Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru...

By ScammerOne

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Inubozaki Shouichi was a boy without any memories of his past. He is now adopted at the inubozaki house and i... More

Noble Storm
Sword Maiden
Sword Maiden II
Shining Hearts
Shining Hearts II
Overcoming Adversity
Anticipation of Tomorrow
Anticipation of Tomorrow II
Anticipation of Tomorrow III
Idyllic Happiness
Idyllic Happiness II
Idyllic Happiness III
Idyllic Happiness IV
Blessing of the Gods
Blessing of the Gods II
Blessing of the Gods III
The Choice For A Change
The Choice For A Change II
The Choice for a change III
Those Who Know Grief
The Bonds of Love
The Darkness Of Despair
The Light Of Hope
Inubozaki Shouichi
A Brewing Storm
The Connected Past I
The Connected Past II
The Entrusted Future
The Entrusted Future II
Records Of the Agito - The Unknown Past
Records Of the Agito - The Lost World
Records Of the Agito - A New Beginning
Records Of the Agito - The Red-Eyed Devil
Records Of the Agito - What It Means To Protect
Records Of the Agito - Determination
Records Of the Agito - Determination II
Records Of the Agito - Transition
Records Of the Agito - The Two Girls
Records Of the Agito - Overconfidence
Records Of the Agito - Recovery
Records Of the Agito - Budding
Records Of the Agito - The Flowers Of War
Records Of the Agito - Exploration
Records Of the Agito - Exploration II
Records Of the Agito - Fleeting Days
Records Of the Agito - Sisters
Records Of the Agito - Loss
Records Of the Agito - Mad Thoughts
Records Of the Agito - Chikage's Choice
Records Of the Agito - The Future Of Mankind
Records Of the Agito - Warriors Of Shikoku
Records Of the Agito - Warriors of Shikoku II
Records Of the Agito - Ashikawa Shouichi
Records Of the Agito - The Passed On Feelings
Spectacular Days
Joyous Youth
Precious Memories
Precious Memories II
My Heart Aches When I Think of You
Concealed Intentions
Pure Hearts
Final Duty
Shinning Evolution
I'm Happy For You Are With Me

Records Of the Agito - Warped Minds

181 12 16
By ScammerOne




(Shouichi's Room)


Wakaba: How is he today, Hinata? 

Hinata: It's still the same as yesterday but at least today his body is starting to gain more weight than usual. That's a good sign

The six of them entered Shouichi's room to find that his appearance is really bad. The hands are nothing but bone wrapped with a thin layer of skin, body thin as a straw, and a face that is really wrinkled. 

Tamako: He's still really...... thin...... Even though he has already gained some weight. Not what I expected from the usual him.....

Yuuna: Shouichi-san........

Wakaba: Shouichi....... You've been enduring all of this all alone...... I'm sorry....... I'm sorry that I couldn't realize it more sooner. (Wakaba said as she began to shed some tears and held Shouichi's skinny hand) I'm sorry...... I'm sorry......

Tamako: Shouichi....... Please don't die....... (Tamako said as she followed after Wakaba and began to cry) 

Shouichi: ......Don't give me that face....... I didn't save you guys to cry. (Shouichi said as he slowly woke up from sleeping) Ugh......... That really hurts...... 

Anzu: Shouichi-san!!!!! Are you alright????!!!!! 

Shouichi: Yeah....... But I feel the worst though...... Looks like reviving someone really takes its toll after all. *Stomach Growling *Stomach Growling* Ugh........ And I'm hungry...... Can somebody get me something to eat? (Shouichi said with a weak voice) 

Wakaba: Geez...... Even in this kind of atmosphere, you can say such a thing. You really are an easy-going person. (Wakaba said with a relieved smile on her face because at very least, Shouichi has woke up from his sleep) 


After Shouichi went after the check-up performed by the Doctors and the nurses to check his conditions Shouichi returned to rest back in his room. 

