Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru...

By ScammerOne

36.3K 1.2K 479

Inubozaki Shouichi was a boy without any memories of his past. He is now adopted at the inubozaki house and i... More

Noble Storm
Sword Maiden
Sword Maiden II
Shining Hearts
Shining Hearts II
Overcoming Adversity
Anticipation of Tomorrow
Anticipation of Tomorrow II
Anticipation of Tomorrow III
Idyllic Happiness
Idyllic Happiness II
Idyllic Happiness III
Idyllic Happiness IV
Blessing of the Gods
Blessing of the Gods II
Blessing of the Gods III
The Choice For A Change
The Choice For A Change II
The Choice for a change III
Those Who Know Grief
The Bonds of Love
The Darkness Of Despair
The Light Of Hope
Inubozaki Shouichi
A Brewing Storm
The Connected Past I
The Connected Past II
The Entrusted Future
The Entrusted Future II
Records Of the Agito - The Unknown Past
Records Of the Agito - The Lost World
Records Of the Agito - A New Beginning
Records Of the Agito - The Red-Eyed Devil
Records Of the Agito - What It Means To Protect
Records Of the Agito - Determination
Records Of the Agito - Determination II
Records Of the Agito - Transition
Records Of the Agito - The Two Girls
Records Of the Agito - Overconfidence
Records Of the Agito - Recovery
Records Of the Agito - Budding
Records Of the Agito - The Flowers Of War
Records Of the Agito - Exploration
Records Of the Agito - Fleeting Days
Records Of the Agito - Sisters
Records Of the Agito - Loss
Records Of the Agito - Warped Minds
Records Of the Agito - Mad Thoughts
Records Of the Agito - Chikage's Choice
Records Of the Agito - The Future Of Mankind
Records Of the Agito - Warriors Of Shikoku
Records Of the Agito - Warriors of Shikoku II
Records Of the Agito - Ashikawa Shouichi
Records Of the Agito - The Passed On Feelings
Spectacular Days
Joyous Youth
Precious Memories
Precious Memories II
My Heart Aches When I Think of You
Concealed Intentions
Pure Hearts
Final Duty
Shinning Evolution
I'm Happy For You Are With Me

Records Of the Agito - Exploration II

151 11 2
By ScammerOne



(The Next Day)

After the exploration in Kobe, the team made their way towards Osaka in hopes to find something in a different city. The city that they saw was no different from the others they had visited. 

Hinata: This place...... Looks dismal as well. 

Wakaba: It's still too early to give up everyone. Let's split up and explore! 

Everyone split up and began exploring the ruined city. The only thing that they could find is nothing but destroyed buildings without even a sign of life. After searching for a while, they decided to regroup back to report their findings. If they even found something at all. 

Hinata: Did find something or someone, Wakaba-chan? 

Wakaba then shook her head at Hinata.

Hinata: I see.......

Yuuna: Wakaba-chan! (Yuuna said as she regroups back along with Chikage) 

Wakaba: Did you find anything? 

Yuuna: We didn't see anyone. 

Tamako: Same here! (Tamako said as she regroups back to Wakaba and the others along with Anzu) 

Anzu: There isn't even a sign of a cockroach everywhere. 

Wakaba Is that so? No survivors here either, huh? 

Yuuna: Huh? Shouichi-san has not returned yet. (Yuuna said as she realized the usual big-mouthed idiot is still not back) 

Hinata: Now that you talk about it, Shouichi-san is really late. 

Yuuna: I'll go look for him! (Yuuna said with a worried tone as she rushed off somewhere) 

Chikage: Wait! Takashima-san! (Chikage said as she went after Yuuna) 

Wakaba: Let's go after them as well. (Wakaba said as she carried Hinata and went after Yuuna and Chikage) 

Tamako: Yeah! (Tamako said as she and Anzu followed Wakaba's lead) 

(Yuuna and Chikage's Location) 

After looking for a while, both of them saw the green-horned warrior standing still in front of an entrance of a subway station. 

Yuuna: Shouichi-san! 

Shouichi: ....... 

Yuuna: Shouichi-san? 

Wakaba: We finally caught up to you! Did you find something, Shouichi? 

