Lee Minhyung Imagines

By BTrue1895

11.5K 260 17

A bunch of imagines made by myself. It could be fluff, lyric-based, or just any ordinary imagines, there will... More

i | darling
f | winter filled love
i | amenable
||• there for you •||
a | gotta be you
i | endless jamming
i | advices
f | drunk
i | down-to-earth
scenario #1
i | interview
i | loving leader-nim
f | the signs
i | soulmarks
i | camp sawi
f | periods
a | not enough
i | upright
i | sanguinity
a | when night falls
i | officially missing you
i | evening primrose
f | comfort
i | all i ever see
f | bottle caps
i | a theatrical love story
i | what i love about you
f | photo albums
i | cooking show !
i | brother-in-law
the euphoric remedy
i | starry nights, cold winds and tidal waves
i | renewal of the same destiny (pt. 1 / 3)
f | the other section
i | sneaky
i | the phantom thief
i | the flower killer
i | vision
i | getaway
i | his voice
f | point of view
i | cameras and photographs
f | rladbyt
i | astronomy v.s. astrology
a | imprint
i | one hell of a proposal
f | plushies with a hint of jealousy
i | renewal of the same destiny (pt. 3 / 3)
lb | dnyl
f | remember
lb | my first and last
a | ghost

i | renewal of the same destiny (pt. 2 / 3)

63 3 0
By BTrue1895

Third Person's POV

A gasp escaped from her lips as soon as she had opened her eyes. Knitting her eyebrows, the young woman sat up straight, looking around. To her relief, she sees the familiar surroundings and the room she's lived in her whole life.

Strange. She thought, her right hand touching her temple and much to her surprise, or perhaps not that much, beads of sweat were forming:

"Is your highness alright?" Clinks of metals were highly heard as soon as the doors to her bedroom opened, revealing two knights with worried looks plastered upon their faces

"Yes, yes, I'm alright. You may leave now, thank you" She lets out, slowly taking deep breaths, trying to calm herself down

The two men nod their heads and closes the doors where they return to guarding her room. The girl sighs, turning the lamp on that was located on top of her bedside:

"Stop overthinking too much, Y/N de' Medici. It is nothing but a mere dream. Nothing to worry about" She continues to tell herself those same words, again and again, until she can feel her heartbeat pacing at normal speed just like always

With a final exhale, she switches her lamp back off and slowly laid down on her bed, spending minutes to find the right spot. Eventually though, as soon as she did, her eyes immediately shuts close, putting the young lady to a deep slumber.

~The Next Day~

"How are you, beautiful girl?" She crouches down, her eye level now the same as the kid

The Medici princess decides to take a stroll around the village, in the city of Florence, a routine she's loved seeing as Y/N was inside their manor for most of her time, taking in her responsibilities as a royalty, a student, and a daughter as well.

Despite something she was used to doing, Y/N was only rarely allowed to go out as both her parents were worried of her safety, though they know it themselves that the land they rule is peaceful and never was one to get involved with violence and other things relating to it.

While she walks with two knights on each of her side, the princess happened to see a girl, a very young one at that, carrying a medium sized basket with her:

"I-i'm fine your highness, thank you for asking" The child replies, though her voice was awfully quiet, Y/N was thankful enough to hear it

"We have such a lovely day ahead of us, do we not?" The Medici daughter continued on, smiling at the young one

"Yes, princess. Today is absolutely stunning" Says the girl, who returns
Y/N's smile

After that, her highness bids the kid a farewell, afraid she was stopping her from doing her tasks, and continues off to admire everything she sees. Y/N loves the village, the people are always nice and welcoming; she was truly anticipating to lead them someday.

The gal could never ask for a more beautiful village than this, because the one in front of her, is already perfect the way it is.

Continuing the sole purpose to why she was outside, Y/N continues on with walking, both men following her around with their faces blank and eyes focused onto their surroundings, their movements stiff but they stood tall, intimidating those who dare to get near to the princess.

