Transmigration: Face slap th...

By Chil_lexx

345K 8.8K 666

What do you do when you find out your Aunt is your father's mistress? Your lovely sweet cousin is actually yo... More

Author's note
Arc 1
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.2
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.3
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.4
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.5
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.6
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.7
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.8
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.9
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.10
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.11
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.12
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.13
Arc 2
The Crown Prince's Concubine - 2.2
The Crown Prince's Concubine - 2.3
The Crown Prince's Concubine - 2.4
The Crown Prince's Concubine - 2.5
The Crown Prince's Concubine - 2.6
The Crown Prince's Concubine- 2.7
The Crown Prince's Concubine - 2.8
The Crown Prince's Concubine- 2.9
The Crown Prince's Concubine- 2.10
Arc 3
Coffee to go - 3.2
Coffee to go - 3.3
Coffee to go - 3.4
Coffee to go- 3.5
Coffee to go- 3.6
Coffee to go- 3.7
Coffee to go- 3.8
Coffee to go- 3.9
Coffee to go- 3.10
Coffee to go- 3.11
Coffee to go- 3.12
Coffee to go- 3.13
Coffee to go- 3.14
Coffee to go- 3.15
Coffee to go- 3.16
Coffee to go- 3.17
Coffee to go- 3.18
Coffee to go- 3.19
Coffee to go- 3.20
Coffee to go- 3.21
Arc 4
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.2
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.3
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.4
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.5
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.6
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.7
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.8
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.9
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.10
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4. 11
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.12
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.13
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.14
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.15
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.16
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.17
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.18
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.19
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.20
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.21
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.22
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.23
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.24
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.25
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.26
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.27
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4. 28
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.29
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.30
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.31
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.33
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.34
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.35
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.36
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.37
Arc 5
Z'Nation; A Tale of Rotton Flesh- 5.2
Z'Nation; A Tale of Rotten Flesh- 5.3
Dun Dun Dun

Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.32

338 15 1
By Chil_lexx

After chasing Mei-Liang for sometime  Cheng Bi Yu had caught up to the obviously distraught youth, "..Mei-Liang listen to me it's not what you think-" Mei-Liang paused dabbing her tears, "My lady don't stress yourself
with meaningless matters like this I'll cope-"

Cheng Bi Yu disturbed approached grabbing her arm she forcibly span her around studying her dejected expression,"...Stop bullshitting me! I know you're not fine. The man you love has confessed his feelings to another there's no way you would be fine with that!-" Mei-Liang averts her gaze, "..Believe me if I'd know something like this would happen I wouldn't reveal identity-"

Cheng Bi Yu lightly squeezed tugging her arm, "..I know you're mad. Do one thing scream at me, hit me! Hate me!-" she grasped her hand bringing it to cheek, "Just don't pretend you're okay-"

Mei-Liang peered ahead fastly removing her hand, "What are you saying?! How could I ever hate you?-" she grasps her palm her tender expression speaking volumes, "..Miss has been nothing but generous and sincere-" by this time they were both seated on a wooden bench with Cheng Bi Yu's head rested in her lap
Mei-Liang tenderly massaged her scalp.

"I'll do one thing-" Cheng Bi Yu abruptly stood to her feet gaining Mei-Liang's attention, "I'll go find him right now and set everything straight between us," She exclaimed, "..I can't accept. I won't accept his confession and that's final,"

"Wait!-" Mei-Liang swiftly grabbed her wrist, "Don't-" she plead, "..He'd be crushed-" she exclaims, "Zhou Tong is in love you you're the one he chose to keep dear in his heart not me,"

Cheng Bi Yu exclaims perplexed, "But can you be okay with this? Can you watch the man you love with another?-"

Mei-Liang professed, "His happiness is my happiness," Cheng Bi Yu reluctant sat back down letting her continue, "And if he chooses you as his happiness then I will accept," she momentarily clasps Cheng Bi Yu's hands eagerly gazing, "Accept his confession for my sake I'll be forever indebted to you my lady. Make him happy!-"

Cheng Bi Yu jumps back utterly shocked, ".. What are you saying? Have you gone bonkers! How could I? Why would I? No I can't-" she looks on baffled, "Mei-Liang think carefully what you're saying." She exhales, "..You're obviously not thinking clear headed-"

Cheng Bi Yu was at her wits end,
"What about your happiness?-" she pressed, "Do you think I'll truly be happy with Zhou Tong? Think about yourself will you be able to live without him? Have you truly thought about this carefully?-" she puffed her chest, "..Do you know what you're asking me to do?!-" she turned her back.

