Traitor : Fred Weasley, Draco...

By slytherin_may

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Fred Weasley & Draco Malfoy love triangle fan fic Includes: Adult / sexual material / rated mature so please... More

Chapter 1 - First Day Back
Chapter 2 - Ring of Fire
Chapter 3 - The Balcony
Chapter 4 - Slytherin Table
Chapter 5 - Potions
Chapter 6 - The Staircase
Chapter 7 - Markings
Chapter 8 - Avoidance
Chapter 9 - The Date
Chapter 10 - Sunday Morning
Chapter 11 - Your Turn
Chapter 12 - Slytherin Common Room
Chapter 13 - The Abandoned Bathroom
Chapter 14 - Breakfast
Chapter 15 - Detention
Chapter 16 - Gryffindor Common Room
Chapter 17 - Broomsticks Brew
Chapter 18 - Truth or Dare
Chapter 19 - Malfoy Manor
Chapter 20 - Hypocrite
Chapter 21 - Love Bites
Chapter 22 - Christmas Day
Chapter 23 - Broken Glass
Chapter 24 - New Year's Eve
Chapter 25 - Slytherin Dormitories
Chapter 26 - Inquistorial Squad
Chapter 27 - Shell Cottage
Chapter 28 - Poison
Chapter 29 - Cauldron Cupboard
Chapter 30 - Slytherin vs Gryffindor
Chapter 31 - The Aftermath
Chapter 32 - 12 Grimmauld Place
Chapter 33 - The Seventh Floor
Chapter 34 - The Burrow
Chapter 35 - Charlie
Chapter 36 - The Leaky Cauldron
Chapter 37 - Three Days
Chapter 38 - Surveillance
Chapter 39 - The Room of Requirements
Chapter 40 - Knockturn Alley
Chapter 41 - The Vanishing Cabinet
Chapter 43 - The Letter
Chapter 44 - Home
Chapter 45 - Fiendfyre
Chapter 46 - The Visitor
Chapter 47 - The Wedding
Chapter 48 - The Return
Chapter 49 - The Battle
Chapter 50 - The End
Chapter 51 - 19 Years Later
One Shot - The Malfoy Wedding

Chapter 42 - White Christmas

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By slytherin_may

The Christmas break interrupted our research. Hermione and I spent hours each evening leading up to the school holiday in the library, trying to find any literature we could on vanishing cabinets to no avail. Even as Daphne and I packed the night before we were set to take the Hogwarts Express back to London, I couldn't stop thinking about what Draco might be doing with it.

"George said you'll still be spending Christmas with the Weasleys as usual, that'll be nice" Daphne smiled, as she locked up her trunk. I could tell she was trying to make light of an uncomfortable situation. If I'd had anytime at all to think about something other than vanishing cabinets, I'd probably be worried.

"Yes I suppose, they're coming to our's this year though. Molly's convinced The Burrow isn't safe" I mumbled, recounting the letter my mother had owled to me last week.

Placing the last of my clothing in my battered leather case, I locked it up and and put it by the door, ready to go the next morning. It was awfully heavy and I was not looking forward to carrying it back.

Daphne reminding me that I'd be seeing Fred again wouldn't leave my mind. Though my eyes lulled, I couldn't drift off to sleep. I hadn't even told my mother that we were together, let alone that we'd broken up. If the twins had told Molly, she was sure to know by now. I don't think I'd ever dreaded a Christmas break so much.

Morning finally came and I was unsure whether I'd actually slept or not but I dragged my body out of bed and dressed quickly. I could just make out the patter of our shower and peered over to Daphne's bed to see she must have already been awake. I slipped on the clothes I'd left out the night before and sat on the bed waiting for her to finish.

As the train chugged along the tracks, I stared out the window wistfully, letting the others chatter around me. Ron and Ginny were excitedly talking about spending Christmas somewhere different for once, while Daphne and her sister, Astoria, were moaning about their aunt who they would be visiting over the next few weeks. I let all their words wash over me as my eyes glazed over, watching the scenery whizz past.

"The twins are going to pick us up from the station" Ginny squealed, showing Ron a letter that had arrived for her that morning.

I suddenly snapped out my trance and looked over at her wearily. She locked eyes with me and awkwardly looked down at the letter clutched in her hand. Ron leaned over to get a better look, when the words registered, he peered over at me, looking equally uneasy.

"Mum says you'll be joining us too" Ron explained grimly, passing the letter to me. I scanned it's contents and in Molly's neat handwriting it said that the twins had offered to drive us from London back to Devon, as they would be heading down to stay for Christmas too.

"Oh" I breathed, folding the parchment and handing it back to him.

