Outsider Syndrome | βœ“

By Mistyped_

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(A Reverse Harem) Due to her above-average height, Shiina Kisaragi lives as the constant object of ridicule... More

- Outsider Syndrome -
- Aesthetics & Playlist -
Chapter 1 - "Let Us Welcome Beanstalk Shiina"
Chapter 2 - "The Childish Idol Rin-Rin"
Chapter 3 - "Both Tall and Sweet Kamakiri"
Chapter 4 - "Unbearably Similar Igarashi"
Chapter 5 - "Hot and Cold Keiko"
Chapter 6 - "Magical Witch Mao"
Chapter 7 - "Happy-Go-Lucky Hachiko"
Chapter 8 - "Kind and Cheerful Chie"
Chapter 9 (1) - "Ripped and Dishevelled Companions"
Chapter 9 (2) - "Far From Heartless Zombie"
Chapter 10 - "Meant to be Alone"
Chapter 11 - "Two Hopeless Dorks"
Chapter 12 - "The Sensitive Narumi"
Chapter 13 - "Athletic Genius Kiharu"
Chapter 14 - "Heavenly Upperclassman Hanai"
Chapter 15 (1) - "Let Your Music Be Heard"
Chapter 15 (2) - "Inside Identity"
Chapter 16 - "A Beautician Named Banri"
Chapter 17 - "Beautiful World"
Chapter 18 - "Legendary Stylist Noir"
Chapter 19 - "Did My Heart Love Till Now?" ft. Issei
Chapter 20 - "All the World's a Stage"
Chapter 21 - "Let Us Take Up Arms and Emerge Victorious"
Chapter 22 - "Demon Troll Akagi"
Chapter 23 - "A Selfish Wish"
Chapter 24 - "Starlight With You"
Chapter 25 - "Irretrievable Words"
Chapter 26 - "I Wish You A Very Intimate Night"
Chapter 27 - "Morning Cuddles"
Chapter 28 - "It's Panda-monium!"
Chapter 29 - "Forget Me Not Hug"
Bonus - "Tomato Cheeks"
Chapter 30 (1) - "Let's See Tomorrow Together"
Chapter 30 (2) - "What It Means To Live"
Bonus 2 - "Puzzling Feelings"
Chapter 31 - "I Want To Be With You"
Chapter 32 - "Cute and Petite Tsumugi"
Chapter 33 - "Boy Friend, Girl Friend"
Chapter 34 (1) - "Celebrity Buzz"
Chapter 34 (2) - "Precious"
Chapter 35 - "Hopelessly and Utterly"
Chapter 36 - "The Only One For Me"
Chapter 37 - "My Heart Calls For Love"
Chapter 38 - "Two Halves of a Whole"
Chapter 39 - "You're Supposed To Say Yes"
Chapter 40 - "Into the Future"
- Ending Details -
Kamakiri Ending - "What Sprouted From Complication"
Banri Ending - "From Now On, Always"
Issei Ending - "Heart Thief"
Narumi Ending - "Never Let Go"
Rin Ending - "Dearest, Truest"
Hachiko Ending - "It's You"
Toru Ending - "From Beginning to End"
- Thanks For Reading! -
- Important Announcement! -

Leon Ending - "Did You Feel the Magic?"

131 16 21
By Mistyped_

~3 Months Later~

Shiina Kisaragi's POV:


"Shiina, where have you been disappearing to lately?"

Kiharu posed the question as soon as the lunch bell had chimed and I was scrambling to put my belongings away.

"You always seem like you're in a rush," Tsumugi added.

Feigning a smile, I forced a laugh. "Whatever do you mean? I'm buying lunch. Have to get there before the typical commotion. Nothing usual."

They stared at me with half-lidded eyes.

"You, buying lunch?" Kiharu asked incredulously. "Even though yer lunchbox is sitting right there in yer bag?"

I followed their gaze to my backpack only to find the cloth of my lunchbox sticking right out.

I sweatdropped. Seizing the straps, I yanked it to my chest and squeaked, "You know me, I love eating. The more meals the better."

"Shiina—" Tsumugi started.

"I-I'll see you guys later! Bye!"

I booked it for the exit, clambering through the hall before they could prod me further or potentially make chase. Upon arriving at a safe distance, far from the masses, I expelled an official breath. As much as it ebbed at me not telling Kiharu and Tsumugi, the idea of them discovering the truth was a much scarier alternative.

Nobody could find out.

I wouldn't allow it.

Shoulders squared, I surveyed my surroundings. Then, ensuring there were no lurking eyes, I made the pursuit to the nearest female restroom—one I frequented since hardly anyone visited. Entering one of the empty stalls, I grasped my bag and surfaced the bundle of clothes tucked inside.

My mouth wilted into an immediate frown.

Put on the darn outfit, Shiina, my conscience chastised. You don't have a choice.

Burying the disgust seeping to the surface, I nudged aside my never-ending stream of doubts and got changed. I pushed the door open a crack once fitted. The hinges creaked, but after noting the coast was clear, I made my way out. I couldn't bear to glance at myself in the mirror. Merely gathered my property and dashed outside the washroom. Through the corridors, past gawping passersby, and into the main school courtyard.

