His sweatshirts (Karl x Reade...

By soog2048

51K 1K 881

This is my very first fanfiction writing so any and all criticism is welcomed! :) Just your average Karl x Re... More

Table of Contents
VC 2
Full Netherite
3 am
Gravity Falls
Do you remember? (21st night)
The Offer
First Challenge
Practice Makes....Well actually-
Monster Energy
A Message
Three Hands?
The O'Rangers vs The Raspberry Racers
Dahlias, carnations, begonias...
and so much more
cold showers, the smell of lavender, and calming music

A difference

2K 39 88
By soog2048

hey hey!

ive been thinking of starting up another story pretty soon! (don't worry, this one isnt ending for quite a while)

but i was wondering who you would like to see in the next one! it will most likely be a Character x OC story or a Character x Character story, so lmk what you would like to read!!

anyways, back to the story! this is a mini time-skip to a week after the last discord conversation represented in the last chapter :)


karly poo

hey y/n :)

quick question

are you thinking of streaming tonight?

hi hi

sorry, i was thinking of taking a break tonight:/

oh that's completely fine!!

i was just thinking of doing a chill alt stream :]

care to join me?


what time abouts? :)

y/n i just realized something


what's up?

i literally have no clue where you live 

like i dont even know what time zone youre in

woah what the heck

we've been friends for how long now?

ik ik ik

liiiike probably a month and a half at this point :]

that's crazy to think about


i dont know where you live either!!

well i live in VA, so est :)

wait youre messing with me

you have to be messing with me rn

uh no?

i literally live in NC

that's not that far!

good to know we're at the same timezone

i mean i assumed because of all the late night calls but :]

yeah, thats super close!! :)

so what time would you want me to join? :)

hmm im still not 100%

but i think around 9:30?

sounds great!! :)

catcha later, nerd :]

omg :)

catcha later B)


You sigh softly, and check the time. Only 7:42? That's too far away. A frown lightly graces your face as you look around your slowly darkening room. Tossing your phone into your comforter, you swing you legs over the side of your bed and watch them softly touch your soft carpet. A small grunt escapes your mouth as you lift yourself up. A small chime rings out from your abandoned phone, and out of curiosity you pick it back up again. 


> t w i t t e r <

MrBeast Tweeted:

Dear all creators, reply to this tweet if you would be interested in a new video! If selected, you will be DM'ed with information regarding a STREAMED "audition" for an irl challenge. You must have done a face reveal before this tweet was sent out in order to be considered. (Sorry Dream).


Mind beginning to race with curiosity, you swipe, opening your phone.


t w i t t e r 


Dear all creators, reply to this tweet if you would be interested in a new video! If selected, you will be DM'ed with information regarding a STREAMED "audition" for an irl challenge. You must have done a face reveal before this tweet was sent out in order to be considered. (Sorry Dream).






hi  @.MrBeast


Karl :)

ayo vouch 


It almost feels like the devil is sitting on one shoulder, an angel on the other. 

An irl Mr. Beast challenge? What would it even be? God how embarrassing would it be if I lost first round or something? Wouldn't it be so cool though? Even if my channel is already surging forward due to being on the smp, this would be another big boost. Would Karl be there? 


Would this be an opportunity to meet him?  

Your heart hammers as different scenarios and outcomes begin to fill your head. The good, the bad, the ugly. The dreaded, the anticipated, the hopeful. The lovely, the horrible, the indifferent. Your fingertips begin to tingle, and you swear you can hear your own heartbeat. Taking a deep breath, you close your eyes. You regulate your breathing, and attempt to organize your thoughts. A pros and cons list...yeah, that would be good.


-boost to the channel

-like a huge boost

-it would be good to meet some new people

-possibly meeting karl?

-possibly literally getting to hang out with karl

-could be a fun experience

-would give fans some cool content

-getting to meet other smp members/friends

-get to go to NC 


i literally have social anxiety-

i could embarrass myself-

i could lose-

Placing your pen back down gently onto you desk, you sit back in your chair and stare at the small, scribbled list. The "pros" side triples the "cons" side. 

For some reason, or maybe no reason in particular, a smile lifts itself onto your face. 

