Attack on Titan: Special Blood

By darkwarlock8773

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Once every generation, an Eldian is blessed with a special power of 3 of the Nine Titans. This generation in... More

(What Special Blood means)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2: The Tyber Family
Chapter 3: A New Warrior
Chapter 5: Old Enemies Clash
Chapter 6: Raid on Liberio
Chapter 7: Questions and Farming
Chapter 8: Guides and Post Battles
Chapter 9: ODM Gear training
Chapter 10: Restaurant Crisis
Chapter 11: Confessions and Determination
Chapter 12: Battle of Shiganshina
Chapter 13: Rumbling Disasters
Chapter 14: Alliance and New Allies
Chapter 15: Necessary Confessions and Bloodshed
Chapter 16: Kill or be Killed

Chapter 4: Declaration of War

450 7 8
By darkwarlock8773

(Falco's POV)

I was getting ready for the day. I got dressed into my casual clothes and put my red armband on. Then I started hearing people and music. I remembered, today was the festival.

"Mom, Dad! Where's Colt?" I asked

"He went out early to talk with War Chief Zeke." she answered

Dad then asked "You're going out there to have fun with your friends right?"

"Yes! The Warriors are chaparoning us for the day until the performence tonight." I said. You know I'm doing my part so that you can have a better life, as well as my children and their children."

"We know." Dad said. "And that's why we're proud of you."

I felt a few tears leave my eyes as I felt happiness.

"Well, I'm off! Have a good day." I said

"You too!" they both replied

I started exploring the festival and was in shock and awe. Soon Udo, Zopia, Pieck, and Porco were able to find me. They told me that Reiner was gonna catch up, so we went to find Gabi.

(Normal POV)


Gabi turned around to see her friends.

"Falco?! What going on out here?!" she asked

People have been setting up food stalls entertainment spots and everything!" Falco replied with excitment. "Try this!"

He shoves the ice cream into her mouth and her eyes widen by the taste.

"This is delicious!" she says with joy. "Why are we still standing here let's go!

They started ruuning through the festival while Porco and Pieck watch.

"It's nice. Isn't it?" Porco said

"Yeah. It's perfect." Pieck replied. "The least we can do is make today as fun as we can for them."

"You're right. who knows how many years they'll have left."

"As many if we can defeat that Island." They turned around to see Reiner.

"And where have you been?" Porco asked

"Had to finish a report this morning." he answered. "Come on we don't wannt lose them."

They were all seeing amazing entertainment and trying delicious food. But the problem is, the kids didn't have enough money to buy anything. So they gave Reiner the puppy eyes, and he caved in. He bought them burgers, burritos, and pizza while Porco and Pieck were able to afford their own. He looked at Gabi and Falco having fun and smile.

(8:00 before the Performence)

Everyone was gathering at the stage. There were Ambassadors from countries that supported Marley, Military higher ups, and Eldians as well

"There are so many supporters of Marley." Udo said

"Most of these people are close friends of Willy Tyber, so of course they would come out here to hear him." Gabi replied

Before they would continue, a soldier approached the Warrior Unit.

He called two names. "Warriors Reiner Braun and Falco Grice?"

They both got close to the soldier. "Yes?" Reiner answered

"I need you two to come with me immediately."

"Can I ask why?" Falco asked

"We may have reason to believe the enemy might strike here tonight and will come for you two. Tell the others is standerd procedure."

"Okay." Reiner said

Reiner and Falco returned to the group and told them what was happening.

"Are you sure this is Ok?" Colt asked

"It's fine." Zeke said "You two know what will happen."

Reiner and Falco soon followed the soldier to a building and head down into a basement.

"You two will stay down here where it's safe. The enemy won't think to hit the basement without thinking of civilian casulties." the soldier said. "So consider them your shield. Good luck."

The soldier locked the door on the outside, and now Reiner and Falco looked concerned about the situation.

"Mr. Braun, I have bad feeling about this."

"Yeah something doesn't feel right."

"I'm feeling scared something will happen."

"Is it wrong to feel afraid Falco?"

Falco and and Reiner heard a voice and turn around to see a man turning on the lanturn.

"Mr. Kruger?!" Falco said surprised. "What are you doing down here?"

"Before I head back home, I wanted to say hello to an old friend." Mr. Kruger said

Reiner felt his heart sink when he heard the voice that haunted his dreams.

"There's no way!" Reiner said

"Evening. It's been four years Reiner."


Eren put a finger close to his mouth telling him to be quiet.

"Take a seat Reiner." Eren demanded "You don't wanna disobey me. Cause that can make do something edgy. We're currently underneath a building behind the main stage. Filled with excited people." he explains as he pointed up with a cut show on his hand.

"Mr. Kruger. Are you ok?" Falco asked. Your hand is cut.

"Oh yeah. I guess accidents happen." Eren said. "I'll get this taken care of later. But for, Reiner please sit down."

"Okay." Reiner complied.

