Daughter of Time

By Ding_Dong_Resistance

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One day Celebi returned to the forest she call home, only to find a dead baby at the foot of her shrine. Taki... More

Chapter 1: The Paradox
Chapter 2: Life in the Forest
Chapter 3: The Call of Destiny
Chapter 4: Rescue at Goldenrod City
Chapter 5: Reunited
Chapter 6: Forest 37
Chapter 7: The Sorrowful Life of Maple the Vulpix
Chapter 8: I Kissed a Girl and I Liked It
Chapter 9: Dimensional Scream
Chapter 10: The First Badge
Chapter 11: The Mysterious Ice Princess
Chapter 13: Shipwrecked
Chapter 14: Morality of Two Worlds
Chapter 15: The Fire Blast
Chapter 16: Poketopia
Chapter 17: Elliot VS. Luna May the Strongest Win!
Chapter 18: Paradox VS. Wigglytuff's Guild
Chapter 19: The Lady of Hopes and Dreams
Chapter 20: How to Date Your Pokemon

Chapter 12: Trouble in Paradise

99 6 0
By Ding_Dong_Resistance

Paradox had woken up earlier than anyone else that morning. Careful to not wake up the four Pokemon sleeping in the bed with her, she made her way to the bathroom. She felt relief as she removed all her clothes. She still couldn't understand why humans were so obsessed with these things.

She didn't have a problem with wearing clothes during winter. But wearing them during summer was just ridiculous in her opinion. But she guessed it would get annoying if every humans looked at her like Elliot had on the first day they had met.

Entering inside the bathtub she closed the curtain behind herself and opened up the shower. She sighed contently as the hot water spreaded all over her body. When she was in the forest she always had to take a bath in cold water. She had to admit humans were master at making things more comfortable like sleeping in bed or making the water hot. Now if only they could stop being such prudes...

When she was done washing herself she had spent almost half an hour in the shower. She used a towel to dry herself and made her way back to her room where her Pokemon were still sleeping. But then just before she could try to go back to bed she heard something fall on the floor. Following where the sound came from she saw a pen rolling on the floor and a silent human girl gawking at her with a flush covering her entire face.

Paradox cocked her head at her. ''Luna? Are you alright? Why is your face so red did you catch a cold?'' But then she noticed that the girl was trying to look anywhere except at her but Luna ocassionally dared a glance toward her breasts or her groin area. It was then that it hit Paradox why the girl was so flustered. ''Oh... I forgot to put clothes didn't I? Sorry I'm still getting use to your humans customs.''

Leaving the flustered girl behind her. Paradox made her way back in the bathroom and put on new clothes. She sighed in irritation once she was done. She felt so much more free when she was naked but she supposed it wouldn't be good if she made Luna faint from embarassment.

She returned in the room and Luna had calm down a little bit but she didn't dare look in Paradox's eyes. ''I really don't get why you're so embarassed about this. We're both girls I'm sure you have breasts and a vagina too, just like me.'' Paradox said bluntly and Luna squeaked before hiding her face behind her hands. The blonde girl rolled her eyes but she stopped pestering her.

Paradox crawled back into bed careful to not crush any Pokemon she sighed happily as she took Maple in her arm. With all the Pokemon surounding her Paradox hadn't even needed a blanket last night.

But before she could try to fall back asleep she heard the sound of a pen scratching on paper. Then she felt a presense close to her, when she opened her eyes she saw Luna holding her faithful notepad and pointing at it. With a groan Paradox began to read, now thankful that her mother had spent so much time teaching her to read human language.

You're a pretty weird girl Paradox. The paper said, Paradox rolled her eyes with a huff.

''Gee thanks.'' She replied sarcastically but before she could return back to sleep Luna point to her notepad again and Paradox noticed there was more written underneath.

Yesterday it seemed like you could understand Pokemon and just now you said you weren't used to humans customs what did you meant by that? Paradox was actually surprised at the question.

''Wait we didn't tell you that yesterday?'' Luna shook her head, weird usually her ability to understand Pokemon was the first thing to come up when she met a human. Then again this girl couldn't talk so maybe she didn't have the chance to ask until this morning.