Shouichi silently turned back to them while holding something in his hand. 

When the six of them saw what Shouichi was holding, the feeling of fear and at the same time, the feeling of disgust swept over them. 

Hinata: Don't tell me-?! 

Anzu: I-is that?! The real thing? 

Shouichi: Yeah, it's the real thing. 

The thing that Shouichi was holding is a real-life human skull. Shouichi then walked over to the now soft part of the ground and began to dig up the dirt before burying the skull in it, giving the victim of the Vertex at least somewhat of a burial. 

Shouichi: I don't know who you are but it must be tough. At least try to rest in peace. (Shouichi said as he kneeled down and prayed for the dead person followed by the rest of the team) 

After praying for the dead person, they decided to rip open the fire shutters and enter the subway station in hopes that what they find outside is not the only thing that they found. 

Wakaba: Is anyone there????!!!!! (Wakaba said as they ventured deeper into the subway station) 

As they continued to venture deeper into the subway station, they discovered signs of people who used to live here such as food cans and remains of a fire. Wakaba then stumbled on something soft and picked it up. 

Wakaba: Is this........ a diary? 

Tamako: What the hell is this??????!!!!!! 

Wakaba: What's wrong, did you find something? (Wakaba said as she and the rest head to Tamako's location) 

What they saw when they arrived there was only despair. It was a pool of human corpses. 

Wakaba: What on earth.......... has happened here? (Wakaba said as her expression began to turn pale) 

To find out what has happened here, Wakaba then opened the diary that she picked up before and began to read it. The name of the writer is already smudged, thanks to the conditions around it. But at least, the contents are still readable. 


(Someday in 2015) 

I don't know how many days have passed since we started hiding underground. I decided to write a diary to help me retain my sense of time. When the monsters appeared around the end of July, we managed to escape and take refuge in an underground mall. We built barricades in front of all exits and entrances but now we're stuck in here. I wonder what things are like on the surface. My mom and dad are gone. My little sister is the only family I have left. My sister is still in elementary school. As a high schooler, I'll have to look after her. 

(Someday in 2015) 

Someone was killed in an argument today. Fights over food, clashing opinions, and bullying the weak. We shut ourselves in to escape the monsters......... And now we're turning against our fellow humans!!! The bodies are gathered in a designated area. Leaving them as they are would not only cause hygiene issues, but it would also take a toll on our minds........ I ended up writing about the corpses as if they're just things huh........  

(Someday in 2015) 

My little sister kept on crying saying that she wants to go home. She usually stays calm and behaves so well. One of the adults got irritated by her crying and told me to throw her out or kill her. I won't let them do that. 

(Someday in 2015) 

Our meal for today was two dietary supplement bars and half a bag of snack food. The adults have been arguing about our food supply problem. Some said we should kill the weak to save food. Others proposed that we should tear down the barricades and go outside. We couldn't reach any conclusion again today. I wonder if the monsters are still outside. Nobody can say for sure. 

(Someday in 2015) 

My sister is not doing too well. But there's nothing I can do about it. I have to take her to the hospital!!!!! 

(Someday in 2015) 

My sister isn't responding. 

WHAT DO I DO?????!!!!!!!
WHAT DO I DO?????!!!!!!! 
WHAT DO I DO?????!!!!!!! 
WHAT DO I DO?????!!!!!!! 
WHAT DO I DO?????!!!!!!! 
WHAT DO I DO?????!!!!!!! 
WHAT DO I DO?????!!!!!!! 
WHAT DO I DO?????!!!!!!!

(Someday in 2015) 

Some people started killing the sick and elderly of their own accord "To save food" Then came other people and killed them. The people who couldn't stand it anymore broke down the barricades. The moment the barricades were broke down, those monsters came flooding in one after another. Not even the fire shutters pose much of an obstacle to them. People didn't try to escape deeper into the subway station only to find that it was also blocked because of those ant-like monsters. I'm sure they'd ignored us so far is because they knew we will end up destroying ourselves. I'm at the place where we leave the bodies right now. In my final moments....... I wanted to be with my sister....... 

With that, the diary ends abruptly but all of them were able to more or less guess what happens to them. 

Shouichi: So that's why........ there isn't a single human corpse at the surface......... 

