Despite everything together a...

By ladymonterosa

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SEQUEL OF LOVE OR POWER? THIS IS THE REAL QUESTION. We had stayed in Greendale with the Spellman family who j... More



36 3 0
By ladymonterosa



Pov Rosalind

The door opened and Harvey announced to me "Honey there's someone here for you!"

Behind her came the appearance of her Hilda who said "Hi, dear! How are you feeling today?"

In the meantime Harvey had disappeared from the bedroom, I replied "Much better Mrs. Spellman thanks to your indications, that tonic has worked real miracles. And how are you?"

A veil of sadness showed on his face when I asked him and I replied wistfully "Well but emotionally a complete disaster."

Worried I suggested "Would you like to talk about it with me? Maybe if you share with me what is bothering you will feel better later."

With a hint of a smile Hilda said to me "What I can tell you is that we have learned of something that has really shaken us all and in this I am seriously worried about a person who is very close to my heart."

From her words, I guess that danger has returned here in Greendale and that the Spellmans are up to their necks in it. Who knows what it will be this time?

Hilda noticing some agitation about it stroking my cheek in a maternal way she said "Don't worry it's nothing that can harm you in any way."

She felt relieved by her words but shortly after, images made space in my mind.

I see a room full of people dancing and having fun with a girl in the center in a red dress and a black mask that hides her face.

I can't focus on why the girl stood out from the others.

Then I saw that the girl's attention was drawn to someone and she turns to this mysterious character, when she is about to start a conversation with that individual the girl falls to the ground with great general amazement.

While Hilda was visiting me I had another vision:

This time it's about Hilda who is sitting at a desk writing something that I can't see. After sealing the letter she catches fire.

I was awakened from the state I was in by Hilda asking me "Is everything okay Rosalind? I feel you tense dear."

I replied that she was fine without remembering what she had seen. Hilda she seemed to accept my explanation and she resumed what she was doing.

Then it happens again.

There is Hilda again this time in the middle of a forest then behind her she felt the presence of someone. Hilda evidently happy, as I had not seen her for some time, to see that person, she points out "How long have you not seen each other ..."

Wait a minute ... maybe I can see that mysterious figure better and I understand that it is a girl with a long braid dressed in a black suit paired with a green shirt.

Smiling she replies to Hilda "But how? It's only been a few months since our last meeting."

With an air of sadness Hilda exclaims "Even a few days had passed, it seems like an eternity."

Returning to reality he heard Hilda say to me "To cheer you up, I brought you some homemade sweets prepared by me guys." In response from her I smiled at her and thanked her for the thought of her.

Then she told us that she had some urgent business to attend to and that she had to leave, once she left I began to reflect on what I had seen.

I'm pretty sure I say the girl from the prom and the girl from the woods are the same person. I wonder how this girl, who I have never been able to see her face clearly, can get to know Hilda.

Thinking back to the first vision I had the ballroom in which it is set does not seem familiar to me, it does not seem to me from around here.

Although I still wanted to reflect on this question due to the severe headache that was coming to me, I gave up for the moment



Pov Hilda

"I'm back!" I announced in a loud voice immediately after arriving my husband who with a smile painted on his face welcomed me "Hi darling, how was your day?"

"Let's say there have been better days".

My husband after giving me a kiss to mold on his lips asked me "How is the girl?"

I replied "Fortunately Rosalind is responding positively to the treatment I have given her but I am afraid it will not last, for this reason I cannot stand and watch I must do absolutely something to help her."

He nodded in response "I'm sure you will find a solution, as always. Now I'm going back to the shop, what are you planning for the day?"

"I think I'll retire to the studio I have to do something that I should have done a few days ago. Have a good day at work." The conversation ended with a last kiss shared between the two of us.

I went to the study, where you lock me to prevent someone from suddenly entering and discovering what I'm about to do, I sit at the desk and open one of the drawers.

I take pen and paper and then write:

My dear, I hope with all my heart that yours is well unfortunately I cannot say that things are going well here and I fear that your presence here is necessary more than ever at this moment.

Hoping to receive your reply as soon as possible

With love Hilda.

I closed the sheet and sealed it so that no one other than the intended recipient can read the contents of this letter. I raised the envelope in the air and it caught fire.

Hoping you will receive the letter as soon as possible.



Pov Sabrina

"I am happy to tell you that you have recovered beautifully despite only being two days since the accident." Gaius exclaimed happily.

"I feel really better thanks for everything Gaius."

Smiling at me he made a remark to me "I notice that your mood has improved considerably, is it that your mood change is due to a certain boy in particular?"

I smiled shyly and said "What you say is very likely."

These two days spent in the company of Nicholas were truly wonderful, it is like I was reborn again. His presence here was like a breath of fresh air.

The time of quarantine passed very quickly, we spent it reading, laughing about things of little importance and talking about various things. In all this time besides Nicholas and Gaius I have not seen anyone else.

Ever since I heard from my brother, he has gone a little crazy when he learned that he couldn't come into my room to visit me. This really made me tenderness but I cannot deny that Nicholas' presence gave me a particular comfort that I could not have imagined receiving from someone else.

"By the way, where is Nicholas at the moment? Why isn't he here with you?" Gaius asked me.

"He's gone on an errand on my behalf then I don't want him to be locked up here in my room forever."

Just as Gaius was about to tell me something he was interrupted by the sound of someone knocking on the door who immediately entered and handed me a letter.

Once the guard left the room Gaius picks up where he left off earlier "Well you will be happy to hear that your isolation here is about to end."

Long last!

"Really! Are you serious?"

He nodded and added "Although Lilith didn't agree with your release at all because she thinks you will do something that will make your pain worse."

Will that woman be able at least once to mind her own business for a good time? Luckily Gaius did not let himself be influenced by his words, I can't really be confined to this place anymore.

As he explained the cure to my complete recovery, I opened the letter and read its contents:

My dear, I hope with all my heart that yours is well unfortunately I cannot say that things are going well here and I fear that your presence here is necessary more than ever at this moment.

Hoping to receive your reply as soon as possible

With love Hilda.

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