''Well I know it's a bit hard to believe but my mother is a Pokemon.'' Luna looked confused at that and then she wrote something else on a new page of her notebook.

I thought humans and Pokemon couldn't reproduce together. Paradox facepalmed at that.

''I was adopted obviously, I don't know who my real parents are. all I know is that my mother found me one day in the forest and decided to raise me herself. For as long as I could remember I could always understand Pokemon, I couldn't tell you why.''

Luna looked at her in pity and then she got a curious look. If it's not too personal could you tell me what Pokemon you mother is?

Paradox was about to respond but then she got an idea. ''Instead of telling you, how about I present you to my mom?'' Not waiting for a response Paradox dug throught her pocket and retrieved the Time Flute.

Without hesitation she blew into the flute. Luna covered her ears as it made a strident sound. Maybe someday Paradox should learn how to actually play the instrument. But it did it's job and her mother appeared in their room.

''Hello Paradox! It's been a while!'' Celebi said happily and hugged her daughter. Then she turned toward the silent girl who was watching her with eyes so wide it almost looked like they would fall out. ''Oh hello there are you one of Paradox new friends? I'm the guardian of Ilex Forest, but you can just call me Celebi.'' But before they could say anything else Luna's eyes rolled back in the back of her head and she fell on the ground with a thud.

Fortunately for her the floor was covered by a carpet so it didn't hurted that much when she fell. Paradox sighed and putted the unconscious girl back in her bed. But then something shocking happened the girl suddenly vanished and in it's place stood a black creature with a few strands of red hairs.

''What the!- what happened to Luna?!'' Paradox asked in shock. The commotion woke the Pokemon in Paradox's bed and Maple's eyes widened when she saw the new Pokemon.

''I can't put my paw on it but this Pokemon look really familiar somehow.'' The fire fox said with a curious look in her eyes.

Celebi on the other hand knew exactly what the Pokemon was. ''This is a Zoroark they're called the illusion Pokemon and they can disguise themself as anything or anyone. They're rather shy and don't tend to expose their real self to just anybody. Remind me of someone else I know.'' The time travelling Pokemon said while glancing at Maple.

For her part the Vulpix blushed she should have known Celebi arleady knew her secret. But she was still embarassed and felt a little bit guilty that all along she had hidden her real self in front of the legendary Pokemon. ''I'm sorry to have lied to you miss Celebi.'' Maple said with remorse clear in her voice.

''Don't worry Maple it's all your father fault for being such a jerk. Beside Paradox forgave you right? That's all that matter to me,'' The fire type gawked at the legendary.

''How do you know about my father?'' She asked in a small voice.

''What, did you really think that me and Syrup never talked to each other? Why do you think she was okay with you vanishing for almost a week every months?'' Paradox was confused by this.

''Wait but when I met Syrup the other day she didn't seem to know you mom. Are you sure you have met her?'' Celebi thought about this.

''Mmmh, now that I think about it I might have only met her in the future.'' Both Paradox and Maple sweatdropped at that.

Before they could continue their conversation thy all heard a small groan coming from the bed behind them. They saw the Zoroark stir up as she slowly woke up. ''Was that a dream?'' She asked sleepily.

''No it wasn't.'' Paradox answered simply with her arm crossed. ''So when were you planning to tell us you were a Pokemon?''

The Zoroark eye widened at that and she instantly returned to her human form and smiled sheepishly at them. The blonde girl looked her with a incredulous look as if asking 'are you serious?'

''You know we all saw you were a Pokemon right? There no point hiding now.'' With a sigh the Zoroark dropped her disguise.

Maple looked curiously at the Zoroark. ''Have we seen each other before? There something familiar about you.'' The Zoroark smiled at that.

''Eh, I guess you wouldn't recognise me since I evolved but I used to look like this.'' Suddenly she was engulfed in a bright light and her form changed into a much smaller and quadruped form. Maple eyes widened when she saw who it was.

''Zorua?! Is that really you?! I haven't seen you in years!'' Maple yelled excitedly.

''Please call me Luna that's the name I go by now.'' She said with a sheepish smile.

''Why did you never come back? I thought something had happened to you!'' Maple said with a miffed expression.

