My Boyfriend is a Death Eater

By laufeyson_apologist

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ENEMIES TO LOVERS SLOW BURN - LOKI X READER MCU/HP AU - COMPLETED This story is set in an alternate version o... More

CHAPTER I: The Invitation
CHAPTER II: The Night We Met
CHAPTER IV: Black Roses
CHAPTER V: The Odinson Estate
CHAPTER VI: Death Eater
CHAPTER VII: Malfoy Manor
CHAPTER VIII: Department of Mysteries
CHAPTER IX: The Cruciatus Curse
CHAPTER X: Tom Riddle
CHAPTER XI: Hogwarts
CHAPTER XII: Thestrals
CHAPTER XIII: The New Minister
CHAPTER XIV: Deserving
CHAPTER XV: The Aurors
CHAPTER XVII: Real Enemies
CHAPTER XIX: Disbanded
CHAPTER XXI: The Monarchy Reigns
CHAPTER XXII: Nagini vs. Fawkes
EPILOGUE: Back to School

CHAPTER XX: Quidditch

324 15 9
By laufeyson_apologist

tw: language, mature sexual content

Loki's idea of work was quite different from yours. It was ordering people around and relaxing all day while everyone else did the work for him.

You were beginning to get restless, but at the same time, you were happier than you wanted to admit. You now had the opportunity to see him every single day, instead of only hearing from him sporadically throughout the month. You had mixed feelings about all of this. Once again.

Loki's death eaters were still searching for clues for other horcruxes. So were the aurors. However, Loki did let you do your own research on Riddle's past and shared everything he knew with you about him. He even gave you your own office like the one you had at The Ministry.

You came into his office one day and he was in the middle of ending a call.

"Hello, darling," he said as you sat down in front of him.

"Hello. What's the plan for today?"

"We will be meeting up with your friends."


"Scrimgeour and Josiah Jr.," he replied.

Josiah had taken up your post as the new assistant to the Minister of Magic.

"What? Why?" You began feeling a bit anxious, as you knew Loki's plan with them couldn't be anything good. You tried your best to keep your cool.

"I heard that they'll be at the quidditch match tonight. I got us last minute tickets," he explained.

"Let me guess. We're going to bribe them into some sort of arrangement with The Monarchy?"

"Exactly," Loki said.

Ugh. There was no way this was going to go well. Scrimgeour was a tough guy that wanted The Monarchy gone. Him and Loki would clash for sure. There was no way he'd find a way to compromise with him.

"Scrimgeour's favorite teams are playing tonight. Yorkshire versus the Heidelberg Harriers. He'll be in a good mood," Loki added.

Hm. That might be a way. Every man had to have a weakness.

That night, you met with Scrimgeour and Josiah at the entrance of the quidditch pitch in Dartmoor, where you had to climb multiple flights of stairs and then take an elevator up to the top box. Loki had arrived before you. He probably wanted you to warm Scrimgeour and Josiah up for him.

The top box was one of the few areas in the quidditch arena which allowed the best view of the pitch and the players. Only ministers and coaches were allowed in them. Or whoever could afford it.

Loki was wearing something different from his usual attire, a mid-length black trench-coat, a dark green tie, and a white dress-shirt with black pants. It was probably to appear friendlier than he was. Maybe he had noticed Josiah eyeing his all black outfit the other day at the pub.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you," Loki told Scrimgeour, shaking his hand.

Scrimgeour shook his hand back but failed to hide his dismay. He didn't like that you had quit, but also transferred to the enemy. Josiah didn't seem too happy about it either, and you had been reluctant with wanting to completely explain yourself to them.

The entire game, Josiah wouldn't keep his eyes off of you. You were hoping Loki didn't notice. You guessed Josiah was trying to figure out if Loki had forced you to work at The Monarchy or something. Which he basically did. He seemed slightly worried about you. Or, maybe he felt there was something he couldn't quite put his finger on about Loki. Maybe your obliviation spell on him wasn't as effective as you thought it'd be.

During half-time, Loki began his desperate attempt to engage Scrimgeour in conversation. You had doubts that his charm would work on Scrimgeour. You could tell he was a man that didn't like to be bothered when he watched sports. But Loki was persistent, as always.

"Rufus. Can I call you Rufus? You're the best Minister of Magic our world has seen. I have no doubt about it. Your leadership is what lead to Riddle's ultimate demise," Loki shared with him.

Ha. That tactic will not work on him.

Scrimgeour huffed.

"Look, I know that you don't like The Monarchy. However, I think it would be in both of our best interest, if we worked together to bring balance to the Wizarding World. After all, the Monarchy won't be going away anytime soon," Loki said.

A surprise, reasonable proposition made by Loki. There had to be something else behind this.

Scrimgeour nodded as if to encourage Loki to continue with his point.

"I've been working on finding all those filthy death eaters who have infiltrated The Monarchy. Soon, we'll be rid of them and we can go back to normal. In fact, I have some information for you," Loki said.

