Outer Banks Imagines

By justasocalleddreamer

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I never know what to write here, I mean the title says it all. More

JJ- "I don't want to be your charity case"
John B- "If I used that one we couldn't talk"
Pope- "your the smart one"
JJ- "Next time use a bit of common sense"
JJ- "hopefully"
Kiara- "I mean the guys said it was obvious"
Kiara/Sarah- "Other then her being a kook, none"
JJ- "Hopefully" (Part 2)
Rafe- "Also here's your money back"
Sarah- "hey stupid, I love you"
JJ- "Rafe Cameron isn't better then you"
JJ- "Rafe Cameron isn't better then you" (Part 2)
JJ- "Rafe Cameron isn't better then you" (Part 3)
Rafe Cameron- "Jealous of John B?"
Rafe- ""It's my first step to not caring what he thinks"
Pope-"As you said earlier I've changed"
Rafe- "Its my first step to not caring what he thinks" (part 2)
John B- "I didn't need my heart anyway. Who cares if it breaks"
Rafe- "It's my first step to not caring what he thinks" (Part 3)
Sarah- "Fucking Camerons"
Rafe- " "I wouldn't dream of it"
JJ " I don't want to be your charity case" (Part 2)
John B- "Your new boyfriend's an asshole"
JJ - "He wasn't just some guy"
Rafe- "I wouldnt dream of it" (part 2)
Pope-"As you said earlier I've changed" (Part 2)
John B- "I don't have much else going on"
Rafe- "you deserve better then friends who leave you"
John B- "I'm already involved"
JJ/Rafe- "I just don't want you to get hurt"
Cleo- "that's just Cleo"
Rafe- "you deserve better then friends who leave you" (Part 2)
JJ- "I thought I snoozed the alarm"
Rafe- "You deserve better then friends who leave you" (Part 3)
John B- "I promise"
Rafe- "But I'm your best friend"
Barry - "Just don't tell your brother"
Rafe - "So what do you want?"
Rafe - "I'm a terrible person"
Sarah -"Now why would you do that?"
Rafe- "All because I liked a boy"
JJ/Kie- "We met evil when we were only children"
Rafe - "I don't know how to love you..."
JJ - "They see right through me"

John B- "Jesus we leave you alone for ten minutes

10.4K 72 0
By justasocalleddreamer

Description: John B and JJ get in a fight with Rafe and his friends and you try to smooth everything over.
Warnings: probably swearing, not much.


I lay on the couch on John B's porch, my eyes scanning down the page I was reading as I waited for the others to turn up. I had messaged the group multiple times and had not gotten a reply from any of them. I couldn't help but let my mind wonder about all the trouble they could have gotten themselves into, especially John B and JJ. Neither of them was good at keeping themselves out of it.  I shook my head in an attempt to try and get rid of the thought of them being in the back of a cop car.  John B was already on thin ice, one slip up and he'd be sent to live with a foster family. I couldn't have that. Sadness overtook me as I forced myself to concentrate back on the book, the words all forming into one. I placed the book on my stomach as I reached for my phone sending yet another text to each one and the group chat. I anxiously waited for the message to be seen, to see the three dots and a message back but there was nothing.  I placed my phone to the side and picked the book up, even though I knew I wasn't going to be able to read it.  I started from the top again each time I looked over at my phone. Can someone just message me back. Before I could look back at the book I heard four voices. I quickly shut the book and sat up looking towards the porch door waiting to see their faces. The first person to come into my sight was John B, his hair a mess, with a clenched jaw, his arms at his side his fists also clenched, his knuckles white. Followed behind him was JJ wearing the same look, his top ripped at the collar. Kiara and Pope walked in behind. Before I could call out to the group John B spoke turning to look at JJ.