He was idling there, decked out in his dramatic top hat, cape, and wand. Upon arriving at his side very much out of breath, Leon Hirawa beamed brilliantly.

"Kitty cat! Why are you hiding?" He removed my bag from my hold and raked me over with his eyes. "Nnn. You're absolutely stunning!"

"This outfit makes me queasy."

"You'll live."

He lobbed my belongings behind the fold-up table he'd assembled. Rested upon the elaborate red curtain he'd sprawled across it was but few of his superfluous 'magical' contraptions. Renowned throughout the school as an eccentric magician—rightfully so—Leon's obsession with wowing others via the crazy hijinks he engaged in, was standard. He was immensely full of himself, spread rumours of his 'magnificence,' dished out fortunes that once hurled my meagre life into chaos.

Although deep, deep, deep down Leon (probably) meant well and was (most likely) a great person, I couldn't handle him. I wanted nothing more than to avoid him. Unfortunately for me, fate had other plans.

It happened a week ago.

I was going about my day, trying to survive the hell that was high school. Admittedly, I was distracted by a gaming app Kiharu had gotten me hooked on recently, which led to me not watching where I was going. All I knew was that one second I was walking along, fiddling with my cell, and the next, my foot caught on thin air and I was propelled into a passerby and to the ground.

The deafening crash and sounds of broken glass filled my ears thereafter.

"No! My crystal ball!"

Yep. I'd unwittingly shattered Leon's keepsake belonging.

Straightaway, I apologized—offered to pay him back the full amount. Then, he enlightened me on the price. . .

"How is it that expensive?" I'd exclaimed on behalf of my failing heart. "I can't pay that off even if I worked part-time for months!"

"This is a capitalist society, kitty cat. If you can't pay with money, you must with your body!"

. . .I ended up agreeing to become Leon's assistant.

I'd fallen into the very ditch I wanted no more than to steer clear from.

Leon detailed me a long list of things I was required to complete. Indicated what I had to say and wear—do.

In terms of attire, his grand idea was to force me into some skimpy dress but after a couple of punches, and pleas for mercy on his part, we happily agreed on a simple black cape and bow tie I could sling over my uniform.

I also slipped on an elaborate party mask, not to mention a faux moustache and mini top hat. There was no way I was letting anyone figure out it was me. This had to remain top secret. A torture I'd silently suffer with until I could work off the money I owed him.

"Prepare yourself, kitty cat! This is the time of day where I get the most traction!"

Leon extended his finger onto the students passing through the courtyard. His declaration was accompanied by his sparkly-eyed stare. Whether he chose to ignore it or not, all of them avoided us like the plague. Cast their attention in the opposite direction, purposefully chose the pavement furthest from us, whispering about weirdos dressed up despite the sweltering summer heat.

I was sweating like a pig underneath all my layers, sure, but stripping down would entail having our peers recognize me, which was out of the question.

"Any minute now," Leon drawled, not losing hope. "Someone will come asking me to put on a show for them."

"Not a single person's asked this entire week," I interjected. "They want nothing to do with you. I think some of them are ready to call the cops about a shady intruder."

Leon bore an uppity smirk.

"Kitty cat, who am I?"

My expression hardened.

Rule number one on my list of things to abide by so long as I was his assistant: 'When asked, "Who am I?" the answer is always. . .'

"The remarkable Leon," I recited on cue, concluding the sentence I had down by memory.

"Exactly! I'm worthy of attention! I'm magnificent!" He jutted his chin. "This school is too small to wrap their heads around someone as grand as me. But one day they will. I'll stand at the top where they all will rave in amazement and adoration for my expansive talent!"

Rule number two: 'Upon receiving an inspirational speech, cue the applause and say. . .'

"Wow, you're so incredible, Leon!"

I clapped slowly and without underlying emotion. Nevertheless, Leon grinned from ear to ear.

"So long as I have you believing in me, kitty cat, I can climb mountains."

Believing in who now? I was being forced into submission. All of this was against my will. Face reality, you obnoxious magician.

I expelled a heavy sigh.

I'd only been by his side for a week but the number of wrinkles I gained in that time frame would make one think it was decades.

The things I'd learned about him attested to that.

Firstly, Leon talked a lot. Silence was not an option for him. Rather, it made him uncomfortable. As such, whether it be long-winded spiels about his talents, achievements, or various techniques, he rambled like nobody's business.

On the flip side, he liked his naps. Sleep was a gift from the gods, according to him—something he did for pure pleasure rather than necessity. It was only then Leon was quiet. Well, as quiet someone could be between sleep talking about pandas, wowing imaginary crowds, and horror movies.

I fought a shiver at the notion.

On top of his magic and power-naps, his fondness for gore and the supernatural was second to none. He mentioned grotesque things casually.

"Oh yeah, kitty cat," he'd said randomly earlier this week. "Which do you think hurts more—having your eyeball plucked from its socket with an ice cream scooper or watching all the blood spill out of your neck and decapitated body until you die a slow and painful death?"

He excused it was bothering him because a movie he'd watched recently was unrealistic in the manner they slaughtered people. . .