"And what would that be?" Scrimgeour asked.

"One of the head death eaters. A key figure in bringing them all down," Loki replied.

Both Scrimgeour and Josiah turned their heads towards him. What was he up to now?

"Mr. Powell. He's one of them. And one of the reasons The Monarchy has built so much power over the past few months. He's been leaking The Ministry's secrets for awhile, especially after he resigned."

Josiah gasped.

Scrimgeour's eyes widened. "How could we possibly believe this?"

"Ask Y/N."

Why was Loki outing one of his closest followers?

They all turned their eyes towards you.

"He's right. I didn't realize it was him before, but I saw him at work the other day. There's no other reason for him to have transferred. He was a spy for Riddle from the start," you told them.

Loki nodded in satisfaction at your claim.

"We need to apprehend him now." Scrimgeour said, getting up.

"That's not necessary. I'll bring him to The Ministry myself. Then you can take him away to Azkaban," Loki said.

Scrimgeour and Josiah looked at each other.

Scrimgeour nodded. "Tomorrow. Bring him in the morning, by floo powder."

Loki nodded in understanding. He was probably smirking on the inside at Scrimgeour's agreement. Would someone get hurt because of this?

The game was good, it was a close one. The chasers of the Heidelberg Harriers from Germany were very skilled. They scored a majority of their points with the quaffle. It was almost at a deuce until Yorkshire's seeker found the snitch with only a few minutes left  to spare. Scrimgeour was in a great mood now, despite being forced to spend time with Loki in the tiny, squished, top box.

While they were immersed in more conversation, Josiah took you to the side to talk to you.

"Y/N, are you okay?" He asked you.

"I'm fine. Why would you ask that?"

"Is he... forcing you to do anything? Is he the one that made you transfer?" Josiah's eyes were filled with anxiousness.

"No. It was my choice to transfer. I told you why. It wasn't right for me to stay there after I abused my position at the Department of Mysteries," you explained.

"I don't know... Something just seems off about him. He looks at you like he owns you," Josiah said.

You glanced at Loki to see him watching you intensely all while speaking to Scrimgeour at the same time. Josiah had a point.

"Don't worry about him. He's... He's just a bit different from most people," you responded, scratching your head, awkwardly.

"Well, if you ever need anything from me, anything at all, you know where to find me," He put his hand on your shoulder and smiled at you. He was so warm.

Loki rushed over to you and took Josiah's hand off in an instant. Sheesh. What an overreaction.

Josiah was caught off guard but brushed the awkward tension away quickly.

You laughed to hide how ridiculous this situation was. In your mind, you and Loki were not in a real relationship, so why was he being so overtly possessive? Especially in the midst of someone as non-threatening as Josiah?

"Y/N and I must get going now. We will see you two later," Loki nodded at Scrimgeour and gave Josiah a rude glare.

He grabbed you by the waist and forced you towards the elevator to exit.

You crossed your arms in annoyance. "That wasn't necessary, you know. Josiah means no harm."

"I told you to stay away from him, Y/N. I meant it," Loki said in a demanding tone.

"No. He's my friend," you replied.

Loki scoffed.

"Why are you acting like this? Are you jealous?" You asked him.

Loki chuckled arrogantly. "Jealous? Please. He is nowhere near my level. Would a boot be envious of an ant?"

What an odd analogy. You ignored him.

"After we break up, I'm going to date him next," you told Loki.

You were only joking, but someone needed to fight this man's arrogance.

You'd never seen Loki look so offended in your life. Then, there was a millisecond of a different expression on his face as he met your eyes. Sadness.

What was he not telling you? And why was he still keeping you with him? He didn't need you. You only needed him to find the rest of the horcruxes. After that, this would be over. Right?

"Is there something you need to say to me, Loki?"

He shook his head. "Nothing."

There was still awhile to go on the elevator to get to the bottom.

The discipline was now leaving your brain. In 3, 2, 1.

You pushed Loki into the corner of the elevator and looked straight into his eyes. He smirked at your sudden outburst.

"Could you, for once, not be so fucking closed off? What are you not telling me?!" You were on the verge of screaming at him.

Loki took your arms off of him calmly. "Something big is going to happen tomorrow. It'll be a true test of our relationship," he said, looking down at you. He was serious.

Shit. What was he planning on doing at The Ministry?

But that didn't matter to you at the moment.

"What relationship, Loki? We've only been using each other this whole time. The end of us was inevitable," you told him, your blood boiling.

"I never used you, Y/N," Loki said plainly.

You laughed. "Hilarious. I hate all of your little manipulative mind tricks so much. Stop playing around with my feelings. You never cared about me nor will you ever, at least not more than you do for yourself."

He certainly did use you. As Riddle's bait. As an in to the Ministry and to Scrimgeour today. Why was he purposely being so blind?

"Maybe I didn't care at first... However, I care now. More than you may think," he replied, looking down.

Was this a confession?

"No matter what you do, I won't believe you," you said.

