My Boyfriend is a Death Eater

By laufeyson_apologist

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ENEMIES TO LOVERS SLOW BURN - LOKI X READER MCU/HP AU - COMPLETED This story is set in an alternate version o... More

CHAPTER I: The Invitation
CHAPTER II: The Night We Met
CHAPTER IV: Black Roses
CHAPTER V: The Odinson Estate
CHAPTER VI: Death Eater
CHAPTER VII: Malfoy Manor
CHAPTER VIII: Department of Mysteries
CHAPTER IX: The Cruciatus Curse
CHAPTER X: Tom Riddle
CHAPTER XII: Thestrals
CHAPTER XIII: The New Minister
CHAPTER XIV: Deserving
CHAPTER XV: The Aurors
CHAPTER XVII: Real Enemies
CHAPTER XIX: Disbanded
CHAPTER XX: Quidditch
CHAPTER XXI: The Monarchy Reigns
CHAPTER XXII: Nagini vs. Fawkes
EPILOGUE: Back to School

CHAPTER XI: Hogwarts

404 18 4
By laufeyson_apologist

tw: language, mild sexual content

You were full-on making out with Loki in the vanishing cabinet now. You lead the kiss, not expecting for him to return your passion, but he did. He held your face gently and his lips were so much softer than you were expecting. The butterflies in your stomach kept growing as the kiss went on. You felt lust, romance, but most importantly, fear and vulnerability. Despite the red flags, you didn't want to stop. And he didn't want to stop either. It was bad. But at least neither of you got splinched.

You finally let go of his face after five or so minutes and tumbled out of the vanishing cabinet into the room of requirement.

Loki put his arm around your shoulder in glee.

"Y/N, always full of surprises," he said, smiling at you.

You took his arm off your shoulder immediately.

"I only did that to distract you because you were acting like a baby and wouldn't close the damn door," you said, shaking your head.

"Of course, darling. But we arrived here the second you closed that door, so why did you keep going? A quick peck would've sufficed to distract my simple male brain," he said.

"UGHHH," you facepalmed.

"What's wrong? Are are you angry with me? Be mad at yourself. It seems like you can't contain yourself whenever you're around me, Y/N," Loki said, grinning.

"Please shut up and help me find that diadem before Riddle KILLS us," you told Loki.

"Yes, madam," Loki bowed to you and you rolled your eyes.

You finally got a good look at the room of requirement. There were piles of artifacts and weird-looking objects everywhere. Some large, some tiny. It was hard to focus on searching for any one thing in a room so overwhelming. What did the diadem look like? Was it in a case? Was it out loose somewhere?

You and Loki were both using the summoning spell while walking around the room with no luck.

Finally, one more chant of the spell later, it was in your hands. It was in a black velvet case. You opened the case to look at the diadem and Loki walked over to stand by you.

"It's beautiful," you said. It was a tiara shaped like a raven with silver diamonds surrounding it and a large, purple-blue gem in its center.

"It is. And to think, Riddle is going to try and put a piece of his nasty soul into it. Such a shame," said Loki, disappointed.

"I still don't understand why Riddle didn't just walk in here with his army of death eaters to take it. Why did we have to do his dirty work for him?" You asked Loki.

"Oh, he hasn't stepped foot on Hogwarts grounds since he went here. There's something stopping him. Someone he's afraid of," Loki said.

"Dumbledore?" You asked.

Loki nodded.

"Oh. I never realized that he was that afraid of him. With all of his control over The Monarchy now and his growing death eater army..." you said.

Loki shrugged. "Dumbledore is the only one that is truly stopping Riddle from taking over The Ministry and The Wizarding World altogether."

You were walking back to the cabinet when Loki stopped you.

"There's something else we need from here," he told you. "A basilisk fang."

"Shit. I completely forgot about that. We don't even know which prophecy Riddle heard. But I guess it couldn't hurt to try and get one," you reasoned.

"We need to find the chamber of secrets quickly. Dumbledore might already know we're here," Loki said, almost seeming anxious.

"What? Are you scared of him too?" You asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Obviously. You're not?"

"No. Because I'm on the same side as him," you noted.

"Right..." Loki trailed off. "So where is the entrance to the chamber?" He asked you.

"I don't know. But I think I know someone who does," you replied.

"Before we go, we'll need disguises. We can't just simply walk out there looking like death eaters," Loki told you.

"We could use the disillusionment charm and blend into our surroundings," you suggested to him.

"Or...." Loki pointed at his all-black suit, transforming it into a Hogwarts uniform with a white dress shirt, Slytherin tie, and a cloak.

"How did you do that? Is that transfiguration?" you asked him. Aurors were expertly trained in transfiguration, but since you had joined so recently, you hadn't begun your training yet. You weren't expecting Loki to be so good at it. What else was he hiding? You realized that you hadn't seen much of his powers until now.

"Yes... that's what that was. I'll help you with yours," Loki took his wand and waved it at your outfit. It transformed into one identical to his, except with a skirt.

Loki then took out a hair tie, using it to tie his black, mid-length hair up into a bun. You stared at him. The remaining strands of hair framed his face and highlighted his jawline. He looked -

"Why are you staring at me like that?" He asked you.

"I- ummm...." Your mind went blank.

"Did I make Y/N speechless with how devastatingly handsome I am?" He asked.

You sighed. "Moment ruined. Thanks, Loki."

Loki looked at you curiously for a second and then you both walked out of the room of requirement.

It had been awhile since you were at Hogwarts. You and Loki had to be careful not to get lost. With sudden changing staircases, multiple rooms and hallways which appeared like never-ending mazes, it would not be easy.