I changed the subject as soon as I could. Unfortunately, as I could never predict whether he'd whip out a pack of cards to attempt his horrible card tricks or go into detail about a thousand and one ways to die—I lived in constant fear.

Leon also got chased around often. Mainly by teachers. Sometimes by enraged students he'd wronged in the past via false rumours. Each time, he got off scot-free, primarily by pathetically pleading for his life and innocence.

"Kitty cat."

"What?" I demanded, leering at him from behind my mask.

"Is that any way to talk to your boss?" he remarked. "If you maintain that attitude, we'll never get an audience."

"We're not getting an audience, period."

"Not if you talk like that we're not. Smile, smile!"

I bit my tongue to reel in my exasperation. "Look, I get I'm supposed to spend every lunch as your assistant, but this is a waste of time. With your reputation, even if we set up a small booth like this, nobody's visiting. They won't regardless of how long we do this!"

"You can't say that for certain."

"I can, though! It's crystal clear!"

"The first step in overcoming the impossible is to have faith. Those who believe in magic will find me!"

Gritting my jaw, I glowered at him.

That was it. I couldn't do this anymore.

"I'm quitting."

His smile never fell. "Pay up, then."




This guy was a demon in disguise. . . !

Biting back my waterworks, I turned the other cheek. No matter how unsatisfied I was, no matter how much he drove me up the wall, until I worked it off, I couldn't kiss Leon Hirawa goodbye.

He knew that. He knew I was wrapped completely around his finger yet he was making my life harder on purpose.

"Wow, what you got here is awesome! I love magic tricks!"

It was the last thing either of us expected. However, right across the table stood two individuals that had me hitching a gasp in my throat.

"Yunoki, calm down."

"But, Sena! This is so cool! They've even dressed the part!"

What were my bandmates doing here?!

I blinked, pleadingly, wishing for this to be a figment of my imagination. However, neither Yunoki nor Sena faded. They were the real deal. And they were playing right into Leon's hands.

I inched backwards, hiding any traces of my face from them. My lips pinched together.

It was fine. They didn't recognize me. I'd be all right.

"Welcome! Welcome!" Leon greeted them warmly.

Sena narrowed his eyelids. "Are you Leon Hirawa?"

"You've heard of me? Nnn, that makes me happy! Say, say, will you let me perform some of my magic on you?"

"No, actually. We were passing by—"

"You'll put on a show for us?" Yunoki was glistening. "Please do!"

Sena sent him a pointed stare, not that Yunoki caught on. Well, practically anyone at Hoshizaki heard rumours of Leon's shenanigans. Yunoki approaching him, expecting a legitimate show, was proof he was the few outside of the bubble.

"Thank you! You won't be disappointed! Due to production costs, I will require a small fee in advance. Let's say. . . ten thousand yen."

"T-t—" Overcoming his shock was futile. "Nobody has that kinda money!"

"Kidding! I'm only kidding!" Leon's faux smile displayed no such sentiment. He tipped his top hat. "One hundred yen."

Yunoki's giddiness faltered. "It sounds like you're trying to scam me. Are you sure this is what people pay?"


In fact, he wasn't allowed to charge anyone at all. Leon changed it up depending on the idiot he was handling. He was a master swindler. Not that I'd voice it. The more money he received, the sooner he'd buy a new crystal ball which meant I could quit being his assistant.

"I'm the best teenage magician all of Japan has ever seen," Leon lied through his teeth. "This is nothing compared to when I perform at venues housing thousands of people or do interviews on talkshows or make appearances in magazines. Celebrities rave about me all the time. Oh, like Hayami Shiro. She once asked an audience with me and since then I frequently visit to put on shows for her family."

"H-Hayami Shiro— As in, the biggest actress in the country? No way. You're the real deal?"

"As real as real can get."

"Sena, this guy is bad!" Yunoki jostled a poker-faced Sena like a delighted child. "Someone this crazy is a student at our school?"

"Yunoki, he's clearly lying."

"Nobody's that good of a liar! Wait, let's ask his assistant. You! How amazing of a magician is he?"

Rule number three: 'When asked about Leon's amazingness, smile and say. . .'

"The greatest in the world! Leon's skills are otherworldly. He'll blow your mind within seconds."

"See!" Yunoki nudged Sena again. "That dude with the strangely feminine voice confirmed it!"

"They have no choice but to go with it."

Sena, the only one with brain cells, was once again ignored.

"One hundred yen, right?" Yunoki dug into his pocket with much haste.

"What's this? You do magic tricks here?" Unbeknownst to us, a small-statured girl made an appearance. She grinned up at Leon. "I want to watch! How much again?"

Leon reacted instantaneously. Scooping her wrists upwards, he flashed a pearly white smile. "For someone as gorgeous as you, nothing."

Yunoki's jaw plummeted a foot. "Hey!"

Oh, yeah. Another thing to know about Leon.

He had a huge soft spot for girls.

While Leon sweet-talked the now weirded-out girl, Yunoki grumpily shoved his hands into his pocket and sauntered off.

Right before Sena could follow suit, he pivoted on his foot. "By the way, Kisaragi. Toru cancelled band practice after school. He had stuff come up."

My soul nearly departed from my body.

How did he know it was me? Nothing should've given it away! Even Yunoki couldn't discern my identity!

