MCR Mpreg Oneshots

By gwayisgayy

17.3K 249 1K

yes More

I Love You (Rikey)
Baby Fever (Rikey)
Mothers Day (Frerard)
You Too (Rikey/Frerard)
Anytime You Want (Rikey)
Yeah Its Cool, I'll Be Okay (Rikey)
Sick Day (Rikey)
Mama (Rikey)
Daddy's Arachnophobia (Frerard)
Sleep (Frerard)
Stage Hog (Frerard)
Double Way (Rikey/Frerard)
Baby Killjoy (Frerard)
Daddy's Voice (Rikey)
Dhampir (Frerard)
Family Mornings (Rikey)
Part Of Her Life (Frerard)
Baby Iero (Frerard)
I'll keep you safe (Frerard/Rikey)
Happy Together (Rikey)
Frank, Worlds Best Husband (Frerard)
Immature (Rikey)
Rainbow (Rikey)
Hazy Shade of Winter (Rikey)
Unique (Rikey)
First Period (Rikey)
"The" Conversation (Rikey)
The Bus (Rikey)
To the movies (Rikey)
The Interview (Rikey)
Perfect Little Family (Rikey)
We're Expecting (Rikey)
Sixteen (Rikey)
Baby Kicks (Rikey)
I'm So Sorry.. (Rikey)
Baby Blues and Beaches (Frerard/Rikey)
Arguments (Rikey)
I'll Never Let Them Hurt You (Jetkobra)
The Worlds Best Uncle (Frerard/Rikey)
The Nursery (Rikey)
Route Guano (Jetkobra)
Negative (Frikey)
Jealousy (Rikey)
Moving On (Frikey)
The Collapser (FunKobra)
Crush (Frikey)
Mom, Dad.. (Frikey)

Yeah Its Cool, We'll Be Okay (Frerard)

399 5 36
By gwayisgayy

"Frank, i swear to god i'm going to piss myself!" Gerard groaned.

"Go piss."

"I don't like public bathrooms."

"Gee, you begged me to take you for cheesecake, and now you wanna go home."

Gerard was around eight and a half months pregnant, and he was so over it. He was so achy all the time, always hungry, constantly desperate for the bathroom. He just wanted to hold his baby girl already!

"I saw Lynz last night.." Gerard mumbled, "On my walk."

"Oh God."

"She was shouting slurs at me, saying the baby is gonna be deformed because its my baby.."

"Gee, this is fucking harassment. You need to call the cops."

Gerard shrugged, picking another piece of cheesecake off with a small fork. Lindsey was Gerards ex, when Gerard told her he realised he was gay, she became very rude towards him. She'd always shout slurs at him, she'd mock him, she even tried to crash Gerards and Franks wedding by throwing eggs at them.

Now that Gerard was heavily pregnant and showing, she had become even worse. She'd yell that the baby was going to be deformed, that they would be awful parents, even that she hoped the baby would die. Gerard was always scared that she would physically hurt him.


Gerard lay back on the sofa, closed eyes and a gentle smile on his face as Frank massaged his aching feet.

"I'm gonna go for a walk soon." Gerard said.

"Be safe, okay? If Lindsey says anything, call me."

"I will hun."

Frank took Gerards hand, helping him stand up on his feet after putting his socks back on him. Gerard put his shoes on, and Frank tied them, Gerard couldn't reach because of his baby bump getting in the way.

"Oh, good morning honey." Gerard giggled, feeling the first light movements of his daughter moving, "Good nap?"

"Lemme feel!" Frank half yelled.

Frank practically pushed Gerards hands away and replaced them with his own. Gerard watched in awe as Franks facial expressions changed, eyebrows raising each time the baby kicked a little.

"Daddys gonna finally put that crib together tonight." Frank whispered, "Don't tell mommy i left it this long."

"You promised you did it!"

"Well, i told him. Hes giving me the stink eye.
Should i tell him that i didn't get his seeded bread? What is it with you two and seeds right now? Y'know, last night, your mom made me run to Walmart at 2AM because he wanted sunflower seeds? All while he took a nap. You two love seeds."

