Devils and Mercenaries (TF2 x...

By Cmonkey512

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Teams vs Peerages... that's really all there is to it. More

Angel has fallen
The Saints and The Sinners: Part 1
The Saints and The Sinners: Part 2
The Saints and The Sinners: Part 3
Peer Presure
DxD Chapter 1: Unfamiliars
A.N. #1
DxD Chapter 2: A place to live and Training Montage
DxD Chapter 3: $#*% just got real!
DxD Chapter 5: Back in the game
A.N. #2
DxD Chapter 6: Forever hold your Peace
TF2 Chapter 1: Devils, Meet the Team Pt. 1
TF2 Chapter 2: Devils, Meet the Team, Pt.2
A.N. #3
A.N. #4

DxD Chapter 4: More Training

1.9K 35 81
By Cmonkey512

Nate POV
Somewhere in Japan

"Move it, maggot! I do not want to see you drop anything, otherwise I will break my Cuban foot up your ass!" Soldier shouted, pretending to be me.

Issei carries the large pack on his back through the rocky terrain.

I'm going to be honest, I thought Soldier would do what he normally does: stupid shit that doesn't help and often makes things worse.

'Yes, I do believe we were all surprised by ze fact that he has not managed to break a bone in anyone's body.' Spy said.

"Pack... is... so... heavy." Issei panted.

"Ha! That pack is nothing! I once had to carry an entire box of artillery shells through 700 miles of battlefield while holding my guts in, lying to myself that I would be okay!" Soldier said.

Soldier, you're pretending to be me, remember?

'Why would anyone want to know about your boring Cuban fairy tales when they can listen to my superior and true American tales of freedom?!' Soldier asked.

And you've had your fun.

I then take back control of my body.

"Holy crap! You actually had to do that?!" Issei exclaimed.

"Yeah, but I don't remember if it was all at the same time or not. That was a long week." I lied.

"Oh. Still, both of those are hardcore. It must be tough being a mercenary." Issei said.

"Well, we are paid to raise hell." I replied.

Kiba suddenly passes us, like walking up a rocky hill with a pack full of weapons and ammo is a pleasant jog.

"Excuse me." He said politely as he passes.

"Damn it! Kiba is so relaxed!" Issei said.

"Pardon me." Koneko said as she passed us.

'That's my line.' Spy said with a light chuckle.

As Koneko passes us, I notice the pack she's carrying is ten times bigger than Kiba's and Issei's, completely upstaging them.

While Issei is floored by the amount of weight that Koneko can carry, I extend my fist to her, and she gladly bumps it.


"Koneko, are you sure this is a good idea?" I asked.

"Why? Afraid you'll lose?" Koneko asked.

"More like I'm concerned that I'll end up breaking you. I mean... bare knuckles, no punches pulled?" I asked.

Koneko had asked me to help train her in fisticuffs. She wanted to see how she would fare against an experienced fighter, and after Heavy told her how he killed a Siberian bear with his bare hands, plus the fact that I would have the most combat experience being a mercenary, she figured I would be the perfect sparring partner.

Now, I know that she's incredibly strong. I've seen her dent metal using her tiny fists. I've also seen Heavy do feats with his fists that are... well, insane enough to make me think that Koneko is going to lose.

I hope I'm wrong, but if I'm right, I hope Heavy doesn't do any major damage.

"Is this because I'm a girl, or because I'm small?" Koneko asked with a glare.

"I don't have problems hitting girls, and I especially don't have problems with decking small people." I said.

'Was dat a diss towards me?' Scout asks.

Absolutely, now shut up. Heavy, do your thing.

Heavy then takes control of my body,then he raises my fists.

He then charges at Koneko and attempts to hit her with a left hook. She blocks the punch, then jabs Heavy in my stomach. Heavy manages to jab Koneko's left shoulder, then delivers a right hook to her face. He comes back with a left hook to my face, causing Heavy to spin around. Heavy spins back around to Koneko while swinging my fist, punching her in the face.

Heavy goes for another punch, but Koneko blocks it. Then both Heavy and Koneko use their other arms to try and punch each other, but her and my fist meet in the middle. Thinking quickly, Heavy headbutts her, which stuns her for a moment. When she recovers, she punches Heavy in my face, grabs him by my neck, then just starts going to town, punch after punch after punch.

Heavy eventually catches her fist, a move that kind of surprises her. Heavy then delivers a right hook to her face, which gets her off of him. He then uppercuts her in the chin, sending her in the air. When she comes back down, Heavy punches her before she hits the ground, sending her flying into a wall.

Like I said, I've seen Koneko pull of some crazy feats with her fists. And I've seen Heavy pull of even crazier.

Alright, I think she's had enough.

I take back control of my body.

I walk over to Koneko and help her to her feet.

"You alright? Anything broken at all?" I asked.

"No, I don't think so. Damn, you hit a lot harder than I expected." Koneko said.