Luna looked down on the ground guiltily. ''I kind of blame myself for teaching you how tot turn yourself into a male. No one should deny what they are because of a bad Pokemon like your father. By the way is he still just as much of a jerk as he was all those years ago?''

Maple shook her head. ''My father died a long time ago.'' Maple said without showing any emotions on her face. Luna looked at her with a guilty expression.

''Oh I'm sorry about that.'' At that Maple shook her head.

''Don't worry about it. It make me feel kind of guilty to admit it, but I don't really miss him.'' The Zoroark nodded her head in understanding then she turned her attention toward Paradox.

''Could you please don't tell Elliot about this?'' The black and red Pokemon pleaded to the girl.

''Why not? Is there a reason why you don't want him to know you're a Zoroark?'' Celebi asked curiously and she gained a michevious smile when the dark type began to blush. ''Oh I see someone has a little crush~''

''What?! No! A human and a Pokemon could never be together.'' She said the last part with a downcasted expression.

''What do you mean? Me and Maple are together and we're perfectly happy.'' Paradox said with an offended look in her eyes. The Zoroark on the other hand looked at them in shock.

''You're together? Aren't you afraid to go to prison?'' The dark type asked with worry in her voice.

 Paradox looked at her with a confused look. ''What do you mean prison?''

 The Zoroark looked even more shocked. ''You mean you don't know? It's illegal for a human and a Pokemon to mate with each other!''

Paradox was floored at the revelation. ''What do you mean it's illegal?! Why would they make that illegal?!'' Paradox was seething at this point just when she thought humans might be okay she learned something like this.

''Well the authorities claim it's to protect the Pokemon.'' The Dark type said with a sarcastic laugh. ''But really all it is, is a sense of racial superiority. A lot of humans especially older ones think Pokemon are mindless beasts who do nothing but listen to their instincts. They say mating with a Pokemon would be the equivalent of mating with an animal. That's also the reason why I pretended to be human, I always wanted to be a Pokemon trainer. But these stuck up jerks at the Pokemon League laughed at my face and said a Pokemon could never become a real Pokemon Trainer! I'll show them I can be just as good as them!''

Paradox was shocked and she turned toward her mother. ''Is what she's saying true?''

Celebi was deep in thought and tried to find the right words to say. ''Well it's not really as black and white as that. Some humans genuinely do want to protect Pokemon and there are unfortunately bad human who do abuse their Pokemon in that way. Unfortunately the authorities lump the rapists and the good people together when it come to Pokemon relationships and arrest them without asking any questions. And of course there is a bunch of old bigots who are all too happy to keep that law active and pretend they are working for the greater good. If it wasn't for the huge language barrier between people and Pokemon this would have never happened.'' Celebi said with a sigh.

''I-I didn't know about all this, maybe I should break up with Paradox before she get in jail because of me.'' Maple said with a sad expression and Paradox became angry.

''Screws humans laws! We won't be separated because of these stupid hairless ape you hear me Maple?!'' Celebi winced when her daughter used Mewtwo's own insult toward her own species. ''If worse come to worse we can just jump in time, right mom?''

Celebi chuckle at that. ''Sure but try to finish your Pokemon journey before getting every humans mad at you alright?''

Maple for her part was sture unsure about this. ''But aren't you afraid to be rejected by your own species?'' At this Paradox sighed.

''Maple I'm trying to fit in with human because that's the species I was born as. But everyday I realise that I feel more like a Pokemon even if I don't have the body of one. I was always more a part of the Pokemon world than the human world. So if they want to reject me then they can go ahead I will return back in the wild where everything make sense. Where I won't have to wear some stupid clothes just because I'm surrounded by prudes, where people don't try to separate lovers based on their species and where people don't try to enslave other beings for their own gain like that stupid Giovanni.''

Celebi eyes widened at that last part. ''Paradox how do you know about Giovanni?! Team Rocket hasn't even been founded yet!''

Paradox lowered her head at that. ''I know you will probably not believe me but I met a Celebi. But It was not you, she was pink instead of green and she said that a man named Giovanni would try to capture you. She said I had one year to become stronger so I could stop him.''

