Beside You ☼ A Luke Hemmings...

By thesefouraustralians

49.4K 1.2K 339

Emma is just a regular fan. Just another face in the crowd. All she wants in life is to meet her sunshine onc... More

Chapter 1: What's 5sos?
Chapter 2: Luke
Chapter 3: Starstruck
Chapter 4: What just happened?
Chapter 5: A Date?
Chapter 6: A Night Out
Chapter 7: Scary Movie
Chapter 8: "You're prettier."
Chapter 10: Alone
Chapter 11: "I'll love you no matter what"
Chapter 12: Empty
Chapter 13: Hey, by the way, I still miss you.
Chapter 14: I messed up.
Chapter 15: Beside You
Chapter 16: In his Arms
Chapter 17: Plane Ticket
Chapter 18: New York City
Chapter 19: Watching from the Wings
Chapter 20: The Way to Fance
Chapter 21: "Will You?"
Chapter 22: Later

Chapter 9: A Ticket to Another World

2.2K 53 7
By thesefouraustralians

About a week had passed ever since my beach date with Luke and the boys. We hung out a lot in the past week, because today was the day Luke had to leave LA. The boys had a gig back in Australia, so he would be gone with them for five days. In the average humans mind, that's not too long at all. But I'm a teenage girl who's in love with a famous teenage boy. Five days felt like forever.

All the boys were taking a flight early in the morning, just as the sun was waking up, to keep the fan girls showing up to a minimum. I insisted on waking up early with them, to drive to the airport to say goodbye. Still half asleep, I rolled out of bed and found the nearest pair of black leggings and white tee shirt. I slipped on my tan Ugg boots, and walked out of the door, not bothering to do anything with my hair or makeup.

Luke, Calum, Michael, and Ashton, were all already standing outside, waiting for me to come out. It was a cold summer morning, and the sun was just beginning to slowly rise up into the sky. I walked up to Luke, and hugged him, his warm arms wrapped around me.
"Aw, she's so cute when she's tired" he stated, referring to me.
"So are puppies." Calum followed.
"So are -" Ashton started, before getting interrupted by Michael,
"Can we just shut up and get in the damn car." Michael moaned.
"He's not a morning person." Luke whispered loudly, so everyone else could still clearly hear him, while softly kissing the top of my head.
"I can tell." I recreated Luke's tone, a loud enough whisper that everyone else could also hear me.

We all laughed, again, except Michael, who just wanted to go back to sleep. Yet, we followed his command and got into the car as I drove to LAX. Once I helped the boys find the correct gate to board on, I waited with them, while of course, Michael slept.
"First class is now boarding for the Australia flight." The flight attendant said into the microphone, which echoed throughout the building.
"This is us, guys." Ashton announced to the rest of the boys, waking Michael up as well.
"I'll be right there, just give me a minute." Luke informed them, while the boys followed Ashton into the plane, and nodded.

Luke turned his body back towards me and put his big hands on my waist, while starring into my eyes,
"It's just five days, it's okay." I told him with a smile.
"Exactly. Five days without seeing your face. Five days without hearing your voice or your cute little laugh. Five days without getting to stare into your beautiful blue eyes."
"I know. It's ok, I'll call you every day."
"Ugghh don't ever leave." I said with a sarcastic giggle.
"I don't want to. But I have to, it'll be quick."
"Okay." I smiled.
"Okay," he smiled, "I love you, Emma, never forget that."
"I love you, Luke."

He smiled, grabbed my head gently into his hands, and kissed me. He then turned around and walked onto the plane, that would slowly take him away from me.

I had just sat inside my car, about to start the engine, when my phone vibrated. I opened a text from Luke.
"Plane selfie! I miss you already so I did a sad face :(("


Short chapter, I know sorry 😬😬

I mmiigghhtt update chapter 10 tonight, but if not I will tomorrow.

btw the selfie Luke "sent" i put as the header thingy up there ^^^^

ily guys!💗

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