「 Girls' Frontline 」Nikolay's...

By Dualpen

15.7K 487 182

After several years of living off his survival skills and scavenger instincts to come around trouble, weather... More

Ch. 1: Keep it Going
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5: First contract
Chapter 6: New faces on sight
Chapter 7: Fallen falcons
Chapter 8: Hunt
Chapter 9: Liberation
Chapter 10: Frozen Journey
Chapter 11: Snowy Relaxation
Chapter 12: Cry of the eyass
Chapter 13: Old time jabs
Chapter 14: New year, new life
Chapter 15: Settling down
Chapter 16: A calm day
Chapter 17: Preparations for the play
Chapter 18: Starring the puppeteer
Chapter 19: Start of the red show
Chapter 20: Introduction
Chapter 21: Crux
Chapter 22: Denouement
Chapter 23: Good morning
Chapter 24: Daily life continues
Chapter 25: Springs notice
Chapter 26: A timely arrival
Chapter 27: Getting back on track
Chapter 28: Old but gold
Chapter 29: Lockdown shenanigans
Chapter 30: Talkful day
Chapter 31: A hint of distrust
Chapter 32: New thinking
Chapter 33: Paperwork
Chapter 34: Bitter memories
Chapter 35: Working day
Chapter 36: Cloudy
Chapter 37: Recruting
Chapter 38: Little tour
Chapter 39: Arrival
Chapter 40: Release

Attention all readers, new and old, before you read!

2.2K 26 20
By Dualpen

[As of 21/2/21 this informative chapter is subjective to change and is no other thing but a mere checklist/recommendation/disclaimer from the writer]

Hello, doing this chapter so I got a better way to communicate and let people know what's happening as I'm certain is quite tedious to follow my account's board (Which I also cleaned up).

So, you might be wondering what this thing is all about, well this is as important for new readers as for old readers as I'm gonna explain what's happening around the book right now and what to expect.

If you want a long story short then: If you were planning on reading the book, continuing reading it, or giving it the first taste, I highly recommend you don't and come back around some time in the future as currently, the entire book will be subject to change as well as this informative chapter.

P.S: I have left a list at the end of this chapter with other stories and shorts you might want to check out that are definitely better than my project, give them a follow and some love if you don't mind as well!

Now if you want the long story and additional things keep scrolling and sorry for the inconvenience.

So basically what's happening is that I'm revamping some things, putting high attention on act 1 as the flow of it started to feel off as soon as I had act 4 and 5 drafts written up as well as looking back at act 3 itself (that being the latest act I released as of the 21 of February of 2021). All in all, it feels to me like I made two different railroads from point A and point B and tried to connect them which is giving me trouble now as soon as I'm getting to the halfway point of building the railway system.

To be honest, I think it's been enough slacking off, the dread is kinda becoming a bit unbearable now, from doing sketches for the book's artwork and never doing a full-on concept, to correcting without really being in the conditions to do so or with the dedication that process requires which is more extensive to the one I'm giving it right now. So what's gonna happen?

Well, maybe some noticed, or not, but I made a little, quite general focused, checklist, and I aim to follow it but as I said before, pestering people ain't my forte nor do I intend on putting an announcement each time I make some progress. Down below you will have a list more focused on the development of the book itself and quite more detailed as well:

-Revamp Act I/: Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14

-Revise and revamp adequately Act II/: Chapter 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22

-Revise and revamp adequately Act III/: Chapter 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40

-Release Act IV/: Chapter 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46

-Release Act V/: Chapter 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54

-Update the book's cover(?

-Update the book's description

-Make adequate artwork for specific chapters of Act I

-Make adequate artwork for specific chapters of Act II

-Make adequate artwork for specific chapters of Act III

-Some other miscellaneous things include: Updating the tags, Revamping the chapters name (the titles are quite certainly driving me mad), Compress some chapters and scratch certain things from the story, Auto destroy the act ending announcements (making my eyes certainly bleed), Track down and get rid of certain plot holes, Redistribute the way bold lettering, italic and other aesthetic and differential tools were being used, Some other minor changes in the writing such as a more distinctive spacing between paragraphs, time skips, and scenes

The process will be slow, quite slow, not to say painfully slow, between personal shenanigans and studies taking up my time lately to the point of me having 1 or 2 weeks a month to properly dedicate time to the project while keeping my sanity at a stable level, let's not mention how much time will it take as well do the artwork I want to add.

So in the meantime, with this big inconvenience yours truly has caused for simply having little to no work ethic unless under pressure or being pestered by himself, let me redirect you all to other fantastic books also related to GFL that you will most probably enjoy.

- Girls frontline: The human doll/: A story that combines several female oc's into the world of GFL with nice dialouge and story flow bringing your sense into a power fantasy seen through the eyes of the main character Elizabeth, give it a read if you want some laughs and enjoyable moments. 