Celebi snapped at that. ''No absolutely not! I won't let you fight Giovanni on your own! Do you know how dangerous that man is?! In a few years from now he will become the most notorious gang leader of all Kanto maybe even of the entire world! Beside I don't see why you should be the one that take care of him. Red will dismantle his entire organisation in about ten years.''

Paradox shook her head. ''That's what happened originally mom. But the strange Celebi said we accidently created a paradox and because of this Giovanni has a Time Flute with him now. I can't let him take you away mom. There's nothing you can say that will convince me to stop my quest.''

The Zoroark looked at both Celebi and the blonde girl with a blank look. ''I have no idea what they are talking about at this point.'' She muttered.

Celebi looked at her daughter sadly. ''Paradox, Giovanni is dangerous and very powerful if you face him there a good chance you won't make it out alive. It's because of him that your parents are dead.''

Paradox looked shocked at this. ''My parents? You never talked about them before.''

Celebi nodded sadly at this. ''I wanted you be old enough before telling you about this. But your mother was a member of Team Rocket. For years she worked for Giovanni and stole Pokemon and did horrible things to them. But when she got you she was afraid what it would do to you if you grew up surrounded by such heinous people. So one day she decided to desert Team Rocket. Giovanni did not liked that at all so he killed your father to send a message to your mother.''

Celebi noticed she had tears pouring from her own eyes and decided to wipe them away before she continued. ''When she still refused to come back he threatened to kill you and that was too much for your mother. That's when she left you in that forest with me. When she left she was certain Team Rocket would kill her as soon as she exited the forest. But she left anyway because despite how bad of a person she was all that counted for her in the end was your safety.''

Paradox had no words, she always had been curious who her biological parents were, obviously. But she had never expected her human mother to be part of an evil organisation. Without saying anything she got up and ran away slamming the door behind her. Everyone in the room stood in silence for a few seconds.

But then Maple grew a determine expression and managed to open the window and leapt outside of the room. She landed back on the ground on all four paws and began to run after the fleeing form of Paradox. Celebi on the other hand stayed where she was. Splash looked at the guardian curiously. ''Are you not going to chase her?'' The Marill asked with a worried voice.

Celebi shook her head and chuckled humorlessly. ''No I think she need some alone time after all this.''

''But Maple ran after her.'' Splash said with a confused look.

''Sometime being with a lover still count as being alone.'' The Marill was even more confused at this but she decided to not ask further questions.

- - - - -

Paradox had ran all the way to Route 38 and she was now sitting under a tree in the middle of the woods. Celebi had always been tight-lipped when it came to her parents. But she had always assumed they had been attacked by a pack of wild Pokemon while they were in the forest or something. She had never imagine they were part of a evil organization that hurted Pokemon.

What if she turned out like her bioligical mom? Maybe she really was just as bad as all those humans who hurted Pokemon. But before she could put herself down any longer she felt something warm and fuzzy rubbing on her leg. Looking down she was surprised to see Maple there and she had a concerned look on her face.

''Maple? You shouldn't have come I wanted to be alone.'' Paradox bitterly before walking away.

''Paradox wait! I know it hurt to learn your mother wasn't a good person but... That doesn't change anything, in end we still love you, I still love you.''

She turned aroung angrily her eyes full of tears. ''You don't get it! I thought if I found who my real parents were I would finally find a way to connect with my humanity! But all I found today is that my species is horrible! And even my own family were horrible! There's nothing good about being a human!'' She yelled before she began to sob on the ground.

Maple ran toward Paradox and gently poke her with her paw. ''Come you don't really think that do you?''

''I wish I had been born a Pokemon then I could be with you and nobody would even care. Not to mention this stupid weak body make in sort I have to use you like a disposable bodyguard so I won't get killed.''

Maple shook her at that. ''Come on you know it's not like this. We protect each other, it's true that humans are weak compared to Pokemon. But you're the one that come up with strategies to beat any foes and after every battles you make sure we're healed and fed. In the wild, battles are much more dangerous than with a trainer. Because you can't get healed and you don't have other team members that can take your place when you're too tired to continue. Without humans Pokemon would have to risk their lives every times they want to become stronger. Humans have dedicated their lives to become the safety net Pokemon needed to thrive.''