Wakaba: If a hero...... If I had been here....... 

Shouichi: ........ Get down!!!!!!!!!! (Shouichi shouted at them before launching one of his tentacles at something that is hiding in the shadow) 

Shouichi's tentacles then slowly pulled back to reveal a bloody creature that is said in that diary to have murdered all of the people here along with the Stardust Vertex. 

Hinata: Is that?! 

Wakaba: Yes...... It's a lord. (Wakaba said with a paled expression as she remembered the moment where she was almost killed by the Lord) 

Shouichi: To think that there were still some of them here even though the humans are all already dead. (Kouji said as she ripped his tentacles off to permanently kill the creature) 

Multiple of the same creature began to appear and surround them. 

Shouichi: Looks like there are quite a few of them here. 

Wakaba: We won't find any survivors here. Let's get out and head to the next city!!!! (Wakaba said as she ran towards the exit before completely surrounded by the Vertex) 

Before Shouichi was about to run following Wakaba, he realized that Chikage was staring at the lords intensely. 

Shouichi: What are you doing, Koori?! 

Chikage: ...... It's fine....... I've got this...... (Chikage then began to slash away at the Lords) 

Shouichi: *sigh* Good grief........... Looks like we have the same idea. (Shouichi said as he stood beside Chikage and also attacking Vertex) 

After killing all of the Lords, both of them stood looking at the now unbelievable scene of humans and Lord corpses mixing together. 

Shouichi: I'm done over here. How about your side?

Chikage: .......

Shouichi: Koori? 

Chikage: I...... will not die....... until I've been accepted..... (Chikage said with an ominous tone which left quite a strange impression at Shouichi) 


After leaving Osaka, they headed straight towards Suwa.  

Shouichi: There it is. (Shouichi said as he looked at the sign that says headed to Suwa) I wonder how many months have passed since I've been here. 

Yuuna: Shouichi-san...... Are you okay? (Yuuna said with a worried tone) 

Shouichi: Yeah...... Let's go. I know the way around here. 

Wakaba: Y-yeah. I'm counting on you. 

With that, Shouichi let Wakaba and the others through the familiar roads of Suwa. Even though the roads were never maintained, it still remained in shape which helps Shouichi to identify the location. The first Landmark that Shouichi stopped at was the Suwa Taisha Main Shrine. 

Hinata: What is this place?

Shouichi: The Taisha main shrine. This is where the Ame-no-Mihashira stood or what's left of it. 

The other girls then examined the inside of the shrine while Shouichi, Wakaba, and Hinata walked inside the shrine to where he used to live alongside Utano and Mito as he reminiscence about the fun times they had together here. The boy then began to look for something in the nearby cupboard. 

Shouichi: It's not here?! Where did it go?! (Shouichi said in an antsy tone) 

Hinata: Shouichi-san, what are you looking for?

Shouichi: Utano's prized hoe. The one she had always used and had been keeping here. Where did it go????!!!!! (Shouichi then began to hastily rummage through the cupboard only to find that the hoe has disappeared) It's....... gone?! (Shouichi said with a depressed tone) 

Wakaba: Shouichi....... (Wakaba said as she held her hand Shouichi's shoulder in an attempt to comfort him) 

 Tamako: Hey!!! Shouichi!!! Come outside of the shrine for a bit!!! 

The three of them then head outside to say that the four of them were examining the field. 

Hinata: A field? 

Shouichi: It's where Utano cultivated the vegetables. To think that it still exists until this day. 

Yuuna: Hey!!!! Shouichi-san!!!! There's something buried here. (Yuuna said as she waved her hand at Shouichi) 

Shouichi: Eh?! (Shouichi then hurriedly to Yuuna's spot and also saw the box that was buried there. Shouichi then pulled the box to find a hoe inside it along with a piece message) This is....... Utano's hoe! (Shouichi said with an excited tone) With a message? (Shouichi said as he picked up the message inside the box) 

Utano's message: In case, the one who finds this isn't Nogi-san. I would like to ask you to hand this over to her. She serves as a hero of Shikoku. Three years have passed since they first appeared and as time goes on, it also puts us in a dire situation. We will not able to hold this place much longer. I am sure we will be fine if we don't give up. No matter what difficulties we had to face in the past, mankind has always managed to recover. Nogi Wakaba you are my precious friend whom I have yet to meet. I am glad that I'm able to meet you. I wish that you'll be safe in your battles. And that you'll be able to protect the world. Even if I'm not able to continue defending mankind, I'm sure you'll be there to keep it safe. 

