Despite everything together a...

By ladymonterosa

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SEQUEL OF LOVE OR POWER? THIS IS THE REAL QUESTION. We had stayed in Greendale with the Spellman family who j... More



37 3 0
By ladymonterosa


The next day

Pov Sabrina

Finally after a long time things in my life are starting to go right; soon I will leave the crown to Lilith, I have the best boy in the world by my side and I have, even if a little strange, a family in which we all love each other even if in our own way.

But as everyone knows, good events are unfortunately always accompanied by bad events.

"Nick, you have no idea how happy I am to have the chance to get out of this damn room again."

He felt his arms surround my waist from behind and placed a sweet kiss on my cheek murmuring something like "I think I have an idea, albeit a small one, since it's been since last night since Gaius came here to give you the good news that you stop moving like a top around the room and you don't stop repeating like a tape recorder the to-do list once you get out of here. "

I gave him a dirty look that made him shut up immediately, I rolled over in his arms to find us both face to face again.

"Since I haven't heard you complain, I deduce that you like this top."

Giving me a tender kiss he exclaimed "You don't know how much!"

All excited, I express aloud one of the many things I want to do today with him "The first thing I will do will be to personally show you one of the places I absolutely prefer from here." When I was about to go out seeing what state the corridor was in I instantly froze and all that emotion I felt before in a matter of seconds was replaced by irritation.

The scene that I have in front of my eyes is nothing short of chilling all the walls of the corridor are decorated with balloons, festoons and posters studded with hearts on all sides like everything else represents a single theme of love. I turned to Nicholas and seeing his surprised expression about it I deduced that he had nothing to do with it but then who was it?

To get my answers I moved towards the corridor and the more I continued along the road the more the decorations increased. At a certain point I even glimpsed musicians playing their romantic melodies.

As soon as I catch the fool who dared to tan in this horrible way the palace will be in terrible trouble.

When I got to the throne room I found myself staring in shock, ignoring everything else at the huge banner hanging in the air right in the center of the room. In which the initials '' R & G '' appeared, also surrounded by hearts on all sides.

In that instant he immediately understood who the author of this cloying scenography was.

Then came Nicholas. He too was surprised and perceptive as always about my character, he immediately told me "Love calm down! He's just a boy playing Valentine's Day."

I said "Calm down?!? But don't you see how he has reduced this place?"

In here it seems to be at the world festival of lovers ... And I added "You know you're right! He's just a rookie who always thinks only of playing."

Nicholas, trying to distract me, proposed to me "Why don't we have a drink for the moment? Then when you have calmed down we will go to your brother to talk to him."

"No, thanks Nicholas." I replied annoyed and told him again alluding to what I was about to do "I'm about to go back to being an only child, as soon as I fish him you will see that lightning I will throw at him." Having said that I went in search of my beloved little brother.

Nicholas tried to keep up with me as best he could while he persisted with constant attempts to calm me down. During my research in front of the eyes of those who watched us I really looked like a murderous fury then I saw a familiar red hair appear and I screamed at my throat "GOFFREDO MORNINGSTAR come here immediately."

He turned scared when he heard my voice, I think he had already foreseen such a reaction from me.

With a determined step I reached him and asked him "Do you have a valid explanation for this delightful funfair that is around?"

He whispered something that he could not grasp and in an authoritative tone I encouraged him to repeat what he had said "Say it again! I have not understood anything you know how it is we are not in a confessional."

In a slightly higher tone of voice he repeats "I just wanted to give Rebecca a little surprise."

I asked him "Rebecca? But who is this? Maybe you got engaged to her royal highness of her Sissi of Bavaria by chance?"

At that point Nicholas intervened and said, "This Rebecca must be really special to inspire these admirable romantic reactions on your part."

I didn't hold back anymore at that point and said to him "What an opportune comment! Bravo, you are really helping me! You know someone said that in some cases silence is golden, have you never heard this saying?"

Nicholas, realizing the true value of my words, fell silent instantly and immediately afterwards Goffredo came out with a trivial excuse to get away with it "I have to go to the bathroom."

I replied seriously "Patience, now wait and listen to what he has to tell you." Frozen with fear he nodded.

"What were you thinking when you came up with this brilliant idea?"

He all trembling replied "I don't know what I was thinking exactly but what I remember is that I wanted to surprise my girlfriend and since you were supposedly sick and mom was working today I told myself it was a good one idea to organize this little party for her. "

Sometimes I wonder if the brain uses it every now and then, I thought it knew that today I had obtained Gaius' consent to go out but obviously not.

In a stern tone I communicated my decision to him "If you don't want me to piss me even more you would do well to make all that circus you set up around here disappear within half an hour and if you don't succeed you will be punished for life."

When my brother was about to debate he felt Nicholas pull me aside who encouraged me not to punish the boy like that since he hadn't done it with bad intentions and after discussing it with Nicholas for several minutes I let myself be convinced.

"Since I feel particularly good today, I allow you to continue this chaos of yours, but if I see even a single balloon or a single coriander on the ground after midnight the two of us will have a problem and a very big one."

Delighted by the news he has just received, he said in a cheerful tone "Quiet little sister will all disappear for Cinderella's time. Don't worry about anything."

And I exclaimed "I want to hope so."

As I was about to drag Nicholas away to another place he heard my brother make an admission "But I must confess another thing to you I also foresee six red fireworks as your favorite color. I just wanted to emphasize the love between me and Rebecca. "

I turned to Nicholas and said "Let's go because if not, I will make the fireworks right now."


I caught a glimpse of Lilith in the study working on something I went in and said "Do you know what your son has been up to today?"

She looked up at me and asked "What has he been up to this time?"

Immediately afterwards she thought better of it and said "Actually no I want to know, believe me sometimes it is better to stay in the dark about certain things."

I said to her all the same "Your son today took the trouble to decorate the whole palace and especially the throne room and guess what the theme is?"

Lilith said "Enlighten me."

I simply replied "Love."

My stepmother started staring at me wide-eyed in anger and she asked me "Love for whom? And let me guess not for family."

I leaned on the desk and I replied with a dreamy tone "By now his heart beats only for Rebecca for him we two don't exist anymore."

Placing his hands on his face to hide the desperation in her eyes he murmured "I just can't understand where that baby came from, I've always suspected since he was a kid that he had something strange but now I have confirmation."

To make the situation worse, I told her "If you can free yourself from work before eleven this evening, you will be lucky enough to attend a fabulous fireworks show that Goffredo organized in honor of his beloved and you will also be able to see all the decorations hanging around. "

Just hearing the name of the fireworks Lilith got up from her desk and began to get ready to go and see what her son had done while she asked me "You have come here for some other reason besides to communicate this pearl of wisdom that my did he have a son? "

I took a breath and replied "Yes I'm here to inform you that in a day I will go to Greendale my aunt Hilda wrote me a letter in which she asked me for a meeting I fear that things are going worse than expected so it is my duty to go and check. "

Lilith told me that she agreed with me on this point but that it was recommended to be careful and not to overdo it since I have just recovered from the illness, then Lilith asked me "How do you think your other aunt would take her if she found out about yours. little secret? Do you think he'd be mad? "

Otherwise she would be angry as never before has happened for sure both my aunt Hilda and I will have booked a safe place in the cain pit.

"We say yes and I think a lot too."

Lilith nodded in response and went to the great hall probably to see what Goffredo has done who knows what scolding of her he will take from her. Thinking about it maybe it could have happened that my aunt has become more tender over time then when I returned to contact with reality I realized that this fact could not happen.

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