I seized a fistful of his collar. "You can't tell anybody!"

Confusion riddled his features. "Tell them what?"

"About this! If you spill, I'll make you regret it!"

"Oh." Recognition dawned on him. "Is you two dating that serious you have to keep it secret?"

My face flamed. "Us what?"

"Leon's your boyfriend, right?"

✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧

"All in a day's work!"

At the end of lunch, Leon was a boatload of vigour.

I handed off the last of his belongings to put away. The bell had rung a minute ago, which unfortunately meant I was late for class. Since getting into Mr. Minoru's class for second year, I'd learned he was less uptight than Miss Akagi. He rarely took attendance too so no matter my tardies (this past week especially), he never noticed let alone questioned it.

Of course, Leon periodically skipped classes—had since last year—so regardless of whether his homeroom teacher minded or not was beyond me.

"What work?" I jeered. "You angered one potential audience member and then scared off the girl who did stick around."

"Scared off?" Leon pouted. "That was your fault, kitty cat! I was showing off the splendidness of my magic and the next thing I knew, you stole the spotlight from under me."

"That's because your terrible tricks made the poor girl lose interest. If I didn't step in, we'd have lost the only student at Hoshizaki who cared enough to watch your performance. Well, because of your jealousy, she ended up running off anyway."

Leon extended his lower lip. "I was only jealous because—because you're supposed to be my assistant, kitty cat. A-ssiss-tant! What good is it if you're better than me!"

He fell into a squat, hugging his knees to his chest.

"I already know. I'm terrible. I have no right flaunting my amazingness when I can't even do a proper magic trick."

. . .He was sulking.

It definitely was refreshing. Leon was constantly bursting with superfluous amounts of confidence, even in the face of hardship.

Maybe stepping in and trying a shot at this whole magic thing wasn't my best idea. Although it was from a sincere place, I unintentionally squashed Leon's pride. Granted, that coin trick was easy enough to master from simple observation and a quick Google search. Watching Leon fail at it multiple times despite its easiness was sad. Nonetheless. . .

"I know better than anyone how hard you practice." Caving before long, I crouched beside him. "You're not terrible because of the lack of effort. You're terrible because you sincerely suck at this whole magician thing."

He rounded, dramatic tears swelled in his eyes. "That doesn't make me feel better!"


Heart weighing in my chest, I said, "I did it because I wanted that girl to come again."

"Why?" he pettily said. "I suck, don't I? Even if she visited again, she'd be disappointed."

"That's exactly why. Her disappointment only stems from the fact that she has no clue how hard you practice. All the students who badmouth you, too. If they properly paid attention, if they gave you an honest chance, they'd see your efforts for what they are. Of course, your lies and habit of overemphasizing your greatness only disheartens them more when you fail. But because I know this side of you, I want you to have a proper audience—one you don't have to lie to get."

Awe swam in Leon's teary eyes. I was flung into a suffocating hug.

"Kitty cat! You're so nice!"

"Too nice if you ask me." Smiling, I reluctantly patted his back. "Cheering you up wasn't in my contract."

"You're right, though, kitty cat. The remarkable Leon can't get depressed over failure. I have to practice more and more until the whole world knows how great I am!"

"About that," I mumbled, "why do you want to be a magician so badly?"

Gone was Leon's sadness. He beamed ear to ear, an expression that suited his handsome face well. "Do I need a reason?"

I fluttered my eyelashes.

"It's fun," he elaborated. "That's why I do it."

True, hobbies were hobbies because they supplied one joy. Since Leon possessed tall expectations for himself, I assumed it derived from a larger pool of resolve.

I laughed at its overall simplicity. Fun, huh? I guess there was nothing wrong with that, then. If it was a hobby, it was okay that he sucked at it.

"Leon's your boyfriend, right?"

Sena's question resurfaced in my mind.

. . .People could view us like that?

It'd been a few months since I asked Rin-Rin and the others to meet me on the rooftop. I was a nervous wreck about how all of them felt about me. However, recalling Chie's guidance, my answer was clear.

"The truth is. . . I have absolutely no romantic interest in any of you."

The six of them dramatically flinched.

"Nah, really. If there's anyone I love, it's myself." I sheepishly scratched the back of my head. "I do think kindly of all of you. I do cherish you. I mulled over making my mind in fear of hurting you. But, after all, these are my feelings. As of right now, I can't go out with any of you. I'm sorry."

My sentiments were able to get across. Fortunately, the others respected my standpoint and had agreed to not let this get in the way of our friendships. They also promised to not make any advances that'd make me uncomfortable.

Rin-Rin had gone back to travelling around Japan, spreading his charm and influence to defenceless girls. I rarely had the chance to speak with Banri who was occupied with BB work. Upperclassman Issei was toiling at balancing auditions among other responsibilities—after hearing he managed to score a small role in a community play recently, I congratulated him and promised to attend. As Naru was no longer in my class, interactions with him were rather limited. Toru and I met up pretty frequently for band stuff; discussed nonsensical things associated with our likened hobbies. Kamakiri still holed himself up in the library. I visited sometimes to get a second opinion on my cooking. He also recommended some books to read so we exchanged opinions about that whenever possible.