"We're going to get our asses kicked" John B fumed, his jaw unclenching then clenching. What the hell have they gotten themselves into. I watched as JJ walked to the other boy placing his hands on his shoulder.
"No, you're going to get your ass kicked. I can hold my own." JJ joked, John B not finding it amusing at all. John B grabbed JJs arm pushing it off his shoulder walking away from him, JJ looked back at Kiara and Pope who both wore sullen expressions. Silence had fallen over the group, the only sound was of John B's deep breathing as he tried to calm himself down. I placed the book down on the sofa finally speaking.
"Is someone going to tell me what the hell happened?" I questioned going from Kiara to Pope then JJ finally stopping at John B.
"Why don't you ask JJ" John B pointed to the blonde, JJ's expression stolid. I sat waiting for him to respond.
"Fine" but it was JJ's voice that spoke but John B's. "We were walking back when we ran into Kelce, Kelce muttered something under his breath and JJ decided to punch him." I looked from John B to JJ, gone was the stolid expression and instead replaced with shame. "Not even five seconds after did Topper, Rafe and Barry turn up, I was able to pull JJ away after Rafe punched him-"
"It was a cheap shot" JJ muttered to himself just loud enough for us to hear, I shook my head to look back at John B who was also shaking his head at JJ's comment.
"They said next time we see them they'll make us pay." John B rested against the wooden pole of the porch looking at me. I tried to think of something to say but nothing was coming to mind. I couldn't believe how stupid JJ had been, did he think he would just get away with punching him.
"I don't think it'll be that bad, you and JJ have been in a fight with them before" Pope spoke grabbing everyone's attention, a fixed look on John B.
"Yeah but this time I don't think they're going to be as fair, especially as Kelce was walking away. Also if they have Barry with them..." John B trailed off, he looked off towards the water. He was right, Barry wasn't known to play fair but I doubt he would help a bunch of kooks. I mean he won't give a shit about some petty drama between teens. Even if Barry weren't there, it would still be three against two. There's also no knowing if they would bring more people, I wouldn't put it past Rafe. Also if John B was seen in a fight, or if they started the fight and then called the cops, again wouldn't put it past Rafe, I mean he'd get out easy with his parent's money, all the kooks would, while John B was sent away to a foster family.

"Well, I'm going to go" I stood up, holding the book I had made no progress with. John B broke his gaze from the water and looking at me.
"But we've only just got here" John B spoke looking at me as I made my way towards the steps, I stopped looking back at the four of them. JJ had now sat on the empty couch, his feet up on the other side.
"Yeah I've been here over an hour" I sighed taking a step down before looking back at the group again. "I told my dad I wouldn't be too late" I stepped down the third and last step.
"Well let me walk you home" John B started to walk forward. We both knew it would be stupid for him to do so, I didn't live in the cut like the rest of them, I actually lived in the same area as Topper. I wasn't a kook the same way I wasn't really a Pogue, I had friends from each side and I refused to pick a side. Honestly this whole Kook and Pogue shit was stupid.
"That would be stupid and you know it" John B his face crestfallen. I looked between each person before saying goodbye and leaving the group.

I sat on my bed holding my phone in my hand as I messaged Sarah Cameron, I tried my hardest not to straight-up ask her what her brother's plans were for my friends. I lay back on the bed as I sent off another message to the girl. Since being back home I had received a few messages from John B, most just asking if I had gotten home okay, if I had been bothered by Rafe or the others, but they hadn't, they wouldn't as all our parents were good friends. I had received a message from JJ apologising for putting me in an awkward situation, I reassured the boy that he hadn't. I focused on the ceiling to my room, my phone to the side, watching the fan of my room spin. I don't know how long I had been laying like this when my phone started buzzing. I picked the phone up and hit answer without even checking who had called.
"Hello" I said boredom in my voice as I still lay watching the phone.
"You have to come round right now. They're driving me insane" Sarah's voice came through the phone. Even though I couldn't see her I could picture the annoyed look on her face.
"Who?" I inquired, the sound of speaking in the background becoming louder.
"My stupid brother and his friends, please I need a girl I can hang with not just these losers" She responded, the sound of movement coming from her end. Rafe and his friends, most likely Kelce and Topper, maybe I could straighten everything out between the groups.
"I'm on my way" I sat up from the bed ending the call before Sarah could respond to me. I quickly slipped on some shoes before calling out to my parents that I was heading over to the Camerons. Unlike hanging out with John B and the others I wasn't given a time to be back by, like most Kooks my parents were biased against John B, JJ, Kiara and Pope.