As I pressed the letter into his hand, a black figure slunk past the door and I saw him run his hand through his icy blonde hair. His cold grey eyes fell on me and he acted as though they hadn't. Followed shortly behind him was Pansy Parkinson, giggling as she tried to catch up with him in the corridor. I rolled my eyes furiously and he continued on until he was out of sight.

It was strange, I'd hardly seen him since our time in the Room of Requirements. He'd been smart enough not to chase after me but it seemed he'd lost interest entirely in our arrangement. Watching Pansy following after him, it was clear he'd found what he needed somewhere else. She was completely clueless to whatever twisted activities he was involved with and he probably liked it that way.

After a painful few hours, the train finally pulled into the station and I immediately saw the unmistakable fiery-haired wizards waiting on the platform for us. This was going to be a nightmare but I was going to be as civil as possible and get it over and done with. The others went ahead as I had difficulty carrying my trunk along the corridor, but there was suddenly somebody blocking my path.

"Need help?" Draco asked, coldly, stepping out from his compartment.

"I'm perfectly fine, thank you" I brushed him off, trying to heave the heavy case into a better position in my hands.

"Don't be so stubborn" he muttered and hoisted my case up, holding it clutched in one hand. I gulped as I watched him take it and step down on the platform. Oh god what was Fred going to think?

Following Draco off the train, the others had already gathered to meet the twins. I could feel their eyes on me as I stepped off with Draco, carrying my luggage. He placed it down by my side and leant close to my ear.

"Have a good Christmas, Reading" he whispered, "Remember to behave"

With one last smirk, he sauntered off down the platform where I could see his mother Narcissa was waiting patiently for him. It was only now I realised she'd been watching us and was looking at me quite suspiciously. There was nothing affectionate about it whatsoever but I knew exactly how it had looked to prying eyes. I collected myself and hurried over to my circle of friends.

George removed his arm from round Daphne to pull me into a tight hug, seeming quite excited to see me, while all I received from Fred was a polite nod.

"Right, come on then I want to get home" Ginny insisted, motioning for us to leave.

George gave Daphne a quick peck on the cheek, before she looked up at him and said "Look, my mum's come to pick us up and I'd really like you to meet her"

George's eyes went wide and stared down at her, then flicked up the platform to where the Greengrass matriarch had just arrived and was searching the platform for her children.

"Daph- I" he started.

"She doesn't have the same views as my dad I promise" she pleaded with him. He gave a solemn nod in agreement and went with them to say hello.

"Go wait by the car I'll be out in a minute" George called back to us. We collected up our things and the case was already causing me troubles again.

"Here" Fred said suddenly, taking the case from my hand and piling it onto the trolley he was pushing. We trudged along together in silence all the way to the car.

A baby blue Ford Anglia waited for us, parked down a side road to King's Cross and we stared at it in shock. I didn't know what I'd been expecting, I didn't even think either of them could drive, but it certainly wasn't this.

"Surely that's not-" Ron started, his eyes wide remembering the awful times he'd had in their last one.

"No, no we bought one, thought it was nostalgic" Fred explained.

"Doesn't fly though" George called, catching up with us, "Still can't figure out how dad managed that one, but we did put an extending charm like the old one had, so you can all fit snug inside with everything in the back"

The trunks all slipped easily into the boot of the car that never seemed to end and me, Ron and Ginny got cosy in the back seat while the twins sat up front.

"Alright kids, off we go" Fred called, starting the car. Ron glanced down at me with a horrified look on his face, still traumatised from the last time Fred had attempted to drive, or fly.

"Do either you actually know how to drive?" Ginny called, asking the question I think we'd all been wondering.

"Well, of course I don't have a muggle license, but an old wizard down the Alley has been giving me lessons since we got this thing" Fred explained, sheepishly as the car pulled out into the bustle of London traffic.

Somehow we made it to Devon in one piece and Fred pulled the car up right outside my house. As if, she'd heard it coming a mile away, which she probably had since the car's engine sounded at least fifty years old, my mum came running out of the house to meet us.

"Celeste!" she cried, attacking me with a hug as I stepped out the car, "And Fred!"

I turned to see he'd gotten out too, to get my things from the boot. She threw her arms around him, before helping to take my case and rucksack to the door. She was being so nice to him that I assumed she must not have known.

"Right, well I'll see you both on Christmas Day" Fred said, acting a perfect gentleman in front of my mother. We waved them off as they pulled out of the drive to go home a little way down the meadows.

"I've got a bone to pick with you, young lady" my mum said, pretending to scowl at me but I already see her smile cracking.

"Oh for goodness sake, Molly told you didn't she" I sighed, carrying my luggage inside and shutting the front door behind us.