Aside from Kiharu and Tsumugi, Hachi was the only other familiar face in my class this year. He remained the bumbling ray of sunshine he typically was. Got along with everyone, bringing happiness to people's lives with no more than his presence. It was certainly refreshing having him around.

Life leisurely passed akin to the shifting seasons. Getting entangled with Leon like this was the most eventful thing to happen in a long time. Not that I particularly sought to be involved with him.

"Since the kitty cat shared her kindness with me, I'll bestow a nice surprise." Leon's declaration transferred me from my reverie. Within the interval I was preoccupied with my thoughts, he'd gone and prepared the last thing I expected.

Two makeshift beds had been planted overtop a picnic blanket beneath the shade of the adjacent tree. Leon was fluffing two pillows as well, one with his favourite horror movie on the sheet and the other was patterned with cartoon pandas.

"I'll give you my panda pillow and blanket since you're a bit of a coward."

"Hold on," I said. "What are you. . ."

Leon had already gone under the covers. He emitted a slackened breath. "Time for a nap. Come on, kitty cat."

There was no way he was serious.

"You do realize it's class time, don't you? We're both super late."

"Nnn. The sky is gorgeous today."

He wasn't listening. . .

"Plus it's warm and comfy," he murmured onward. "You're missing out, kitty cat."

"I'm not staying for this," I stated. "Our agreement was only until the end of lunch. Besides, what if a staff member or disciplinary committee member passes by and we get in trouble?"

"I'm sure we'll get off with a small lecture. Worst case scenario, we can run away."

"You're too laid-back," I complained. "Most people try to avoid authority figures."

"Most people are too uptight," he reasoned lazily. "When's the last time you've unwinded—went against the motions?"

Truthfully, not for a while. I was constantly going by the beat of society's drum. There were invisible rules and taboos people abided by—bountiful dos and don'ts—and to not be alienated, I followed them to the best of my ability.

Leon was the exact opposite.

Just like Mom.

"See," Leon said, as if reading my thoughts. "There's nothing wrong with taking a nap on such a beautiful day. It's all about self-care."

"I can count plenty of reasons." Despite that, I'd discarded my shoes and disguise and wormed my way underneath the blanket he'd prepped for me. The moment my neck hit the pillow, it was as if a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. My fatigue disappeared into the midsummer breeze. "Wow."

"Fluffy, right?" Leon's voice slurred—proof of his lethargy. "These are my favourite pillows and blankets."

"So you have more?" I had to snort. "You must love sleeping."

"I do. Most people tend to neglect it despite its importance. Sure nowadays it's a lot harder to manage time due to busy schedules, but sleep is fundamental. Just like we're expected to work, we should also plan a proper sleep schedule to function adequately."

"I never thought too much about that."

"The majority don't. The world is full of so many amazing things yet we're all only looking at the past or future. Appreciating the here and now is much more enjoyable. A few minutes is fine. Clearing your mind, being mindful of your body's cues—of the world around you. . . it's incredibly rejuvenating."

My eyelids met, and suddenly, the world around me had gotten so much bigger. The midday sun cozy against my skin. Twitters of birds on nearby tree branches. Wind rustling the grass and leaves.

"Since you're my assistant now. . . you'll need you to start taking better care of your sleep schedule. . . Maybe we should. . . implement daily naps into our contract. . . ? We need to find time to. . . polish our magic tricks too. . ."

Moments before I could doze off, I parted my eyes. Mustering the strength to move my limbs proved fruitless. Within that small interval, I'd grown unbelievably sleepy. Nature was more revitalizing than I thought.

Nudging aside my drowsiness, I craned my neck the slightest. Leon had already fallen asleep. Ear against his pillow, lips drawn upwards, he inhaled and exhaled in peaceful spurts.

I'd gotten swept up in his pace again.

His uniqueness was hard to get a grasp on. Sleeping in such a public place without a worry in the world. During school hours, no less.

"I wish I had your level of freedom," I mused with a smile.

Noticing his blanket only reached his torso, I lifted it appropriately over his shoulders. I sunk back into my spot, side by side.

Oh, well.

Since naps were officially apart of our contract, I'd go along with it for today.

✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧


"My weakness?"

Leon deliberated my question, tilting his head from side to side. Although it was summer vacation, I was stuck attending to his whims. Today he'd dragged me out of my house to attend a magic show with him. Although it was strictly for learning purposes, Leon and I had gotten overly excited and wowed over the tiniest things we forgot to take proper notes.

Over the course of our time together, I'd stopped wearing disguises. Tsumugi and Kiharu had ended up unearthing our connection due to a photo of us sleeping side by side that had leaked across campus. At one point, having people know I was spending time with Leon was a nightmare to me. Now, though, I couldn't care less. Of course, Leon loved the buzz it brought him because that meant more curious audience members to his lunchtime magic shows.

A lot had changed from when I first became his assistant.

Others, unfortunately, hadn't.

"You're constantly using my fear of horror and supernatural against me," I elaborated, bitterly.

He offered a grin. "That's because you're cute when you're scared."

Sensing my dissatisfaction as we leisurely strolled through the city following the magic production, he hummed.

"You dislike me having the upper hand that much?"