-『Girls' Frontline: The Aftermath』/: A story that's is a jack of all traits, from good characters, to good development and great plot line, sit back and read the story of G&K and an affilitated company named Edelweiss who fight a new conflict after the defeat and dissolution of Sangvis Ferri, if you are into detailed writting, heart catching moments and descriptive world building go ahead and give it a read.

- [Girls Frontline] Welcome to S. O. D./: A story with a innovative and great plotline while still sticking to the GFL standarts, ever wanted to see a story from the perspective of a another PMC other than G&K and follow it through the eyes of a CEO? Well, this is the book, good chapter length, quite the envelope of ideas and the constant detailing of little things will keep you scrolling through the chapters, go give it a read.

- [Girls Frontline] Escape from Petrengrad/: The title should give you a heading on what is about already, smash Girls frontline with Tarkov and you got this, quite cool right? As with the previous project of this writer this book will keep you reading for its development however this time he took special care in trying to make the story more world descriptive and scene focused, the chapter lenght might give you a downer compared to his previous work but its still worth your time.

-Z.E.A.L Team [Girl's Frontline Remastered]/: I remeber reading the original back in the day when I was shaping out my own story, simply an enjoyable book that deserves more reads. Ever wanted to follow a task force that is the last resort when everything goes to shit? Take a sit and read how this team will be dealing with Sangvis Ferri shennanigans while facing some of their old memories, all this displayed in a short, scene filled story with just the right ammount of detail put into it, give it a read get his story up to its former glory.

- Girls Frontline: Pacific Inferno/: Another story with an innovative take to the GFL standarts, strap down to follow the story of Leandro Ian Estrella, a commander that got caught up in a war against China after they decided world peace wasn't good enough and Asia wasn't asian enough, great mc, smooth as butter development of the plot and a in detail description on its most eye catching scenes, give it some love, it deserves it.

Girls Frontline:Freelance/: A story filled with comedy and action, detailed enough scenes that keep you at edge, altough the plot might feel a bit shaky sometimes I assure you that is more than redable and furthermore even more enjoyable than its description might say, follow the story of a freelancer that's trying to fix his life while taking up some contracts with his own personal doll, maybe G&K will need his expretise? 

-The Eagle In The Broken Sky/: A story with its own touch of humor and great detail put into its action scenes as well as the equipment used in them, specially all leaning towards aviation, so what happens when Sangvis Ferri dosen't have enough with ground dominance in the war and decides to pressure the PMC's further? G&K will respond by clearing the treath that looms over the ground high above the clouds by forming its own air force, get your pilot helmets and follow the story of this newly formed component inside its ranks and pay special focus to a certain individual named Falco and give this story a read.

- Firefly - A Girls' Frontline Story/: A story that definetly deserves more spotlight than its getting, nice plot flow and perfect chapter length keeps you focused while reading, simple yet varied language is used across the chapters themsleves which keeps you fresh through your reading session while the plot keeps you entretained as well, so why not take up this story and follow the story of a man that formed part of a super solider program codenamed Avalon and his partner a Scar-L doll of unknown origin whose been protecting him until he awakens from cryofreeze when G&K and Sangvis Ferri conflict still sparks, give it a good read it won't dissapoint. 

- Our Home./: A series of shorts which follow the daily life of echelons residing in a Griffin base situated inside area S09, and as said they are shorts, mainly files, audio logs, videos, recordings and notes of the shennanigans happening inside said base, all these with a good detail put into them, altough it might feel a bit off compared to other stories it just brings a refreshing sensation with every chapter, give it a read. 

- Girls Frontline Stories/: Another series of shorts that tell the shennanigans inside a G&K base, quite more lengthy chapters compared to the previous story, the flow of its chapters is as refreshing as a glass of cold water in summer and the overall way of writting from this writer is quite catching may I say, give it a read you won't regret it. 

Death_the_pokemaster [Special mention]
- The Black Cat's Heartbeat/: I know it has a USS_Cooper cover, I know it's a Azure Lane story, I know. But. There actually is GFL related stuff thrown into it, so hey, maybe if you guys enjoy AL also, this story might catch your waves quite nicely (Heh punny), the story itself is quite enjoyable, to not say enjoyable in a good and bad way to the latest chapter, the care put into it and plot building that leads to the final chapters keeps you reading, it isn't necessarily the most eyecatching nor the most detailed story out there nor is it even focused on GFL, but I highly recommend checking it out, came for the waifus stayed for the plot, give it the love it needs. 