"I don't know what's going on with this intimidation aura, but I'm just gonna go." Falco said.

"No. Stay here Falco." Eren asked. "I want you to hear this story."

"Are you sure? Cause I can feel the high tension."

"Falco, just do as he says." Reiner calmly tells him.

They start hearing music playing and clapping outside.

Reiner asked "Eren, how... why are you here? What are you planning to do?"

"The same that happened nine years ago."


"Because, you and I are the very same. Because I have no other choice." Eren told him. Reiner felt his hands shake. "It sounds like the main curtains are up. let's listen."

The heard Willy Tybur make his speech about the Eldian Empire's history and how the infiltration mission plan from nine years ago.

"So that was why you three broke the wall. Right Reiner?" Eren asked "You were trying to save the world. They forced four barinwashed kids to an island that was isolated and wanted peace."

Falco felt so lost in what Eren was saying. "What's going on? Mr. Braun looks like he's staring at a monster. Mr. Kruger is making himself so mysterious. He said the two of them were old friends. But if he said four year ago, then...      that means they met during his mission on th island. No! Please tell me he isn't.....

They started hearing Tybur saying the truth about the Titan war 100 years ago, On how King Fritz renounced war, and how the king would use the wall titans to flaten the world. But then they hear that puts Falco in fear.

"But now the Founding Titan has been stolen by a dangerous man. A man who delcares he will kill all his enemies." Tyber said. The world is now in danger. A man threatens King Fritz and threatens our world.

"And that man who threatens everything this truce hold...." As he's says the name, Eren starts healing his left leg in front of Falco, putting the latter in shock. "is Eren Jeager!"

Falco feeling betrayed spoke up. "You lied to me. After I respected you, was encouraged by what you told me, you used me as a shield for your own plans?!"

Eren replied "I'm sorry. But I needed a way to stay here in the internment zone and you're too kind just to turn your back on someone in help."

"Those letters, you said they were going to your family!

Reiner looked at Falco realizing he was used.

"They did get to my family. Who join with me and became my comrads." Eren stated

"Your comrads?" Reiner spoke up

"I can't believe this! You lied to me!" Falco said with rage.

"I admit that true." Eren replied. "But did you think you were you the only one decieved?" he finishes as he grabs Falco's left arm.

"You thought I didn't notice? The red armband means you're an honorary Marleyan. You are a Warrior."

Falco jerked his arm away and got behind Reiner. "You're pure evil."

"Did you hear him Reiner? I'm pure evil to him and to them." Eren said as he point out the window. "But to me, They're evil. But not Falco. There was a reason why I had the two of you here of all people? I know the truth about Falco's special power and now, as you tried you take me here and show me the truth, I'll do the same with him and that little cousin of yours and show him the damage you've done."

"I'll fight you to keep that from happening!" Reiner threatened.

"And you'll lose." Eren stated. "My mother was eaten right in front of me when titans invaded Shiganshina. Tell me Reiner? Why did so many innocent people had to die? Why did my mother get eaten?"

"Because we broke the wall." Reiner answered

"Why did you break the wall?"

"To create chaos so we can sneak in and make the King react to the situation. My mission."

"What was your mission?"

"To reclaim the Founding Titan and save the world."

"If it was to save the world, I guess you didn't have a choice huh?"

"What you said that day still haunts me. You said you'd make it your mission to make us suffer the most painful excruciating death possible."

"You're right. I did say that. I did feel sympathy for Bertholdt when he was eaten. When I crossed the sea, I saw almost everyone as my enemies, but there were some good people here." He looked towards Falco. "There are so many people like that. So many Eldians were brainwashed to hate us. So Reiner, I guess it was hard for you. Wasn't it?"

Reiner broke down. "You're wrong! When we lost Marcel, I force Annie and Bertholdt to continue even though they wanted to end it! I just wanted to be a hero! But, everything that happened was because of me! So please KILL ME!"

Eren starred at him but smiled and offered his hand as he heard the thunderous applause as Tybur convinced them to side with them. "Reiner, stand up. I was right. We're the same. We were born this way. But I just need to keep moving foreward until my enemies are destroyed. So please, Reiner, Falco try and survive."

Soon, Eren's hand starts glowing with lightning and Falco falls downs with his hands touching the ground with hardening a barrier around him and Reiner as Eren transforms into the Attack Titan as Tybur finishes his speech.

To my enemies on that island, THIS IS A DECLARATION OF WAR!!!!!!

The Attack Titan bursts out of the building roaring and throws Willy Tybur into the air falling into his mouth and then stares at the crowd preparing to kill them all.


So Eren and Yelena know about Falco and the Scouts will know.

I had Falco create a barrier to protect him and Reiner so he can fight Eren as the Armored Titan.

And with the Eren's plan to capture Falco and Gabi, this is gonna be an ultimate debate on if Sasha lives or dies. In this case, the choice on if I kill her off or not depends of you, but I will not have any hate on Gabi in my story.

Like I said, this is an alternate story.

Keep an eye next week.

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