Paradox yelled. The Riolu nodded with a determined glare.

''Sorry mister Bidoof but we need to win this!'' The aura in his hand become stronger and he began to punch the Bidoof over and over again but the Bidoof didn't seem to move. The riolu stopped after a while trying to catch his breath but then the Bidoof was engulfed in a red light again and Paradox realised it was too late, Bidoof was now an indestructible wall.

Sighing in defeat Paradox realised what she had to do. ''Luke return!'' The Riolu seemed dissapointed at the command but he started to run toward his trainer nonetheless. But unfortunately Wigglytuff had other plans.

''Sorry happy friend, but I can't let you do that. Bidoof it's time to go to the offensive! Use Rollout!'' The normal type sent a rolling boulder toward the young Pokemon, Luke cried out in pain as the rock exploded on him on impact.

But the Bidoof wasn't done as soon as the attack had hit he had sent another giant rock heading straight to the small canine. ''Luke dodge quick!'' Paradox yelled.

The Riolu quickly lifted himself from the ground and jumped away just in time. But again the Bidoof sent another boulder and again Luke dodged it. It continued like this for a while until the poor Riolu was too tired and began to slow down in his movements and finally one of the rolling rocks hit him and it was much more powerful than the first one.

He was sent crashing on the ground and without mercy the Bidoof sent another another Rollout. The Riolu couldn't get up in time before the boulder hit him again. ''Luke! No!'' Paradox yelled in in a panic she was a few seconds away from forfeiting the round. But the Riolu growled and tried to lift himself once again.

But much too soon another rock was heading toward him. Roaring in anger Luke's aura flare up and everyone could see a blue energy surrounding his entire body. Luke smashed the boulder to pieces hatred evident in his eyes and before anyone could understand what was happening he was engulfed in a white light and his body started to change and grow.

''Incredible we're witnessing another evolution today! Could this tournament have even more surprise in store?!'' The announcer yelled and the crowd cheered at the new development.

Once the transformation was done a Lucario stood in Luke's place and he roared into the sky as his aura flared up even more than before. Glaring at the Bidoof with anger, the Lucario began to form a gigantic orb in the palm of his hand and shot it toward the normal type.

''Bidoof! No!'' Sunflora yelled in alarm, but it was too late. The Aura Sphere hit Bidoof with a huge explosion and when the smoke cleared he was laying on the ground with swirling eyes.

''Bidoof is unable to battle! The first round goes to team Paradox!'' The announcer yelled. The crowd clapped enthusiastically. At the same time Chansey ran toward Bidoof and began to drag him to the stadium's Pokemon Center.

Paradox looked toward the panting Lucario with a frown. ''Luke come take a break, I'll use another Pokemon for the next round.'' At this he shook his head and glared toward Wigglytuff's team.

''No, I never felt mote powerful in my life, I have to fight right now.'' He said with a determined glint in his eyes. Paradox sighed in defeat.

''Fine but try to control your anger it won't always work in your favor.'' The Lucario huffed at that but didn't responded. Paradox was a little worried she had heard that some Pokemon changed of personality when they evolved, was that the case with Luke? She hoped he wouldn't always be angry like this.

Wigglytuff rubbed his chin thoughtfully as he began to consider his options and the he pointed toward a multicolored parrot with a head in the form of a music note. ''Chatot! You're up next my friend!''

The parrot began to walk toward the battlefield his head held high and he had a smug expression on his face. ''Congratulation on beating Bidoof. But he was our newest recruit. I on the other hand am the second-in-command of our guild don't think you will win so easily against me!''

Luke growled in response and Paradox was worried. Would he even listen to her in the state he was in? Much to her horror the Lucario began to charge toward the parrot without any input from her. He tried to punch the bird with his glowing fist but the Chatot quickly flew in the air to escape the onslaught.

The Lucario snarled and shot a Aura Sphere toward the bird. Chatot zoomed away from the attack and much to the surprise of everyone he sent a Aura Sphere of his own toward Luke. The bipedal canine was so caught in surprise he didn't even dodged as the blue orb hit him on his chest and sent him crashing on the ground.

Luke grunted angrily and immedaitly jumped on his feet before sending another orb of aura toward the parrot. Chatot sent another Aura Sphere toward him but this time he was ready and dodged it.

''Lucario you need to relax! Wait until he come to you and then attack!'' But the Lucario did not listened to his trainers instead he began to send more Aura Sphere toward the Chatot and each time he would send one back toward Luke.