''But what about people like Giovanni? He's a blight on the Pokemon world.'' Paradox said bitterly and the Vulpix nodded in response.

''You're right, he is. But have you noticed that it's not just Pokemon that hate people like him? Most humans also hate people like Giovanni because they care about Pokemon too. You focused so much on the bad parts of humanity you forgot all about the good parts, Paradox. And I can tell you, you're one of the good parts of humanity.'' The Vulpix said with a smile before kissing the blonde girl.

Paradox was shocked at first this was the first time Maple had started a kiss. But pretty soon she melted into it and their tongue began to wrestle for control. Maple proved to be the victor in their little fight for domination and Paradox moaned as the Vulpix tongue assaulted her.

Unbeknownst to them someone was watching them from the shadow. Elliot had wide eyes as he watched Paradox kiss the Pokemon. All this time he had thought Paradox was a good person but now he wasn't so sure. All his life he was taught that Pokemon didn't naturally fell in love with humans they had to be brainwashed before something like that could happen. He couldn't believe Paradox just took advantage of the poor Vulpix like that.

Confused and angry he walked away. He had heard Paradox run away earlier and had thought something was wrong but when he found her, he saw her doing one of the biggest offense a Pokemon trainer could do.

He wondered if he should report his friend to the police but decided against it. Maybe it wasn't too late to make her see the errors of her way? She had been raised by a Pokemon maybe her sense of morality wasn't as perfect as he thought.

Shaking his head he made his way back to the Pokemon Center. He hoped it wasn't too late to save his friend.

- - - - -

A few hours later Paradox recovered and returned to her friends. Celebi had left a while ago and Luna was back in her human form. As promised Paradox had not reveal the secret identity of Luna to Elliot. But despite that there was a silent tension between the two humans and the road to Olivine City had been mostly silent.

It was only interupted by a few trainers who wanted to battle with the group. They were pretty easy to deal with and didn't pose much of a threat but it made good training before their next gym match.

For some reasons Paradox's Pokemon had all wanted to be in their Pokeballs today only Maple was outside. The Vulpix walked alongside Paradox like a faithful watchdog and would growl everytime a wild Caterpie or Pidgey came too close to her. Ocassionally Paradox would see Elliot looking at her with a weird expression and she didn't know why he was like this. Had he figured out Luna's secret and felt betrayed she didn't tell him?

To be honest Paradox was still shaken about the revelation of who her real parents were. But Maple had really helped her to pull herself together and her love for the Vulpix grew even more. She didn't really care whether she was male or female anymore really. She didn't know if she was bisexual or if she just really loved Maple but she didn't really care as long as she could be with the Vulpix.

At the end of the day all of them were tired but there was no sign of civilisation anywhere so it looked they were in for a night of camping...That was until they came across a farm in the middle of nowhere. The farm had a large fenced area where dozens of Miltank and three Tauros, they were all grazing on the grass and walked around the enclosed area contently.

Deciding to take their chance the three teenagers decided to go knock at the door. At first nothing happened and they were about to leave. But then an old man opened the door with a warm smile. ''Hello young ones, you got lost on your Pokemon journey?'' He asked with a chuckle.

Elliot shook his head and put on a smile that didn't quite reached his eyes. ''Hello sir, we've been travelling all day and we wondered if you had a place for us to sleep. If you don't that's fine we can handle camping for tonight.''

The old man seemed to hesitated for a few seconds but then a little girl came into view. ''Papa? Who are those people?''

''Just some weary travellers honey. they were asking if they could the night here.'' The little girl smiled at the old man.

''You should let them in mommy would love to have visit!'' Before the old man could reply the little girl ran away to talk to her mother. ''Mommy we have visitors!''


The old man sighed. ''I guess you can come in, supper will be ready for a few minutes. I'm sure you and your Pokemon would be happy to have a warm meal.'' He said with a small smile.

Once inside they were surprised to see that a Miltank wearing an apron was the one that was cooking the meal. When the cow Pokemon noticed the tree teens she smiled.

''Miltank, Mil!''

''She said to sit on the table, supper is almost ready.'' Paradox and the little girl said at the same time and both of their eyes widened as they looked at each other in shock.

