Despite everything together a...

By ladymonterosa

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SEQUEL OF LOVE OR POWER? THIS IS THE REAL QUESTION. We had stayed in Greendale with the Spellman family who j... More



70 3 0
By ladymonterosa


Pov Goffredo

After countless attempts I finally managed to find her, when I approached Rebecca I noticed that she is unusually quiet.

Paying even more attention I saw that her gaze was following someone or rather the boy who was with her the other night at her house.

Trying to hide my jealousy I asked her in an indifferent tone "Haven't you told me who your friend is yet?"

She turned to me all smiling "What are you jealous?"

Got it!

My sister is quite right in saying that I am really a landslide to lie but I still tried to keep my dignity "No, but what are you saying? I was just curious."

She replied "He is an old friend of your sister and has come here from far away just for her."

Ah! What if it was that Nicholas that Sabrina told me about?

If it was him it means that my sister will be busy for a while to recover her old love story. So for me it would be the perfect opportunity to sneak away with Rebecca without getting too noticed.

I pulled my girlfriend by the arm dragging her away from that chaos of screaming people, she asked me amused "What are your intentions?"

"Not very chaste baby." I replied in a seductive tone.

And she with a mischievous look said to me "I'm glad to say we thought the same thing."


the next morning

I believe that in all my life I have never been so happy as now. In this moment it is as if you were in heaven finally in our lives things are starting to go right.

I recently had to make a decision that will fundamentally change the course of our lives in the future, even though the price of having the freedom to decide ourselves for our own lives has been high, it has been worth it.

With Lucifer out of the game we will finally be able to live all of our lives with serenity without fearing anything.

To make this miracle happen I had to lie to the most important person in my life but I do not regret any of this because if this opportunity presents itself in front of me I would do it again without any doubt.

Without my father around, finally both my sister and I will be free to make decisions that reflect only our wishes and no one else's.

My thoughts move to the girl who sleeps peacefully next to me and only by looking at her my heart begins to beat already faster.

After this night I am one hundred percent sure to say that I am madly in love with this girl no matter what happens but I am sure my love for her will never cease to exist.

I fell in love with this girl at first glance and the first thing I thought about was that of having to know her immediately, the problem was that I didn't know how.

After thinking about it for a whole day, I came up with the idea of ​​asking my sister for the opportunity to work with Rebecca and explaining that this opportunity would make me more responsible.

Obviously my sister didn't buy it but for some reason unknown to me she agreed.

And now thanks to those hours spent together to organize that event my biggest dream has come true.

To awaken me from my thoughts it was Rebecca that not her sweet voice asked me "Why were you staring at me earlier?"

With a smile from her you rest them "I was just contemplating your beauty."

She all smiling approaches me and kisses me softly, when our kiss ends I hand her a box telling her that it is a gift for her.

She accepted my gift and opened it later took a necklace with a pendant out of the box. "What does the engraving on the pendant mean?"

I replied that the pendant depicted true love that, one of those that will last forever, then as I helped her put on the necklace, I gave her my heart and told her that my love for her will never die no matter what.

She kissed me intensely again and 10 minutes later she asked me with a worried expression on her face "Did you warn someone you were going to spend the night here?"

I replied sincerely "No, I didn't really think about doing it. Don't worry, they won't even notice my absence."

From the look Rebecca gave me I guessed that she was not of the same opinion as I was while we were both getting dressed, someone knocked on the door.

Rebecca jokingly said "Thank goodness I didn't have to worry! Your sister this time will have sent the whole army to come and get you."

She laughs but I'm not that much. She doesn't know that when my sister wakes up with a bad moon she is perfectly capable of doing it.

After getting settled I go to open the door and find myself a guard who hands me a sealed letter.

After dismissing him, I close the door and open the letter, I understand from the seal that it comes from my mother.


"Your sister felt ill yesterday during the reception, according to the doctor it is a serious matter. Your immediate return home is required because we have to discuss various matters."


After reading those words I froze on the place as if the rest around me no longer existed. Concerned Rebecca asked me "What did they write to you?"

In a trembling voice I replied that my mother had written to me that Sabrina had felt ill at the party last night. She coming towards my direction with the intention of reassuring me she said "Don't worry it won't be anything serious and you will see that your sister will recover soon."

In a fit of desperation I blurted out at her "How can you tell me to stay calm? My mother wrote that Gaius said that my sister has something very serious."

And my mother never lies about these things. Then another thought hit my mind fully.

"What will my sister think of me right now?"

She has always been there since I was a child. To thank her instead of being with her in time of need I just thought about my personal enjoyment.

"What do you mean? What should your sister think of you?"

I replied sadly "Since childhood she has always been there for me while I have not been there when she was ill. Then even if I had been there what could I ever do to help her? I am only a boy sometimes as well a little trouble. "

While I was in despair she comes to hug me and said "You will stay next to her and you will see she will not be angry with you she would not be able to do it even if she wanted to. As you say Sabrina wants you a world of good so now don't keep up these kinds of thoughts and go to her. "

She finished her speech with a shy smile, her words really motivated me.

After calming down, I immediately ran to Sabrina.



Arriving in front of the door of my sister's room as I was about to enter behind me, Gaius suddenly appeared and with a stern look on his face he told me in no uncertain terms that in the room with my sister, given the serious conditions in which he was, there could only be one person .

And that at the moment there was already someone with her, most likely Klaus.

I proudly replied "No problem. I'll be there with my sister, let anyone in there with her go out and problem solved!"

He told me that it was not possible since it was Sabrina who requested the presence of this person.

A wave of anger flooded my whole body before I could unjustly unleash that fury towards Gaius he heard my cousin Klaus tell me "Goffredo, calm down! There's nothing to do since I left him in that room last night, not there. I have seen more have prevented me. "

Strange, the first person I would have thought there was with her in that room would have been him. But then who is this stranger that my sister prefers her company to that of her family?

Then a name came to my mind.

I can't help but feel a little jealous that Sabrina prefers that guy's company to mine, I thought being her brother in her heart I had a bigger role than an ex-boyfriend.

I am aware that I cannot expect all my sister's love for me alone, but selfishly I desire it. Having grown up without the love of my parents but only with Sabrina's love, it has led me to want all her attention for me since childhood.

I remember feeling really bad as a child when she left me here to go who knows where with our cousin Klaus to have fun around. And because of this childhood jealousy of mine, it led me to not having a good relationship with Klaus.

The two of us didn't get along so well due to our little rivalry for my sister's attention.

I've always thought to myself that another of the many reasons why Klaus can't stand me is because he always considered me a selfish and spoiled kid and always preferred my sister's company for these reasons.

I understand it from a certain point of view Sabrina is beautiful, charming, intelligent and when she wants pure nice who does not want to have her around her.

And despite all these beautiful qualities for some reason she hasn't been seen or heard from her previous family for years. In general I know what are the main reasons why she never returned to Greendale but Sabrina has never told me what it was that pushed her to leave once and for all.

Out of sheer curiosity I asked her many times but the only answer I got is that it was a fight with someone very important to her.

I ignored my pride and walked over to Klaus to ask him "So what do we do now?"

He with a tired air, caused by the night spent in white, replied "Now we will stay here good and good to wait until Gaius gives us permission to see you."

With an impatient tone I asked him "Yes, but how long will this wait last in your opinion?"

Glaring at me, he told me to sit down and stop asking him questions. Knowing him to avoid the consequences I did as she told me.

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