Paradox frowned, Luke had stopped listening to her if it continued like this he would lose before he could do any damage to his opponent. But what could she do to remedy the situation? Before she could think of anything Vivi stepped in front of Paradox and began to yell loudly. ''Luke you better listen to your mother! Otherwise I won't give you any hugs tonight!''

At this the Lucario blushed in embarassment as a few Pokemon in the crowd began to snicker. ''I-I don't care about your hugs!''

At this the Sylveon gasped and her eyes began to water. ''Y-you don't really mean that, do you? Oh no my poor little Riolu is gone and I'm never getting him back!'' The pink Eeveelution began to sob loudly and the Lucario developed a guilty look on his face as he saw tears streaming down the Sylveon's face. Paradox looked at Vivi in concern but before she could try to reassure her the Sylveon turned around and gave her a wink before she continued to sob.

Paradox was shocked at how convincing Vivi's acting was. She had completely fell for it and it was clear that Luke had too. ''I do like your hugs! I'm sorry please don't be sad.''

''Really?! Oh thank goodness my adorable little Riolu isn't gone after all! I'm going to give you extra hugs tonight if you listen to your mother!'' Vivi said with a beaming smile, her tears had completely dried away in an instant.

The Lucario faced flushed. ''I'm not adorable.'' He muttered with an embarassed expression. But before he could deny it any further the Chatot began to aproach the Lucario with a dive-bomb. Luke was about to send another Aura Sphere toward the bird but Paradox's voice stopped him.

''Wait Luke! Don't attack until I tell you!'' The bipedal became nervous the parrot was getting closer and closer and Paradox didn't say anything but just before Chatot was on him Paradox voice came back. ''Now! Use Force Palm!'' The Lucario punched the bird with his glowing fist.

The Chatot squawked in pain as he was sent back into the air. But before he could fall on the ground he regained his balance and began to fly again. ''Alright enough games! I will show you why I'm the guild second-in-command!''

Chatot flew toward the Lucario once again and Luke was preparing himself to punch him again. But just before he could do so Chatot stopped in mid-air and instead of trying to peck him he began to squawk loudly.

The sound was so loud that even when he covered his ears Luke could still hear it perfectly. As the sound assault his ears his vision started to get blurry and before too long he fell on the ground and his vision turned black.

''Luke are you alright?!'' Paradox asked in concern but she got no response.

''Lucario is unable to battle, Wigglytuff's guild win the round!'' Loudred cried and Chatot puffed his chest proudly as the crowd began to chanted his name.

As the Chansey picked up Luke Paradox began to think about her next move. Who would be best suited to deal with the Chatot? Vivi was a strong Pokemon but her strongest attack was a physical move and her only ranged attack, Swift, wasn't that strong. Maple was a definitely strong pick, but her Blast Burn would be very easy to dodge for a flying foe and her Flamethrower didn't have enough range to be effective against a enemy in the air.

In the end she only had one choice. ''Splash! I choose you!'' The little Marill smiled brightly and hopped into the battlefield.

''Paradox has chosen Marill as her second Pokemon! But will she be able to beat the legendary Chatot?!'' Loudred yelled excitedly.

As soon as the matched began Chatot flew into the air again. ''Splash don't let him get away! Use Bubbled Beam!'' The attack came quickly but Chatot was quicker and he easily evaded the stream of bubbles. ''Splash try again! We must hit him!''

The Marill tried her best to aim at the flying Pokemon but he was too quick even with her high pressure attack. Paradox growled how was she suppose to beat him? The poor water mouse was left catching her breath after trying to attack dozens of times without any success. Seeing an opening Chatot flew toward Splash his beak glowing as he prepared to attack.

''Splash dodge!'' But the flying type was too quick and the Marill yelled out in pain as she was pecked on the top of her head. Splash tried to counter attack with an Aqua Tail but the bird had arleady fled back in the air. So the Marill was left hitting empty air.

Paradox and Splash were left growling in frustration. But it was then that Paradox was hit by a burst of inspiration. ''Splash use Bubble!'' The blue Pokemon looked at her trainer with a confused look. Why would she want to use the weaker version of Bubble Beam?

Splash nonetheless followed order and began to spray bubble toward the flying Pokemon as expected he easily dodge the slow moving bubbles but Paradox had another plan. ''Okay now spread the bubbles all over the sky!'' What was she up to now? Splash wondered to herself.

Splash began to spit bubbles everywhere and soon enough the entire sky was filled with them. It was then that Splash understood her trainer's plan. No matter how quick Chatot was, he could not escape every bubbles. And Sure enough despite his best effort the flying type took more than a few bubbles. Each of them exploded on him when he made contact with them making him wince in pain.