Though, it wasn't enough to scare away a certain lad:

"Hello! You must be Princess Y/N 'de Medici, yes?" A voice calls out, and the said royalty looks and meets eye contact with the person

"You are right. And you are?" She asks, eyebrows furrowed yet she bears him a smile, making the princess look like she's constipated

Oh well.

"I'll be answering that later on, besides, this isn't going to be the last time we meet anyways" The person shrugs, and that made Y/N rather bewildered by his statement

"Then, I shall look forward to seeing you later?" Her planned sentence acted more as a question as she was unsure if he was joking or not

"I'd be anticipating" He nods, giving her a bright smile

"Right. I should get going now, it was nice to have this conversation with you, your highness" With a farewell, the lad bows, and exits the scene later on

"He's weird..." She mumbles to herself, resuming her steps

As Y/N walks along the beautiful scenic route, she met a couple villagers along the way, some with their children, their spouses, and even animals. Seeing them all, just smiling and doing what they love, brought utmost joy to the princess.

She couldn't wait to lead them one day, and making this small kingdom the happiest and brightest of them all. A wide smile emits as Y/N continues to think about it:

"Princess, I think it's time we get back" One of the knights suggested, which stopped her in her tracks, looking nowhere

Princess Y/N looks down, thinking, and turning around later on to nod, giving them a light smile:

"Sure. Let's go" Was her reply

~A Few Hours Later~

Your POV

"I'll pick the Y/F/C one" I said, looking at the layers of ballgowns organized by their color

(Y/F/C - Your Favorite Color)

"As you wish, your highness" A maid says as three others step forward to take the gowns back, except for what I chose to wear

I sighed, standing straight and tall as my arms spread sideward, a dressmaker walking around me with a measuring tape on hand. She eventually stretches it out while trying to find certain lengths and widths of certain body parts for whatever reason.

There were two more people close to me, one who was applying beauty products on my feature, and one fixing my hair. Today is just hectic, and as much as I am just as curious to find out, they wouldn't utter a word because 'My parents said so'.

What kind of explanation was that? And why would my mother and father hide such things from me? I can't just go out there for who knows what, if I will show myself I should at least know.

I sighed, clearing my thoughts away as I didn't want to stress over such things. Don't go ahead of yourself too much, Y/N, I'm sure everything is happening for a reason:

"Ouch! Please be careful" Whimpering, I say as the hairdresser mumbled an apology and continues to do her job

"There, done! Well, aren't you just lovely?" The elderly lady doing my face says, smiling with pride and adoration

She takes a mirror from my dresser and gives it to me, so I was able to see how I looked. And my, it was true, I do look lovely. Smiling, I thanked her and gave the mirror back, to which she nods and returns the mirror back to where it originally belongs.

And from then on, I was now in the ballgown I chose, which was adjusted and fixed last minute due to it being larger than my size. My feet now protected by insanely high heels, and head with my crown on top.

I sighed, hands clasped onto one another as I waited for the call, the signal to go out there and be the best princess everyone expects me to be. The perfect Y/N 'de Medici, the girl who gets everything and is able to accomplish anything, because she has it all.

What a bunch of lies.

"Your highness is needed within the throne room!" The voice of a knight roared as his head peeped in

"Got it. Princess, shall we?" One of the maids ask, and I nod, now walking toward where she was

Both of us, with the two knights on each of our side, then began to walk to the direction of the throne room. The clanking of my heels against the floors were the only things visibly heard by those around me; but none of them could hear every thought that clouds in my mind.

Am I really ready enough to be your Queen? That's what's been getting most of my conscious, and burdening me for who knows how long. I wasn't so sure of my capabilities, as well as my thinking, I don't know if I'm ready to face challenges that were only taught to me.

The thought scare me. It really did.

But then, I remember the history of our kingdom, how Cosimo The Elder worked so hard to keep us together, how the next generation, our ancestors, helped to develop where I stand today. I start to think of the triumphs, of what the people of this kingdom had gone through.