And finally, saved my favorites for last, which I try and follow relegiously and maybe you should consider doing so as well: 

- Hello Taurus .38 [Girls' Frontline Fan-Fiction]/: Where to start, well I first of all must say this is the first shaped out GFL story I read through and through, also by the time I was still just starting out with this project of mine. The story follows a man named Aiden Cross, a T-Doll developer of an outsourced company that got contracted by IOP and G&K to develop a new Doll, that being Taurus .38, this time however unlike others, the stakes are high as this is the only opportunity Aiden has to achive his dream, become a commander, and for that he needs to get to the commander's course, this dream will revolve untill Taurus is born, taking the story into a moral spin when Aiden will be faced by the feelings he has to his own creation or achiving his dream. As you see the plotline is fantastic, not to mention the flow of it is perfect as you can clearly see all the buildup to the final chapters, cliff hangers and play of emotions is put into the spotlight in this work as it takes the readed through a rollercoster of life soaked scenes that keep you focused on the book, the light yet huge envelope of language keeps you fresh with references to movies,  series, games and other iconic things the reader can diffrientiate from this cool, fresh, and innovative GFL story, seriously, give it a read it dosen't take time and I would appriciate some love being thrown at this story.

- Commanders Course [Girls' Frontline Fanfiction]/: This story is a countinuation to Hello Taurus .38, Aiden finally gets to the so desired course and gets faced with new challenges that he will try to overcome to become his dream while also getting back his precious creation under his command, currently with 6 chapters we will have to wait and see if our favorite T-Doll developer can achive all this succesfully. The writting style of the first book is still mantained in this second volume, the references, detailed descriptions, language and way of controlling the plotline got a 1up and is still as catching as the first book, so if you finished the first one, why aren't you already reading this one? 

- Operational Integrity [Girls Frontline Fanfiction]/: First things first, this story is underated and by a long shot, so maybe we can get you all hooked to it, so what is it about? Follow the story of a group of 5 dolls that due to some circumstances of their past got their kill authorization active, meaning they can kill any human without restriction as they please, a Vector model doll who got hacked and formed part of a terrorist group, a springfield model doll who lost her cheerised commander, a NTW-20 model doll who became an assassin under her previous commander, a G36 model doll who survived the KCCO betryal and overcame parapluie, and finally our little protagonist a NZ75 model doll, or is she a doll? Doesn't matter as our sweet NZ75 contacted the other 4 dolls and promised them a better home and life as well as fixing their past if they joined her, and now the 5 of them are on a quest, will it go smootlhy? Who knows, this team's shennanigans aren't dictated by fate. If that wasn't enough to catch your attention let me say that the care put into the plot of this book is not just good but too good to the point you can never expect what will come with the next chapter, something that isn't easily achived but why stop there when you can add a detailed style of narration and character focused development, the world building dosen't fall short behind and keeps at ambush at every corner, giving you little pieces of it each time you read, making the reader shape the story slowly but surely while getting soaked with the extensive envelope of language used along its chapters, so hey, go give it a read and give some love, leave some encouraging comments as well while you on it to keep this story going! 

-Girls' Frontline: The title may not say much about the story nor may its description tell you the whole tale whereabouts but as soon as you give it a more in depth look and the extensive history of this work you will understand why its one of my favorites as well. The story puts great focus on the mc who is the commander we are in the game itself while following the general plotline of the game itself while also adding its own touches, sounds neat right so what else? Well we will get in the skin of man named Yulil, former Sangvis Ferri commander who awakes several years later after the Butterfly incident, alone, not knowing what happend, and still energetic as ever he will see that everything he knew is destroyed, changed and more often than not gone, having no idea of what happend he tries to reach out to someone, this attempt leads him to the onfurtante event of getting captured by a G&K doll squad that was scouting the area, after learning about what was happening with the world our protagonist decides to join G&K ranks as a commander, not any commander, with his expertise he will prefer being in the frontlines with his troops like a field commander, with a blurry past, uncertain ideals and quite the charisma behind this ex-soldiers persinality, he will try to fix the mess that the remanants of the Sangvis Ferri he knew left behind. Great care put into the character development, a fantastic narration injected with a new feeling each time takes the reader right into the scenes as if he was expirencing it himself, action packed, freshend from the games plot, mixed with a our lovely varitey of characters from the game itself with his own oc's, the chapters will have an amazing length, which in itself is a good thing if you like your reading sessions lasting along with your snacks or drink, all this as well put in a simple envelope of language that makes the whole thing easy to read, and maybe if that wasn't enough to you the work is linked to Hello Taurus .38 world, so hell if you liked that story you will adore this one

Sorry for the rants! Anyway, its been a while since I read any of these stories but I trust my memory and I know I loved all of the above and although some of the stories might never get a new chapter or may get thrown into the shadow realm like some I wanted to add but couldn't in the end because the original writer decided they would be more comfortable in there, I say yet again, that the ones above are all top-notch and definitely deserve your time more than mine does. I also will make sure to make a reading list in my account in some time to include some other stories I have read and might of forgoten so y'all got more easy acces to them I guess? 

Well until next time, which might be in 4 months or more, I wish you all the best, again apologies for the 100th time for my poor management, stay safe and be sure to drop some love to the stories above in the meantime I fix my mess. Peace! 


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