Kiba stands across the field from Demo, who is currently holding a wooden Half-Zatoichi. Kiba stands ready across from Demo wielding a similar wooden sword.

Surprisingly, Demo isn't drunk, so there may be a chance that he could win. Then again, the point of this fight isn't to win. It's to test his skill and see where he can improve.

Kiba makes the first move. He takes a swing at Demo, but Demo blocks it. Kiba then swings down at Demo twice, and Demo still blocks the attacks. Kiba then unexpectedly takes a stab at Demo, but Demo manages to divert the attack away from him, and then swings his sword at Kiba's side. Kiba blocks the Demo's attack. Kiba then swings his sword to the side of Demo's head, but Demo ducked, then blocked another attack. Kiba then charges at Demo, and though Demo manages to block Kiba's sword, Kiba still manages to pin Demo to a tree.

Demo, having trained with different types of swords for years, manages to push Kiba off of him, and sent him sliding a few feet. Demo then jumped up to swing his sword down at Kiba. Kiba actually readies himself to swing his sword again. Noticing this, Demo decides to swing at Kiba's sword instead. Knocking his sword from his hands, Kiba backs away a few steps.

Now, normally this is where the sparring match would end. However, Kiba, like Koneko, wanted me to push him to his limits, so he and Demo, who was pretending to be me, agreed not to stop until one of us conceded or couldn't go on.

That's why, when Demo swung at Kiba, Kiba rolled out of the way and managed to pick his sword back up.

"While I enjoy fair fights, I feel like I would learn a lot more if my opponent fought dirty." Kiba said with an enthusiastic smile.

"Haha! Ya' want me ta fight dirty, eh?" Demo said, trying to mask his Scottish accent.

Kiba then swings his sword down at Demo, who blocked the attack. Demo manages to hold Kiba still, then unexpectedly pulls out his Grenade Launcher. It's loaded with practice grenades, so thankfully no one will get hurt. Kiba is still dumbfounded by the sudden appearance of a Grenade Launcher, doesn't react. He just stares at it in surprise. This allows Demo to pull the trigger, and the ensuing explosion sent Kiba flying into a tree.

Okay, Demo. You had your fun.

I take back control of my body.

"You okay, buddy?!" I asked Kiba.

"Yeah! I'm fine!" Kiba said with a smile.

Third Person POV
Nate and Asia's house

Asia and Issei descended the stairs into the basement... that Asia somehow didn't know they had.

When they reached the basement they saw... something they weren't expecting to see.

They saw Nate standing next to a male Fallen Angel that was about the same age and strapped to a table.

"Oh, hello, you two." Said Medic, pretending to be Nate.

"Nate! What the hell is going on?! Why is he here?!" Issei exclaimed as Asia hid behind him.

"Oh, come now. Paul is harmless. He's been here since Asia and I moved in." Medic replied.

"What?!" Asia exclaimed.

"Nate! He's a Fallen Angel!" Issei said.

"Yeah, one that's strapped to a table. Not only that, but I don't seem to recall you Devils starting any shit with us, so I'm wondering why we're always starting it with you." The Fallen Angel, Paul, said.

"You see, apparently Paul is somevhat sympathetic to Devils, so his family disowned him. Now, he has agreed to be a canvas for my experiments ." Medic said.

"So what?" Issei asked Paul with a glare.

"See, unlike most of my kind, I understand that you Devils are just people who are trying to live your lives. Lives that we, for some reason, don't want existing. That being said, the somewhat comes from the fact that you, and I say you collectively, have killed some of my family and friends. I understand that it was in self defense, but it still stings a little." Paul explained.

"Right... wait, experiments?" Issei asked Medic.

"Vell, as much as it could be nice to chat, I am on a rather tight timetable, so ve vill have to get started." Medic said.

He then lifted a small lever on one of the table legs, flipping Paul to his back.

"Now, I had planned to let Asia do zis as practice for healing. However, I zen realized zat this operation may be a bit too delicate. Zerefore, you simply be an assistant." Medic explained.

Medic then pulled down a mounted MediGun, which Asia recognized. However she said nothing, remembering her agreement. Medic then activated the MediGun, and the MediBeam attached itself to Paul.

Medic then picked up a scalpel.

"Now, zen. Let's get started." Medic said sadistically.


"Vait, vait, it get's better! Vhen ze patient voke up, his skeleton was missing, and ze doctor vas never heard from again!" Medic said while laughing maniacally.

Paul also laughed at Medic's story, despite the fact that he had been cut wide open. Asia and Issei however... they were trying really hard not to throw up. And Asia was doing a much better job than Issei.

"Anyvay, zat's how I lost my medical license, heh." Medic said with a chuckle.

Before anyone could say anything, Archimedes popped out of Paul's chest.

"Archimedes, no! It's filthy in zere." Medic said.

He then looked back at the other three.

"Birds, hehe." Medic said with a chuckle.

He then looked around for something, but couldn't seem to find it. Eventually, the little doctor plushie appeared with a small machine with small spikes.