You lift your phone from its facedown position on your desk, and swipe across the screen. Heaving a deep, but content sigh, you tap the small bar that reads, "reply." The small, white and gray keyboard appears on the lower half of your screen. 


t w i t t e r 


Dear all creators, reply to this tweet if you would be interested in a new video! If selected, you will be DM'ed with information regarding a STREAMED "audition" for an irl challenge. You must have done a face reveal before this tweet was sent out in order to be considered. (Sorry Dream).



hey @.MrBeast, this seems like cool opportunity :)


Almost mere seconds after you hit the "reply" button, a text notification appears on your phone.


Karly Poo

i just saw your reply to jimmy's tweet!!

i wasnt completely sure if you would reply or not!!

im glad you did :)

haha thanks :)

i think i am too, its just really nerve wracking rn lol

well, i hope you get selected :)

me too :)

now go start up your stream, it's already 8:37 dummy :)

fine fine, ill text you when im ready stupid :)


"chat wants to know your opinions on apple juice vs orange juice," karl informs you, humming softly along to a song.

"ooo apple juice vs orange juice? you go first," you chuckle into your mic. 

"what the heck why do i have to go first?" karl asks, scoffing at you in mock offense. 

"because i said so," you hum softly. 

"okay okay, obviously the correct answer here is apple juice, okay?" karl claims, and you can hear him slump back into his chair. 

"yes! that, i can agree with you on," you giggle lightly, referring to the previous small debates on small topics his chat has come up with over the past hour and a half. 

"finally you have some common sense," karl murmurs into his mic, a smile crowding over his voice. 

"excuse me sir, quite rude of you," you sass him back. 

"yeah yeah, you called me dumb earlier because i lightly inferred that goldfish and cheezits were equally as good." 

"uh because you were obviously incorrect in your inference," you scoff and cross your arms, even if he cant see you. 

"yeah yeah, y/n, yeah yeah." he laughs lightly into the mic. 

something about the light banter that has gone on for the entirety of his stream gives you such a warm feeling. at the beginning, at 9:30 ish, it began as just a small bubbly feeling in your chest. as the night continued its progression towards yet another dawn, the feeling spread as a warmth. it eventually climbed its way all the way to your cheeks on which your hands currently rest. 

a small sigh escapes your lips as you lean back into the comfort of your chair. 

"everything alright?" you listen as he lowers his voice just a bit, and dives into a softer tone as he asks. 

"oh, yeah, sorry, ive just been thinking a bit." you reply simply, checking your nails. 

"about what? i wanna hear everything in your big brain," a smile graces his voice. 

"oh trust me, you dont want to hear me go off into an endless ramble," you chuckle, walking over to your bed to grab a plush blanket. 

"but i do! you have so many interesting thoughts, and i love listening to your voice," he replies. you swear your heart nearly stops. its almost comical how such a small comment can easily send you off into a blushing mess. 

"id much rather talk with you, i love listening to yours as well dummy." you reply with a grin planting itself on your face. 

"fiiiiiiine y/n," he chuckles. "well at least tell me one thing youre thinking about, even a question."

"well i do have a question, but i dont know if youll be able to reveal this or not." you sit up in your chair, wrapping yourself in your blanket. "are you going to be a part of the challenge jimmy tweeted out about?"

"oh yeah, i can reveal that." he replies quickly, "yeah, ill be in it, duh."

"oh thats cool, i was just thinking about who i had the chance of meeting. i mean obviously if i was selected and made it through the whole audition process and everything," you smile softly, a blush rising itself once again to your cheeks. 

"i mean im obviously not able to reveal any of that yet, but i hope you make it. i think itd be really cool for you."

"yeah, i think so too. at this point i dont even care too much about the true challenge as much as i do the chance at meeting new people," you claim.

"wait y/n. wait wait wait wait wait."

"what am i waiting for dummy?"

"if you make it, we could meet, like we would literally get to meet up," you hear excitement edge his voice, and you cant help but laugh.

"yeah, yeah we would." 


1587 words

this was a bit of a longer chapter!!

well, i guess not really, all the social media stuff and text conversations just make it look super long :)

anyways, dont forget to follow, vote, and comment!!

i really appreciate each and every one of you, and youre all loved <3

now go take care of yourself, go to bed, complete an assignment or two, clean your room, go outside, eat something, drink some water, etc etc etc :)

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