Shouichi: Say, how long I was out? 

Chikage: About one week I guess. 

Shouichi: I see. One week, huh?........ Are there any battles after that one? 

Hinata: There are a few skirmishes but Wakaba-chan and the others managed to handle it. 

Shouichi: I see. I'm sorry I couldn't be of any help. 

Yuuna: Don't worry too much about it, Shouichi-san. At least we managed to handle it without further casualties. (Yuuna said with a calming smile) 

Tamako: Yeah! Saving someone from dying is already quite a feat! 

Anzu: Speaking about it, Shouichi-san. How were you able to revive us? Even with your kind of power, it should be impossible to even revive a person. 

Shouichi: I just imaged it. 

Tamako: Imaged it?

Shouichi: A person's life is like a long thin piece of line with a small spark on one end. For a human to die normally, a person has to burn through all that piece of line. But the way that both of you die is not normal. The way both of you die is like cutting the line with the spark. To revive both of you I mended that line just before that spark could be extinguished. 

Chikage: Is that even possible?

Shouichi: For a normal human it's not possible. But we're not normal humans. It took a lot of practice but to mend that line, I shared a small portion of my life with both of you. That's why I became this weak after saving both of you. (Shouichi said as he looked at his wrinkled hand) 

Everyone: ........

Shouichi: Huh? What's wrong with the heavy atmosphere?

Anzu: Then that means,... Your life is becoming shorter right???!!!!! 

Shouichi: Yeah, something like that. 

Tamako: How could you do that???!!!! Do you know what you've just done???!! 

Shouichi: Yeah, I did what I need to do to save both of you. 

Tamako: I'm saying that's wrong!!!! Why did you have to shorten your life to save us????!!!! (Tamako said with an angry tone)

Shouichi: I should've died that died at Suwa that day but for some reason, I was sent to Shikoku. I thought I was just sent here just to continue suffering. But slowly I realized it. The things that I want to protect weren't the people of this island or the future of mankind. What I want to protect is right here. To protect it, I'm not worried about my life at all. 

Tamako: ......... W-well....... I-If you put it like that......... I can't really argue.

Shouichi: If you get it then that's fine. Either way, the three of you better don't do anything reckless. At least until I'm back at full strength or I'll be unable to revive you. 

Chikage: Re...... Vive.....

Yuuna: Hm? Did you say something, Gun-chan? 

Chikage: No...... It's nothing....... (Chikage said before exiting the room) I'm heading to the restroom for a bit. 

Chikage then heads to the restroom before immediately puking at the sink. 

Chikage: *cough* URGHHHH......... HUEEEEKKKKK!!!!!! *cough* *cough* HUEEEKKK!!! *pant* *pant* *pant* Don't do anything reckless?! What does he think he is? I'm a hero. I'm not going to die in this kind of place. 

Inner: But...... Why? Why is my hand trembling? No, my body knows the best that if that kind of thing appears again then...... then..... I probably would die......

Chikage: No....... I don't want to die......... I don't want to die......... (Chikage said with trembling hands as she looks at herself in the mirror) 

Just then Chikage's phone rang. She opened the mail to find out that the mail is from Taisha. 

Message From The Taisha: You may have developed PTSD from the last battle. Please contact your doctor and undergo counseling as soon as possible. 

Inner Chikage: Don't mess with me. What does a counselor even can do at this point? 


(The Outer Walls Of Shikoku)

Yuuna: They want us to deal with an enemy outside the wall, huh? Now that's pretty unusual. 

Wakaba: Perhaps Taisha's strategy has changed. Before that, Yuuna you have made sure that Tamako, Anzu, and Hinata to look after Shouichi right? 

Yuuna: Yes. I feel a little bad about keeping secrets from Shouichi-san but....... Is this the right thing to do? 

Wakaba: Don't worry, when he finds out about it I'll be the one taking responsibility. Alright, let's split up and circle the wall. I'll go this way while you both go the other way. Keep the channel open at all times. 