Eventually there was so much bubbles in the sky that Chatot was forced to land on the ground. Seeing this Paradox smiled savagely. ''Now Splash! Use Aqua Tail!'' The Chatot eyes widened in horror, as a bird he was pretty slow on his feet and there was no point trying to fly again since he would only take more bubbles to the face. He tried to do a Hyper Voice but the attack did too little too late and he took the Aqua Tail in full force.

Chatot was left skidding on the ground creating a path of dirt in the process. And then he laid on the ground unmoving. ''Oh my gosh! I can't believe it! Chatot been defeated!'' Sunflora stated in shock.

''Incredible! Team Paradox managed to outsmart the legendary Chatot and deliver the finishing blow! Could Wigglytuff's guild really lose against this newcomer?!'' The announcer asked in a loud voice.

Wigglytuff didn't seemed upset at the loss, in fact Paradox questioned if the cheerful Pokemon could even be mad. Paradox noticed that he had barely given any orders during the whole match. All he did was choose which Pokemon would fight. Was he even a trainer?

As the Chansey dragged the unconscious Chatot aways Wigglytuff turned toward his team and with a smile he pointed toward a large reptile with leaves sprouting out of his arms. ''Grovyle I choose you, my happy friend!''

The Grovyle smirked as he slowly walked toward the battlefield confidence pouring out of his entire being. ''You did a good job defeating Chatot, but despite his seniority I'm the strongest member of this team outside of maybe Wigglytuff himself.''

Then without warning the grass type began to sprint toward the Marill. ''Splash use Rollout!'' Grovyle did not even stop as the boulder rolled toward him just before it could make contact with him he used Leaf Blade and cut the rock as if it was made of paper. In a panic the Marill sent another boulder but it shared the same fate as the first one and before they knew it the Grovyle was just in front of Splash and he delivered a devastating attack to the poor water mouse.

Paradox was shocked as she saw the unconscious form of Splash on the ground. Grovyle had defeated her in a single hit. With a gulp she realised he wasn't kidding, he was much stronger than the rest of his team.

''Amazing! Grovyle prove once again why he is a force to be reckoned with!'' Loudred yelled at the top of his lung anf the Pokemon in the stadium cheered excitedly.

As the Chansey took the small Marill in her arms, she had no doubt about who she would choose as her next Pokemon. If she was fighting the strongest Pokemon of Wigglytuff's guild it would only make sense she also sent her strongest Pokemon. ''Maple, I choose you!''

The elegant, beautiful and cute- Paradox shook her head, she should not get distract by how pretty Maple look like right now. Maple walked toward the Grovyle with a elegant gait and her nine tails moved around in a almost hypnotic fashion. Grovyle smirked as he looked at Paradox blushing face.

''Hey! We're in the middle of a battle right now, you can ogle at your mate once we're done.'' Paradox blushed even more brightly, was she that obvious? Geez it was a miracle that Elliot hadn't noticed sooner.

Pretty soon The Grovyle took a defensive stance and Maple waved her tails in a threathening manner. Some people would be worried at seeing a Ninetales move their tails like this. But Grovyle knew that you weren't in danger of being cursed until a Ninetales eyes flashed blue. Beside Ninetales didn't tend to curse people for the heck of it. Most of them know how hurtful their power could be and didn't want to tarnish their honor by cursing people left and right the only exeption was when you touched their tails. No one touch a Ninetales tails except maybe their lovers and even then some are reluctant to even allow their loved ones to touch them.

That was why no poacher ever cut the tail of a Ninetales when they were alive even if they are able to regrow. Because unlike Slowpoke who are so oblivious they barely noticed that their tails are gone, Ninetales will not let you leave alive if you do something like that. The few Poachers who were crazy enough to try were never heard of again.

''Are you going to attack or are you going to stand there all day?'' Maple asked with a smirk. The Grovyle smirked in response.

''I was waiting for you to make a move, but if you insist.'' And with that the grass type began to sprint toward the fox Pokemon.

''Maple throw as many Ember attacks as you can!'' Paradox exclaimed.

Maple smirked at that. ''With pleasure.'' She replied with a purr that for some reason made Paradox blushed slightly. The Ninetales began to throw one fire ball after anither toward the grass type but he expertly dodged them before he was just in front of her. But Paradox smirked she had planned for this.