Suddenly, the once dark and glum thoughts disappeared, and all I could feel was the sense of pride and joy. We all have our shares of ups and downs, leaders aren't perfect themselves, but it's willingness, the passion, the courage, and bravery, that kept the Medicis still standing tall together with new found Kingdoms.

And I'm more than willing, more than passionate, more than courageous, and more than brave, to serve my subjects, and give each and every one of them, a future they always deserve to have:

"Princess Y/N 'de Medici!" Calls out the announcer which bought me back to what was currently happening

Dozing off too much again. Great job, Princess. I thought, now putting up a big smile with my chin up and figure straight as I began to walk to where my family were, all sitting in their perspective thrones. As I made my way there, I waved to the townspeople, and to some of the high class families.

It didn't take me too long to arrive in the very front, where stair steps were face to face with my feet, seeing as I like to take big strides. A knight walks down and bows, later on offering a hand, to which I of course accepted; he then guides me with the climbing up and lets go of me as I look at my father, mother, and three older brothers.

Smiling, I did a curtsy and went on to sit on my throne, which was beside my eldest brother's, Piero 'de Medici:

"You look fantastic, Y/N" He smiles

"Thank you. You don't look so bad yourself Piero" I replied, returning the compliment, to which he chuckled

(I'm not going to add Piero's betrayal here and the other things these three sons have done in their life)

My father, his majesty, Lorenzo 'de Medici, stands up from his throne and looks down onto the people beneath us, smile wide and I could feel the compassion in his eyes:

"I am pleased to see each and every one of you to be here for this very special day. Just a week ago, I visited the kingdom of the great Philanthropenos Family, to have a discussion and negotiation with them" He states, and my mind drifts back to the time where he left for who knew what

"He really went there" I mumbled to myself, still remembering how I asked Giuliano as he was the first person I saw

"Giuliano!" I called out, seeing a familiar figure leaning against the windowsill, a book in his hands

He looks up, and furrows his eyebrows as he saw me running:

"Y/N, running around especially in that kind of clothing is prohibited. You might've also tripped along the way" Giuliano scolds me as soon as I was in front of him

"I'm sorry, I just want to ask you something, and you're the very lucky person to be answering that" Winking my right eye, I said, and he rolls his eyes in a playful manner

"Sure. But, what's your question?" He asks, completely closing the book he was reading with an index finger inserted in between certain pages, guessing that's where he's stopped reading

"Well, usually, I'd see father strolling around the garden near the entrance as I get back to the palace after my morning walk. But I couldn't see him anywhere near the place, do you perhaps know where he is?" I asked, eyes filled with worry

"He didn't tell you yesterday?" I was given a question instead of an answer

"Yes, obviously, that's why I'm asking- where is he?" Again, I asked him

"He wasn't very specific when he told me, Giovanni and Perio about it. Father only said that he'd go and visit a neighboring kingdom and would be back later at night. At first I didn't know what kingdom, so I decided to take a visit to the library" Bringing up the book, he opens it again and makes me see what he was reading

"The Philanthropos Family"

The Philanthropenos family are prominent players in the various battles and political landscapes until today's period.

In a dynasty that spanned three centuries, the Philanthropos legacy can be traced back to the first known member, Alexios Doukas Philanthropenos, whose position as commander began a familial line of high-ranking roles both in the military and high society.

"I wonder what this family is asking for in return, sure enough by partnering with such a huge political household as them, they'd want something back" Piero leans to my ear as I did the same, listening to what he had to say

I could only nod while I listened to my father talking. Mother, who has been silent the entire time, looked at him with love and pride.

Agreeing to most of the people's opinions, my mother never was much of a chatterbox, but she had her ways in helping people's problems that they don't even know was answered by her. It's admirable to see mother so quiet, but is capable of running the city with father, because she had actions.