Yuuna: Roger that. Let's go, Gun-chan. 

Chikage: .......

Inner: .......I'm scared ...... Of fighting....... of dying........ I'm scared......... but........ A hero who doesn't fight is.......... worthless........

Yuuna: Gun-chan? Are you okay?

Chikage: No- no....... It's nothing. We'll go beyond the wall, right? That's where the enemy is right?  

Yuuna: Don't worry, Gun-chan. No matter what happens, I'll protect you, Gun-chan. I won't let anyone get hurt again. (Yuuna said as she hugged Chikage) 

Chikage: Yeah...... Thank you..... Takashima-san. 

Wakaba: Yuuna! Chikage! Come over here! 

Yuuna: Seems like she spotted the enemy. 

Chikage: But we can't see anything from this site.

Yuuna: For now, let's head over to Wakaba-chan's location. 

Both of them head to Wakaba's location to where she finds the enemy. The enemy that Wakaba spotted was really gigantic and not just any run-of-the-mill Vertex. 

Chikage: Is that? 

Yuuna: This enemy is huge! How come we couldn't see it from the other side???!!!! 

Wakaba: The effect of the barrier must have concealed it.

Chikage: Another thing........ They're hiding......

Wakaba: Yeah, but........

Chikage: We have to crush the enemy with all-out might, right? 

Wakaba: I couldn't agree more. 

Both Wakaba and Chikage then used their trump card to face off with the enemy which is the Youshitsune and Shichinin Misaki. 

Yuuna: I'll fight too! (Yuuna also used her trump card, Ichimoukuren) 

Wakaba: Let's go. 

Chikage: We'll take the left side! 

Wakaba: Then, we'll take the right side!

The three of them landed a fury of attacks at the Leo Vertex as strong and as fast as possible. But even after landing that kind of attack, the Vertex is still standing tall, looking down at them.

Chikage: We can't even scratch it....... (Chikage said with a despaired tone) 

The Leo Vertex then formed a large sun in front of them in an attempt to wipe them out in one fell swoop. 

Yuuna: Gun-chan!!!! Look out!!!! 

Chikage then managed to survive by sacrificing all of her clones. 

Chikage: It killed all of my Shicinin Misaki's clones at once. 

The sun from the Vertex's attack has enough power to wipe out an entire prefecture. 

Chikage: H-Honshu has been........ Destroyed. How the hell are we supposed to fight this thing? 

Yuuna: UUUAAAAHHHHH!!!!! (Yuuna then summoned another new fairy to inhabit her) Come to me, SHUTENDOUJI!!!!!!! 

Chikage: Takashima-san?! What are you-?! 

Yuuna: I'll protect it all!!!!! I'll handle Shouichi-san's share as well!!! I'll never let him hurt himself again!!!!! (Yuuna then jumped using all of her power towards the Leo Vertex using her newfound power) HEROOO PU- (Before Yuuna could even land a punch at the Vertex, the burden of her new power was too great, causing her body to begin to bleed) GAHHHHH????!!!!! 

Chikage: TAKASHIMA-SAN!!!!!!! 

Wakaba who realized the dangers of her situation immediately flew over and rescued Yuuna before also pulling back to the safety of the walls. 



The mission to subjugate the enemy Vertex outside the wall was a failure while Yuuna, after using the previously unknown trump card was hospitalized because of the backlash that she experienced.


(Chikage's Room)


Chikage: I'm..........


Chikage: I'm a hero.......

Right after their battle with the enemy outside the wall, Chikage was back in her room. The lost battle and Yuuna's injury because of her really took a toll on Chikage. Both mentally and physically. Because of that Chikage began to become unsure of her existence. She was so disturbed that she had to look to the past for her previous feats.

*click* *click*

Chikage: I'm a hero...... So.......