''Now! Use Protect!'' A shield appeared in front of the vixen just as Grovyle was about to hit her with a Leaf Blade attack. The shield made his arm bounce back and he was left wide open for a counterattack. Paradox grinned victoriously. ''Now use Fire Blast!''

Maple tails tensed up and her fur became bristled before she let out a enormous blast of fire toward Grovyle that sent him flying in the air before he landed on the ground with a loud thud. The entire crowd of the stadium gasped in either horror or amazement she couldn't tell.

The loud voice of the announcer came back. ''Grovyle just took a very powerful fire attack a point blank range! Will Grovyle be able to continue after this? Or is it arleady over for our legendary warrior?!''

Grovyle was left panting and he had a hand on the ground to stop himself from falling down. ''Impressive, I wouldn't expect any less from the mate of the daughter of time.'' He said with chuckle.

Paradox immediatly froze as the words left his mouth. ''Why do you call me that?! First that creepy cloaked man and now you! Why do you call me daughter of time?! What does that mean?!''

Grovyle chuckled at that. ''Isn't it obvious? You're the daughter of Celebi and the grandaughter of Dialga it only make sense you would be given this title, but don't worry I have nothing to do with the cloak man you speak of.''

''How do you know so much about me?!'' She asked in a accusatory tone.

''If you manage to beat me maybe I'll tell you.'' He responded with a smirk, much to their surprise he jumped and vanished in the ground only leaving a hole behind.

''Maple be careful! He could come from anywhere!'' Unfortunately the Grovyle was too quick and Maple was hit with a punch to the face as he emerged from underground. With a crash the fox Pokemon fell on the ground with a bruise on her muzzle.

''Maple! Are you alright?!'' The fire type only reponded with a pained groan before she lifted herself from the ground and snarled angrily at the green Pokemon. But Grovyle jumped underground once again. But this time Paradox had a plan.

''Maple listen carefully! As soon as you hear movement in the dirt use Roar!'' The Ninetales did as she was told and when she heard a slight movement of the dirt she let out a mighty roar. As soon as the Grovyle exited the dirt he was susprised by the attack and was sent flying in the air.

''Now while he's still in the air use Fire Blast!'' Maple took her aim carefully and let out a huge ball of fire toward the Grovyle. It made impact in mid-air and he fell on the ground with a loud thud with burn marks all over his body. Grovyle painfully lifted himself from the ground and Paradox growled slightly, what would it take to bring him down?! ''Maple use Quick Attack!''

The fox Pokemon vanished in a burst of speed but the grass type lifted his hand and yelled. ''Stop!'' Immediatly Maple frozed and looked at him with a confused expression. ''You already won, there's no point in continuing this I can barely move right now. I'm only able to stand up throught sheer force of will, continuing would only lead to me being hurt for nothing.''

''You're giving up just like that?'' Maple asked in shock. The Grovyle nodded and then turned to Paradox.

''You might not know me Paradox, but I have heard a lot about you. Believe me or not but I used to be a prisoner of the Mystery Dungeon before Wigglytuff and his guild found me.''

''What is the Mystery Dungeon anyway? Loudred said it was a sort of lab?'' Paradox asked with a confused frown.

''The Mystery Dungeon is the dumping ground of the most dangerous inventions humanity have ever created. Some of the inventions there are so powerful that they messed with the space and time of the entire building transforming it into a hostile labyrinth that contantly change of shape. Sometime humans come back to an invention and finish it when they have learned enough about the technology surrounding it. But most of the time they are left to rot. The power to change humans into Pokemon was a project they wanted to forget about. But Wigglytuff saw potential in it and so he stole the blueprints and our scientist were able to fix the issues that came with it.''

''What was wrong with the original design?'' Paradox asked curiously.

Grovyle chuckled dryly at that. ''What was wrong is that humans wanted to create something that would temporarely turn them into Pokemon so they could learn many of their secrets. Unfortunately they found out that once a humans turned into a Pokemon they weren't able to turn them back, not only that but they lost all memories of their life as a human.''

Paradox looked shocked and bit sad at the revelation. ''That's horrible! How many humans were stuck like this? And what happened to them?'' Grovyle chuckled at that which confused Paradox was there something funny in what she was asking?

''Fortunately there was only one victim, as for who it was... Well you're looking at him right now. I was the first honorary Pokemon.'' He said with a frown plastered on his face.

To say Paradox was shocked would be an understatement. ''What?! But how are you so powerful?! I thought honorary pokemon were a lot weaker than normal pokemon!''