"Yes. Give me something to hold over you, too."

"What about my magic?"

"That doesn't count. You're stupidly proud of your failures. I need something concrete—dirt that'll make you cry."

He reached a standstill, batting his eyelids in consecutive movements. "Why would I voluntarily give you that information?"

"Because I'm your assistant."

A smirk lifted his mouth.

"Your cuteness isn't fair, kitty cat. But, all right. Because you've done a lot for me, and we've gotten extremely close, I'll tell you my biggest weakness."

He beckoned me closer. His shift in demeanour made me wary, but at the prospect of hearing his darkest secret, I complied. Entering my vicinity, and cupping his mouth with his palm, Leon leaned over to my ear.

"It's you."

Heat seized my cheeks. I marvelled his up-close face as he withdrew. His amethyst irises, the pink stars he never failed to paint onto his cheeks, half-moon and star stud earrings; how his eyebrows creased his forehead; his obnoxiously sly smile.

"If you won't give me a serious answer, then you leave me no choice but to figure it out myself."

Leon heaved, raising his arms in surrender. "I was being frank, too."

Digging into my pockets, I surfaced my cell.

"Give it up," he said thereafter. "You'll never beat me, kitty cat."

"Hello? Leon's mother? It's Shiina. Ah, yes, it's nice to talk to you again."

All colour drained from his complexion. "How do you have my mom's—"

I shoved him away, fixated on the individual on the other end of the receiver.

"The reason I'm calling is because I'd like to humiliate your son and need as much blackmail as you can give me. Oh, no, grabbing a pen or paper isn't necessary—just lay it on me. I see. No way. And? What else—"

"Mom!" Leon exclaimed. Gone was his typical coolheadedness. "Kitty cat, this goes against my rights! It's pure evil! Stop!"

I successfully dodged his attempts at snatching my device—sprinting to put distance between us as I did. Eventually, Leon caught up. Swinging his inner forearm around me in a headlock, my back firm against his chest, he snatched it from my hand.

"Traitor!" he yelled at his mother.

Unfortunately, by the time he grabbed it, it was already a black screen.

"How could you?" he demanded as I laughed in his arms. "Since when?"

"Two weeks ago, you forgot some supplies and asked me to stop by your place to pick them up. We exchanged numbers then," I enlightened him.

"Nnn, Mom's a lawyer. She wouldn't dare. Ah, but she does love sharing stories with friends. . ."

His despair caused me to guffaw harder.

"She didn't tell you that story, did she?"

"That, huh," I cooed.

"About me yelling "I choose you" to random people in third grade because I was obsessed with Pokémon." Leon clutched his head. "Or that I walked around with a super long trench coat throughout middle school because I thought it was cool. Or about how I love blueberries so much I—"

Leon proceeded to go on a long-winded spiel. About his embarrassing childhood memories. Dislikes. Secrets. I took it all in the best I could.

It was probably too late to tell him I lied about phoning his mother—that I never had her number to begin with. He was willingly spilling his embarrassing weaknesses firsthand, like I desired, after all.

I craned my neck, unable to keep my attention off his side profile. His arm draped across my shoulder left a warmth bubbling at the pit of my stomach. My grin broadened.

"It's you."

Oh no. Maybe my biggest weakness was starting to become him, too.

✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧


"Kitty cat, kitty cat! Am I ugly?"

Leon essentially tackled me at the school courtyard one chilly September day. He peered up at me with sadness veiled behind his eyes.

My mouth quirked upwards. "What's wrong now?"

"We've started gaining some traction for our magic shows. We've improved tons, too. But, we're missing something," he explained. "When I asked Umi, he said it had to be me. Is my face staving off fans? It's because I'm ugly we can't be popular, isn't it?"

"Appearances, huh," I mused, placing a finger under my chin. "In that case, wouldn't I be the one dragging us down?"

Leon answered with a firm head shake.

"You're so hot, kitty cat! A ten out of ten babe! The type of girl guys drool over in porno magazines—"

"What did you say?"

"Nothing. I'm sorry. Please forgive my insolent mouth and eyes."

He prostrated for emphasis.

I sighed.

"If you ask me, you're the waste."

"I'll throw myself out right now."

"That's not what I meant." I forced him upright. "You're handsome, Leon. Give or take, your personality isn't entirely abhorring either. If you weren't so wrapped up in this magician tidbit, you'd be popular, trust me."

"If you compliment me like that, even I'll get offended."

"I'm serious," I insisted. "See, take off those fake stud earrings. Top hat. Let's tie back your long hair too. . ."

"K-kitty cat! Hold on!"

"Those stars you painted onto your cheeks have to go. Readjust your blazer and tie— Hey. Keep still."

"Y-yes, ma'am."

After some shifting and rearranging, I completed my work. I couldn't withhold a squeal.

"Oh my gosh! Naru has no clue what he's talking about. If you're this cute, why do you keep dressing strange enough to conceal it? Then again, maybe it's best only I know. I wouldn't want you getting popular with girls for the wrong reasons."

Least to my knowledge, colour had unwittingly claimed his skin. His cheek burned against my palm. "K-kitty cat, um. . . you already get pretty jealous when I interact with girls."