One of the main qualities a ruler should qualify in:

"And now, let us give greetings, to the one and only, Philanthropenos family!" Roared my father, and the doors eventually opens, revealing the said family

I looked to see them in dashing outfits, colors ranging from the different shades of yellow and red. They looked absolutely fabulous and far out of reach, the aura surrounding them clearly gave off such radiance, and it was clear that they knew what effect they had with certain looks on their faces.

My eyes drifted off to every member of the family until it stopped to a certain one, whose eyes were already looking at me; and once we made contact, a smirk emits from his once blank face. I furrowed my eyebrows, though realization hit me sooner. It was the man from earlier this morning! I immediately thought.

Clearing my throat, I looked away from him and tried to look as if I don't care:

"What? Don't tell me you like him already just because it's your first time meeting a person outside the city!" Piero teases. This guy really can't find anything to do now can he? Mentally gritting my teeth, I turned to him

"Shut your hole, brother" I smiled, looking back at the front, not without hearing him scoff, but fortunately turning quiet afterwards

This is going to be such a big mess.

~A Few Hours Later~

Third Person's POV

"Congratulations, Marko! How does it feel to be able to attain the Grand Title of Caesar?" One of the persons who approached the focus of the event asks

"I feel honored, and fulfilled in so many ways. It feels as if I've accomplished one of this world's greatest treasures" Said Marko replies, nodding to himself

"Nonsense! It was meant for you to take ever since the day you were born, my son. You've shown a kind of intelligence no one has seen before, use it accordingly" His father, Alexios Angelos Philanthropenos, pats the young man by the back, showing to everyone just how proud the older man is of his son

As his father continues to talk, mostly boast about his son and his achievements, Markos had set eyes onto a certain royalty, the Medici Princess.

He didn't knew at first what he was feeling, but he was sure it's more than physical attraction, it wasn't the typical libido he'd see from other people, and it was definitely not close to the definition of it in a book he red. It's not a sexual desire, he knew it wasn't about her figure; it was something else.

Markos knew better than that, he was no oblivious young lad to neglect such an intense feeling, especially if it was so foreign to him. He wanted answers. And he hoped that this royalty shall be the one who has it for him; because she, despite hundreds of women attempting to flutter him, was the only one to make him feel this way.

Sighing, the Philanthropenos son listens back to the conversation after hearing his name, and from then on he decides to distract himself for a little while. Though, his thoughts are still filled with the Princess of the Medici family.

Meanwhile, as his eyes drifts back to those around him, he hadn't notice how Y/N's gaze fixated onto him, mentally taking note of his every action. It seemed odd, even to her, but she can't just stop from taking her eyes off of him, and she doesn't regret a single thing!

There were weird sensations happening in her stomach, and she didn't know how to describe it; maybe scorching butterflies? Or perhaps little insects doing somersaults? Either way, the tingling feeling felt absolutely warm, and the fact that she doesn't have a clue of what it was infuriated her.

Y/N 'de Medici was taught very well by several mentors, and even if she did learn a lot from Michaelangelo, Raphael, Donatello, Sandro Boticelli and Leonardo da Vinci, none of what they nourished her with matched this new feeling; even her professor Galileo Galilei never told her anything close to it.

Feeling absolutely drained from constantly thinking, she excuses herself from her family and exits, not minding those who tried to catch after her and such. But as Y/N left the room, she, together with everyone else, didn't notice about the disappearance of the Philanthropenos heir.

Marko's POV

"For goodness' sake! What's happening to me?" A voice cries out, to be followed by several muttered sentences

While I talked with the folks of this town and my father, my attention was immediately caught by a certain young lady, expression seemingly troubled as she quickly left the room with no particular excuse.

Of course, I end up following her, but it was more of because I'm desperate for answers. I was awfully close to losing my sanity back there, answering their questions with a head full of things that solely focus onto her, and no matter how much I tried to avoid it, she was everywhere.

And I want to put an end to this monstrosity tonight. Or so I thought I would.