"Ah, danke." Medic said.

Since Asia and Issei had never been to Germany and didn't speak Spanish, they just assumed that it was Nate speaking Spanish. As for Paul, he was used to speaking with Medic.

Medic then picked up some kind of organ. Considering that Medic hadn't taken anything out of Paul yet, Asia and Issei wondered what exactly the organ was.

Medic then stuck the machine to the organ, then dropped them both in Paul's chest.

"Zhere ve go." Medic said.

"Uh, should I be awake for this, doc?" Paul asked.

"Aheh, vell no... but since you are, could you hold your rib cage open a bit? Asia, Issei, if you vould be so kind as to help him?" Medic asked.

Paul, Issei, and Asia held Paul's rib cage open as Medic shoved the organ and machine deeper into Paul's chest.

"Right. And ve're done. Now, since Gremory asked me to train Asia in healing..." Medic began.

He then turned to Asia.

"Asia, if you vould be so kind as to close Paul's incision?" Medic asked.

Asia then turned to Paul and saw the gaping hole in his chest.

"I... I don't know if I can. I-I've never healed something this big before." Asia said.

"And I've never put a baboon uterus inside a Fallen Angel before. And yet, here ve are." Medic said.

Asia wondered why Medic would do that, but also saw the point he was trying to make.

Asia then hovered her hands over Paul's chest. Her hands were then surrounded by a green glow.

At first nothing happened.

But then, Paul's chest slowly started to close back up.

The process was slow, but definitely noticeable. After about 3 minutes, Paul's chest was completely closed.

"I-... I did it!" Asia exclaimed.

Nate, who had taken back control of his body 2 minutes ago, smiled at Asia's excitement.

She reminded him of someone...

Someone important to him.

Somewhere in Japan

Issei and Nate stood at the bottom of a rather large cliff.

"So... is this anything like the training we did before?" Issei asked.

"No. This is different." Nate said... he's actually Nate this time.

"How so?" Issei asked.

"Well, during our 'early morning exercise', you made it clear that you were able to cast explosions." Nate said.


Nate was walking around the woods, taking in the sights. He was walking along the edge of a small diving cliff, when Issei suddenly jumped out from behind a rock.

"SURPRISE, BITCH!" Issei exclaimed.

Issei then fired a low powered explosion at Nate... only to miss by a mile. Issei then continued to plummet into the water.

Nate peered over the edge of the cliff to see Issei's head emerge.

"A for effort! F for everything else!" Nate said to Issei.

*end flashback*

"Now, that being said, I think I have a way for you to utilize that ability of yours for something other than combat." Nate said.

"How do you use an explosion for something other than combat?" Issei asked.

"Navigation." Nate replied.

"How is an explosion a tool for navigation?" Rias asked, as she was there to oversee Nate's training methods.

Nate then got out the Sticky Jumper and placed a bomb at his feet.

"Y'see, Gremory, when you asked me to join the Peerage, you took note of two abilities: my skills with weapons, and the ability to pull said weapons out of absolutely fucking nowhere. However, you apparently do not know of my third little quirk." Nate explained.

This news somewhat intrigued Rias.

"And that is?" Rias asked.

"My uncanny ability to give a giant middle finger to every known law of physics and logic!" Nate exclaimed.

He then detonated the bomb at his feet.

Instead of being blown to nasty chunks of yuck, like Rias and Issei expected, their jaws hit the ground as they witnessed him fly hundreds of feet in the air at fuck-you-speeds.

When he landed at the top of the cliff, he leaned over the edge with a giant grin on his face.

Rias wasn't sure that she wanted Issei to risk his life like this. He was going to use an explosion to make himself jump higher, crying out loud!

Issei got himself ready to do it, but Rias stopped him.

"Issei, wait! I know it's tough that you're struggling with your training. But please, think about this! An explosion?! Just to make yourself jump higher?!" Rias exclaimed, trying to talk Issei out of this.

"I... I... I have to do this. I agreed to be part of your Peerage. To be your servant. But what good am I to you if I can't do anything? That's why... that's why I have to do this!" Issei exclaimed.

Before Rias could say anything, Issei cast an explosion at his feet, sending him flying up into the air... much farther than Nate went.

"That, uh... that was a much more powerful explosion than I wanted him to use." Nate said, his smile slowly leaving his face.

"I'd he going to be okay?!" Rias asked, concerned for her friend.

"At that height? Hell no!" Nate said.

Rias was about to tell Nate to help Issei, however she noticed that he was already ahead of her. Nate took out the Rocket Jumper and rocket jumped up to Issei. He grabbed Issei, then shielded him when they landed on the ground.

"Issei! Nate!" Rias exclaimed.

"That... was... AWESOME!!!" Issei exclaimed with a giant smile.

"Uh... right... Nate, are you okay?" Rias asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I mean, I have a few broken bones, but it's nothing I haven't experienced before." Nate said nonchalantly.

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