"Of course she did! It's only what we've dreamt of since you were kids, well actually- we thought it might be Ron but-"

"Yes, yes I heard" I laughed, not wanting to start that whole conversation again.

"You don't have to be so rigid with each other, we know now!" my mum reassured me, giving my shoulder a pat.

"See the thing is, it's sort of fizzled out" I lied.

"Fizzled out? Oh dear, Molly said you seemed quite enthralled with each other when you came to stay!" My mum asked, a hand on her hip.

"Yes we were, but he's very busy with the shop and I have my studies, it's better this way honestly. We don't want to ruin our friendship" I continued to lie through my teeth.

"Oh, that's actually very sensible of you both I suppose" she paused "Well, there's plenty of time to rekindle in the future"

I have a small "mmhmm" and began lugging my things upstairs to my bedroom. Quite frankly, I didn't want to have this conversation at all, it hurt too much. I'd spent a lot of time imagining that maybe one day Fred would come around, but he'd already moved on, there didn't feel like much left to hold on to anymore.

Christmas Day arrived and with it, a flurry of snow. The day couldn't have been more magical, if only I wasn't feeling so awful. I'd just have to grit my teeth and bare it, but there wasn't long to prepare before I had to come face to face with my problems. Molly had insisted they come early, which my mother was delighted about, wanting to start the festivities as early as possible.

I slunk downstairs still in my pyjamas at 9am to the see Weasleys sat in the dining room eating breakfast with my parents, everyone already showered, dressed and looking presentable.

"Oh" I gasped, coming in with my hair and teeth still unbrushed. I was wearing red plaid pyjama shorts and shirt to match, especially for Christmas and Fred eyed me up and down with a smirk, a limp piece of toast clutched in his hand. I knew I looked ridiculous but I shot him an angry look anyway.

Fred and George sat next to each, dressed in matching suits, the on difference was one was in purple, the other in green. Their dress sense had certainly taken a sharper turn since they'd opened the shop and I couldn't deny it was quite fitting for them.

"Not to worry dear, run along upstairs, it won't take you long" Molly called, as I dashed back out to go and get changed.

A little while later, I reappeared, wearing a form fitting all-in-one, made from luxurious green velvet. Fred's eyes scanned my body as I sat back down at the table, purposely taking the empty seat in front of him. I could have sworn I saw a grin spread across George's face as he kept his eyes trained on the cup of tea that was looped around his finger.

"See! Lovely as ever" Molly chimed, giving Fred a sly look down the table. It never failed to amuse me how much she loved to berate her sons.

When everyone had finished up their breakfast, there was still a lot left to be cooked for the feast that the two mothers had volunteered to prepare for Christmas lunch. Trying to be of some help, I collected up everything from the dining table to put in the sink to clean itself.

Thinking I was alone in the kitchen, I hummed to myself as I piled the dishes and teacups high in the sink, casting my wand over them so the water began to run and sponges lifted themselves to glide over each piece of crockery.

"Do you need any help?" Fred asked, startling me. I hadn't even heard him come in.

"No that's okay, they're doing it now" I muttered, pointing to the bewitched items piling clean dishes at the side.

"Oh" Fred chuckled. He leant carefully next to me against the kitchen counter, looking quite serious, "so will your boyfriend not be joining us for Christmas?"

His tone was drenched in sarcasm and a big smirk had cracked across his face. He looked far too pleased with himself for his little joke.

"He's not my boyfriend" I scoffed, turning to look at Fred angrily "How about you? Will your girlfriend not be making an appearance?"

Fred's smirk vanished and he fiddled with his dinner jacket awkwardly. It was a strange reaction from somebody so cocky on moments ago.

"Oh god, she isn't really your girlfriend is she?" I whispered, trying not to sound too devastated, but the words just slipped out.

"No, no" he mumbled, straightening himself up, "I don't know what you've heard but it was really only a one time thing"

"But Ginny said you went on a few dates?" I asked, stupidly forgetting that maybe it was something she wasn't meant to have told me.

"Ah so it was Ginny" he laughed, but it was a strange, unsettled laugh, "yes well I suppose a couple"

I suddenly realised what he meant be "one off" and began to feel a little queasy. Of course, I knew they most likely would have slept together, it would be silly to assume they hadn't but hearing him admit it made my knees lock.

"So you've-?" I began, but I couldn't even finish the sentence.

"Yes" he answered quietly. Anger and hurt bubbled up all at once. It had no place here when I'd done just the same with Draco and that certainly hadn't been a one off.

"Well, that's great I hope you had fun" I replied, trying to sound cheerful. I hadn't realise quite how sarcastic and cutting it sounded until it was too late.