Loki sighed loudly. "I must sincerely apologize to you Y/N, once again."

"For what?" You asked.

"For putting you in danger. I didn't think you would've gone this far with me. If it makes you feel any better, I thought of you more as my partner in crime, rather than a pawn in my game," he explained.

"Why does this sound like a goodbye?" You asked him.

"Because it might be," he replied.

"You're being dramatic again," you muttered.

"Perhaps. Then will you promise me something?"

Uh oh. Another favor. A promise, this time. Your last favor to him caused you to become bait for Tom Riddle.

"What now?" You asked, exasperated.

"No matter what happens tomorrow, you won't leave me," Loki said, looking at the ground again.

Wow. He rarely seemed to show insecurity like that. Your stomach dropped.

Why did he care so much if you left him?

"I still need your help to find the rest of the horcruxes, if there is more than one. So no matter what happens, I'm on your side. I promise."

"Thank you, Y/N."

"Whatever," you rolled your eyes. Him and his shitty favors and promises.

"Hey!" Loki protested.


"You need to take this more seriously," he scolded you.

"I do? I need to take this more seriously? You've been carelessly playing around with people's lives every single day since I met you. You're one to say that," you muttered, scornful at his accusation.

Loki nodded and pursed his lips together as if he were actually agreeing with you.

"I don't want to take that chance," he told you.

"What are you talking about?" You asked.

"If tomorrow you truly decide to not be on my side anymore, then..." Loki's words trailed off.

He walked up to you cautiously and looked into your eyes for permission. He kissed your cheek, holding your face in the palms of his hands.

You grabbed ahold his wrists. You were still angry, but something about his tone of voice calmed you down.

"Okay, neither do I."

You kissed him. You started out slow, until the kiss got naturally deeper as the minutes went on. He was being unusually soft with you, which you didn't like. The more romantic he pretended to be, the more it made you hate him. It hurt. You were having to constantly remind yourself that this was all fake since you couldn't completely trust him.

So you took initiative and pulled him into you, until you were against the side of the elevator. You jumped up and wrapped your legs around him.

You were pulling at his hair with your tongue down his throat, hungry for more, when the elevator doors opened up into a crowd of people, staring at you in shock.

You laughed nervously as you got off of him and pushed him aside. Yet another embarrassing moment to torment you in the future.

You looked over at him and he had a proud look on his face. He took your hand and lead you out of the crowd of people and down the stairs.

People were cheering all around for the winning team. There were tents set up for people who had stayed the night before the quidditch game.

He lead you into a random tent, tiny on the outside but enormous on the inside. It was practically the size of a small house.

"Loki, we don't know whose tent this is. I don't think we should be in here," you said.

"Who cares. They're all out celebrating right now, no one will come in here," Loki said, scoffing at you.

"Can't we just take the portkey back to London?" You pleaded.

"No. This can't wait any longer," he told you.

He cast the muffliato charm around the tent, to fill the ears of any person in the vicinity with a ringing noise so you and him couldn't be overheard.

"I guess we'll have to settle for that," he said, pointing towards a tiny mattress.

You sat down on the edge of the bed, "I'm not so sure about this, Loki. What if someone comes in?" You were already embarrassed from earlier. This was technically a public area, so any thought of forni-

He was lingering over you within another second. "Then tell me to go home," he challenged.

You scratched your head. "Uhhh..."

"Speechless, again. I'm heartbroken, Y/N. This may be our last night together and you're so uncertain. Earlier, you seemed to be all over me and now..."

You rolled your eyes. He was so ridiculous when he wanted attention. You pulled him onto you and kissed him, your lips parting for each other.

"Tell me what you want," he whispered in your ear.

"I want you. All of you," you told him.

He smirked. He slowly took off all of your clothes, one by one, torturingly slow, in order to tease you.

He kissed your lips. He then started kissing your neck, your collarbone, and your chest, making his way down lower and lower. Your heart was ready to leap out of its chest once you knew what he was about to do.

He kissed in between your inner thighs and slid his fingers into you, moving inside of you rhythmically. You gripped onto the strands of his hair to steady yourself.

"Look at me," he demanded.

His pupils were fully dilated and he stared at you as if he was looking into your soul. You were already falling apart beneath him. And then he drove his tongue inside you, as if he wanted to claim you forever.

He gripped your thighs and you felt something almost feral awaken in him; he made you moan and gasp and your nails moved to his back, digging into his blazer.

He got off of you and threw his clothes onto the floor within a minute. He was already hard and throbbing as he stroked himself before pumping into you, causing you to cry out. You arched your back and pushed yourself further into him, desperate for more. He held onto your waist with both of his hands and didn't slow down. He kept going until your entire body quivered and your eyes rolled into the back of your head.

Seconds later, you laid there, attempting to relax your body and your mind while he got dressed quickly. He helped you get up so you could put your clothes back on.

"I hope to see you again tomorrow, Y/N," he said, leaving you behind in the tent.

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