"That's because you give them too much attention. I'm the only one you should—"

My actions hit me like a brick.

Our position settled in. Me, crawled up on top of him, feeling him up, Leon reddened madly underneath me.

A heavy blush ripped across my face.

"S-sorry!" I dived off him, and into a proper seated position. "I-I wasn't thinking!"

As much as I liked how different he appeared underneath his typical attire, outright ogling him—saying what I did. . .

I couldn't dare lift my gaze from my lap—hear anything besides my galloping heartbeat.

Fortunately, as Leon hauled himself and his top hat from the floor, he chuckled.

"I had no clue you were so fond of me, kitty cat. Nnn, as flattering as it is, I'm not sure if I like the word 'cute'. I'd rather be 'charming' to you."

"Y-you are." Once more, my mouth moved without consulting my mind. "I-I think you're extremely attractive!"

Leon didn't respond straightaway. His stare ebbed at my defenceless heart.

Then, in one sweeping movement, he threaded his hand through the back of his hair.

"Aww, you do? Thank you, kitty cat! You're right. I should have faith in my good looks and aim for the top!"

. . .I should have expected this reaction.

Even if these feelings of mine had grown into something I could hardly contain, my time with Leon was. . .

✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧


"That was fantastic!"

"How did he do that?"

"Can we watch again tomorrow?"

The applause was deafening. Once upon a time, gathering an audience, much less the general public, was impossible. By and by, with so many rehearsals and commitment, and infinitely more screw-ups, this moment had finally arrived.

Leon was glistening as he rectified his final bow. I beamed beside him after elevating from mine.

We were finally able to put on a proper show.

As the crowd congregated, murmuring about the feats they witnessed, dropping change into Leon's hat, I was giddy down to my toes.

Soon enough, Leon and I were left alone to clean up.

He seized me by the shoulders, bubbling with insurmountable delight.

"Kitty cat! I did it! I was able to wow not only one person, but all those people at the same time! They didn't laugh at me or run away. I pulled those tricks off flawlessly. And they were all strangers!"

"I know! You were magnificent! Finally, your efforts are paying off!"

"Mine?" He bore a bright grin. "I wouldn't have made it this far alone. It's because you were with me. Because you believed in me and supported me, I was able to climb to this point. I couldn't have asked for a better assistant. These past few months were insanely fun."

Warmth claimed my skin as I stared into his mesmerizing eyes. "They were fun for me too," I confessed. "In the beginning, I was convinced it'd be a chore. It was a lot of work, and we butted heads more often than not, but every day was incredibly exciting! For tomorrow, I was thinking—"

His finger silenced me.

"The two of us frantically running from authority figures for breaking rules, forcing you to watch horror movies with me against your will and seeing you get cutely scared, our silly conversations and banter, synchronous naps, devising elaborate plans to gather crowds, practice. . . One day we even visited the adorable pandas at the zoo to cheer us up after consecutive failures." He chuckled. "It's been a wild four months. But, as of today, we've reached the end of our contract. You no longer have to keep me company, kitty cat."

The world around me settled into white noise.

"I started as a one-man act so it'll just be reverting to those times."

Clutching my chest in hopes of alleviating the shattering ache of my heart, I moved closer. "But. . ."

"Getting stuck with me must've been a nightmare. Being my assistant when I have as troublesome a personality as I do. Yet I roped you into my shenanigans time and time. Eventually, you stopped complaining, but continuing as my assistant isn't your ideal pastime, right? You have music and your band. Instead of spending all your time with me, you should make up for the time I stole, and practice what you actually joy."


"That's all I'm saying on this matter!" he said. "Rather than being sidelined in my story, you're better fitted as the heroine in your own. We each have our own crowds to amaze. So let's spend this moment forward without regrets, kitty cat."

True, I'd neglected band practice and innumerable other responsibilities to Toru and the others—sacrificed potential endeavours and gigs—because I had to squeeze in time for Leon every day. True, I'd gotten dragged into this whole assistant ordeal against my will. True, at one point, I couldn't wait for this day to arrive—the day I could finally liberate myself from Hoshizaki Academy's weirdo magician.

But now. . .

Now I. . .

"Can't I have both?"

Leon wryly smiled. "Balancing both is a little tricky. I already ask a lot from you and so does your music. Surely, being my assistant for the rest of our lives isn't what you want."

"So if I'm not your assistant, I can be with you?"

Speaking without thinking was never an issue to me. But, at this moment, my fear had enveloped me, and the words caught at the back of my throat. I couldn't bring myself to look at him. My heart, lungs, stomach, everything was tight.

Those three words were too heavy on my tongue.

I didn't want to be whiny. Leon was looking out for me. However, I didn't want to go separate ways. Not like this. Not at all.

I alluded to it multiple times from the moment I realized how I felt about him. I hid under the veil of my assistant duties when I knew the reason I'd grown attached to the position wasn't that I loved illusions as much as he did, but because I loved his his love for interacting with magic.

I wasn't happy about getting tricks right, but rather how giddily he cheered about mastering them. I wasn't overjoyed that today's performance ended scot-free because our efforts had paid off, but because he'd finally accomplished a long-time goal.