*click* *click* *click*

Chikage: So everyone acknowledges me. Yes, everyone will acknowledge me. Everyone will praise me........

*click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click*

After surfing the internet for a while, Chikage came across quite a disturbing website. It's a site where internet sleuths began discussing rumors on the internet.

The contents of the website 1: Seems like some new monsters type managed to injure the heroes.

The contents of website 2: Apparently the monsters managed to injure them to the point that they are unable to transform and fight anymore.

The contents of the website 3: The stupid ones that can no longer fight is Doi Tamako and Iyojima Anzu.

*click* *click*

Chikage: Huh.......? (The contents of the website was enough to make Chikage feel disgusted with the people that not thankful for the ones who risked their lives every day to fight)

The contents of the website 4: The Government and Taisha are suppressing the truth!!!!

The contents of the website 5: Are these the ones that are called Heroes? They are nothing but fakes.

*click* *click*

Chikage: What the hell is this???!!!!

*click* *click*

The contents of the website 6: They are too useless. If it were me, I would've done a better job.

The contents of the website 7: You didn't protect us at all, Heroes.

*click* *click* *click* *click*

Chikage: Why is everyone......... ARE YOU SHITTING ME????!!!!! (Chikage said as she began to be overwhelmed by rage)



(Shouichi's Room)

Shouichi: Say, Tamako. Is it just I or the hospital is busier than usual? Did something happen?

Tamako: *gulp* W-w-w-w-w-what are you talking about?! E-e-e-e-e-e-everyday is just a normally peaceful day. Ahahahahahaha. (Tamako said as she gave a nervous laugh at Shouichi)

Shouichi: There is definitely something going on right? Are both of you hiding something from me?

Anzu: Hiding? What are you talking about, Shouichi-san? We're not hiding anything. Ahahahaha (Anzu said as she gave off a similar nervous laugh like Tamako)

Shouichi: That laugh is really suspicious. What's up with that laugh too anyway?! Not to mention that Hinata has also been acting just as strange as both of you lately.

Tamako: Ahahahahaha! Here have some apples, Shouichi! (Tamako said as she pushes a whole unpeeled apple at Shouichi)

Shouichi: BWAH!!!!!!

Anzu: Have some Banana too, Shouichi-san!!! (Anzu said as she also feeds Shouichi an unpeeled banana)

Shouichi: WAAH!!!! WAAAFHAIT!!!! IMS- BWAHH!!!!!

Just like this both Tamako and Anzu continued to force-feed Shouichi every food in the room in an attempt to make Shouichi forget about the topic.


(Wakaba, Hinata, and Chikage's Location)

Doctor: Well then, if you notice anything wrong with your body please contact us right away.

Chikage: ...... Okay.

After having her body check-up over, Chikage head back to where Wakaba and Hinata were waiting for her.

Wakaba: How did it go?

Chikage: They told me to refrain from using trump cards.

Wakaba: You too, Chikage? We hit a brick wall........ Ever since Taisha has judged it no longer possible to suppress the information and officially announced Tamako and Anzu's incapability to continue to fight on as well as that recent disasters and incidents were brought about by the new enemy Vertex. Unrest was growing among the people. Suicide rates increased while public security deteriorated. I wish we could defeat that enemy more sooner but-

Chikage: Those people don't understand anything at all!!!!!! (Chikage suddenly raised her voice unfitting of her character) FINE!!! I won't use any trump cards then! I'll let them experience the Vertex first hand. I wonder how many victims there will be when all die!!!!!!

Wakaba: Chikage, that's enough!!!

Hinata: It's okay, Wakaba-chan. (Hinata said as she stood up and held Chikage's hand to calm her down) If it helps you feel better, then please get it off your chest. (Hinata said in a calming tone)

Chikage: ......... Leave me alone. (Chikage said as she pulled her hand away from Hinata's) You're just a Miko who can just stay in a safe place all the time! This is none of your business!!!!