Mei-Liang stands stepping over, "..I know that I'm asking Miss for a great sacrifice that even in two lifetimes I'd not be able to pay back your kindness-" she trails a faint smile plays on her lips, "..I've thought carefully and give you my full support. Please take care of Zhou Tong-"

Cheng Bi Yu stiffened Mei-Liang exhaled, " I hope you can forgive me for my selfishness. If you'd excuse me I'll go round up some firewood," she walks off discomfort in her chest.

"What is happening today?!-" Cheng Bi Yu frustratedly exclaimed massaging her creased forehead, "Everyone's gone completely nuts!-" at the corner of her eyes she noticed the basket.

Approaching she sat untying the red cloth she opens the lid sticking her hand in then sticks the sticky cinnamon roll into her mouth the supposedly sweet tasty pastries tasted sour and salty, "..Nuts they've all gone nuts-" she closed the basket exhaling, "I'm sorry Mama Zhang it seems I won't finish these after all-"

Cheng Bi Yu visits Zheng Yong, "..Magistrate are you in here?-" she peered pulling away the curtains she was instantly tacked her back pushed roughly against the wall, "Oi!-" she yelps pained at the sudden impact.

Zheng Yong aggressive gaze bore holes through her he tightly squeezes her arms, "Zheng Yong what are you doing?-" Cheng Bi Yu alarmed wrestles in his hold.

Zheng Yong loudly vociferate, "Do you think it's funny to lie to me! Do you take me for a fool!-"

Cheng Bi Yu was disconcerted with his precipitous behavior,"What are you going on about?!-" she squirms attempting to break free from his unyielding grasp.

"You are a woman!-" Zheng Yong dramatically yells outraged.

Cheng Bi Yu stops her struggle peering at him, "And you are a man. What about it?-"

Zheng Yong exclaims irritably vexed,
"Do you like him?-" he squeezed.

Cheng Bi Yu was completely flummoxed,"What are you talking about?-" she furrowed her brows.

Zheng Yong growled pissed, "Did you feel moved when he confessed his feelings?-" he pressed fiercely gazing as he squeezed tighter, "Did you accept him?-"

Cheng Bi Yu fiercely glared, "Enough! I've had enough. Stop this madness and unhand already!-" she struggled  this time wiggling harder.

Zheng Yong raged, "You keep avoiding my questions is the reason for your silence is that you've already accepted his confession? Answer me?-" he roughly shook her.

"Even if you've accepted it I won't allow it I won't allow you to be his woman! You can only be my woman I won't allow another man to have you!-" he declared gripping her tighter.

Cheng Bi Yu rightfully fumed,
"Zheng Yong this is my last warning let me go!-" hearing this his blood boiled, "You let him touch you but you scorn my touch let's fix that shall we-" he leaned roughly capturing her lips
Cheng Bi Yu stubbornly kept her mouth sealed in response to her defiance Zheng Yong deliberately bites her lips.

In reaction to the sharp pain she reluctantly opened her mouth Zheng Yong being a opportunist of the moment plunged his tongue forcibly engulfing her mouth the more she resisted the rougher he got. Cheng Bi Yu relaxed in his embrace his grip on her gradually loosened a bit and his kiss become gentler.

Cheng Bi Yu then dominates the kiss Zheng Yong felt limp he was overwhelmed this feeling was everything he desired, everything he obsessed.

Once he was less guarded Cheng Bi Yu roughly shoved away pushing him once again she delivered a punch. She  retracts her fist in pain, "Aw!-" she shakes out her hand, "That felt a lot cooler in my head," but nonetheless Cheng Bi Yu was smug with the damage she caused.

Zheng Yong held his bleeding nose looking at her. Cheng Bi Yu wipes her lips bitterly glaring at him with disdain, "Don't you ever kiss me like that again! And don't come near me! Just know your little stunt caused you to lose my respect-" she scurried out the room.

Zheng Yong still very much clutching his nose slid down the wall slapping his chest at his foolish actions, 'Yong you idiot!'

Cheng left Jiang Court overwhelmingly enraged, "Oi!-" she hissed as her fingertips glade over her cut, 'Why did he have to be so rough? And what was he going out about? My woman? Has he gone crazy?!-'

"Hey Poppy. Is there a glitch in the system or something?-"

[[Analyzing possible viruses.....None detected]]

"Then why's everyone acting so out of character today?!-"

[[I'm not certain why]]

"Just forget it-" Cheng Bi Yu stretched, "...I'm going out," she pressed forward she stopped at a open stall eating barbecue chicken with some beer.