"Don't forget my pineapple! I love pineapple."

"You used to hate it."

"And now i love it."

Frank placed one kiss on Gerards swelled belly, and then one on his forehead, the tips of their noses gently brushing against each others. The baby gave one last kick to Gerards ribs, making him scrunch his face up and whine a little.

With Franks help, Gerard steadily stood up onto his feet and waddled over towards the door, before yelling, "Order pizza! The biggest one they got, with pineapple!"

"Thats an abomination."

"Do it, dumbass."

"Aye aye captain. Anything else?"

"Big bottle of soda."

"Alright, see you later hun."

"Bye babe."

Gerard closed the door behind himself, carefully walking down the five steps towards the driveway. Walking wasn't exactly easy for Gerard, he got tired quickly and his feet were  always sore when he stood up for too long, but his daughter loved when Gerard was walking around, almost as much as she loved when her dad played guitar or when her mom would sing, and when they both read a book to her. They did it every night, and it helped her to sleep, and for Gerard to get some rest.

Around five minutes after setting off on his walk, he had already become tired. He lowered himself down onto a wooden bench, resting his hands on his bump and rubbing it after each little kick.

"Calm down hun. I know you like when i walk, you don't need to destroy my ribs just to let me know." He half laughed.

After a few minutes of resting, he pushed himself back onto his feet and continued on his walk. He had an idea, he would go to the drugstore and pick up some extra lotion, and some snacks. Then he'd go to the comic store and pick up some new issues, he knew with his due date being so close, he wouldn't be able to get out to often, so he could find some new series to start.

"Hey Gerard."

"Aw fuck.." Gerard groaned.

"Still fat?"

"Lindsey, im pregnant, not fat."

"Still fat. Pregnant with a deformed little baby."

Gerard placed his hand on his bump, as if to protect the little life, "Shes not deformed. Shes perfect."

"Alright. You'll think that when your kid comes out all gross and disgusting." 

"I'll still love her."

She rolled her eyes, "I feel bad for her. Having parents like you and Frank. Frank is the most irresponsible man on the planet. What makes you think hes ready for a kid?"

"Frank is mature. Hes going to be a great dad."

"Alright, we'll end that debate. How old are you? Twenty seven? Twenty four?"

Gerard sighed, stuffing his hands into his maternity jeans pockets, "Thirty f-four.."

Lindsey began laughing hysterically. Gerard frowned and looked at the ground. He was still not used to not being able to see his feet. He often whined at Frank for it. Frank always reassured him that his feet were still there, but for all he knew, they were gone.

"A-And you said-You said its not gonna be deformed! Aren't you too old to have a baby? You'll just have a heart attack when you have it!" She was crying with laughter, prodding Gerards shoulder.

"Stop doing that." He grumbled, shoving Lindseys hand away from him.

"You should just put the kid out of its misery. Its gonna look like the fucking Michelin Man! Poor fucking kid."

Gerard put both of his arms around his body, feeling tears stinging in his eyes. They began to drip down his face, Lindsey taunted him as he began to sob and weep. She was always out to make Gerard feel bad, to tease him about Frank being a terrible parent, to tell him that his baby is going to live a horrible life.

"I hope you have a heart attack in labor. At least your kid will go to a better couple."

"M-Me and Frank are a good couple! We have stable jobs, we're happily married...w-why won't my baby have a good life with us?"

"Well, you're both so old. You'll be dead soon enough."

"Just leave me alone Lindsey. We'll worry about the baby if we need to. We don't need your input."

Gerard crossed his arms, eyebrows pointed down and a scowl on his face. Lindsey continued to laugh at him, "Those pregnancy hormones? You're hilarious. Good luck being a mom, you dumbass."

Gerard started to walk away, turning around and walking towards his home. Lindsey clearly hadn't had enough, as she continued screaming slurs at him.

"Lindsey! P-Please..!" He shouted back.

"How i just put your deformed little shit out of its misery?"