Chikage: SHUT UPPPPPP!!!!!!!! (Chikage then began to be overwhelmed by emotions as she pushes Wakaba down so strong that it broke the pot beside Wakaba, causing her to injure her arm)

When Chikage had realized what she had done to Wakaba, she immediately ran out of the hospital.

Wakaba: Wait!!! Chikage! CHIKAGE!

Chikage immediately ran as fast as she could back to her dorm ignoring Wakaba's calls.

Inner Chikage: Not my fault!!! It's not my fault!!! I didn't do it on purpose!!! When Nogi-san talked to me like that....... I just..... I couldn't.....

Chikage: And getting her injured was an unfortunate accident!!!! (After arriving back at her home, Chikage immediately pressed her face onto her bed.)

Fear and paranoia began to envelop Chikage as she began to think things that she is not even supposed to be thinking.

Chikage 2: That's right....... It's not your fault.......

Chikage: Eh?! Who are you?! (Chikage then realizes a person with the same face as her standing in front of her)

Chikage 2: But that injury....... What if it wasn't just any injury.....Nogi-san is supposed to be strong, yet she fell so easily. And a plant pot conveniently happened to be placed there.

Chikage: What are you..... getting at......?

Chikage 2: It had to be on purpose. She fell on purpose and let herself get hurt to make me look like a bad guy. Nogi-san is my enemy.......

*Beep* *Beep*

Chikage slowly woke up to the sound of her phone.

Chikage: What...... was that? Was that...... a dream? (Chikage said as she held her head before looking at her phone) A message from the Taisha?

Taisha's message: To ensure the healthy development of your body and mind, would you like your parents to be moved to Marugame city so that they live with you?

(Meanwhile Back to The Hospital)

(Shouichi's Room)

Inner Shouichi: Judging by how the doctors are preventing me from using the phone under the pretence that "It could be bad for my health" At least they could've prepared a tv but they declined it as well. There are obviously some things that they are hiding from me. Not to mention Tamako's and Anzu's strange behaviours.

Just then a stone with a piece of paper tied on it smashed through the window of Shouichi's room.

Shouichi: Whoa?! What the? (Shouichi then walked over and picked up the paper that is tied on the stone)

The message on the piece of paper: JUST DIE AND GO TO HELL ALREADY YOU OBSOLETE HEROES!!!!!

Shouichi: Hmm........ So that's how it is. No wonder they are acting so weird. Well, that's supposed to be expected I guess. But they've been hiding things from too, huh? I better talk about this with Wakaba and Hinata.

Shouichi then exited his room to try and find Wakaba. When he finally finds her, Shouichi finds her was talking on the phone with someone. He then decides to hide and eavesdrop at Wakaba.

Wakaba: Yuuna, are you okay?!

Yuuna: Y-yes...... What's wrong?

Wakaba: Thank goodness. Taisha contacted us just now. Being possessed by fairies does not only affects the body. It damages the mind as well. This can cause increased aggression, loss of self-control, and more. Ultimately, it affects one's behaviors.

Yuuna: Then, Is Gun-chan with you?! (Yuuna's tone immediately turned to fear and worry)

Wakaba: Eh?! What's wrong with Chikage?! Did she say something?!

Yuuna: That's the problem! Gun-chan won't pick up the phone no matter how much I called her!

Wakaba: Calm down, Yuuna! I'll go and save Chikage right now! Do you know where she is going?

Yuuna: She said that she was on the way back to her parent's home at Kouchi.

Wakaba: Alright, I'll head over there right now.

Yuuna: Please, Wakaba-chan. Please....... save Gun-chan......

Wakaba: Leave it to me.

Shouichi: ....... 

To Be Continued

I hope you guys liked the new chapter of my story

Author Notes (A/N)

I do not own Kamen Rider Agito and Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru because they already have their respective owners

All images belong to respective owners.

I only own OCs and synopsis of the story.

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