At that the Grovyle nodded. ''That's because we fixed the invention. To make in sort the transformation wasn't permanent, the Poketopia scientists had to do some sacrifices. For some reason as soon as a human inherit the full power of a Pokemon they can't turn back. But we thought the invention still had potential even with this flaw. With the invention we managed to reunited hundreds of families that were torn apart because of some stupid laws. As someone who has been both human and Pokemon I can tell you the lines between the two of us is a lot thinner than people want to admit. The fact that most governments want to separate families just because one of them is a non-human is frankly disgusting to me. It's blatant bigotry and no one want to admit it.''

''But how did you know so much about me? You still didn't touch on that.'' Paradox said with a frown.

Grovyle rubbed the back of his head. ''Well when I was imprisoned-''

But Paradox interupted him immediatly ''Why were you imprisoned? I don't think you mentioned that either.''

Grovyle made a sheepish expression. ''Oh right, well the scientists of the Mystery Dungeon claimed they wanted to keep me in the lab so they could work on a cure for me. But it was complete bullshit, they just wanted to sweep the project under the rug like all the other things in that cursed lab. They were afraid how people would react if they learned that turning people into Pokemon was possible. I only learned that they had abandoned me once Wigglytuff came to rescue me and showed me that the project had remained untouched for months.''

''But all these months when I was imprisoned a Pokemon came to talk to me she quickly became my best friend. She could have saved me from that place at any time but I was too stubborn. I truly believed the scientists would help me turn back into a human.'' He chuckled drily at that befor he shook his head. ''I guess losing my memory made me a lot more naive than I used to be because I should have seen the betrayal coming. But anyway the Pokemon I became friend with talked about you a lot. She said you were destined for great things but you would also face a lot of hardship and you might need my help in the future.''

Paradox was confused. ''Who was that Pokemon that knew so much about me?''

At that the Grovyle smirked. ''It was a Celebi and no before you ask it wasn't your mother. This was a shiny Celebi.''

Paradox face contorted into a look of shock. ''What?! You know that weird Celebi?! Who is she?! She just teleported me out of nowhere one day and said I would need to beat Giovanni!''

At this Grovyle putted a genuine smile. ''Ah so you arleady met her, sorry I can't tell you much about her. It could create some sort of paradox if I did. And I don't want to have Dialga angry at me.'' He said with a nervous chuckle.

''Can you at least tell me her name?'' She asked with a pleading expression.

At this the Grovyle smirked. ''She's called... Celery.''

Paradox looked at him with a deadpan expression. ''You're kidding me.''

He shook his head with a laugh. ''Nope.''

Paradox sighed in exasperation. ''Celeri the Celebi, seriously? Who the heck came out with that name?!''

Grovyle shrugged and snickered. ''I don't know, but I think I really should go see Nurse Joy now before I pass out.'' And with that the grass type left the stadium and the crowd muttered to themselves.

''...I don't know what they told each other but it seemed like Wigglytuff's guild... forfeited the match?'' The announcer asked in confusion. The crowd of Pokemon was not happy with the anticlimactic ending. But soon enough Paradox left the stadium, she had a lot to think about...

- - - - -

...This was really bad, Luna thought to herself. The Abra before her had just beaten Snowbell and Eve as if they were nothing. She hated to admit it but Croagunk's team was really strong.

She knew she needed to use her strongest if she wanted any chances to turn this disaster into her favor. ''Noelle I choose you!'' The ice and ghost type slowly made her way into the battlefield but froze on the spot when she heard the crowd cheered at her entrance.

Luna could tell the Pokemon was doing her best to not just bolt out of there and there was no way she could focus on the fight like this. So with that in mind she closed her eyes and concentrated. Normally she only used her power to disguise herself but now she was using her illusions to cover the entire stadium and it took a bit of strain on her but it was nothing she couldn't handle.

The huge stadium with the cheering crowd turned into a desolated snowy mountain with heavy snow falling everywhere. They could see rocks with snow on them and a few fir trees and the sunny weather had been replaced by a heavy blanket of clouds. The Kadabra looked around in confusion but it had the desired effect on Noelle and the shy Pokemon instantly relaxed. This was a scene of the mountain where Luna had found her a few years ago. This was a perfect replica of the Froslass old home.

Noelle lost her shy attitude and took a defensive stance and glared angrily at the Kadabra who had beaten two of her friends. ''I don't know how you transported us to this place but it won't save you!'' The Kadabra said before lifting the Froslass in the air with his Psychic move.