The walk to Sarahs only took fifteen minuted max. I raised my hand knocking on the wooden door waiting for someone inside to respond. After a few seconds, the door was answered by the youngest Cameron sibling, Wheezie.
"Hi" I smiled at the girl who didn't seem pleased to see me. The girl took a step back allowing me into the house before disappearing not say anything. Alright. I walked through the house and towards the back where multiple voices were speaking.
"God why do you have to be so crude" I heard Sarah complain, I walked closer to the group now coming into view. Sarah was sat next to Topper, which wasn't surprising considering they were dating, a disgusted look on her face as she was looking at Rafe.
"Oh come on Sarah don't be like that" Rafe looked from Kelce towards Sarah who still wasn't letting the disgusting look go.  Sarah finally turned her glare from her brother and looking over at me, her gaze softening.
"Oh thank god" Sarah pushed herself off Rafe and made her way towards me, before I could say anything Sarah wrapped her arms around me. "You saved me from these guys" Sarah released me from the hug and turned to look at the boys who's gazes were now on me.
"Y/n" Rafe said cooly looking from me to the other two boys.
"Rafe" I kept my voice polite as I turned to possible as I looked at the others. "Kelce, Topper" they both nodded their head in my direction.
"Okay, what's going on? What's with the tension?" She was right even though we were being polite to one another there was a lingering tension, none of us seemed to want to answer the girl, no one even looked in her direction.  "Come on just tell me"Sarah whined again looking at each one of us.
"Her friends attacked me" Kelce let out whatever anger he was holding out in that statement, a finger pointing at me. Sarah looked from Kelce to me. I couldn't deny it because they did, and I couldn't apologise on their behalf because JJ wasn't sorry about punching Kelce. "I didn't even do anything to them" Kelce complained slouching back into his seat.
"Maybe there's something we can do to figure this all out, not have it end in another fight" I pleaded with the three boys who seemed to have no interest in fixing the situation. Kelce was looking off to the side bored, Topper also seemed to be bored but forcing himself to pay attention, I then turned to Rafe his bored expression turning to a mischievous smile. Whatever he was thinking I don't think I was going to like it.
"Will you do anything to get your friends out of this situation?" Rafe leant forward as he spoke, the mischievous smile still on his face. I would do anything to stop John B from moving, to be thrown into a foster family, away from us, away from me. I just nodded my head waiting for whatever he was going to say. "Fine we'll let this slide if you go on a date with me" I scrunched my face at what Rafe said, disgust filling my stomach. He can't actually be serious. I looked to Sarah who seemed as shocked and disgusted as me.
"What no" I finally found my voice again, the disgust still evident on my face. There was no way I was going on a date with Rafe Cameron, I wasn't going to be alone with him.
"Fine, then tell John B he better start packing" Rafe leant back into the couch, an evil look on his face, I clenched my jaw as I watched the boy. He really was wretched. Again I looked at Sarah she gave me a sympathetic smile. There's wasn't anything else I could do.
"Fine" I muttered a sense of defeat washing over me, Kelce's and Topper's attention snapping back, a look of shock that mirrored Sarah's from earlier. Rafe didn't say anything he lifted an eyebrow also taken aback that I had given in so easily. It wasn't because I wanted to, I just didn't want John B to get sent away.

