Baby Boy Henry (Complete)

بواسطة Selahmassage

29.1K 861 493

Marne lived alone, she lives a controlled neat and ordered life. The only time she diverts from this is when... المزيد

Introduction (Edited)
Chapter One (Edited)
Chapter 2 (Edited)
Chapter 3 (Edited)
Chapter 4 (Edited)
Chapter 5 (Edited)
Chapter 6 (Edited)
Chapter 7 (Edited)
Chapter 8 (Edited)
Chapter 9 (Edited)
Chapter 10 (Edited)
Chapter 11 (Edited)
Chapter 12 (Edited)
Chapter 13 (Edited)
Chapter 14(Edited)
Chapter 15 (Edited)
Chapter 16 (Edited)
Chapter 17 (Edited)
Chapter 18 (Edited)
Chapter 19 (Edited)
Chapter 20 (Edited)
Chapter 21 (Edited)
Chapter 22 (Edited)
Chapter 23 (Edited)
Chapter 24 (Edited)
Chapter 26 (Edited)
Chapter 27 (Edited)
Chapter 28 (Edited)
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter Part 31
Chapter Part 32
Chapter Part 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 25 (Edited)

534 21 25
بواسطة Selahmassage

Chapter 25

The panicked voice of Judy rang out from the tiny speakers "Where's Marnie Henry, and why are you answering her phone?" he could hear the frustration and worry in her voice, he took a calming breath then answered, "Were back at Marnie's home Judith, she came home two weeks ago and it took me that long to find her. It's not good, she was in a terrible state when I arrived and now, I don't know what to do. She's acting young like I was. I need your help" he was met with silence then an angry voice spoke up "What, Did, You, DO?"

He knew he deserved it, he had lost his temper with her and told her he didn't need her. But he had not meant entirely he had just meant on the set. Slowly he explained to Judith what had happened right up until he had put her to bed. He even told her what Dr Nolan had told him to do, her voice had lost some of its bite but she was still unhappy with him, "Henry, I am coming over, I finish my shift in 3 hours and I am going to request some time off. Just look after her ok, ohh and Henry?" relief and nervousness flooded his body at her comment as he replied "Yes Judith?" a slight chuckle caught his ear as she said "Don't forget to clean up the preserve in the kitchen otherwise you will have ants crawling everywhere"

Henry was on his hands and knees scrubbing the floor and walls of the kitchen. How to mothers doing this every day he thought as his back ached to cause him to sit on his knees. Finally, the kitchen was sparkling standing he went to wash his hands when he heard a whimper. He stilled waiting to see if it was just his imagination, there it was again. Hearing now that it was coming from the bedroom he quickly moved and saw Marnie sitting up in bed her thumb in her mouth and silent tears running down her cheeks. Moving quickly to her side he wrapped her up into his arms and held her tight, running his hands gently up and down her back he felt her bury her face in his chest.

"Hey princess, did you have a bad dream?" he felt her head nodding against his chest and her muffled voice said "I loss ouu daddy, I coudn find ouu" at her words he groaned pulling his arms tighter around her. "ohh Chicken, you haven't lost me, I'm right here" he said whilst kissing the top of her head. Lifting her head her hazel eyes piercing his as she whispered "Really, you won weve me?" it was said so sweetly and quietly, Henry's heart skipped a beat, he would be answering when she was young but he really wanted his words to be heard by Ma as he said with certainty " I will never leave you, sweetheart, you are my princess without you I would be a lost prince." He was sure he saw a flicker of her true self flash in her eyes before it disappeared. Replaced once again by the wide-eyed innocent eyes of his chicken.

Henry looked at the clock on the bedside table, Judith would be there in another hour. Remembering his promise from the morning he smiled at her, "How would you like to go blow some bubbles?" she giggled at the mention of bubbles, sitting back and then started to bounce on the bed "Yay BUBBLES" Henry laughed at her exuberance. "Well princess, we need to find something to make the bubbles" he stood and walked into her closet hidden at the back of the closet he finally found what he was looking for.

Walking back into the room he wiggled his eyebrows at Marnie who was still bouncing on the bed. "ready Chicken, all I have to do is bend this into a circle and then we need some dishwashing detergent" Laughing Marnie jumped off the bed and ran to the kitchen, Henry hot in pursuit, he chuckled as he turned into the kitchen. There she was on her hands and knees, head first in the under the sink, her cute little bottom wiggling and she pulled bottle after bottle out of the cupboard until a squeal could be heard "Found it" the rest of her body reappearing holding a bottle of Detergent.

Together they stood at the back steps the narrow concrete area where her clothesline hung was a perfect place to blow bubbles. They found a bucket and filled it with a mixture of detergent and water. Then Henry twisted the coat hanger to make an odd round shape. "Ok princess let's see how this goes" he dipped the coat hanger in the soapy concoction and pulled it out. A rainbow-coloured film now clung to the metal. He crouched next to Marnie and instructed "now we have to blow very gently to make the bubble let's give it a go" together they blew very gently creating a large bubble to gracefully let go of the metal and formed a floating bubble. It flew around the air then landed with a pop on the fence. Marnie giggled shouting "again, again!!"

They spent the rest of the hour blowing bubbles and Marnie spent most of that time chasing them. They were so engaged with their activities that they didn't notice Judith and Joshie had joined them until Josie let out a loud squeal "bubbles" what Henry had not anticipated was for Marnie to get all shy. As soon as Josie has made the noise she had run and literally climbed henrys body till she was cradled in his large arms her face hidden in his neck. "hey princess what's wrong?" the only answer he got was a whimper in his neck.