''I thought I was the only one that could understand Pokemon.'' Paradox whispered but it was loud enough for the little girl to understand.

''I thought I was the only one too!'' Everyone in the kitchen look at the two of them with equally shocked expression. Finally the old man spoke. ''Since when could you understand Pokemon miss...''

''My name is Paradox and I always could understand Pokemon. I don't know if it's because of luck or if it's because my mother is a Pokemon but it's just something I always could do.''

''Your mother is a Pokemon too?!'' The little girl asked with a excited expression.

Paradox was confused about her response. ''But you have a human father no? Why is your mother a Pokemon?''

The old man sighed. ''It's a long story but when Petunia was born her mother had complications during childbirth and she unfortunately didn't make it. I'm not proud of what I did next but I fell into a depression and left poor Petunia alone most of the time. It was then that Moira here began to take care of her like her own daughter. She was also the one to snap me back to reality when my alcoholism problem became too much.''

Before he could continue his story further the Miltank came back with multiple bowls and began to give everyone some stew. The three teenagers took their Pokemon out of their Pokeballs. The Pokemon happily gobbled down the dish. Well mostly since it had meat in it Mareep and Chikorita weren't really interested since they were herbivores but they at least ate the vegetables before leaving the bowl there.

Elliot on the other hand had a disturbed look on his face. ''Isn't it a little morbid to let a Miltank cook Tauros meat in a stew?'' He asked suddenly.

The old man was the one to responded. ''To be honest I suggested Moira to let me cook when it come to meat but she's always been a stubborn one.''

''Humans are omnivore, you need some meat to stay healthy and no offense dear but you can't cook to save your life. Beside I'm okay with cooking anything as long as I didn't personally know the Pokemon I'm cooking. And fortunately this farm doesn't kill their livestock we only sell milk.'' Moira had replied and Paradox translated for Elliot's sake.

''Still that's still pretty messed up. That would be like if I tried to cook a human.'' Elliot said before his face turned green at the thought.

Moira nodded in understanding. ''I understand how you feel but Miltank and Tauros have served as humanity livestock for millenia. Humans give us shelter, food and mates for all our life and then when it's time humans give us a painless death and we pass away in the great afterlife to feed our our masters who have given us a life of bliss.''

Elliot looked even more disturbed after her explanation. ''I think I'm never going to eat meat again.'' He muttered trying realy hard to keep down what he had eaten.

''Mommy I don't like when you talk like this. The though of someone killing you make me want to cry.'' Petunia said in a soft voice.

The Miltank aproached the girl and gaved her a soft kiss on her forehead. ''Don't worry mommy is not going anywhere sweetie. Like I said this is just a dairy farm and I doubt your father would let anything happen to his mate.'' The Miltank said and then proceeded to kiss the old man on the mouth.

Paradox and Luna smiled at the display of love but Elliot let his bowl fall on the floor. ''W-w-what is this?! Why are you letting your Pokemon kiss you?! This is sick!'' He yelled before runing away slamming the door opene as he exited the little farmhouse.

The two teen girls were horrified at their companion reaction. ''I'm so sorry sir, I don't know what came over him.'' Paradox said in a confused voice.

The old man shook his head with a sad smile. ''It's okay not everyone is as understanding as you two. To most people the idea of a human marrying a Pokemon is simply abhorrent. To be honest we shouldn't have been so open with our relationship. I guess when I saw another girl who could understand Pokemon I began to feel a little too safe.''

''I hate that I have to hide that my mommy is a Pokemon! My mom is the best in the world and everyone should love her!'' Petunia exclaimed with a sad frown.

Paradox frowned to be honest she was surprised at Elliot's reaction. Because her relationship with Maple was pretty obvious even if they didn't kissed in public. Maybe he was just really dense. But if that was the case then she definetly shouldn't tell him about her and Maple if that was how he would react.

- - - - -

Once again both Paradox and Luna had slept in the same room while Elliot slept alone. Which was just as good since both girls weren't too keen with talking to him after he had yelled at their host. Paradox had almost wanted to ditch the boy then and there. But she decided against it, maybe she could make him see reason after all he had always been a good person before this whole thing.