Cheng Bi Yu departs back upon arriving she stumbles upon the scene,
"How dare you not let us in! Do you know who my lady is?-" a short plump girl in light blue robes stood with her hands on her waist ranting, "A lowly guard like you dares to stop us from entering-"

Cheng Bi Yu strode over, "What's all the commotion about?-" the officers acknowledge her presence the girl however gave her stink eyes, "Who are you to interfere with our matters?-"

"I'm Zheng Yong's Advisor-" Cheng Bi Yu introduces, "Tang Ying was-" she
then raised her brows at the rude girl, Yum instinctively bows, "I apologise for my ill behavior my Lord I wasn't aware that you were this Court's Advisor,"

Cheng Bi Yu clears her throat, "..That is fine I'll let you off for now," Cheng Bi Yu glanced observing the overly grand carriage, "What is your purpose for coming here?-"

"You see my Miss she's-" Yum started off but was interrupted, "..Yum what's taking so long?-" Wei Fai lifts the light pink curtains looking out she stood seemingly getting out, "Let me help you Miss," Yum outstretched her hand assisting Wei Fai down from the carriage.

Wei Fai was tall and had a petite figure her skin was a tad pale the simple beauty fashioned a dark blue robe with crystal designs which contrasted Yum's dull ones, "Greetings my Lord-" she greeted in a ever so graceful manner, "I'm Wei Fai, my given title's Lady Grace. I'm  Zheng Yong's fiancé,"

"Fiancé?!-" the court officers murmured amongst themselves shocked why wouldn't they? Zheng Yong whose never given a woman a breath of day was betrothed.

"Fiancé you say?-" to say the least Cheng Bi Yu was dazed she had just went out to eat some chicken and when she came back she meets the secret fiancé of Zheng Yong, "..This day keeps getting more and more interesting," she exhaled.

Zheng Yong whose been thinking of ways to apologise since the incident impatiently awaits Cheng Bi Yu's return upon also hearing some commotion outside he goes to investigate the disturbance, "Wei Fai!-" he exclaims frightened.

Cheng Bi Yu smirks amused by his flabbergasted reaction, "Why do you seem so shocked seeing your fiancé?-" curling her tongue she put emphasis on 'Fiancé'

"What are you doing here?-" Zheng Yong questions his brows furrowed as he focused on Wei Fai.

"Zheng Yong why do you seem so displeased?-" Wei Fai exclaims saddened, "I've travelled so far to see you it's been long since we last saw each other-" she coils.

"Just too good-" Cheng Bi Yu mumbles.
"It's best to discuss personal matters inside we don't want outsiders getting in on the show-" she jeered, "Isn't that right Magistrate Zheng? After all it's your personal matter being put on display," she points to the few persons passing by.

Zheng Yong grips the wall in displeasure, "You won't have your fiancé waiting outside the whole day will you?-" Cheng Bi Yu pressed pushing his buttons.

"Silence is good. Hurry up then gentlemen help Wei Fai inside," the officers guards scampered at Cheng Bi Yu's orders especially as they wanted to make a everlasting impression on the future Lady as they'll be interacting often if not.

Yum observers inside big-eyed, "..The Court is so beautiful Miss!-" she gushed enthralled by the scenery.

Wei Fai nods with a tad smile, "It is-" with his eyes Zheng Yong gestures them to follow along Wei Fai turns to Yum, "We must be on our best behaviours stay behind and don't wonder off,"

"Yes Miss," Yum quietly followed behind.

Zheng Yong had his back turned to them his arms folded behind as he collects his thoughts,"Your study is truly tremendous my Lord-" Wei Fai  complimented as she stepped inside,
"When we wed I'm certain His Majesty will reward you for your great work here,"

"Go back-" Zheng Yong exclaims Wei Fai stood stunned as they weren't the words she expected to hear, "What are you saying Zheng Yong we-" he interjects, "-We were engaged against my knowledge and you know that I don't accept this relation so why do you insist on sticking to me?-" he turns his eyes trained on her.

"The Emperor had sent me here he says since we are soon likey to become man and wife it's best we strengthen our feelings towards each other," Wei Fai flatly lied it was she who in fact insisted this request from the Emperor but she would never admit her intentions.