Judy and Joshie were momentarily shocked then shaking it off she smiled. Stepping away from the door to allow Henry to step back into the house Judith said "it's ok Henry, it's normal for children to get shy, and if Marnie has regressed to a time before I was born it would make sense she would be shy around me." Judy went into the kitchen and started the kettle whilst Joshie, Henry and Marnie went into the living room. They all sat on the couch Marnie still tucked tightly against Henry's body while Joshie sat close, he watched Marnie closely for a moment then whispered "Henwy, wots wong wif Auntee?"

Smiling at the kind little boy he replied "Do you remember what I was like when we first met?" Joshie scrunched up his face in concentration then relaxed smiling, "Ouu were younger dan me, an when we pway ouu acted like me even though ouuu were big" Joshie's kindness and intelligence was a balm to Henry, ever since they had met he felt a strong connection, when they were both little he had been his best friend. Now he was big it was almost like he was his son or his own nephew, not just a boy he had known for a few months. Smiling with pride at his understanding Henry replied, "That's right, well your Aunty Ma is not feeling good and she has started to be like I was. So right now she is probably the same age as you."

Big round eyes stared back at him at that revelation, "really, do you tink she would pway wif me as you do?" he felt her squirm as if trying to burrow further into him at the little boy's statement. Seeing her reaction Joshie added, "we even bought a pwesent for her, mummy said she might like to pway wif me." Turning his head to speak quietly to Marnie, Henry said "Hey chicken, would you like to play with Joshie?" her head shook against his neck in a definite no.

Trying to coax her out he added "But he has a present for you, and I happen to know that princesses love presents" this time she stilled as if thinking then pulled back her wide hazel eyes looking at only him, "Wot if day lauf at me. I wike presents but I'm scawd" His eyes softened at his little girl, her lips were quivering and he knew that feeling so well that his heart broke for her. He leaned his forehead against hers and breathed, "how about you stay sitting on my lap but facing Joshie that way you get to meet some new people but you don't have to leave me?" her shaky voice answered hesitantly "otay'

Looking up he noticed that Judy had sat in one of the singles recliners, she pointed next to him, looking down he saw a tea on the side table. Mouthing thank you, she just returned his comment with a smirk and a glint in her eye. Cocking an eyebrow at her she almost laughed out loud at his face. That was until Marnie moved around laying her back against henry's chest, the smirk dropped replaced by a soft smile. Judy had never seen her sister this vulnerable she was always the strong, intelligent, independent mother hen. Never once had she seen her cry, or look as scared as she did right now.

Putting her tea down Judy walked over and knelt in front of Marnie, "Hey there princess, a little birdy told me you like watching My Little Pony is that right?", she nodded her head and a sparkle lit her eyes as she said, "Yup dats my favoritest catoon" smiling at her she said "I'm glad to hear that because Joshie here picked out a present for you" at this point Joshie jumped off the couch and ran to get something by the front door. He returned with a large package. "Here Auntee dis is for ouu" placing the parcel on her lap. Henry chuckled as Ma bounced on his lap in excitement, her hands shaking as the reached out and started to unwrap the gift.

Judy watched the awe and wonder on her sister's face as she opened the package and pulled out a backpack with Fluttershy, rainbow dash and Pinky Pie on the front along with Princess Celestia

Judy watched the awe and wonder on her sister's face as she opened the package and pulled out a backpack with Fluttershy, rainbow dash and Pinky Pie on the front along with Princess Celestia. She opened the backpack and began pulling items out almost piercing Henry's eardrums as she squealed at each one. First, she pulled out a Soft Rainbow Dash Hugging it tightly to her she turned to show Henry. He smiled took it from her as she next pulled out a box containing a plate, cup and cutlery with Rainbow dash and applejack on it.

He smiled took it from her as she next pulled out a box containing a plate, cup and cutlery with Rainbow dash and applejack on it

Lastly, she pulled out another box that had the whole set of My little pony figurines. As she looked in awe at it Joshie said "We could pway my little pony if you wike Ma"

Before Henry could say anything she had scrambled off his lap and box in hand sat on the floor with Joshie. Chuckling he looked at Judy, "Thank you, I think you just made her day" Letting out a sigh she just smirked "well I would want her eating of batman or superman plates, you know she was never into super hero's" at that he laughed "Yep, I remember" It didn't take long before the kids were back boxing in hand, holding it up for Henry a teary-eyed Ma said "Daddy, can oouu open dis pweese?" taking the box in hand he stood up the two kids following as he went into the kitchen. Using a knife as no scissors seemed to be available he easily detached each figurine from the cardboard handing them one by one to the eager pair. Once they were all free they ran back to the living room to begin their play.

Sitting back down he picked up his tea, "Daddy? Since when did she start calling you that?" hand to mouth he caught the tea before it flew out of his mouth. Judy laughed hard at the look of embarrassment on his face as even his ears had turned bright red. "Don't worry Henry, I think it's cute how the tables have turned. Not that I want Marnie to stay like this but she never really had a childhood, she looked after me, Joshie and then you. This is probably the first time she has been able to just play and relax in our parents died." The seriousness of her statement overshadowed the playfulness of the previous statement. He watched as she danced around the room with rainbow dash in had Joshie following and decided then and there no matter how long it took he would make sure she had all the time in the world to play. 

A/N Who was your favourite Toy when you were a child? How do you think Daddy Henry is going? 

Also Nancy became Judith I am going to go back and edit the stories changing Joshies mum to Judy :) lol oh my  as always votes and comments are loved  - have a great week Selah

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