I created enough distance between us as I didn't want to come off as a threat, and I wanted to give her space while she deals with herself. I knew her highness left for a reason even if she did so in such short notice, besides, no one would even know what happens behind closed doors. At the end of the day, we're still human, imperfect in so many ways.

By the time Princess Y/N stopped walking, it was only then that I noticed where we were, the castle balcony. I immediately stopped in my tracks and hid by the exit as her shoulders slump and she looks down, sighing heavily:

"Why am I feeling this way? What's wrong with me?" I hear her shallow whispers, and whimpers that followed every end of a sentence, with both her arms gripping onto the railings

"I want to ask the same thing" Making my presence known, I go to where she stood as well

Her highness looks up and eyes me, completely taken aback. She was clearly having a hard time with finding up a response to reply me with:

"I didn't know you'd be here too..." In a hushed yet clear tone she says

"Apologies, I didn't mean to intrude anything" I breathed out, wholeheartedly telling the truth, but partly guilty for being selfish

I should've considered her feelings as well.

"What brings you here, then?" She asks, dismissing our previous conversation

"I've been having these weird feelings. I don't know, honestly. I wasn't like this before, but when I met you today, walking around the village, it started" And it really was the truth

"Well, I guess you could say we're on the same page now" She replies, and I chuckled and she later joins me in

As our laughter continues to fill the airy atmosphere, my heart strangely pounds. Both of us eventually stopped and began to just observe the beautiful night skies, stars ruling most of the heavens like splattering white paint over a black canvas. Some were shining the brightest while some look as if they're far away.

My eyes went over to Y/N, who was still busily looking at the stars. While she does so I decide to take in her side profile; the way her eyes twinkle in amazement, her beautiful hair being flown by the air, and her lips, forming into maybe the most beautiful smile I may ever see in my whole life.

In a sense, it comforted me, and it made me forget of everything I was so worried about the entire night. Guess I wouldn't be stopping any monstrosity, wouldn't I?:

"Do you want anything?" Her voice sent me back to reality. And as soon as it did, my cheeks feeling extremely warm as I looked away, feeling both embarrassed and flustered

"I-I- no, I don't" Clearing my throat, I told her

Another moment of silence.

The two of us didn't bother talking again, either because we were taking in the beauty of nature and their kingdom, or avoiding ang conversation that would lead to another awkward endings.

While Y/N observes the surroundings, I take my watch fob and look at the time:

"Oh my. Princess Y/N, we should go back, it's getting late" I said, not noticing that we've been spending almost an hour just standing in silence

"Right, we should" She says, and the two of us now begin to walk along the familiar hallways, with my hands on my back, clasped onto one another

"You know, even if we hadn't talk as much, I truly enjoyed your company" I confessed, and from the side of my eye I saw her look at me, before looking at the front again

"That's flattering, sir Philanthropenos" Her highness says

"Please, call me Markos, your highness" I told her, earning a hum of approval

Eventually, we reached the front of the throne room, where both my parents and hers were, talking about some things. It didn't take them a long time to notice me and the Princess nearing them, because as soon as we were only a few centimeters away, they immediately walked over to us.

My mother had her hands all over my face, checking my condition as both
Y/N's parents asked her:

"We were worried! Where have you two been?" My father asks, and I look down, feeling apologetic

"Both me and the princess coincidentally met with each other as I was strolling around the palace since I wanted some fresh air" I explained, and the Medici heiress nods at this

"It's good to know nothing happened to you both, hm? But we have to get going now. We'll visit Florence again, but make it less of a formal greeting next time" Mother jokes as all of us shared fits of laughter

"Then, I shall say farewell for now, Princess?" I turn to her

"Hm. I look forward to seeing you soon, sir Markos" She smiled, making me reflect the same action while I bowed to her

See you very soon, Princess.

~🐄🐂🐮To Be Continued🐮🐂🐄~
Words Counted: 4,037

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