I found comfort in his arms when he displayed gory films for us to suffer through mainly due to guilty pleasure. Waiting for him to fall asleep first whenever we napped together so I could snuggle closer each time. Getting envious when he paid too much attention to his female guests. Gifting him panda-related goods for no reason other than to make him smile.

All of it wasn't because I fancied being his assistant.

What I wanted was. . .

What I yearned for was. . .


The quiet as a feather whisper fell on deaf ears.

"As soon as we finish clearing this up, you'll be free." Leon hunched over his possessions, packing them to go. "Oh, but I'll still walk you home. Have to greet Mistress Mao, too. We owe her a lot for taking us on as her temporary disciples a while back."

Bending beside him, I forced a laugh, "She is a natural at magic tricks. Should've expected it considering the extent she typically goes for her delusions."

I wonder why I couldn't muster the courage to inform him. Even though I wanted to. Even though I knew I had to. The words were so clear in my mind—in my heart.

'I love you.'

'I love you.'

'I love you.'

"I think that's the last of it," Leon mused, scanning his tote bag after ascending. "Ready to go, kitty cat?"

"Yup," I chirped, praying my voice crack wasn't as obvious as I deemed.

Leon kindly gazed down at me. Simply because I wasn't his assistant anymore didn't mean I couldn't approach him or engage in willy-nilly conversations. Although it felt like one, this wasn't goodbye.

It was all right.

There was always another day.

"Partings should be done with a lot more pizzazz."

A twinkle appeared in his eye—one I knew well. He was planning something devious.

"What is it this time?" I asked, genuinely fearing for in life.

"We need a better ending, kitty cat. This one is way too boring."

"I'd rather not risk getting arrested today. It's late. And I'm sure the police officer from last time won't be as forgiving."

He chuckled. "Riskier is fun, though."


"This one won't be bad. Okay, maybe a bit. There's a chance you'll be angry with me for a long time. Or happy since you're a bit of a masochist."

My eyebrows scrunched.

"Without further ado! It is time for the remarkable Leon to perform his final magic trick of the evening!"

Knots tightened at the pit of my gut. I presumed I'd gotten used to his impulsiveness. Nothing remotely good derived from it. However. . .

"Can I have a volunteer from the audience?"

He dramatically scanned the vacant park. Understanding his stubbornness better than anyone, I sighed and raised my hand in defeat.

"What an adorable young lady." He scooped my palm into his. "Now, this trick of mine requires complete trust on your part. Can you trust me?"


"Even when I'm this handsome?"

"Don't push it."

"Periodically it is! Excellent!" he cheered. "If you can, please close your eyelids for me."

Uneasily, I scoured his countenance. "I can trust you, right?"

His large grin provided the opposite impression. Albeit hesitant, I left the rest to fate and did as told.

"Don't open them no matter what. Otherwise, the trick will be compromised and the magic will wear off."

"Leon," I heaved, "just what exactly are you—"

A warm sensation brushed my lips. I squeezed his palm with a great deal of force, the shock too great for me to process. His free thumb caressed my cheek, only proving this reality genuine.

He kissed me.

We were kissing.

The elation, surprise, awe; my emotions were a jumble when I found myself staring into his eyes from a heart-pounding proximity.

"How was my trick?" He softly beamed. "Did you feel the magic?"

The entire gesture was corny but internally, I was screaming because of it. My free hand enveloped his hand overtop my cheek. A myriad of tears swelled in my eyelids.

"Are you mad?" he sheepishly asked after a beat. "I couldn't help myself."

The sole gear of my mind that still functioned, churned. "Since—since when?"

"I already told you, kitty cat." He tenderly wiped the teardrops cascading down my face. "That you're my greatest weakness. Besides, if I didn't do this, you would've said goodbye today with no intent to talk to me again."

I was. Since I believed my feelings would never be reciprocated, I nearly caged these overflowing sentiments. But. . . but. . .

"I love you."

"I know. You're obvious, kitty cat. Of course, I love that side of you too."

"It's okay if I still see you every day? If I help you with your magic, visit you on our days off, get you gifts. . ."

I was a snivelling mess at this point.

"If you don't, I'll be extremely sad," he responded. "Just because you're not my assistant anymore doesn't mean things have to change. I only want you to prioritize your own passion more."

I throttled him into an embrace.

"Ahaha. It seems I cast my magic over you perfectly. I'm amazing, aren't I? The best!"

As I melted into his hug and he stroked my head, I expunged a breath.

Oh, whatever. I'd forgive his cockiness. I was much too delighted, after all.

"Hey! You two again?! How many times must I tell you this space is off-limits for performances!"

Leon and I split apart in time to catch a familiar face. The officer from the other day, sprinting toward us at top speed.

My wrist was snagged. We were dashing down the pavement before long.

"Leon!" I cried.

He smirked from ear to ear. "Run for your life, kitty cat! The show must go on another day!"

"Why do I feel like I signed up to be your accomplice, not girlfriend?" I complained.

"Too late to regret it. If we go down, we do together."


"Get back here!"

Although running from peril should've been a predominant concern, my attention was instead fixed on how snugly our hands fit together, and the ghost sensation of our kiss.

My days with Leon had only begun.

I couldn't wait to see where else they would take me.

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