"Don't give me that, Celeste" Fred groaned, running a large hand through his hair out of frustration, "Can you tell me truthfully you haven't been doing- well- whatever with Draco?"

"I honestly didn't mean it like that" I snapped back, but as I tried to answer his question the words stammered out, "and- well- that's besides the point I wasn't-"

"See" he cut me off angrily. Merlin, he was infuriating.

"I'm not going to talk about this" I muttered, looking down at my hands and trying to change the subject.

"So you've got exactly what you wanted then?" Fred quipped.

"I certainly haven't" I replied quickly. My eyes flicked up to look at him again and scanned down his body. The air that hung between us was charged but we both remained, as if to see who would break first and do something.

Fred's cheeks had become flushed and his red hair was sticking up on end. He looked vicious, as though he was either going to pull me in to him or attack me. His broad chest rose and fell rapidly and I couldn't take my eyes off their movements.

"I came in here to tell you I missed- you know what, never mind" he muttered.

Fred stormed out of the kitchen and joined our families back in the dining room. Anger bubbled in my chest in, demanding to be felt. He could be so bloody self righteous sometimes, but I couldn't deny I loved the way he looked when he got angry. I wished he'd at least had the guts to finish that last sentiment. I'd gone weeks believing he didn't even so much as remember my name.

Despite the unpleasantness of the morning, Christmas lunch was wonderful. Molly and my mother had prepared a delicious turkey with all the trimmings and when it came to the end I barely had enough room left in me for Molly's traditional Christmas pudding.

As the evening wound down, I sat idly near the end of the table, as everyone chatted, I didn't have the energy to join in. Everyone was gathering near the end to take a look at the new telescope Ginny had got for Christmas. She was rather drunk at this point and explaining to everyone loudly how it worked. I was in a world of my own, watching it all from afar, when Arthur broke away to sit beside me. I straightened myself up a little and took a gulp of my Beetroot wine.

"Alright down here, Celeste?" he asked, dropping himself in a chair next to me, making it creak loudly.

"Yes, just very full" I lied, smiling back at him politely.

"I think you're brave, you know" he whispered, so the others wouldn't hear, "Your parents might not know or Molly either, but Ginny tells me everything"

"Oh" I breathed, staring back at him with wide eyes.

"I just hope you're careful, keeping an eye on young Malfoy like that" he explained, keeping his voice hushed, "I've dealt with his family, or his father at least, every step of my career and I know what their family is capable of, if they catch even a whiff that you're watching him- well I'd hate to think what would happen"

Arthur shook his head gravely and took a long slurp of his brandy. I nodded to let him know I understood before excusing myself to fetch more wine. Ginny clambered from the table when she heard the words "more wine" and followed hastily behind me.

I poured out two large glasses for us, as she looked around the room giddily. She snatched the glass from the worktop, almost spilling it down herself entirely in the process and downed it in under a minute.

"Ginny!" I squealed, taking the glass from her, "What's gotten in to you?"

"I have to break up with Dean" she mumbled, looking dreamily at the bottle of wine on the counter, "I don't like him very much anymore"

This had been abundantly clear to all of us for a while now. She still looked at Harry the same way he looked at her and we could tell the problems she'd been having with Dean weren't helping the matter.

"Well then you can, when we get back to school, it'll be fine" I reassured her.

"But what if we don't like each other anymore, like you and Fred?" she asked, quietly. I felt tears threaten to start welling in my eyes but I managed to push the feeling back.

"Me and Fred do like each other it's just still quite fresh, it'll take some time for Dean to want to be your friend again, don't worry" I explained, trying to calm her down.

"You and Fred have hardly spoken all day" she whined, pouring herself another glass of wine, "it makes me so sad"

"It makes me sad too, trust me but I know it'll get easier"

"I wish you'd get back together!"

"So do I, Ginny but-"

"We could have been sisters!" Ginny exclaimed, tears glinting in her eyes. I could tell she'd had far to much to drink if she was going to start blubbering about all this now.

All of a sudden Ginny's whines were interrupted by the door making an excruciating creak and we both whirled around the see Fred standing beside it, watching us.

"Mum wanted me to make sure you weren't drinking anymore" he said, his eyes landing on the glass in her hand.

"Oh for Merlin's sake" she huffed, pushing past him to show her mum she'd only have this last glass, conveniently leaving out the other she'd finished in a few seconds flat.

Me and Fred stood in an impregnable silence, I couldn't have been sure whether he'd heard anything we'd been talking about but I felt embarrassment seep through me and I was sure my face had turned a fitting shade of red.

"Did you hear all that?" I asked, breaking the tension finally.

"Yes" he replied, flatly, trying not to meet my gaze.

"Well, I meant it"

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