"It's best you go back I've got too much to attend to fend off a lovesick puppy," Wei Fai lowered her head subconsciously biting her bottom lip gripping her handkerchief, "Don't worry I'll inform the Emperor of this so no fault will be upon you,"

Wei Fai nods, "But maybe you could let me stay for at least one day it's getting dark already and the journey back is far I don't think it'll be safe,"

Zheng Yong exclaims, "But you had already known yet you still came your intentions are clear. If you leave now you'll surely make it back to your Uncle I'm sure he'll accommodate his beloved niece besides we have no more rooms here," Cheng Bi Yu walking pass overhears their conversation.

She leans against the door post, "What nonsense!-" everyone's neck snap in her direction Cheng Bi Yu lifts herself off the post, "Jiang Court is so big I'm sure we'll find a room to accommodate the Lady or perhaps you'll care to share your room Magistrate?-" Wei Fai and Yum blushed at this idea.

Zheng Yong shouts irritated, "What nonsense are you spurting?-" his mouth twitched.

Cheng Bi Yu breath, "There's no need to be modest Magistrate she's your fiancé your soon-to-be wife. I see nothing wrong with sharing a room that is as long as you wait till the nuptial night to consummate the marriage. But I'm sure a gentleman as yourself won't eat her up," Zheng Yong internally fumed at her words.

Cheng Bi Yu appropriately adds, "..Do you dare to send her out when it's almost dark? Think about the dangers lurking in the shadows, it's not safe for a lady-"

"Enough!-" Zheng Yong agitated felt a vein popping out his forehead, "..Find a room to accommodate her only for one night," he emphasizes flicking his sleeve.

"If you'd go ahead I'll lead you to it," Cheng Bi Yu gestures stepping forward, "Wait!-" she halts glaring at Zheng Yong she turns and offers a faint smile to Wei Fai and Yum, "..Go ahead. I'll be with you in a bit-"

"Of course-" Yum assisted Wei Fai as they pressed forward Cheng Bi Yu  turns back glaring, "What?-" Zheng Yong approached, "Listen to me-" Cheng Bi Yu cautiously stepped back, "Listen-" he grasped her hand, "You cheap womanizer!-" she cursed tugging her hand back unbeknownst to them this slight action was secretly  caught by Wei Fai.

"Don't ever touch me again. I distaste cheap people!-" Cheng Bi Yu furiously stormed off Zheng Yong lowered his awkwardly outstretched hand clutching it.

"..I'm sure you'll feel all snug and cozy here," Yum gets to work unpacking and organizing the room to making the accommodation as comfortable as possible.

"..Sincerest thanks to Advisor Tang for helping us today. I don't know what I would've done without you," Wei Fai gives the warmest smile she gently  rubs her white jade bangle this action was noticed by Cheng Bi Yu.

"...There's really no need I was just doing as I saw fit. If there's anything you need tell me I'll surely get it for you," At this moment Wei Fai stomach grumbles a little too loudly her face slightly tints from embarrassment.

Wei Fai awkwardly clears her throat "Food would be good-"

"Indeed. Yum follow me I'll lead you to to kitchen," Cheng Bi Yu marched ahead Yum hastily followed behind, "Everything you need is in here," Yum takes her time looking around Cheng Bi Yu's turns, "Food had already been prepared but I'm not sure if they're to your Lady's taste if not feel free to make something,"

"You'll be okay, right?-" Cheng Bi Yu asks, "Yes-" Yum slightly bows, "Many thanks to Advisor Tang I'll trouble you no further-" Cheng Bi Yu smiles, "..Then I'll leave you to it-"

"What a day it has been!-" she dramatically exhaled stretching Cheng Bi Yu peered up at the mesmerizing moon, "..What a beautiful site! Really if only the moon was this beautiful in the modern world-" Cheng Bi Yu happily strolled under the intoxicating moonlight.

Back at Green Paradise residence the conniving Magistrate Ping leisurely sat reading a book when he was interrupted,"..Gong Li? What are you doing here so late in the night?-" he furrowed his tenacious brows at the suspicious barefaced youth who mischievously curved his lips, "I've got a interesting surprise I just know you'll like-"

Intrigued Magistrate Ping discards his book the pointed nosed fox leaned, "..Then don't keep me on a string. Spill your guts-" he exclaims.

His smirk widened, "Before I tell you that your niece had arrived as per plan-" Gong Li steps closer, "Now for the real dessert," he licks his lips.

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