That walk to Olivine city had been spent in a uncomfortable silence. Paradox hated this before that night travelling had always been fun and exciting. But now it just felt like a chore. When they arrived they could see that Olivine City barely quallified as a city it was a bit small and there wasn't much that made it stand out. Especially after the huge metropolis that was Goldenrod City and the historical location that was Ecruteak City.

But before they could make it in the city Paradox had a realisation. ''Wait a second what date are we today?!'' She yelled suddenly make the two other teens jump in surprise.

Elliot still looked glum but he responded in a monotone voice. ''It's the first day of June, why?''

Not responding to Elliot, Paradox looked toward Maple with a happy exprerssion. ''Happy birthday Maple! I can't believe I almost forgot!''

Lune wrote in her notepad. Wow! It's really her birthday today?

''Technically my birthday is the tenth of June but since me and Paradox only saw each other in the first week of the month we always celebrated our birthday at the start of the month instead of the exact date.'' Maple said and Paradox translated for Elliot, Luna still had to pretend she couldn't understand Pokemon in front of Elliot as to not blow her cover.

Paradox wasn't too happy she had to search in Elliot bag right now but she still did it. ''I really should buy my own bag I can't always rely on you, right Elliot?'' She said with a forced smile and the boy grunted in response. ''That's decided once we finish this gym I will buy myself a bag with the money we made from those trainers on Route 38- ahah! Found it! Me and Elliot found this in Goldenrod City and I thought it would make for a perfect birthday present, tada!''

Maple gaped as she watched the object in Paradox hands. It was an orange gems that was glowing softly with the raw power of fire. ''Wow! You bought me a fire stone?!'' The Vulpix was about to touch the stone excitedly, but then she restrained herself at the last second.

Paradox frowned when she saw that the Vulpix wasn't touching the stone. ''What's wrong Maple? You don't want to be a Ninetales?''

''I do... It's just that it's a tradition back home to be only allowed to evolve once you mastered the Fire Blast. It's an important rite of passage for the Vulpix of my pack. I want to wait until I mastered it before evolving.''

Paradox didn't understand but she could see it was important for Maple so she accepted her excuse and put the fire stone back in the bag for later use. ''So who is going to battle the gym first?'' The blonde girl asked.

''How about we decide with rock, paper, scissor?'' Elliot asked with the first grin he had made since the farmhouse.

''I don't know what that is.'' Paradox said with a blank expression and the dark haired boy facepalmed.

''It's simple when it's time you have to decide what type of object you chose. If you choose rock you make a fist like this.'' He said while closing his fist. ''If you want paper you open your hand like this and if you want scissor you point two fingers like this. And basically rock beat scissor, scissor beat paper and paper beat rock.''

Paradox rubbed her chin at this. ''So it's basically like choosing a Pokemon at the start of a battle only in a simplified form.''

''I guess you could say that.'' Elliot replied with a shrug. ''Are you ready? Then Rock, paper, Scissor!'' Elliot had immediatly groaned since had had chosen rock and both girl had chosen paper.

''Rock, paper, scissor!'' This time both girl had made a scissor. ''Okay I guess we have to do it again rock, paper, scissor!''

This time it was Paradox turn to groan as she had chosen paper while Luna had stuck with scissor. ''I guess Luna is the first to go then.'' Elliot said while trying to not sound dissapointed. ''But I think you might have a hard time with this one. I heard the Olivine gym leader use Steel type Pokemon.''

The sound of scratching filled the silence as Luna wrote in her notebook and she presented it to Ellliot with a confident smile. As a gym leader I will have to deal with people using Pokemon strong against my type all the time. So this will be a good training exercise.

Elliot shrugged with a smirk. ''If you say so.''

The three teen made their way inside the gym ready to face the challenge ahead. What they didn't know what these next few days would not only test their ability as Pokemon trainer, but also test the limits of the bond they shared...

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*Completed (July 2024) The Sequel to Rowans Choice. Did it feel over?! No, of course it didn't, because it had only just begun. We've barely even st...
35.2K 1.2K 60
"A crow cawed as black feathers fell around me. My eyes landed on a blonde woman in a priestess robe, a dangerous aura surrounding her as she stepped...