Seeing this Luna yelled at Noelle. ''Quickly! Stop him with a Shadow Ball!'' Noelle was a little disoriented form the fact she wasn't completely in control of her own body but she managed to form a ball made of shadow and throw it at the psychic type. The Kadabara not expecting an attack from a Pokemon in his grasp and didn't have time to react before the attack made contact with him.

Croagunk growled at this. ''Fine! Two can play at this game! Kadabra use Shadow Ball too!''

''Noelle dodge it!'' Unfortunately the Froslass wasn't quick enough and she took the Shadow Ball at full force on her right arm. ''Are you okay?!''

''I'll be alright.'' Noelle responded while clutching her arm. Luna nodded but she still was worried.

''Alright then use Payback!'' The Froslass shot several bolts of darkness toward the Kadabra. The psychic type screamed in pain as the dark energy assaulted him and he fell on the ground with a dazed look.

''Kadabra are you alright?!'' Croagunk asked with concern which surprised Luna. She didn't think someone who wanted to commit genocide would care about anyone. Despite the change of scenery Chansey faithfully made her way to the Kadabra and dragged him back to get healed.

''Fine you beat one of my Pokemon but you have only one left while I have two there's no way you can win this!'' Croagunk said with a smug smirk which made the Zoroark angry because he was most likely right. But she had to try no matter what! Otherwise it would all fall on Paradox to stop him.

''Muk I choose you!'' Croagunk yelled. Luna made a disgusted face as a monstrosity made of sludge slowly slithered toward Noelle. Luna knew that Pokemon like Muk and Garbodor helped to reduce the pollution humans created. But why would anyone want them on their team? Garbodor was literally garbage and Muk was- Luna shuddered, it was too disgusting to think about.

''Noelle don't let that thing touch you!'' By the face the Froslass made it was clear to Luna that the Pokemon hadn't intended to approach the thing in the first place. ''Use Icy Wind!'' The ice and ghost Pokemon let out a cold breath of air toward the slowly aproaching Muk.

The poison type began to shake from the cold but he quickly shook off the ice that had formed around his body. ''Muk use Sludge!'' The Croagunk yelled and with surprising speed the Muk took a part of his own body and threw it at Noelle.

The shy Pokemon screamed both in pain and disgust as the sludge hit her. ''Noelle are you alright?!'' Luna asked in concern but when the Froslass turned toward her she could see her lips and tongue were slowly tuning purple. ''Oh no! You've been poisoned!'' The Zoroark exlaimed in concern.

The Croagunk began to laugh. ''You have lost you filthy human lover! No one will stand in the way of our justice! Muk finish her with Pound!'' The poison type suddenly jumped in the air and Luna's eyes widened in horror.

''Noelle get out of there!'' The Froslass movements were sluggish and she had a dazed look in her eyes as the posion assaulted her system. But she was lucid enough to know she did not want to make contact with that monstrosity. She escaped the attack just in time and Muk landed on the illusionary snow with a heavy crunch sound.

But the Croagunk smiled as if he had heard a funny joke. ''Muk let's finish this once and for all, use Self-Destruct!''

''What?!'' Luna cried in shock, not many people teach Self-destruct to their Pokemon. Most people didn't have the heart to ask their Pokemon to sacrifice themself just to win a fight. Even if the Pokemon just faint and is in no real danger of dying it still left a bitter taste in most people's mouth.

But the Muk didn't even hesitated and he began to glow. ''Noelle run away!'' They both knew that she wouldn't be able to escape the explosion in time. But even then Luna could not resist the urge to try to protect her Pokemon. But alas the Explosion had a too long reach for the Pokemon to escape in time and both Muk and Noelle were engulfed in the explosion.

With a sigh Luna removed the illusion and they returned to the stadium with a crowd watching the scene with bated breath. When the smoke of the explosion dissipated they saw the two unconscious form of both Pokemon.

''Muk and Froslass are unable to battle, Team Luna has no Pokemon left, so the victory goes to team Croagunk!'' The Zoroark hanged her head in defeat as the Alolan Raichu came with Chansey to lift the two unconscious Pokemon.

She walked away with shame clear on her face. Maybe they could have won if they had used Noelle for the first round? But then again that Muk would have been a death sentence to Snowbell. As for Aria she had requested to sit out of this match but maybe Luna shouldn't have been so quick to agree, her power might have saved them.

With a frustrated sigh Luna began to replay the fight in her head and try to find a way she could have won. But then she shook her head, it was too late to think of that, she had arleady lost and she might have given a death sentence to thousands of innocent people in the process. She really hoped Paradox would be able to beat him...

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