Shouichi: That idiot........ (Shouichi said in a slightly distorted voice as if he was crying)

Tamako: Say, Shouichi...... Are you crying? 

Shouichi: HUH?! THERE'S NO WAY I'M CRYING!!!!!!! (Shouichi said as he looked at Tamako with tear-driven eyes) I just got some dust in my eyes!!! (Shouichi then wiped the tears on his eyes that wouldn't stop) Huh? It wouldn't stop? Why is it? Is there a hay fever? 

Anzu: You're definitely crying. (Anzu said as she sweats dropped) 

Tamako: But isn't it fine for once in a time. For someone who has lost his hometown, you never once shed a tear at Shikoku. 

Shouichi: A man doesn't cry in front of a girl! I can cry all I want when all of this is over. (Shouichi said as he strengthens himself) 

Tamako: Don't act so tough, you idiot!!! 

Shouichi: Who are you calling an idiot??!!

*thud* *thud* *thud* *thud* 

Wakaba: What's that sound????!!!!! (Wakaba said as she prepared to draw out the Ikutachi) 

Chikage: It's coming from that storehouse. 

Yuuna: What's inside that storehouse? 

Shouichi: Vegetables and seeds that we store up from the last three years in case of a famine. But from that sound, there's definitely something in there. I'll check it out. (Shouichi said as transformed and slowly walked to the entrance of the storeroom ) 

Wakaba: Becareful Shouichi. 

Shouichi then slowly open the entrance door. 

Shouichi: Who's there?! (Shouichi said as he pointed Gill's claw inside the storehouse) 

Child 1: D-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-don't come near us you monsters!!!!!!! 

Child 2: Getaway!!!!!!!! 

The seven of them open the door only to find a group of six children hiding inside the storeroom. 

Shouichi: Children and...... It's you guys! (Shouichi said as he approaches them in his transformed form only to scare the heck out of the children) 

Child 3: HELPP!!!!!! 

Shouichi: Ah! Sorry! (Shouichi said as he reverts back to his human form) It's me! it's me! It's Shouichi! 

Child 4: Shouichi-Nii-chan? 

Shouichi: Yeah! It's me!!!! 

Children: Shouichi-Nii-chan!!!!!!!! (The children all rushed at once towards Shouichi and hugged him as they cried as hard as they could) WE THOUGHT THAT WE WERE ALL GONNA DIE!!!!!!!!!!

Shouichi: It's already fine. All of you are safe. (Shouichi said as he tried to comfort the kids)

Hinata: Who are those children, Shouichi-san? 

Shouichi: The children that once Utano had saved once before. I'm the one who usually took care of them. But...... What happened? Why were you guys are there? 

Child 5: *Hik* *Hik* The adults at the shelter told us to stay here and *hik* *hik* to never come out no matter what. 

Shouichi: What happened to the other adults? 

Child 6: *hik* They ran *hik* towards that direction (The child then pointed to the direction of a ravine) 

Shouichi: Is that so....... Anyway, I'm glad that all of you are fine. We're going to head to somewhere safe right now. 

Children: *cry* 

The children cried as strongly as they held at Shouichi's shirt. 

Shouichi: We should head back to Shikoku. Even though they've been eating the foods at the storehouse, they are clearly malnourished and dehydrated. 

Wakaba: Yeah, let's head back. 

Wakaba then carried Hinata while the rest of them each carried one child before jumping towards the direction of Shikoku. 

Inner Shouichi: Utano....... Mito....... Both of you also left hope to these children thanks to your farming. (Shouichi thought as he held on the Utano's hoe as strong as possible.

To Be Continued

I hope you guys liked the new chapter of my story

Author Notes (A/N)

I do not own Kamen Rider Agito and Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru because they already have their respective owners

All images belong to respective owners.

I only own OCs and a synopsis of the story.

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