Gerard turned around, "W-What..?"

She grinned, before kicking Gerard right in the stomach. He fell backwards and straight to the ground, whimpering before letting out a loud yell of pain. Lindsey had already ran away. He looked around, screaming and shouting for help and getting no response.

When he looked down at his blue denim maternity jeans, he was sitting on the concrete in a pool of blood. His heart began racing, she could've killed his little girl...


"F-Fuck.." He groaned, still stumbling towards his home.

He had finally made it home, after a few minutes of screaming and crying. He quickly unlocked the front door after fumbling with his keys, befor collapsing to his knees and sobbing hysterically.



Frank rushed towards the front door, immediately grabbing Gerard and pulling him onto his feet.

"Oh my fucking God! What happened?!"

"Lindsey! She kicked the stomach...I think shes gonna die Frank!"

He let out a loud yell, dropping down to his knees again and grabbing his bump. Frank couldn't think straight, he was so unprepared for something like this..

"Alright hun, j-just breathe. I-I'll call an ambulance."


By the time the ambulance arrived, Gerard had completely fainted from the blood loss and the shock. Frank was crying on the phone to Mikey and Ray.

"We're gonna get him to the hospital right now. He's in shock. You're the babys father?" One of the paramedics, with her thick brown hair tied up into a ponytail.

"I-I am...Shes gonna survive, isn't she..?"

"We're gonna do all we can to save your husband and your daughter, okay? My name is Nurse Nestor, but you can call me Jamia. Gerard is in safe hands."


Frank paced the waiting room of the ICU anxiously, biting his nails and crying into Rays arms numerous times. The Toro couple had no children of their own, but Mikey secretly wanted to have a baby with Ray.

"Hes gonna be okay, don't worry Frankie." Ray smiled.

"Shes gonna die.."

"Shes not gonna die. You know Gerard is strong, your baby has Gerards strength, you know that. They're both gonna be fine."

Frank had never been so scared in his whole life. His husband of five years, boyfriend of nine, the mother of his child...In intensive care.
He silently prayed that the next he saw Gerard, he would be lying in a recovery room with a big smile on his gorgeous face, and a little baby girl bundled in his arms.


"Mister Iero?" A voice called out into the waiting room.

It was 2am, he had waited for four full hours. Mikey and Ray left an hour prior. He had taken a ten minute nap, followed by more hysterical crying.

"Mister Iero, your husband is okay. He had an emergency C-Section and is being transferred to the recovery wards."

"A-And the baby..?"

Jamia smiled, "Shes beautiful. Perfectly healthy. Shes a little underweight and small, but overall, she'll live. Come with me, Mister Iero."


Gerard lay half asleep in a recovery bed, his hand resting inside of Franks, his other hand on the aching stitches on his belly. They were anxiously waiting together, to see their baby girl for the very first time.

"I bet she's beautiful, just like you." Frank smiled.

"Like you.."

"Hun, after you hold her, will you get some sleep for me?"

Gerard sighed and nodded, "I will.."

Soon enough, Jamia came in the room, wheeling a small plastic crib in with her. Gerard raised his head to look up at the plastic crib, excitement building up inside of him. His little girl was in there. The baby he carried for seven months, he was so excited to hold her.

"Here she is. One absolutely beautiful baby girl." She smiled, placing the small baby on Gerards chest.

"Oh...Oh hi baby..." He smiled, feeling his heart flutter, "Aren't you the cutest little thing ever.."

"So far, we know that she and Gerard are perfectly healthy. Gerard, you may experience some cramps for a few weeks, and if you're having any issues with the stitches, please let us know. We want you to stay here for a few days, so we can monitor you and the baby. We'll bring in the birth certificate tomorrow, you should rest."

"Yeah Gee, get some sleep hun."

Gerard frowned. Frank scooped the sweet newborn up into his arms, staring lovingly at her. She was fast asleep, mouth hung open and her little tongue sticking out slightly.

"Bandit Lee Iero." Gerard smiled.

"Yeah. Our little Bandit."

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