I left the Camerons house soon after Rafe told me the date and time of when he'd pick me up, two days away at seven o'clock. The following day I made my way towards the wreck passing another group of teenage Pogues as I walked towards the door, the group looking me up and down before turning and whispering to one another. I gave them another glance before walking in.
"Hi, Mr Carrera" I greeted Kiara's dad who was stood cleaning the counter. "Where are the others" I questioned not spotting any of them that the tables.
"There out the back" He pointed with the hand that held the rag. I nodded and started to make my way back out towards the docks, there were about five boats, the one the furthest back belonging to John B, the figures of my friends noticeable. I walked down the dock getting closer to the group.
"So what are we doing today?" I smiled as I got closer the group turning to look at me. None of them seemed to be in a pleasant mood. "What's going on?" I questioned as I got on to the boat, JJ scoffing. I turned to the blonde who was now glaring at me. "Seriously what's the problem?" I challenged looking straight at JJ.
"Where's your boyfriend? Why don't you call him so we can get this over with" JJ took a step forward, I looked from him to Kiara then Pope then John B, who seemed to refuse to meet my eyes.
"What are you on about?" I turned back to JJ confused out my mind, why were they being like this.
"Rafe Cameron. Heard you're going on a date with him even though he threatened us" JJ looked me up and down as he spoke. How did they even find out so quick?
"How did you guys even find out so  quick?" I ran a hand through my hair as I waited for someone to answer again it was JJ.
"Kie heard it from someone at her school this morning" He pointed to Kiara who like John B now avoided meeting my eyes.
"It's not what it sounds like" I crossed my arms looking JJ straight in the eyes. "I only agreed to go on a date with him because he said if I did he would drop everything" I added before JJ could say anything else. As I spoke I saw JJ's eyes soften taking a step back. "Satisfied with my answer" I looked around the group, John B finally meeting my gaze. "He basically threatened to have John B sent away if I didn't and I didn't want that to happen" My voice getting quieter as I spoke, I turned to look down at the dirty boat floor.
"Really?" John B had taken a step closer, I nodded my head. I couldn't bring myself to look at John B, I could feel my cheeks heating up as I stared at the boat floor.
"You know I've got a few more things to get from inside, JJ, Pope, come help me" I turned to look at Kiara pushing Pope's shoulder and sending a look to JJ who followed without a complaint.

After the group was gone John B spoke again. "Why would you agree to that? Even though Kie's my friend I could never seeing her going on a date with Rafe to save my ass" I walked around the boat sitting on the seat behind the wheel. John B making his way over to me still waiting for my response I suppose.
"I just, I can't have you living miles away" I turned to look at John B who was already staring at me, I turned back to the front of the boat staring off ahead.
"I can't let you go on a date with Rafe Cameron, especially not to save my ass" I furrowed my brows as I quickly turned my head to face John B again. "You need to call him and tell him you no longer want to"
"No, I'm not doing that" I protested shaking my head, I can't believe he would even suggest that. What would they do instead, they couldn't avoid Rafe and the rest of them. "It's only one date" I looked down at my hands, John B moving his on top of mine.
"What if he's only doing this to get to us, to me. What if he's lying" John B was saying stuff I hadn't even thought about. What if he was right. I have to think that Rafe has to be telling the truth.
"He has to be telling the truth, we have to try. Plus it's not like you care who I really go on a date with" I shrugged, it was the truth I had been on dates before and the group never cared, the only reason they cared this time was because Rafe had threatened them. If he hadn't I doubt they would really care enough to be really mad at me.
"That's not true" John B shot back, silence falling over us again. He was lying just to be nice. "I don't want you to go on this date with him or anyone" I looked from my hands to John B who looked at me meaningfully. Was he saying what I think he was saying. My breath hitched as John B looked from my eyes to my lips then back, my own eyes then doing the same. Of course, I liked John B as more than a friend, I was going on a date with Rafe Cameron to save his ass only someone that liked someone would do that. John moved his hand from mine now placing his hand on the side of my cheek slowly leaning in. I took a deep breath as John B's lips met mine, the kiss was sweet, it also didn't last long thanks to JJ.

"Jesus we leave you alone for ten minutes" He rolled his eyes as he stepped onto the boat causing me and John B to separate, again a blush crossing my cheeks having been caught by friends, I turned to look at John B who didn't seem to care.
"Leave them alone JJ" Kiara followed JJ sending a smile in my direction then setting a hard glare on JJ, Pope behind her but didn't say anything.
"You definitely can't go on that date now" John B mumbled to me, I shook my head going to respond but was cut off by John B. "We'll think of something else to get Rafe off our backs"
"Hell yes, we will" JJ chimed in from his position on the boat holding a glass bottle up.

Hope you guys liked.
Also I'm writing a story (not published yet) it's about magic. I have like 2 and half chapter written. Let me know if this would interest you. Would you be interested in learning a bit about the characters and who I picture as them? Like I said I have like 5 stories, actively only working on 2 if I'm honest.
Also who next?
Let me know you thoughts

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