You passed The Great Hall and saw some students studying in there. It was the weekend, so there weren't many students around except for ones taking extra classes.

You lead Loki to the entrance of the girl's lavatory on the second floor. He looked confused as you waited for a few students in the halls to finally return to their classes or dormitories.

"A lavatory? Why are we here?" Loki asked you.

You shook your head. "Just hold on a second. Myrtle! Myrtle?! Are you there?"

Loki was looking around impatiently.

Suddenly, Moaning Myrtle flew up from one of the toilets and straight into your face.

"Y/N! Is that you? I thought I'd never see you again," she said.

Loki looked at you in shock. "You're friends with a ghost?"

You ignored Loki.

"Who is this scrumptious-looking fellow?!" She looked at you and then at Loki.

"No one. Please just ignore him. We need help. We need to find out how to get into the chamber of secrets," you told her.

"Hey!" Loki said. You ignored him again.

"Well you certainly came to the right place. I know everything there is to know about this castle," Myrtle crossed her arms, floating around you and Loki.

"How did you die?" Loki asked her, not wasting any time.

You glared at Loki in anger.

"What?" Loki asked, trying to look innocent.

"I was killed by Tom Riddle," Myrtle told you two.

"What?! Myrtle? How come you never told me this before?" You asked her.

"It never came up. You didn't ask me. Probably because you didn't want to be rude," she huffed, looking over at Loki angry.

"What happened?" You asked her.

"Years ago, Tom Riddle used the basilisk in the chamber to kill me. He kept muttering something about creating his first horcrux. But he failed and then he was expelled," she told him.

"What?!" You and Loki said in unison.

"I'm not sure why he failed... but I've been stuck in this lavatory ever since. The Ministry and Hogwarts covered up my death so that students would keep coming here. It's been quite dreadful," Myrtle began sobbing violently.

You tried patting her on the back but your hand went through her shoulder.

"Sorry. I forgot," you said. Oops. She cried even harder and returned to her bathroom stall.

"How do you forget something like that? It's sort of obvious she's not alive if you just use your eyes," Loki said.

You slapped Loki in the face.

"Y/N! You've been so physical with me lately. I like it," Loki said to you, holding his face.

You ignored him again, for the third time.

You walked over to Myrtle's stall and knocked on it. "Myrtle?! Myrtle? I'm so sorry, please come out. We really need to know how to get into the chamber. Riddle is trying to create horcruxes again and we need to stop him," you told her.

Myrtle stormed out of the bathroom stall with a gust of wind and the door almost hit you in the face. Loki looked like he was about to laugh.

"The entrance is here. The sink with the snake engraved on it. If you're really going to go down there, Y/N, please be careful! Don't look into the basilisk's eyes. That's how I died," Myrtle told you.

You nodded. "Thank you, Myrtle. Now how do we open this up?" You asked, looking at the sink.

"Do either of you know Parseltongue?" Myrtle asked you and Loki. "That's how Riddle got in."

You shook your head but Loki looked like he had an idea.

"Leave it up to me," Loki told you. You and Myrtle looked at each other suspicious.

Loki took out his wand. "Serpensortia," he said, forming a tiny snake with it, which wriggled its way into the sink and opened it up. You stepped back in shock.

You and Loki entered the corridor into the chamber. The chamber was larger than you thought it would be. There were dark tunnels everywhere, with snake heads lined up on its edges, and a main area in the center with a giant carving of yet another snake and Salazar's face. As a Slytherin yourself, even this was too many snakes for your taste.

"Nice place," said Loki, nodding and smiling.

You looked at him weird.

"Now where's that slimy basilisk at?" Loki asked, looking around.

"Hopefully dead by now. It's been years since Salazar or Riddle was here," you said.

Just then, something came slithering out of the shadows and began making its way as fast as it could towards you and Loki. You took your wand out and braced yourself. A giant snake with large fangs, the basilisk, was coming for you two.

"I spoke too soon," you said, apologetically.

Loki nodded and tilted his head. "Don't worry, Y/N, I'll handle this. Again," Loki told you.

Loki withdrew two daggers from the inside of his sleeves.

You gave him another weird look.

"Look, Loki, if you're trying to be brave or something, now is not a good time. We need to make a plan, distract it, and - "

You didn't get to finish your sentence. It happened in such an instant, that your brain had a hard time processing it. You looked up to see that Loki had already jumped onto the basilisk, sliced at its nape, and blinded it.

"I've fought bigger before," he told you, getting off of it.

"What? Where?" You asked him confused.

The basilisk dropped to the ground with its mouth wide open. Your jaw was wide open as well.

"I'm not quite sure it's dead," Loki said to you.

"Let's not wait to find out," you replied, still looking at Loki amazed. Where did he learn how to do that? Wizards weren't exactly ever trained in that type of combat.

With all of your might, you pried two of the fangs out of the basilisk's mouth. Loki took one more for good measure.

You returned to the girl's lavatory safe and sound, thanks to Loki.

However, now you were even more suspicious of him. Of his powers. You knew he was hiding something big but you couldn't put your finger on what it could possibly be.

You said your goodbyes to Myrtle and thanked her, promising her that you'd avenge her death. You walked swiftly through the hallways with Loki, back to the room of requirement. For some reason, it wasn't in the same spot that it was before and you were having trouble searching for it. You knew that the room of requirement moved around, but this was ridiculous. You required it, obviously. So where was it? You looked around the corners and down other hallways of the castle. When you turned around again, Loki was gone.

And Dumbledore, the professor-turned-headmaster of Hogwarts, was approaching you.

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